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File: 9 KB, 259x194, clif.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7736922 No.7736922 [Reply] [Original]

Posted this yesterday. Here it is again for anyone who missed it.

Those who have read it, what are your thoughts? Overall, Clif's data is beyond bullish on cryptos and humanity in general.
>space travel prominent
>sovereign state tokens
>soaring 20s
>"health" coins

>> No.7736940

this guy is such a goober

>> No.7736943

>lmao invasion

>> No.7736967


>> No.7736980

This guy is a whack job who happens to be intelligent. Clever people can convince themselves of anything.

>> No.7737037

no doubt this man is as whacky as they come. the question is, is the data and predictive linguistic method a reliable analytical tool?

>> No.7737084


No. This guy is like all those bitconnect niggers; except with a goofy data set and old.

>> No.7737133

if he was spending the majority of the report shilling, i would think so. several coins are included, and only briefly, though, which doesn't give me a ponzi vibe.

anyone seen his old reports and can verify if they've been accurate?

>> No.7737143

this fucking retard cant even grow hair
are you really going to trust someone who cant even grow fucking hair
like wtf lmao !!!!!!

>> No.7737151


For people like this Clif is a whack job however he's still human like anyone else.

What he has is the intelligence to actually study how to implement things for fun like a theoretician yet he has the lack of conceptual inhibition of a hippy.

You fuse those two things together you start putting some strange insights forward. Is it absolutely accurate - ? Surely not the dude's still just a guy.

However what distinguishes a mad man from a genius is only known after what they say turns out to be right or not - so far he's been right, is it coincidence? Sure perhaps however he was calling a +13k range for BTC at the end of February in early 2017 when it was under a $1k.

It's not perfect however it's still slightly more compelling a case he's a genius than not...

>> No.7737174
File: 239 KB, 681x530, itcamefromtheunkown.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know it's true, Anon

>> No.7737209

Admiral Byrd
Operation highjump

>> No.7737258


>> No.7737356

he said that the market would take a hit start to recover by mid Feb early march 2018.
I listened when he said Eth would correct for a while before having a strong rally end of year. Didn't disappoint when I held through November
how much is your portfolio down anon?
you seem salty for some reason

>> No.7737378


He isn't offering people investment advice per se he's just doing this:

He started ages ago (like I think 10 years ago) using web spiders to see if he could predict the stock market - which didn't work out at all.

However he found there were some words (adjectives and adverbs) people use which sometimes deviate from what you'd expect for a standard "lexicon" he would allocate to a "space".

He saw some of those severe, noteworthy deviations actually ended up forecasting something happening in the "space" of that subject matter.

Now usually you'd dismiss that however he's a hippy - he doesn't believe in the scientific basis for materialist reductionism - frankly there isn't one it's simply an unaddressed philosophical presumption.

So he started developing his "predictive linguistics" tools - is it fortune-telling? Sure seems it - you'd be able to just dismiss his calls as confirmation bias.

However his insights into things are seriously stange from it - you'd find it an interesting insight if nothing else because it's so different from anyone else's.

I'm not sure whether you should believe it but thus far he has made a lot of people a lot of money

>> No.7737379

mid 2017 he called gold and silver would be about $4000 each in jan-feb 2018

hes been predicting this run on silver/gold for at least 5 years, possibly more.

pretty sure hes been predicting economic collapse/hyperinflation for at least 10 years.

hes been correctly saying btc will go up since at least $200(maybe earlier). however i'm certain the figures he comes up with(13888) are total bullshit.

im betting we dont even hit the 13888 within the timeframe +/-3 weeks from mid feb but people will still believe anyway because it was "close enough"

>> No.7737385


>Surely not the dude's still just a guy
Not arguing he isn't

>However what distinguishes a mad man from a genius is only known after what they say turns out to be right or not - so far he's been right, is it coincidence? Sure perhaps however he was calling a +13k range for BTC at the end of February in early 2017 when it was under a $1k.

He's been making consistently wrong predictions like this and whenever one is way off the mark, accuses the Illuminati of mass manipulation. He sounds like an easily suggestible person who devoured every CIA psyop to discredit hippies and took them as truth. LSD is a hell of a drug.

>> No.7737613

we shot way way past his Jan 2017 prediction ahead of schedule, corrected and looking to get back there again within a month or two and you are focused on an exact $ number?
maybe he took enough drugs to see this existence isn't as basic as we all believe it is.
try k or acid a few times and none of what he say's is any more strange than talking to people across the planet using symbols printed on keys to convey a thought

>> No.7737664


Yeah for sure not saying it's not wrong however it's only if you think having clairvoyance is a reasonable thing to expect - we're all anticipating what's happening in the future here so as to make profit - he just has an unusual way of doing it.

I haven't been perfectly accurate myself however I'm close enough for it to be worth my time so I like a chap who has an unusual take on how to do it that's all - don't believe anything 100% - nothing is 100%.

>> No.7737794

He states that price predictions aren’t reliable as a disclaimer. He moreso emphasizes an emotional significance number.
Everything he’s said so far doesn’t seem to far off honestly.

>> No.7737847


I'd own this whole planet if I could predict things 100%.

>> No.7737963

>sovereign state tokens
I wonder how this hasn't happened yet. A state like Sealand or some sovereign citizen group making their own coin or adopting BTC. That would probably boost prices a bit.

>> No.7737996


You've also got to bear in mind he's using web spiders - he's only searching language which is public - if it's not (which a lot of of finance isn't) you haven't an accurate picture.

Crypto however is pretty public - we got here first prior to any stakeholders in institutions who'd like to keep an asymmetric information advantage.

>> No.7738034
File: 27 KB, 485x443, 1518739305403.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>try k or acid a few times and none of what he say's is any more strange than talking to people across the planet using symbols printed on keys to convey a thought

>> No.7738081
File: 32 KB, 413x395, 1516742512498.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he's not investing and trading based on psychic predictions and astrology
wew. someone's never going to make it, is he

>> No.7738190
File: 165 KB, 854x1202, 567567.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
