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7735380 No.7735380 [Reply] [Original]

Hi /biz/, /sci/ here.
I recently read in an article that Nebula Genomics (one of several genome sequencing firms emerging in the wake of 23andme) plans to create their own cryptocurrency, called Nebula Tokens.
Apparently, this curreny is going to be a vital part of their operations. Since /biz/ seems to be a board dedicated almost exclusively to cryptocurrencies, I would love to hear your opinions on this development. Thanks in advance.

>> No.7735433

>do my research for me

>> No.7735447 [DELETED] 


>> No.7735482

i bought DNA at its ATH. worst trade i ever made.
these genome bank coins are a scam, more or less.

>> No.7735492

I came across it recently and I'm thinking of investing. Teams don't get much stronger than that

>> No.7735600


if other metrics are fine then this is a nobrainer

>> No.7735841

I don't want to buy cryptos, I don't even have regular stocks. I'm just interested in your opinion. The founder, George Church, talks about the humanitarian implications of his work and I don't really see the connection to cryptos.

So this is not the first cryptocurrency of this kind? They want to pay people in cryptos instead of dollars for handing over the rights to their own DNS. That would make for a pretty potent scam, if it is one.

Strong how? In terms of expertise? I don't really see a lot of connections between bio-chemistry and economics...

>> No.7735874

Why does genome sequencing need a coin again? How does blockchain tech apply to it, what solution does it offer?

Genuinely curious, way too many teams think they can make a coin for everything under the sun and unfortunately most of them actually turn a profit doing it

>> No.7735924

>Why does genome sequencing need a coin again?
it doesnt. plus, labs arent going to be fucking around alt coins to get hold of genomic data.
like i said, the whole thing is a scam. it's typical crypto word-soup meant to make idiots think something's going on.
i'm hodling some heavy DNA bags right now, so i know.

>> No.7735970

This. Blockchain might have an application in genomics, but I can't see it ever having a billion dollar market cap.

Finance, networks, and supply chains. That's what will make us money in the near future.

>> No.7735979

I couldn't give a shit about the coin, OP, but here's something that applies to a lot of current cryptos. They're just a slightly more elaborate type of crowdfunding. Think kickstarter but instead of buying a product/service/idea you buy tokens that you hope will increase in value.

>> No.7736012
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>> No.7736133

I can see why it would be a scam but there's one thing I find interesting: the plan to pay people for their DNS with this specific token. I know people at Uni who donate blood on the regular for a few bucks. I can see how selling your DNS (which is completely painless and easy) would appeal to lots of poor fucks who don't realize how horrific the idea of some company owning your genes is...

>> No.7736529

Blockchain keeps sequencing anonymous and purchasable.

>> No.7736696

>who don't realize how horrific the idea of some company owning your genes is

tell that to everyone currently using any sequencing service in the world
atleast with Encrypgen or other projects you can decide whom to share it with and get cash for it

>> No.7736764

Having my genes sequenced would better great: firstly i have a genetic disease that would be eligible to be fixed by CRISPR - knowing my sequence would be vital to that. Then, and this applies to everyone - any future ability to prevent ageing will only be successful if you have access to your young DNA, so id rather have that recorded in my 20s.

>> No.7736781

SCAM you idiots. You cannot store anyone's genome sequence on the blockchain. Look up how much data a 1x coverage sequencing run of someone's genome would take up. It is preposterous, and you faggots investing in this will get burned. that said, crypto isn't about a quality progress right now, so ride the hype wave.

>> No.7736842

I'm excited for Encrypgen's (DNA) data market to open soon. Gonna profit off my ailments

>> No.7736853

>successful if you have access to your young DNA, so id rather have that recorded in my 20s.
If you're male you can get that from your nuts (literally) regardless of your age. Don't expect us to understand aging in our lifetimes, much less be able to treat/delay/prevent. You don't want a blockchain scam company to be sequencing your genome, that's not the basis for any treatment.

>> No.7736883


Their whitepaper is plaigarized. Neck yourself, pajeet.

>> No.7736927

where from

>> No.7736947

What's a whitepaper?

>> No.7736969
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>he doesnt know

>> No.7737091

if you cant bring any evidence then I dont see why I should believe you

they are first mover in this area, were hosted at the festival of genomics in London and will release their beta-platform this Monday. also collaborate with sequencing.com and GPH, literally biggest genome sequencing service in the world

how the fuck is this a scam

>> No.7737393


>> No.7737784
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>tfw when born just a century shy of biological immortality or vastly increased lifespans becoming scientifically viable
>tfw one of the last suckers in history to die with a two-digit age