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7735767 No.7735767 [Reply] [Original]

Is getting better at social situations just a meme? Should I just get money instead?

>Be me in college
>Finally decide yesterday that I'm gonna try to have fun for the first time ever
>Go to bar by myself
>Spend about 20 bucks (aka .1 litecoin) for everything I drank
>Literal fucking Chads and Stacies rubbing their junk on eachother and I'm just standing there
>Get called cute by 2 girls during the night, despite not initiating conversation with a single person
>Be too autistic too dance or flirt back
>Even worse because it's so fucking loud in the room
>Go home and wake up with a bad headache
>Probably would have had a better time just staying home and jerking off

>> No.7735799

usually better if you go with someone

>> No.7735805
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>> No.7735855

>Need social circle to meet people
>Need to meet people to get social circle

Why am I so fucking brainlet that I can't figure this out?

>> No.7735929
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>> No.7735989

>20 bucks (aka .1 litecoin)
You stayed in that bar longer than you thought.

>> No.7736044

OP, that's why you start with high school/college friends. If you fucked up with that, you can try at work but the older you get, your chances are decrasing.

>> No.7736075

Make friends in places you dont hate to have friends you wont hate. Blockchain meetups. Art classes. Book clubs. Group hiking. Survivalist weekends. Whatever you can manage some interest in. Otherwise you'll feel like an outsider now matter how many money-groupies you accumulate.

>> No.7736081

this is what people like you did back before life became this insincere overly performative irony-drenched garbage that everyone felt obligated to be a part of out of fear of being stigmatized because they never really left that high school jocks vs. nerds high school mentality
you're gonna feel far more fulfilled through books than you are through people, embrace it

>> No.7736088

You went to the wrong kind of bar. I suggest to just start drunk chit chat with random people, It sometimes can lead to some friendship.

Source: I met all my current friends at the bar.

But don't go to the kind of shitty dance/club shit, it's just for chads. You'll never met someone nice ! Try the irish pubs kind

>> No.7736098

I'm still in college. But like what do I even do to meet people? Like where do I start?

>> No.7736109
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> before life became this insincere overly performative irony-drenched garbage that everyone felt obligated to be a part of out of fear of being stigmatized because they never really left that high school jocks vs. nerds high school mentality


>> No.7736169

To attract people, you need to demonstrate some type of worth/value

for instance:
>flew across the country last week for an interview and completely bombed it
>needed to let off steam
>went down the street from the hotel to a steakhouse
>ordered an expensive steak(had a food stipend)
>was dressed nice
>2 girls at the bar started talking to me because I was eating expensive food and looked good in nice clothes
>ended up going to another bar with them and meeting some of their friends
>piped out the hotter friend at my hotel
>did this despite being a 5'9 manlet because i just acted self-assured and wasn't a complete autist

tl;dr act confident even if you're not, and find a way to demonstrate some kind of value, and you'll attract people

>> No.7736240
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Only morons have lot of friends. DIrect correlation to Iq. More friends the more dumb the person is.

>> No.7736250

simple "hi" in class, small talk between the lectures, don't push it though

I went through the same thing

>> No.7736271

I can understand faking confidence, but how the fuck do you have a conversation? I don't know what to talk to people about. Like how the fuck did you think of a conversation topic with 2 hot girls in a random steakhouse?

I'd literally probably sperg out after the first 10 seconds of introducing myself

>> No.7736338

anon, i relate. the exact same scenario happened to me when i spent some time in SF on business. getting better at social situations is a fucking meme. focus on you and your money

>> No.7736339

the older I get the more I realize that friends and people are a meme, including chasing girls.

I've gotten so much work done toward my career after detaching from mindless drinking and whatever slut who wouldn't make a good wife or mother anyway. life is more fulfilling when you have a passion/skill and get better at it and richer at the time time.

he appeared rich. the girls made the conversation happen either way because girls are basically whores. simple truth here.

>> No.7736445

Talk about what you like, like crypto

>> No.7736479

>be op
>2 girls call him cute despite not initiating conversation
>still dont try to start a conversation or doing anything
you have to accually do something op, try talking with someone. Good things doesnt happen if you think that everyone should just approach you. Do something yourself

>> No.7736487
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>talking crypto to strangers

Sounds like a good way to get robbed

>> No.7736542

my waifu

>> No.7736545

Dude i have been to several places by myself, like concerts and bars and stuff, you just have to talk to people, drink and try to socialice

at least people say that shit works, i tried it but since i can't drink alcohol and im shy as fuck i resign and now i stay at home watching anime and having 10 times more fun kek

>> No.7736560 [DELETED] 

This except swap books with imageboards

>> No.7736594

go again anon. then go again. then go again. then say high to a girl while ordering a drink at the bar. get rejected. try with another girl. go home. go again. try again. go again. try again. go again and again and again and try try try try try again and you will get better. take a wingman who isn't a fuckwad. look nice, wear nice clothes. shower shit and shave before hand. that's how this works.

>> No.7736655

ya just go to the gym for a couple years and then post your body on tinder. lol don't waste time getting shit on trying to "game" women. ACTUALLY become valuable rather than trying to portray yourself as valuable.

>> No.7736678

>Like how the fuck did you think of a conversation topic with 2 hot girls in a random steakhouse?
They talked to me first anon, I just went with what they gave me

The initial conversation started when one of the girls said "I wish i had a job where i can stay at home and do nothing all day" and laughed, and I made eye contact while she was laughing, and I smiled. Smiling(a normal smile, not a psycho grin) puts people at ease so they'll be much more likely to say something to you. Once we made eye contact, she paused for a second which was my invitation to say something, so I said something along the lines of "well thats basically what I do for my job", and then we talked about work/working from home, then they asked me why I'm in town, then we talked about how interviews suck, then they mentioned they were gonna visit my home city sometime this year.

it's not hard to keep a conversation going anon, you just can't force conversation with people who don't want to talk to you. but theres plenty of ways to get people to at least be comfortable talking to you.

>> No.7736972

>a normal smile

Lol i have no idea how to do that

>> No.7737035

practice it like you practice anything else you idiot

it's not magic

>> No.7737117

bars and clubs are a meme for low iq people
its not how actual humans meet other people

>> No.7737315
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These are your problem:
1. Using words like this
>Despite not Initiating conversation
Instead of
>Even though I didnt talkt to them
Girls, especially those who enjoy night clubs, drinking, dancing (90% of women at the place you went to) do not identify with people using words like "Initiating", at least not when they're out partying. Just be simple and be casual, happy and seem interested in whatever they choose to talk about. Get to their level if you really want to bone.

2. Went to the bar by yourself. What are you, a friendless, kissless virgin? A mate to back you up will give you a better confidence and also he will save the fall when (if) you get rejected

3. God, I fell asleep just by reading your post.
I think women find you boring because:
>Dont dance
>Dont flirt
>Complain about drink prices
>Complain about volume
>Complain about hangover
>Girls called you cute but you just stood there like a beta cuck

You totally hit the nail with the last green text to, stay home a jerk off.

>> No.7737434

>>Even worse because it's so fucking loud in the room

did your feet hurt?

>> No.7737460

>Talk about what you like, like crypto

guaranteed to get him anti-laid

>> No.7737507

How are you spending 20 bucks in a night? That's like 4 beers if you don't tip which I assume being a collegefag in 2017 you didbt.

>> No.7737528
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>> No.7737606
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>this is what people like you did back before life became this insincere overly performative irony-drenched garbage that everyone felt obligated to be a part of out of fear of being stigmatized because they never really left that high school jocks vs. nerds high school mentality
all too accurate

>> No.7737625

Keep telling yourself that.

>> No.7737809
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If it makes you feel any better, this happened to me at an interview a couple days ago:

>Have to take a photo beforehand, probably for student ID purposes
>clerk has me stand against a wall
>start sperging internally, can't decide whether to smile or keep my face straight
>blank, think "I know, I'll try to imitate Ryan Gosling's great smiling eyed- smirk! That'll look good!"
>Do my best imitation, look at photo afterward
>Looks like a cross between "I have to take a shit" and "I'm about to murder the photographer"

Such is life.

>> No.7737880

Been there bro, i tell ya.

Just grind grind grind. Youll end up being able to go out on your own, have the best night of your life and have your pick of the bitches

Heres a tip, when a girl ask you where your friends are, just say you dont have any and smile

Good luck!

>> No.7737891


>> No.7737936

being funny and making good jokes is a great gateway to opening up relationships with people, to make someone laugh in class and following with getting to know his name is a great way to get in touch with people

>> No.7738035

I'm yuro so no tipping, but that's closer to 4-5 gin tonics where I go.

>> No.7738036

dude just read some books, improve your vocab
get tinder and practice for at least couple of months
then try the bar thing again but this time let it come naturally
dont focus on what to say but focus on what they are saying (theres a reason of why there i a meme of "you`re a good listener", apply yourself faggot
the words and the coveration from there on flows naturally amigo

>> No.7738087

normies are pathetic holy shit
look at these "helpful" blogposts

>> No.7738224

Unironically get some cocaine or amphetamine, and then drink alcohol until you get comfy. Don't worry about getting addicted if you only do it a few times a year, that's just a boomer meme.

>> No.7738495


I really want to see a /biz/ sperg coked and blitzed out of his mind trying to hit on women at a night club.

>> No.7738813

I’ll do that for 1000 doge

>> No.7738892

At least they're trying to help, you're just wallowing in your self-misery and not doing anything to fix your problems.

>> No.7739350

>Heres a tip, when a girl ask you where your friends are, just say you dont have any and smile
hahahahaha what

>> No.7740029
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If you're a barely functional autist then it's good to learn social skills, yes. But walking into a bar full of Stacies and Chads is like being level 1 and walking into a level 100 area. If you're too quiet and autistic you're actually kinda lucky they didn't bully you. What were you exactly hoping to achieve there? Besides you don't go to parties alone unless you're some really advanced kind of Chad that everyone in the party knows and talks to.

Normies ITT cannot understand you. Disregard those who say it's just about going and "talk 2 them idk lol", I understand it's hard for you. I can see two common scenarions here: you find it hard to talk to others due to fear of being judged, or maybe normal people just bore you to death. Over time I have evolved from being in the first scenario to the second scenario; it took a few years but I eventually learned to talk to people, however I came to realise they're boring as fuck.

I'd rather spend a night on /biz/ shilling and FUDing shitcoins and posting pink wojaks rather than go out with friends. You know why? Because although I did find a nice group of friends in college (as in not quite nerd-ish, not too Chad-ish), our true interests don't overlap much outside of academic life. So I know that if we went out to somewhere they like, I would *pretend* that I was having fun. Pic related.


>> No.7740069
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Which leads me to my next point. I imagine that being on this imageboard, your your tastes in general diverges greatly from the interests of those who were at the party you went. That's why you stayed quiet. Normies have the skill to blabber insanely about completely mundane subjects, something that is unbearable to chan-style autists - I even include myself on that.

So, don't try to fit in just because you think you'll be happier that way. You don't need to pretend to be something you aren't; if you're not comfortable around Chads and Stacies, don't interact with Chads and Stacies more than necessary. As I said maybe in your case it's useful to pick up some social skills, these are always handy. If you want to find friends, find those who you can at least maintain a conversation with. But don't try to be something you aren't just because you think you'll be happier that way. I tried that too many times in my own life, failed miserably every single one.


>> No.7740126

what exactly is chad and stacy? are they male and female version of stereotypical normans?

>> No.7740319

fuck man, do you write? that was some nicely-worded truth

>> No.7740634

They are the top normies, the stereotype of jocks and cheerleaders. Attractive and popular people who have lots of sex.

>> No.7740905

Anon I'm broke as fuck and rack up $20 easy.

Are you just going to shit bars and buying bud lights?

>> No.7740945

This. Also do not forget:
>low IQ
>avid user of social networks

>> No.7741935

post-modernism ruined human interactions

we haven't even reached peak degeneracy yet though