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7735240 No.7735240 [Reply] [Original]

>dude just fomo back in, just buy high DUDE BRO

>> No.7735273

I'm never buying green

>> No.7735280

You sold at 6k and still did not buy back?
Jeez, grow some balls.

>> No.7735319

So, most people dont understand how FOMO works. The idea is to walk the price up to a point where you 'FOMO' in. The market is designed this way and your thinking is no different than anybody elses. Its reflected on the charts. Once you decide to FOMO in (like people did at 18-19k) thats the time to sell and the price dumps. The time to buy is when FUD is at its maximal.

Now? Just wait, you need a pullback to buy back in. Be interesting to see how far we pullback and if this rally is legit or another trap.

>> No.7735327
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>> No.7735406

>it worked out for me so you would have to be an idiot not to see that was the smart decision at the time
ever heard of survivorship bias?
OP can buy the next dip which is guaranteed to come.
>inb4 it can never dip bro. ignore the crash from 20k to 6k. it can never dip past this point it's different this time.
I guarantee you sometime next week this board will be filled with "I BOUGHT AT $10XXX IT'S GOING TO BACK UP RIGHT?"

>> No.7735432

>wants to buy low
>didn't buy at 6k

>> No.7735470

i don't buy green because i don't want a crash
i don't buy red because it's crashing

>> No.7735478
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It warms my cockles to know you haven't FOMO'd in yet because it's only when you do it'll stop...

>> No.7735541

OR next time watch news and buy when congres gives crypto good word. Thats what i did.

>> No.7735621

im curious, what point do you think that is? when the 11k wall is broken?

>> No.7735628

it's never going back to 6k again

>> No.7735664

Yeah but I'm not talking about buying at 6k. I'm taking about fomoing back in. No one was certain where high it would go. It could have dumped at any moment. And the higher it goes your risk when buying back in only increases.

>> No.7735782
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lol I missed that dip and missed the panic sell. was drinking my gains

>> No.7735933

Imagine the retard saying one year ago "wait for the dip it will be at $800 again soon" kek

>> No.7736011

>Now? Just wait, you need a pullback to buy back in.

But the trick is that this doesn't always work. I remembered that at one time I FOMO'd at around $2000, but I am glad I did, since the price was not at that low level since. Sometimes is the last time...

>> No.7736178

I did watch the entire hearing. It was bullish. But I only wanted to sell short-term to buy back in in a moment, sadly my buy order never fulfiled. I now regret not having bought back in at $7.5k, but I'm NOT buying in now without at least a slight pullback.

>> No.7736211
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fuck off you fucking faggot hindsight warrior
I bet you're one of those brainlets who laughs at dip sellers yet confuses support with resistance
>hur wil da 11k suport hold or are we going to da mun? xd

>> No.7736242

Does anyone have screencaps of retards saying that shit back then?