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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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773355 No.773355 [Reply] [Original]

Do companies hire socially retarded people?

>> No.773357

do you have a job?
if yes, then there is a clue to answer to your question.

>> No.773359

i work at walmart and hell yes

>> No.773364

massive bad ones, yes.

>> No.773365

Some companies hire actual retarded people.

>> No.773380

if you have great and specific numerical skills, tehcnical skills or are an expert of some sort, people will be willing to hire you, even if you're the biggest asshole on the planet.

That is, as long as you produce results.

>> No.773381

Are they going to hire you for a job selling high end items or a job where social interactions are crucial? No. Are they going to hire you for a job where you work behind the scenes, never interacting with people? Possibly.

You can be an autist and still do data entry, programming, back office, and other shit like that.

>> No.773382

I suppose there is a limit though, and people might be willing to go for someone less learned or experience, if they cosider you too big of an asshole to deal with.

>> No.773393


The fuck I'm slowly becoming an alcohol. MFW I need 4-5 shots for any kind of interview or conference call.

>> No.773405

I'd slowly considering take on an opiate addiction to power through these next months.

Maybe more incentive is what I need

>> No.773429


Yes. If you read these employee documents you have to sign/fill out by law, you'll notice that autism is considered a disability, so you can check yes on that document when it pops up. And businesses will be more inclined to hire people like that to meet federal quotas.

Also, manual labor jobs. If you can do manual labor, Wal-Mart will put your ass to work. And if you get an odd-shift (what autists love, like 6pm to 6am) distribution center job, sometimes that shit pays $18-22 an hour

>> No.773435
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A railroad company here has a special program for diagnosed aspies to work in their IT department.

Imagine being one of the normie supervisors who has to manage 10 sperglords on a daily basis

>> No.773442

Anyone in oil or gas marketing is as socially ignorant as can be described.

>> No.773507

Engineers for 1000 alex

>> No.773552
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Tfw all my friends going to Berkeley and Cornell still have the mindset of a 6th grader laughing at Worldstar vines and reposting black tweets

While I've gotten blown twice and attend UCF