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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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7732860 No.7732860 [Reply] [Original]

>Normals have one fucking shot at 10x -> 100x their money
>They're still no coiners
I don't understand, /biz/, why do they get angry at not investing, then continue to not due so?

>> No.7732906

And I had one shot at writing this post and wrote "due" instead of do.

>> No.7732991
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>due so
what a perfect example of stupidity

>> No.7733024

I'll probably buy when it's at 11k-12k, just to be sure. How much time do you think it takes to get this kind of returns?

>> No.7733051

>Meme currency
>Meme anime
>Meme spelling

>> No.7733076

>tell friends and coworkers to buy btc at $4k
>most of them sold at $5k
For normies walking away with another few drinks next Friday night was worth it

>> No.7733115

Because they're normies. They'd rather ((((work hard)))). They accept their shitty position and waste all their purchasing power on bars and cheap shitty entertainment. I get made fun of for obsessing about crypto at work but I'm 26 and will be quitting soon while they're 40+ resentful bitter wagies who joke about lotto tickets. Depressing.

>> No.7733130

because they understand that crypto is dead and there will be no more 100x'ers, ever

>> No.7733190
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I don't know. If I got into crypto at all before the boom, it would be to use it as actual currency for buying and selling stuff online. It seems like crypto isn't the greatest for that right now when the prices fluctuate so much. I don't want to lose half my profits before I get to spend them. And if the whole reason to use the stuff doesn't work right now, why buy into it? It already got huge media attention. Everyone online already knew about it and this year the news channels were telling you how to invest. I don't know if there will be more people to come in and make crazy x100s. And /10s happen just as quickly as x10s.
Trying to play the insider mind game predictions makes my head spin.

>> No.7733224

>meme anime
back the fuck off?

>> No.7733306

Blonde-flying-Hitler-chan a shit

>> No.7733337

One of my norman co-workers just signed a loan for 7 years for half his income for a single room apartment, and spent 3 years of savings and some inheritence on downpayment. I pay a third of that for rent (for two rooms), and invest everything else into crypto, and I’m the stupid one.

>> No.7733372
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take that back

>> No.7733379

Its actually retarded. You can get big stack if you just find correct coins which pump x10

>> No.7733390
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Kikes get the fuck out.

>> No.7733609
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>know chick who works in finance in Switzerland
>FUDs crypto like crazy, falls for the <6000 meme and says she'll buy in at 4.5k
>now says she'll buy it "once it drops again"
This person manages tens of millions worth of private assets, now imagine your average normie.

Meteoric rise followed by hard crash followed by hard recovery has given normies weird expectations.

Many normies are now basically waiting for (way) cheaper prices again.

They all were salty about not getting in much earlier, then the crash showed them that BTC can actually drop (of course they just want money, have 0 vision and don't care about the tech so they didn't buy the dip since they thought it would crash to 0) and this recent recovery, with how fast it has been, has priced them out again and they're waiting on the sidelines for early 2017 prices.

>> No.7733645

Because none of them are scrappy capitalists. Their boomer parents convinced them not to even touch anything remotely related to risk.

>> No.7733656

look at the amount of people actively buying stocks. crypto has been mainstream for months now, a lot of these people will simply never buy in.

>> No.7733669


>> No.7733827

Good point

>> No.7733931

Because they're normalfags. They were indoctrinated since birth that the correct way of living is finishing college, getting married and wageslaving for Shekelstein until they die. Anything out of the ordinary or risky scares their feeble brain.

>> No.7733985
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This. As long as they are miserable together it does not matter. The only way they will truly get into crypto is if everyone around them is as into it as they are. As long as they have friends, family and a gf/bf and appear "normal" they do not truly care about having money. If and when we make it we will still wish we were like them

>> No.7734029

>have normie gf
>she's broke for two weeks, can barely afford food
>gets paycheck
>instantly spends half of it on shoes and makeup

bruh i s2g women are cancer. Shit pisses me off to no end, then when she's broke again she bitches about how bad she is with money and next time she'll put it into savings

>> No.7734078

Actually nice, the fomo bullrun will be epic

>> No.7734143
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It is super easy to sell stuff for women. Women make about 70% of all consumer spendings anyway. Just tell them this new stuff makes them lose weight or look them like some tv whore such as kim kardashian and they will instantly buy it. The more expensive the price the more they want to buy it

>> No.7734177

Most normies are retards who don't learn, do research or take risks and are enslaved by either the female or hypothetical females in their life.

average nocoiner
>if i dont hear about it on the news or at work it doesn't exist!
>wait i heard about it now, but i dun get it. I'm not going to try to figure it out though, i'll just take a stance one way or another based on biases and what i'm told

another group of nocoiners, the most tragic ones
>hear about bitcoin before 2017
>research it a bit, find it interesting
>wife or GF consider it a waste of money and a scam (because women are dumb and biologically preprogrammed to not take risks. also they hate investing because they'd rather spend money)

or possibly the most tragic group
>hear about bitcoin early on
>too risk averse and consider it a scam and don't invest even though they know about it and have nobody telling them they can't
>all dead from suicide at this point

i know this post sounds extremely sexist, but it's because it's about both cutting edge tech, risk and investing. all 3 things that women are bad at

women are great at other things, but should have no influence in areas that the man in the relationship controls like this.

Also consider that since we're a community of autistic shut ins who hate regular society, we hear about stuff far earlier than other people do.

>> No.7734260

>i'll just take a stance one way or another based on biases and what i'm told
fuck me if this isn't accurate as fuck

>> No.7734338

For the record, most of y'all hodlers were saying it would never go below 8k. When it got below that you kept spamming "this is the lowest it will ever be" and you may have gotten it right.

>> No.7734344

it's really hard to break free from

my parents, love them to death - basically just a rebroadcast of fox news.

but my dad is retired now and he did his own research, found 'banking on bitcoin' on netflix - and he likes it. helped me mine a good amount in the past, but didn't know what it was

>> No.7734387

Isn't it that for each tech like bitcoin, there's a gorrilion ones that are hailed as advancements of a similar rank, but are huge failures?

Men are not risk averse because they are expendable. Society can afford men being losers, given they are marginalized after their attempt.

>> No.7734459

Everyone does this, you do too but with 4chan instead of normie media

>> No.7734486

So diversify. The whole market has gone up together for the most part. Even if that trend breaks and you don't know what you're doing, you could just split equally between the top 3 or 5 or 10 and do pretty fine

>> No.7734509

Except with 4chan there is no authority, we're all anonymous asshole retards. so only half of it applies (bias) as one person telling you something is inherently no different from another

fungibility of entities in a communication network is neat (with the few exceptions of inter-thread IDs and flags)

>> No.7734541

They also have a shot to lose all their money. And most normies don't live in their parents basement

>> No.7734564

The point is normies bought the "it'll crash to 0" line hook(nose), line and sinker, and now the FOMO potential has been greatly dampened.

>> No.7734609

>>or possibly the most tragic group
>>hear about bitcoin early on
>>too risk averse and consider it a scam and don't invest even though they know about it and have nobody telling them they can't

this is literally me, I found out about it in 2010/2011 but never mined or bought crypto till 2018 (I tried in 2016 but all the sites looked sketchy)

needless to say it's haunting me now and I hate myself for being too stupid and too lazy to take advantage of what was in front of me

>> No.7734698

This is me, I mined on my pc for about an hour in 2011 but stopped because it obviously seemed like a waste of electricity. Christ if I kept going I'd have billions today

>> No.7734729

I sold in 2011 at 20$

I bought some in 2013 and then stupidly traded 2/3rds of them for mining equipment

>> No.7734778


normies dont think for themselves they make decisions based on social proof, not logic
they will fomo in once we are at new ATHs and they will sell when its crashing
dont hate them, feel bad for them.

>> No.7734813

legit but ruined it with reddit spacing.

>> No.7734839

Grow up you fucking tard. You think there’s swathes of women out there telling people to not buy bitcoin? Sure theyre less techy on average but they’re not dumb. Go outside and get female friends lol.

>> No.7734870

My friend in 2010 asked me for a loan of $500 to invest in BTC. I declined, and THAT haunts me every day. RIP

>> No.7734897

You have to go >>>/back/

>> No.7734913

why are you dating her if she's so stupid. it reflects badly on you

>> No.7734941

yes, you should buy when it reaches 12k, and sell at about 9k

>> No.7734946

She's beautiful desu, the sex is great. I only see her a few times a week so I can put up with it

>> No.7734981

That's how women in America are programmed. Doesn't apply to other countries.

>> No.7735086

It’s called taking risks. Not trying to appear like a smart ass but that’s how I see this crypto market, and honestly for what you may lose the gains are so much more substantial.

I believe it’s worth it. If you’re not a dumbass that puts in more than you’re willing to lose than it shouldn’t be to much of a hinderance if the shit does end up crashing. This is such a golden opportunity that’s been given to the people, you gotta be foolish not to jump in this train!

>> No.7735530

This is the biggest reason I won’t feel guilty if I make a significant amount of money off crypto. The risk factor, that I PERSONALLY assumed. No one else...people that were equally capable of educating themselves on this opportunity and disparaging those who chose to take a risk.