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773153 No.773153 [Reply] [Original]

You know..

You know one of the things that's really gut wrenching, in being a 25 year old foreveralone?

That I'll likely never experience pic related.

Just small shit like this as a dad...I can't even begin to describe how fucking dehumanizing it is. The thought that it's a legit possibility that I'll never experience love or have a family.

Man dude....I swear I'll genuinely consider suicide as I approach my 40s and I'm still a foreveralone.

Why would I want to continue this heartache?

>> No.773156

>continue in this heartache
>still no motivation to change

Also, this isn't biz related :(

>> No.773158


>> No.773168
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>this same thread is also on /tv/
how many others .... tell the truth

>> No.773188


I used to think like this. I know you've probably heard this before but you need to find something to occupy your time in a productive way. I spent a good part of my life rejected by women until I started growing into myself. My goals now are to stash back all the money I can pay off a house and all my debt and just coast the rest of my life. The more ambitious you are the more women will be attracted to you. If they see you have your shit together they'll flock to you. I'm not swimming in pussy but I'm getting way more attention from women than I used to. Personally, I've been returning the favor and treating most of them like objects until they prove they're not completely incompetent which, unfortunately, is rare. Long story short, get money and then you can do whatever you want.

>> No.773624

you realize some if not most of the 25yold not foreveralone guys aren't going to get married aswell right?