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File: 124 KB, 633x758, itsallover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7723765 No.7723765 [Reply] [Original]

I sold at 6k. Yeah, laugh, I seriously have had a sinking feeling in my stomach ever since I sold. I keep opening my blockfolio app to see my portfolio continuously going up. It's doubled since I sold.

Is there ever going to be a fucking dip so I can get back in? I feel so fucking depressed knowing I'm missing out, some days I don't even get out of bed. Please, someone tell me it's gonna be alright. I have no one in real life to talk to about this.

>> No.7723810

Get back in, take your losses. Next time either sell at the top or hold. You don't buy the top or sell the bottom.

>> No.7723816

>Is there ever going to be a fucking dip so I can get back in?
All of you losers want a dip. That's why there's never going to be a dip.

You missed out, faggot.

>> No.7723827


You got played by wall street and the media. Sorry, they do this professionally. Might want to start cost averaging in.

>> No.7723837

it's a mistake bro learn from don't give up and don't listen to the hateful fuckers on here peace out

>> No.7723844

The problem is I don't know where the top is so I don't know when to buy. I know as soon as I come back in it will plummet.

What does this even mean?

>> No.7723857

There will be a dip after 30k

>> No.7723872

You never know for sure. Do you think it's going higher? Buy. Think it'll dip? Wait.
Grow some fucking balls and make a decision. Scared money don't make money.

>> No.7723881

I got played by my emotions. I don't even read the news on cryptos.

Thanks man.

Don't do this to me.

>> No.7723890

It means that since every niggerfaggot like yourself is waiting for the dip, the dip will never come. The price isn't going down as long as porch monkeys such as yourself are desperately trying to buy.

>> No.7723899



>> No.7723908

this. why can't you retards just fomo in already so it can max out faster

>> No.7723921

I've thought it was gonna dip since 8k and it hasn't yet. I'm the definition of scared money, how do I stop being such a faggot loser scared bitch?

I'm white but I laughed at the term porch monkey so thanks man.

>> No.7723946

Why the fuck would you sell? Did you think it was doomsday or something? We all knew it would go back up eventually.

>> No.7723962

Thought it was gonna go down further and I was getting really close to my initial investment. I didn't want to be the only guy that lost money in crypto so I sold for a measly 20% after being up 400% at one point.

>> No.7723984

You literally make a decision and stick with It? How hard is that?
If you still think it's going to dip set a buy order and walk away. But you need to be ok with losing money.
If you're wrong you learn for next time. If you're right? Awesome.

>> No.7724018

sorry to say this buddy, but Chinese new years is over now so its all up from here

>> No.7724095

Why? Why am I such a failure? Should I end it?

>> No.7724096

BIG MISTAKE. News are THE MOST IMPORT indicator for crypto by far. Start reading and following the news all the time.

>> No.7724109

No you retard, get back in when you want to, and try to get rich while you still can.

>> No.7724134

It will come back down the SECOND I buy in. All you guys have to do is tell me when. And boom it drops like a rock.

>> No.7724156

the difference in volume from now to december the last time it was pumping at this level is staggering. something is off about all of this.

>> No.7724163

next time when you have the urge to sell, just "pretend" to sell

>> No.7724206

You know what? Here's what you do. Decide what you want to invest in. Set up a smart contract address that locks your funds for a year.
You now have hands of steel. No more weak baby hands that sell in dips.
Then go do anything else. Your coins are locked up you can't do shit if you wanted to. Don't even follow crypto.

>> No.7724207


Say it with me


>> No.7724255

It just dipped a little bit right now

>> No.7724281
File: 7 KB, 250x242, depressedpepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How could I be such a failure?

>> No.7724300

>keep setting up limit buy orders to buy the dip
>every morning I wake up and the order didn't fill
>and litecoin is up another 15%
fuck me

>> No.7724315


>> No.7724318

My Cardanos, my FUNs, my Ether, my Stellar... I'll never get them back. I lost thousands of my tokens.

>> No.7724331

Last chance for it to go sideways and fucking take a shit? Last chance before one green candle to 19k? Last chance for what man? There is zero reason to believe this will continue up indefinitely without a correction.

>> No.7724351

saying pennies at the risk of losing hundreds/thousands. why are you guys such bad traders

>> No.7724373

As I see it the problem is you have no anchor, no thesis. Are you holding for the next 3 years? If so just get it now and walk away. But in this arena you have to be fine with seeing 50% PAPER losses, because you are confident that it is coming back up. If you think it's going to 50k EOY why not just buy now?

But if you're trying to buy and sell in the short-term interim you have to learn more about trading and indicators and dedicate more time.

>> No.7724377

because every fucking day I think
>Man, I can't buy in now, I'd just be buying high right before a big correction
and now it's $230

>> No.7724381
File: 8 KB, 221x250, 1518840548233s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you fucken retard! stay poor. hahahaahahahahahahahahahahaha oh my fuck being this retarded and still wasting oxygen.

>> No.7724450

Don't you know anything about market psychology?

scared - buy
greed - sell

>> No.7724456

how retarded as you?

>> No.7724466

>Is there ever going to be a fucking dip so I can get back in?
Yes. Look at the history of BTC there's been several 60-90% crashes over the years.
Your only problem is that the next crash may be from $17000 to $11000.

I think the fact that you sold at $6000 and haven't bought in yet is a good reason for you not to be in crypto at all.
Not only didn't you sell early, then when you reached the bottom, you didn't even learn the lesson and buy in early either.
Right now anyone who bought sub $8000 is sitting comfy as fuck because it's likely never going that low again.
But there will be other crashes, if you have the patience for them. Of course we all know that you're going to FOMO in sooner or later, so you may as well do it now.

>> No.7724478

You're right, I had no long term vision going in, no goal in mind, no nothing. I just let my emotions get the best of me, I remember everyone on here saying 4k next and I got the hell out. I couldn't sit at a loss for the next year, I had to get out. A stupid, baseless decision. What a failure.

>> No.7724486


At least you aren't being a fudding faggot about it.

We might bounce back down a little at 11.4, bit of a retrace. But no, we're clearly in a bull market again.

>> No.7724489

I unironically follow this advice and it hasn't let me down.

>> No.7724492

I'm not buying back in until it's red. I've learned my lesson.

>> No.7724510
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>> No.7724558

Why do you get pleasure from kicking me while I'm down?

>> No.7724566

If you idiots who think this is suddenly a bull market look at every fucking single other chart around this time of year for the last 5 years you will see that Bitcoin always eventually drops to a shitty low value and goes sideways for a few months at least. This is not going higher than 12500.

>> No.7724569 [DELETED] 


now is the dip

i guess you know that its impossible to trying to timing the market

remember how fast Bitcoin went 10 k to 19 k end of last year, about month and BTC doubled

so you dont know if this is start of big bullmarket and you wait and wait and there is not going to be dip

>> No.7724608
File: 28 KB, 488x463, 724572345625467.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you came here asking to be made fun of. why post about your retardation levels otherwise. crypto needs people like you so we can take your money from your pussy ass weak hands. it is how we get out gains bro. thanks for playing come back when you have more cash and remember buy high sell low.

>> No.7724610
File: 9 KB, 259x194, good advice homer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh no dude, never listen to /biz/ when everyone's posting wojacks.

Good luck mate. Don't let your emotions get the best of you in the future.

Remember to buy the panic and sell the mania.

>> No.7724616

>so you dont know if this is start of big bullmarket

Its fucking not. And if it is then nothing matters anyway, OP will be a millionair by the end of the year if he buys in at 19k.

>> No.7724651

hodl isnt just a meme if you arent a good trader do not ever sell just buy and hold. cost average by adding money every week, too. never let go of your bitcoin until you can buy groceries with it.

>> No.7724658 [DELETED] 


we are just about half of BTC all time high

so, expect to BTC rise very quick to 20 k, because it has been already been there

Bitcoin history biggest correction is just over, so why BTC would go down near future, doesnt make any sense

>> No.7724680
File: 194 KB, 500x502, 1516669454069.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

buying high and selling low is literally worst thing
you don't even have your shitty asset if it was over priced to begin with
but now you are seeing, you were actually holding an undervalued asset

like those TV shows where some old grandma sells her stamps for pennies
when really worth millions

>> No.7724686

Why do you get pleasure kicking yourself?
>What a failure.
>How could I be such a failure?
>Should I end it?
>how do I stop being such a faggot loser scared bitch?

>> No.7724707

If this is true then OP has nothing to worry about because literally nothing would matter. All shitty choices and fuckups would vanish the moment BTC makes a run to 30k.

Thats a strong indication of delusion. Why even have this conversation like its possible. If BTC makes a bull run to 30-50k OP can easily afford to wait 15k before fomoing in and still make out like a damn bandit.

IT will not happen this soon. Wait for the bull market near the end of the year.

>> No.7724710

This, chart watching for long term investments is just a bad idea because it can completely freak you out into panic selling.
Best thing to do is tell yourself "I'm investing until x date" then completely forget about the investment until that date, don't check on it, don't think about it, just wait.

That way instead of a stress-filled year of watching charts and maybe even panic selling you get a nice surprise when it comes time to withdraw your investment.

>> No.7724713

>There is zero reason to believe this will continue up indefinitely without a correction.
Did you miss the bit where it dropped 70%? 6k cucks are delirious at this point

>> No.7724726


Just get into the next one dude
This shit is FAR FROM OVER

>> No.7724734

>sold at 6k
kek retard

>> No.7724736 [DELETED] 


OP, now is the dip, is suspect that Bitcoin is 12 by tomorrow Sunday, and continue going up whole year with very minor dips, and its impossible to trying to timing the dip

so if you want to buy Bitcoin, safe bet is buy now and hold and look what BTC price is end of this year

>> No.7724791
File: 104 KB, 601x508, 78EA4FEC-80EA-4667-B9A7-ADC6CD0C92DA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m such a fucking retard. I bought ETH at 1050 USD, sold it at 780 USD when it was crashing, then the moment I do it bounces back to 950 USD which I buy back in at, then it falls back down to 850 USD and Goldman says it’s going to go to zero so I sell at 850, now it’s back to 950 and will probably just go back up from here. Tell me why I shouldn’t kill myself. Every time I make a move it’s the wrong one.

>> No.7724809

>Is Bitcoin ever going to come back down?
January next year will crash down to 10k from 50k

>> No.7724827

> Did you miss the bit where it dropped 70%? 6k cucks are delirious at this point

Apparently these people did... To even consider the notion that BTC is heading for an ATH right now would be STAGGERING implications. It would FOMO EARTH ITSELF. This would be the most insane bull run in the history of humanity by more than 10x if it turns out this was just a minor correction before the actual event.

At that point NOTHING.. would matter would all be rich as fuck even the idiots that sold at 6k would be lamboed.

> Just get into the next one dude
> This shit is FAR FROM OVER

I am personally waiting for the next one and will gladly wojack when it turns out that was not the bottom. But the there is no realistic way, hell or high water BTC is going for ATH otherwise this would be beyond fucking insane. It would be the day money stopped mattering!

>> No.7724841

cause you have to LEARN
you ever play star craft? everyone sucks
but every game you lose you learn

how much did it HURT
remember the pain
but let the pain be the pain
enjoy the pain

>> No.7724845

I'd rather be stuck with my BTC/LTC forever than selling them at a loss.

Understand that the game you're playing is risky.

>> No.7724850

>listening to kikes
Found the source of your mistakes

>> No.7724875 [DELETED] 


i dont understand you logic

now right after BTC history biggest correction and mainstreet intresting to crypto and BTC grow day by day why BTC now would go new ATH this year

>> No.7724887

There’s nothing to learn, it’s just fucking luck. No one knows what’s going to happen. Pretty sure the crash happened JUST because some pajeet president said crypto isn’t legal currency in India, like how do you predict something like that

>> No.7724889 [DELETED] 


why BTC wouldnt go new ATH this year

>> No.7724912

thats the idea
you gotta think of the COIN as the thing
The COIN is PRICED in dollars
You are thinking the COIN is WORTH XX dollars

wasn't a crash. was the futures markets kicking in. what do you think the BEARS were WAITING to do. short.

>> No.7724925

if btc goes to $50k in the next 2 hours
that wouldn't be enough money for most of us to go out and start buying lambos
because that's only 5x

>> No.7724933

You want to believe that right now we are witnessing the end of the meaning of money? Because that would pretty much mean we are seeing money become a total joke forever for most of humanity.

There is no fucking way this is going ATH and beyond. If it does then Why does it matter what we discuss? TA? Fuck TA, lol!! Fuck everything. Fuck all discussion on money honestly. If BTC is full on Bull run right now

Buy in at 20k and still be a millionaire by EOY. LOL!!!

>> No.7724936

>always do the opposite of what /biz/ says
>be greedy when others are fearfull, the only positive thing ive had from biz was buying ven low

>> No.7724958 [DELETED] 

look like BTC has now bullrun, its consolidat now, but looks like its going to test 11 k by coming hours

>> No.7724972

>>always do the opposite of what /biz/ says
This. My mind has already associated the color pink with "time to buy".

>> No.7724980

5x of 10+ grand within 2 hours. Am I supposed to believe at that point the market feezes in time and nobody makes money ever again after that? LMAO!!!

If this is a bull run like december and its in fucking mid febuary that means the BTC will be going easily past 500k by EOY.

Put this shit into perspective, think of the damn implications. This would be a money singularity.

>> No.7724983

I barely read the news on crypto, i mean, nothing good has happened in terms of news except for it showing on the Ellen show and now it's mooning

>> No.7725005

so you will wait till after 20K
either way you will be in the game eventually
just how much do you want to be ahead is the question

>> No.7725010

>that means the BTC will be going easily past 500k by EOY
bit of a stretch, don't you think?

>> No.7725028

It’s either that or listen to /biz/, neither of which have been very helpful. Best of luck to you all, but this is a waste of time, I was happier being a wage cuck getting interest payments from my bank. At least I have enough left for a gun.

>> No.7725045

Everyone on biz seems greedy and myopic right now, isn’t that a sell sign just like pink wojaks are a buy sign?

>> No.7725052

That's my fucking point!!!
If this is a true bull run and it turns out BTC is headed to 19k and beyond right fucking now then nothing mattered. My dad will be a millionaire because he bought some ETH on coinbase in december. By the end of the year. LOL!!!

/biz/ might as well not even be talking about shit. It would just be the day money basically stopped mattering. Karl Marx eat your heart out, unlimited money fountain > communism.

>> No.7725068


Yup. Everyone is pretending that bitcoin can only go up right now. Its gonna come down soon.

>> No.7725074

Stop pretending, if you actually did sell then you surely bought back when it it broke 7k. Small loss yea but not so bad.

>> No.7725080

It isn't an unlimited money fountain. It's a zero sum game. For you to make money someone has to lose it.

>> No.7725083

>you have to listen to kikes or Pajeets
Ultimate brainlet. Wagecucking is the best bet for you.

>> No.7725088
File: 8 KB, 263x192, 56156841651.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Don't worry about it brother. Everyone has bad days in the market, or makes stupid plays. I bought 800 ETH at around 7 to 13 bucks each in 2015, and sold when it spiked to 50. Missed out on so many gains, but the only thing you can really do is laugh.

Just find a new investment, look long-term, and dump some moneys back in. Don't chase the pussy, make it come to you, ya dig?

>> No.7725112

Dude this zero some game would be complete joke. It wouldnt even matter to call it that. At that point NOTHING WOULD MATTER.

We would be witnessing ALL OF US AND EVERYONE becoming rich 2 months into the new year.

>> No.7725132

you're the only one here who thinks "bitcoin is going up" means btc will be over $500k eoy

>> No.7725167

Why are you here then? And yeah I know I’m a brainlet and I was better off accepting it but I wanted to give this a shot before the final solution, because being a wage cuck is pure suffering.

>> No.7725198

It would because if its going up now to ATH then the implication is that its going to go higher than 19k. This would be completely unprecedented. At that point we would easily be looking at a run to 50k EASILY by end of next month.

Do you have any idea what that would mean for the alt market? 5k Cardano lol!!

Zero sum game my ass. This would be the end of money.

>> No.7725215

To shill my bags and FUD my accumulation, duh.

>> No.7725261

stay poor faeggot.

i literally only check biz to get a sense of what not to do

>> No.7725278

Poor deluded namefag. Keep waiting until it reaches 50k, the dip will happen shortly after :DDDD

>> No.7725287

>tfw I failed to buy the dip - typo on the limit order

>> No.7725290

You are the dumbest poster I've seen in a while

>> No.7725301

Don't lose hope OP. I am in similar position although still have some coins
Where there are peaks there are valleys in stocks and crpyto. Just check the fucking trading view chart
Anyways, we've built a nice peak right now. Guess what comes after a peak.... 99% of the time

>> No.7725316

Thank you for your service, without retards like yourself the bussiness could not sustain it self.

>> No.7725329

how much eth did you buy at 1050? dont trade your whole stack dude

>> No.7725346

You'll buy in higher than where you sold you dumb FUCKING NIGGER STOP POSTING

>> No.7725351


>> No.7725352

Yeah much fucking dumber than people who think this is the push to 20k right now. You lack all logical perspective you absolute fucking moron.

End of year we might see a push to 25-30k range. No fucking way its happening right now. Otherwise nothing will have mattered. Even the dumbest fuckers on here will be millionaires by next month.

>> No.7725362

This is why HODL isn't a fucking joke. Idiots like you need to HODL or you lose even more money. KYS!

>> No.7725395

I just sold. My thinking is that once we reach 11k the "discount BTC" mentality is over and the trend might reverse or at least stagnate for a while. Now is the worst time to FOMO in. See what it does in 11k range

>> No.7725411


>> No.7725412

It was only 0.26 of a coin, but now I only have 0.15 due to getting fucked over literally every time I traded ETH to fiat and vice-versa. Might not be much to you guys but it’s all I had to play with. But now I know crypto hates me and no matter what I do it will be the wrong move so I’m keeping my fiat and going back to getting bank interest, at least I know that can only result in a positive return.

>> No.7725454

This is true. Not sure if it's going to start going sideways or enter into a pattern of rubber-banding between 8k and 10k but the simple fact is that money doesn't grow on trees so the price can't just spontaneously increase forever. For reference, for the price of BTC to increase to even 18k right now people would need to spend roughly 89 million dollars doing nothing but buying BTC with zero resistance (so people are just buying and not selling).

Not to mention that crypto markets have always held pretty steady in the middle months, showing maybe slight to moderate increases or declines. The big jumps don't happen outside of singular events that are quite predictably cyclical.

>> No.7725455

who the fuck still cares about bitcoin? its literally a shitcoin and you wont get rich with it anymore. there are 1000000 better alternatives out there

>> No.7725460

tfw i'm a poorfag with my shitty 5k dollar portfolio so even if bitcoin goes above 100k this year i wouldn't be even close to making it

>> No.7725464

cmon man. Don't take that 0.15 ETH out, keep it in and keep practising. This is a learnable skill. How long have you been in crypto? I started making serious gains after 8 months of failing and flatlining

>> No.7725479

It leads the market is why people care about it.
If Bitcoin goes down, every crypto does, if Bitcoin goes up, so does everything else.

People care because by watching BTC's price you get an idea of where the prices for every other crypto are heading.

>> No.7725481

Bitcoin moves everything else it seems. I never owned any but I can see that almost nothing ever moves independently of bitcoin.

>> No.7725488
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>Remember to buy the panic and sell the mania.

Nobody is panicking.

Therefore, this is a mania

Time to sell

>> No.7725497

Also when trading, ignore ALL mainstream news about it. Mainstream news is meaningless, random or at worst purposely deceitful

>> No.7725537
File: 8 KB, 250x153, 1517657894252s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Poorfag here as well with an even smaller portfolio. Youre just not seeing the big picture. Find a couple coins that are going to dominate the next 3-5 years and sit on them. This market is still in its infancy and Bitcoin isn't going to stay king forever. I'm in neo and eos myself. Can't say I'm 100% confident, but those seem like the best long-term bets to me all things considered.

>> No.7725539

ok fair enough but why do people still hold it like these retards ITT

>> No.7725555

That one I can't answer, BTC has terrible growth potential since it's already grown so much.

>> No.7725562

fuuuuuck i haven't played starcraft in years

og starcraft, never bothered with sc2

>> No.7725566
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Don't worry OP. It's going just as predicted.

>> No.7725570

5k is more than enough to make. just get JNT and wait two years

>> No.7725572
File: 35 KB, 664x764, anon you tard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No... mania was when BTC blasted off to 20k in a matter of weeks.

Did you not sell any holdings and tether when BTC was up around 19-20k? Or did you just hodl and lose your profits?

>> No.7725636

Nope. You missed your one shot to get rich. Maybe in the next life buddy.

>> No.7725650

stop trying to out smart the market. get in and fucking HODL nigger

>> No.7725680

If it rubberbands between 8k and 10k for a few months then holy shit get ready for the bull run at the end of the year man.

>> No.7725688


>> No.7725732

listen nigger

this obviously your first big loss. welcome to the game faggot. learn from it, and toughen up. it's a cold bitch of a world. do you want to get soft and sulk? or do you want to take your $XX lesson and learn from it. pretend you just paid for a college course called getting fucked in the ass by strong handed chink cock.

you paid for it, now how are you going to apply your lesson?

>> No.7725746

you got greedy you tried to make a few measly grand and are now missing out on the opportunity of a life time. you need to admit that you cant predict the market, how much lower did you think it was going to go? if you don't FOMO in stay poor, just hodl next time you greedy little fuck.

>> No.7725765


I preserved some profits before the bottom.

Its not the mid december mania (which ofc built for 2+ months).

The mania is still fresh in people's minds- this is the reactivation of a very strong memory of a mania. They want to feel the highs again.

Not rational.

>> No.7725792
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should I be worried.

>> No.7725879

No anon, you dun goofed.

>> No.7725883

How am I greedy for not wanting to lose my initial investment? And why do you guys keep acting like 6k was some obvious number that things would turn around as if you knew all along? I though maybe it would bottom out at 4 or 5k but I’ll fully admit I didn’t know.

It was admittedly a dumb trade but I don’t understand the minds of people on here confidently saying they know what’s going to happen next.

>> No.7725931

Nobody knew when the bottom was. Not even you.

Laughing at someone for this is just stupid. Cunts like you should be gassed.

>> No.7725953

don't worry man, hindsight is always 20/20. just dyor and have a strategy.

>> No.7725957


>> No.7725963

>How am I greedy for not wanting to lose my initial investment?

"Greed" is not the word. You were trying to preserve your capital which appeared to be evaporating.

>> No.7725971

I’m sorry sir.

>> No.7725975

Wait until ATH before you buy in again.

>> No.7726008

All of you ADHD fags putting BANDS into this shit deserves to lose money

My $500 brokefolio will end up being worth more than yours because I'm not an autistic ADHD retard

I love these threads

>> No.7726038


It's probably good that you don't understand the minds of liars, larpers, scammers, degenerates, but you should learn to recognize them.

>> No.7726064


Remember when alts kicked bitcoin in the balls for 6 straight weeks?

Bitcoin is going back to $6k.

Right now the mania is the memory induced by a temporary price rise.

When the price starts falling an even stronger memory of the unpleasantness of getting your balls kicked for 6 weeks will re-emerge

Its a competition between two memories. Heavy losses, or insane gains.

I think its a weekend thing. Everybody buying in on Friday, shit goes up, then sideways and everyone sells on Sunday and we're back at $8500 by Monday or Tuesday

Get a grip people

>> No.7726147
File: 106 KB, 1538x878, bitcoinbull2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you knew basic ta it was pretty obvious. i posted this chart the morning after it hit 5.9 and you short faggots were too busy fudding about how we were going to hit 4k instesd of actually taking an objective look at the market

>> No.7726191
File: 81 KB, 791x720, 1515797847811.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really like reading the made up shit desperate people come up to justify their poor decissions. Crypto is not only a source a wealth, but also of great amusement.

>> No.7726252

Greed is better explained as not being satisfied with 40% gains, because you wanted 100%, 200%, etc.

Selling at the bottom is just mistake, all it proves is you didn't have any greed at all because you never took any profit.

>> No.7726285

>I’ll fully admit I didn’t know.
this is my point. what you should have done was not lose your position but strengthen it. especially when it is so low anyways. what do i mean by that? dollar cost average! you should have held and bought more at the dip. ppl like you actually made it cheaper for me to get coins on the dip! the best way is to dollar cost average. spread out you purchases, you probably spent all your money on the first purchase, you should always have some fiat to buy the dip.
lets say you buy 1 coin @ 20K and another coin @ 6K, the price you ended up paying was 13k. now if you bought 2 @6k you would be just about 10k average for all your holdings (In profit now). spread out your purchases. always have some fiat 1. you might need it in fiat world 2. cheap crypto

>> No.7726319

i should also say if you thought it was the end of crypto you had weak hands, you need to research and believe in things before you make stupid decisions

>> No.7726911

>if you thought it was the end of crypto

This. We're still so fucking early in crypto, its barely had mainstream attention for maybe half a year now, and just recently being discussed at the government level.

If prices start crashing, unless you're fairly certain that "crypto is finished, no one will buy it or use it again, its all over", then there's no reason to ever sell at a huge loss. Sure, if you sense a big crash coming and you can get out at the very top and plan to rebuy later, go for it, lots make profit that way, but if you're too uncertain, or you waited too long and prices have already come down 50-70%, you'd be a fool to sell.

>> No.7727162

Don't worry, I bought at 17k and sold at 6k too.

>> No.7727294

OP I would just make stop-loss buy. Forget it, I also once sold 3 BTC when it was $600 (not 6000, but 600).

My advice: from your salary, take the part you are afford to lose, and buy. Then repeat, and first if all, dont sell. It is literally not possible that the price will not go above 19k.

>> No.7727321


i forgot to add, that after I sold for 600, I fomo’d buy back at 2000.... more that 3x price. Just learn your lesson, buy back, and you are still fine longterm.

>> No.7727564

I just bought bitcoin for the first time 2 minutes ago

3 minutes till the market tanks lads.

Hold on your asses

>> No.7727662

LOL you sold the dip and now you want another dip? You are just going to sell even more. People like you never learn.

>> No.7727685
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>> No.7727744

Just get back in and learn your lesson. You haven't lost anything, you missed out on potential gains.
We all believe it's going way higher than what it is now, join for the next ride, and DO NOT forget the mistake you've made there.

>> No.7727761

I have no fucking sympathy for you because you are the reason I was stressed as fuck. You tried to take my money. Go fuck yourself.

>> No.7728314

So you'll buy in when it's 20k down from 35k?

>> No.7728419

>Just get back in and learn your lesson. You haven't lost anything, you missed out on potential gains.


OP, if you believe in crypto, just buy back. If you don't, you should not have gambled with your money in the first place.

>> No.7728433
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t. sold at 6k

>> No.7728434

It's not fucking luck. There is no luck involved when you buy high and sell low. You can literally look at two numbers and decide which is larger and will lose you money by doing 1st grade math. If you pick a stable coin like eth or btc, it will go down, but it always recovers.

>> No.7728519

stay in the market OP, i need people like you to buy my bags

>> No.7728521

Buy in right now, delete your blockfolio, remove biz from your favorites and HODL for 6 months.

>> No.7728573

nobody knew 100% but everyone should know that selling after a month of massive corrections is retarded, everyone that sold that cheap is a fucking idiot.
Cunts like you should be gassed

>> No.7728816

I did this when I was starting off. I would panic at even 15 min red candles. After losing a few times I realized the winning move was to HODL. It's not just a meme. Now when it goes up and down hundreds every few hours it doesn't bother me because the general trend is up right now. Trading on swings should be avoided unless you really know what you're doing

>> No.7729061
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Are you retarded? Senate hearing, congress hearing, germanies new coalition agreement mentioning blockchain multiple times, Spain wanting to change taxes for crypto start ups, Asia endorsing crypto, JPMorgan doing a public 180 on crypto and the list goes on holy fuck.
What the fuck dude. Are people that oblivious here?

>> No.7729326

that was months ago before it crashed

>> No.7729369
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I'm done with you brainlets.

>> No.7729482

You are a fucking idiot

>> No.7729523

proof me wrong
this was pure TA. Bitcoin is always bullish

>> No.7729582
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>> No.7729620

/scv/ getting rich
gonna hire your fav kpop band to play at your birthday

>> No.7729716

the news isn't as imprtant as you think it is. Bitcoin was overbought on every time frame and had to crash

>> No.7729783

quit crypto you dumbass, maybe spend your money on Ellen tickets instead so you could be in a crowd of emotional pussies instead of alone in your room FUDing yourself broke

>> No.7729843

because you're making decisions as the market moves rather than planning ahead you dumb fuck.

>> No.7729859

Why have you retards not learned this point:

>invest enough that you can lose all of it comfortably. Accept that your money is gone once youve bought crypto and absolutely do not sell out until youve reached a gain

Its not that fucking hard

>> No.7729890
File: 139 KB, 500x363, 1518587728235.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>get traumatized by crypto and quit
>go to watch Ellen for healing
>she shills BTC

>> No.7729936

I sold at the bottom, but to buy WTC which was on a dip as well, so I've broke even pretty much. If bitcoin goes to $12,000, it would've been better to hold BTC. In which case I'll buy back in on a small loss, or gamble that WTC will hit $40 before BTC hits $16,000

>> No.7729977
File: 694 KB, 600x534, 1496032033550.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sell the exact bottom
>later, watching Ellen
>Fomo back in at 11k
>it dumps back so 6k

>> No.7730053

>this is my point. what you should have done was not lose your position but strengthen it.
I'm not dumping even more fiat into this market that acts like a gambling ponzi scheme when it looked like the bubble literally burst and BTC was about to drop all the way to $2000 and possibly get stuck there for a year. This market is more irrational than any market ever.

>> No.7730060

Buy low sell high m8. Follow the golden rule next time and stick to it.

>> No.7730090

I sold at 6.4k and bought back in at 8.9k some extra fiat. Just do it, being a no-coiner after selling low is the worst feel possible. Just be ready to lose it all, for real this time.

>> No.7730108

Fuck you guys, I'm like the OP inasmuch I shorted BTC at $6300 and sold ETH at $715.
I didn't panic sell, I just wanted to trade a bit to make some money while it was falling, unfortunately timed it poorly.