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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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7727354 No.7727354 [Reply] [Original]

until late summer 2018:

btc ≃ 10k
eth ≃ 1k
xrp ≃ 1$

fluctuation frequency: once a month +/- 17%

once a week +/- 6%

we're now the biggest group which is known open to public. you should put 150btc to just get appealed.

I tip you off because I'm one of the few anti-globalist members of club.

denial will be ignored
fortune favors the bold

>> No.7727734

Any tips for Alts?

>> No.7727746


>> No.7727762

>we're now the biggest group which is known open to public
and what is the name of this public group you fomosexual

>> No.7727764

Are you saying prices will remain absolutely stable until late summer 2018?

>> No.7727784

What a load of shit, whales can't use keyboards you fucking larper

>> No.7727794

Why are there so much retarded ops comenting on their own posts and arguing by themselfs

>> No.7727810


If u are a whale you’ll have no problems dropping 0.1 eth


Back your words faggot

>> No.7727847

why make a thread like this you fucking weirdo, are you saying prices aren't going to budge until late summer
this is why everyone in work and class thinks you are a fucking weirdo for posting threads like this

>> No.7727862
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>reading this dumb shit

>> No.7727881

what comes after late summer

>> No.7727888

Your english is atrocious

>> No.7727894
File: 559 KB, 2048x1536, uxFDJUy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

proof or larp

>> No.7727903


>> No.7727913

>Whale insider
>Posts 1024x768 pic
Yea, sure. Have you heard of HD-Ready resolution?

>> No.7727949


as i thought, a whale who doesn’t have 0.1 eth. Just LARP it

>> No.7727962

>a whale group open to public
nice try pajeet everyone knows decent groups are exclusive

>> No.7728057

we play top 5 coins only

I don't need it

we operate and hide under small exchange sites

I noted the fluctation range

whale is a metaphor


I don't need it

too much anger

not funny


not my native language

I don't need it

we also value talent

no correlation

I don't need it

not indian but from east asia

>> No.7728084

Thoughts on VEN? It will be a top 5 coin EOY according to many.

>> No.7728093


kill yourself indian

>> No.7728143

>don't need proof
no but we do though. What makes you think it's going to trade sideways until summer
stop taking financial advice from LARPers

>> No.7728149

1) How much people are in your whale club?
2) How long you are working with these people?
3) What was the year you made a buy-in?
4) What are your daily/weekly/monthly volumes?
5) You want 150BTC to cover your internal needs or what? Who will operate this money and where it will go? There are henge funds, Silicon Valley people, etc. It's a competitive market, you know. More details

>> No.7728213

>East Asian

Lol why should I trust a non-white in this? Unless you are Japanese, who are the closest to white people, fuck off

>> No.7728276


1. our group is organised like cell type organisation. I only know my master and my rookie. and my master knows me (rookie) and his/her master so go on.... information flows from up to lower ranks.

2. I've been with them since 2013. I was introduced in real life because of my real life business connections.

3. 2013

5. 150btc money goes nowhere. it is put as guarantee to prove outsider is worth to join us. 150btc will be given back to owner after he/she is approved to join.

other than 150 btc, we value information or talent too.

>> No.7728329

Sure thing pajeet, now go shit in some street

>> No.7728354

thanks guess i will buy in ~8000

>> No.7728388
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>> No.7728390

> 150btc money goes nowhere. it is put as guarantee to prove outsider is worth to join us. 150btc will be given back to owner after he/she is approved to join.
Typical scaming technique
> our group is organised like cell type organisation. I only know my master and my rookie. and my master knows me (rookie) and his/her master so go on.... information flows from up to lower ranks.
Sounds just like a pnd group to me. I know of no whale group that operates like that

>> No.7728441


I am a multimillionaire and involved with, I don't know, at least a hundred or so others like me. Pretty sure someone would've at some point mention about organization like that. Soo... Nope.

>> No.7728455

Well, let's say I do work in a billion+ IT company (established at 2007, Europe) so we have some connections + developments + market influence (we're like Coca-Cola in our field). As well I do have my personal connections with media + people with big capitals (people who made millions on real life shit before internet was adopted) and I'm also person who "makes an impact". I personally don't have that much money, but have connections to capitals + sources of influence (information) + talent. How we can establish a contact and how you could evaluate my talent? I'm not a quant or hedge-fund analyst, so I'm not very math person and not a programmer. Expand what you mean by saying "talent"

>> No.7728535

What will LTC do in that timeframe OP?

>> No.7728567
File: 16 KB, 634x423, article-2595087-1CC2C59B00000578-958_634x423.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we need it you damn autistic pajeet

>> No.7728637

Take notes kids, this is how you LARP as a whale. See how he didn't try to slip in a referral link or shill a discord or shitcoin?

>> No.7728742

Well actually what he's saying (whether true or not) is that prices will budge, just that they'll budge up and then down in equal measure as his whale group pumps up the prices then proceeds to dump all over the people who bought in at the peak before repeating the process.

I don't buy his story, but I guess we'll see.

>> No.7728797

Well I mean, I hope you're telling the truth honestly because prices staying the way they are for several months rather than going up is highly beneficial to my current situation.

>> No.7728891

we have very strict rules against scammers. I mean very strict.

real life reference is an absolute must. however you can find clues online who we are and where we operate.

>> No.7728947 [DELETED] 

If you are what you are you'll not mind giving 1 ETH or 0.1 BTC to a poorfag like me that has barely 2k USD.



>> No.7728963

You're a fucking idiot. If he wanted to prove himself he could sign a message from his address.

Reported anyway.

>> No.7728978

you're somewhere in Europe? East Asia has more dry/wet season not really summers. so we can expect a pump by August?

>> No.7729320

>real life reference is an absolute must. however you can find clues online who we are and where we operate
I do know few organizations like this. They both say they are public and need real life reference to join them, but give zero clues how to find peers because it's forbidden by the rules. As far as I know one of them is Soros project which has huge net across the world, specially EU and this one is quite easy to reach out. Correct me if I'm wrong

I don't want to say you are fooling us because you clearly stated "tip" at OP post, but if you're looking for people for your organization and giving an answer like "you must find us IRL or somewhere in the web or give us 150BTC" is sort of confusing. Like "hello 4chan this is president Obama! I am also using internet! You can ask me something but I don't need to answer! Let's go!"

2. You can relate at least to sort of fake twitter or whatever page with no real credentials to bring on few dozens of people who will find few crumbs of info for further research. Right now I do know only few public medias + names like Horowitz, Taleb, Antonopoulos and some other crypto heads, but no personal contact with them. As well I'm not into bitcointalk forum since there are 99999999999 pages of way to much outdated info to keep tracking it

>> No.7729499

you sound right from your point of view but as you may acknowledge this is complicated business and not suitable to discuss on online anonymouse image forum. I just view here for fun sometimes and I like mostly "redpilled" young guys and tried to share my some information to warn them.

leave me a contact detail of yours and I'll let my master see it if you like. I don't guarantee anything.

>> No.7729500

This is so gay you are all being baited.
larp, respectable larp though.

BTC will hit 15k in a month that breaks OPs paradigm.

>> No.7729837

Since we are on anonymous board, not on an Instagram, I would like to keep stuff private.
Anyway it was nice conversation and it's good to know that here we have not only retards, memes and brainlets, but also people who see and understand broad picture.
Anyway I will put a bit more of attention to some "big groups" and take it in consideration during further research.
Thanks, and best wishes