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7726791 No.7726791 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.7726943

Punchable face

>> No.7726967

>bubbled on the whitepaper alone
>top 6
>hype is over
>why isn't mooning

>> No.7726970

FYI the idea he stole is DPoS from Dan Larimer who is building EOS. Cardano is poor man’s EOS. Overvalued as hell.

>> No.7726986

cardano and eos are shilled everyday
what's wrong with biz

>> No.7727174

Cardano should be top 3!

>> No.7727212

Because people are starting to wake up to the fact that this is doers market. There is no time for academic masturbating. We need men in this space not soy boys with their thumb up their ass pondering how sophisticated they can make their scientific papers sound.

>> No.7727273

He recently adressed this issue, about balancing between pragmatism and principles. They're not oblivous to the market and doing thier best to deliver on timelines. I'll take my chances with them rather than throwing money on half cooked trash like iota or pajeetblocks

>> No.7727276

mooning means the coin is unhealthy and being manipulated.

You keep seeing massive sell walls because the Jap whales holding all the ICO coins don't want a bunch of price manipulating pump groups full of fucking faggots manipulating the price and making people get skeptical about Cardano's future.

They would rather suppress the already MASSIVELY OVERVALUED price right now than have it moon prematurely again and crash down to even lower lows. There is no way Cardano is worth even 20c right now, not even 15c really. Do you have any fucking idea what the whales that got into the ICO paid for THEIR ADA, and who hold almost 80% of the circulating supply released so far?

If you buy Cardano right now you're fucking stupid. That's not to say ADA doesn't have an amazing future ahead of it, it just means you're fucking retarded if you buy into a coin that is already pumped a universe above it's ICO price and has no actual product to back that massive price bubble up.

>> No.7727569

>Do you have any fucking idea what the whales that got into the ICO paid for THEIR ADA, and who hold almost 80% of the circulating supply released so far?
You could say the same thing about Bitcoin and the majority of other coins. The first ADA ICOs will be possible come Q2, there is no way it will go down more than this before then.

>> No.7727599

satoshi nakamoto was probably a black person anyways

>> No.7727647

So you'd rather have all style and no substance à la Nano and other scams than the literal dream team project? There is no way Cardano isn't top 3 come the end of the year.

>> No.7727651


>The first ADA ICOs will be possible come Q2

There is no guarantee of that at all. They haven't even implemented staking on the reconciliation layer yet. They haven't even fucking published the API for the compute layer, because the compute layer doesn't even exist yet!

Q2 my ass, sir.

>> No.7727722

exactly, nigga

>> No.7727795

Because it's fucking vaporware at this point. Not even a Linux wallet. No working staking. Contemptuous of the community. Just overhyped garbage to sell reddit - "muh scientific research based blockchain".

EOS is everything Cardano was supposed to be OP. Drop the bags.

>> No.7727797

Thanks, just bought 1k

>> No.7727806

>Q2 my ass
When then? And afaik the ico price was 0.001$ or something like that? I think the dumpening will be pretty big

>> No.7727809


Yep. All this hype about the compute layer - and nothing else. Not an alpha. Not so much as a "hello world".

Such a fucking shitcoin.

>> No.7727811
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EOS is an ERC20 token created by an also-ran, it's the Link of platform coins!

>> No.7727874

Hehe. They have a testnet


Erc20 tokens will be frozen and moved to the EOS blockchain in June


>> No.7727882

yea, and also it's made on Haskell which means nobody will be able to code it

>> No.7728171

hey dumb fuck, team, ideas and potential are oriced in to all crypto. by your brainlet rationale all crypto is worth 1 sat with a few prijects worth 100 sat. i get it, Cardano scares the shit out of you because it is an unstoppable force that is just beginning to awaken.

>> No.7728203

Cardano block time is 15 seconds

EOS block time is .5 seconds

Please stop pretending to be smart. Thank you!

>> No.7728207

nice fud faggot. you're a cashie. do you want me to tell you how i know that? Cashies are wetting their panties and trembling in the corner because Cardano is in the building and is hungey for market cap

>> No.7728248

bcash - vaporware
eth staking - vaporware
LINK - vaporware
everything in crypto fits into that category you mongloid... with few exceptions. dumbfucks want to focus on "no final product" because what matters at this stage in crypto is the team, the funding and the design methodology.

>> No.7728278

another idiot spotted. most major and common languages will be supported, javascript, C, C++, C#, solidity, others

>> No.7728291

Shoo pajeet, stay in your concealed area.

>> No.7728309

you're such a dumb fuck aren't you, cardano is under development so your comparison means nothing today

>> No.7728319

Don't pay attention, he posts in every thread.

>> No.7728347

Reddit man

>> No.7728368


EOS doesn't have a realistic blocktime because they don't actually have a product either. If you think that Dan Larimer is telling you the truth when he says EOS can have 500ms block times on a globally distributed ledger you're ignorant and if you choose to believe it even when told it's physically impossible then you're just a fucking retard.

Cardano is vastly overpriced but EOS is even more overpriced because EOS is literally based on lies and empty promises. I mean for fucks sake EOS is planning to run WebAssembly as it's compilation target which isn't even really out of beta yet! They JUST released the first stable version of WASM and it's NEVER been tested in production on any mission critical software deployment.

EOS is a scam.

Cardano is just overpriced vapor, but at least it's not a scam.

>> No.7728462


EOS and Cardanofags are completely cringeworthy.

I honestly cannot understand why people take these projects seriously. Reminds me of corefags.

>> No.7728489

>t. all in BAT

>> No.7728513

okay, it was from surface level research long time ago. didn't spent that much time watching this project but initially it seemed like "too much". anyway feel no hate, will be curious to see what guys will deliver in the end with their investments and approach. but as investment I personally don't see this as a best option

>> No.7728560

Salt detected in sector retard. WebAssembly and C++ are the true gods of lightning fast low level scalability. EOS will destroy Cardano. Find a world class programmer who doesn’t own EOS or Cardano and pay him to research both projects deeply. EOS will win every time. You probably bought Chainlink because it looks adademic. Consider this your final warning bagholder.

>> No.7728597


You're not even good at this.

>> No.7728627

I don’t think you’re a programmer. If you were you would understand that EOS will definitely kill Cardano. OP’s image spells it out plain as day. Cardano is poor man’s EOS. Cardano is EOS for starving academic artists.

>> No.7728652 [DELETED] 

If that's the truth why isn't chainlink in the top 10?

>> No.7728678
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If that's the truth why isn't chainlink in the top 10 yet?

>> No.7728789
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They are both interesting projects.
Probably none of the currencies today will be around in 5 years time (well maybe Monero, but just for darknet reasons).
Why even argue about this? Well in any case, Cardano doesn't have a virtual machine yet and so EOS is far ahead in the game and given the mainnet release in a few months, EOS will make more ROI.

>> No.7728817

Where do you see EOS price headed EOY?

>> No.7728951
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This is naturally harder to answer than whether BTC will moon or not isn't it. I can't predict all the news that will pump the price within 10 months.

Given that ICO's and Steemit are the only notable apps on a blockchain as of now, I have a bit of confidence and I think I'll going to hodl my few EOS over the June 1 date, at which point it's BTC will be much more than now.

On a less related note, while there are some programmers arguing, I'm going to implement an anonymous voting contract from this paper
on NEO. If someone's interested, please contact me:


>> No.7729000
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ADA holder here

It isn't doing anything right now because they haven't released Shelley yet. If it isn't mooning by the 3rd quarter then get out of it.

The only reason it is as high as it is right now is because of the white paper and team alone. That can only do so much. Once they release the updates they have planned this year I expect this to get a lot of attention.


Dan Larimer is this guy in real life


Always talking shit and insecure as hell

>> No.7729048


>buy a coin after it's already massively popular and mooning says the /biz/raeli

You buy it now because it's actually a steal even if it is overvalued at the moment. If you look at the roadmap and they stick to it this will explode. By saying someone is stupid to buy now you're saying that nothing at all will happen with this.

>> No.7729084


It's stupid to buy now if you actually want to speculate on other profitable trades.If you just want to buy and hold ADA because you're in love with Cardano then go ahead, I don't fucking care.

>> No.7729134


>you can only have one thing at a time

>> No.7729188


>buying something when it's overpriced just to hold it for emotional attachment is being intelligent

>> No.7729203
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looks like OP finally sold. Strap yourselves in boys.

>> No.7729227

Ada for win. Academic autism papers will take us to the moon. People know how bearish I am on this site. So if I have something positive to say about a coin...you better fucking buy cunts.

>> No.7729230
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I literally just did. I sold half. Let it go down.

>> No.7729246
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Look at this cringe


I'm holding it because it will actually do something, EOS seems like it will just kind of suck its own dick and keep throwing around buzzwords from some fedora lord

90% hype 10% tech

>> No.7729247

EOS and Cardano both suck.

Do you need any further spoon-feeding? EOS was created by the class-A scammer who created the broken STEEM system and EOS was the only ICO that ran is running for a full year.

If you do not understand how that's a scam, kill yourself. Or wait, and kill yourself when EOS keeps failing.

>> No.7729257

holy fuck I literally just sold

>> No.7729291


Lol, these fucking pump and dump groups.

First the PnD ICX, now they're PnD ADA.

Fucking hilarious.

Enjoy getting dumped on any of you retards who buy in right now.

>> No.7729352
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ADA always goes down when non-autists own it. Right after they sell it, we become pure of mind.

Review this price action my peers

>> No.7729354
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>10 billion market cap
>hurr durr it's a pump and dump

>> No.7729368

>pump and dump ADA
I'm not sure you understand how pump and dump works

>> No.7729391
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It's actually kind of wild, something like 90% of that is from Japan alone


what the fuck

>> No.7729675

I fucking hate this coin. It has caused me nothing but sorrow

>> No.7729722

even worse distribution than ethereum
over a year late, two years late to the smart contract world
no use cases
no users, only speculators
massively inflated price
little to no room to grow above and beyond the market as a whole

wow great buy

>> No.7729745

unironically just bought a shit ton of this, it's the only thing not pumping, meaning it'll moon in a few days max. thanks OP

>> No.7729815

what is a sentence

>> No.7729999

cardano is shitiest top 10, if not top 20 coin

>> No.7730056
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>insulting my precious linkies

How dare you.

>> No.7730985
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probably because you bought it at ATH then the crash happened


Fair, but the refutations to your points are on the horizon this year. After quarter 3 you'd be more correct. If they haven't done anything substantial with the release of Shelley in Q2 I'm getting out


Sometimes people spend too much time on /biz/ and think memecoins and pajeet pnd's are the only good buys

>> No.7731104


In December everyone here was freaking the fuck out about it mooning

>number go up OMG MOON GREAT COIN
>number go down FUCK THIS I'M SELLING STUPID SHITCOIN WAH *shits on the street*

>> No.7731149

>sometimes people spend too much time on /biz/ and think memecoins and pajeet pnd's are the only good buys
>pic related
Well done, subtle.

>> No.7731280

What /biz doesn't know about ADA

Insane amount of active development (check their github repository) on top of a well maintainable code-base

PROVABLE proof-of-stake blockchain (better scalability, far less energy consumption and rewards for staking your ADA) already under review. Release imminent

Team = top university professors, founder of the Haskell programming language and god-level programming autists led a legend in the cryptocurrency space with an ambitious vision for the future (Charles Hoskinson)

DApps platform later this year with seamless migration for Ethereum's solidity developers. No haskell coding required!

Top 3 in 2018 - screencap this bitches.

>> No.7731288


I think you are the only one of potentially thousands of people who got it

>> No.7731309
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well, I'm going to sleep ready to wake up a millionaire. night night /biz/.