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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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7725440 No.7725440 [Reply] [Original]

Have any of you /biz/nessmen ever done a startup?

A friend and I are about to embark on one and I wanted to hear some stories.

>> No.7725995
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Yes, I run a funded company that has a 7M run rate. It’s not fun and it’s a lot of work and will take decades to get to where you want to be. Don’t fall for the “worst case we will just get acquired by x” meme no, worst case you will run out of money and need to get a job.

>> No.7726016

I KNEW you were the same faggot that posts this bitch


jesus youre one of the worst human beings on 4chan since fucking Taiga

>> No.7726040

and no changing your id didnt fool me

>> No.7726050
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Well, I'm not expecting to get rich, I'm looking for a challenge and I want to make an impact.

Worst case I'll at least have some more work experience is what I'm thinking now.
What are you on about?

>> No.7726082

Don't you fucking dare talk shit about Maki, she's hot, shy and rich without showing it off.

>> No.7726102

Hope you and your friend are competent and selfless. Otherwise it may not last.

>> No.7726216
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have seen friendships ruined by going the hip startup lane. It sounds like a dream working together with a good buddy, but only case Ive seen from first hand experience is that it breaks friendships sooner or later. Often times one will keep running the startup and the other one will kthxbye.

I like your attitude tho. Looking for a challenge is a good mind set since money wont come pouring in quick

Godspeed OP

>> No.7726276

Oh I fully expect to lose the friendship. We've fought on projects before.

But in my whole life I have only regretted things I didn't try, not things I did.

I still have no idea how I'm going to get money on the side though. What can a mechanical/electrical engineer do on the side for cash that doesn't take much time.

>> No.7726325

Holy shit what's your startup?
Why does no one on biz ever post what they are talking about?
fucking larpers

>> No.7726349

Something in the medical space related to research we did at uni.

I'm not going to say more and get identified as someone who browses 4chan.

>> No.7726375

wow a medical startup. never seen that one before.
are you a hedgefund kid or did you suck of a jew for a loan?

>> No.7726413

Just a trust fund baby not a hedge fund kid sadly.

>> No.7726452

The primary goal of a business is to build shareholder value. You need to focus on things that make money. “Impact” comes from attaining scale making money.

Don’t forgot what a Business is and why they exist. Investors aren’t there to have you fuck around and do something that is challenging and get jobs elsewhere when you fail (run out of money). They’re there to make money.

Btw I am

Phone switches to different ip

>> No.7726502

Yeah, I'm actually more business and cashflow oriented. While we are both engineers my friend is more of the technical type and I know I'm going to have to rein in his ambition. It worries me honestly that he doesn't think enough about the money and value side of things.

I don't know how worried I should be about this honestly, when I look at other startups they often have a business guy and a tech guy.

>> No.7726576

Who is the CEO? You or him? CEO needs to be you if you actually are more money focused.

CEO has a simple job:

1) hire good people
2) set vision
3) ensure company has capital

Notice how none of that is technical except for partiallly #2

>> No.7726612

I want to make toilets that you have to pay to get out, free to enter but once you done shitting you can pay to get away from the smell.

>> No.7726615

We're still arranging that. I'm pretty much going to make it a condition of me entering that I get to be CEO. Those are the things I enjoy and like to focus on.

I hate saying this, but I actually hate doing real engineering, I like working with people.

>> No.7726763

I've been trying to start up an idea for a few years now, somewhat successfully.
My main advice is that if you think you have a good idea, don't accept most of advice given to you by "specialists". Most likely you're not the most literate person and they simply don't get the whole picture with 5 minutes so they try saying something anyway.
If your idea is vague, focus on the team. Build up a habit of getting together, brainstorming together and developing something. Eventually you'll see if the members are a good fit and who knows what will the actual idea be. Investors invest in the team.

>> No.7727028

So is it more about the CEO/cashflow or the team, in your opinion?

Or both?

>> No.7727090

Mostly the team, CEO is also part of that team. Once that's fine, the investor just has to understand how do you make money.