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File: 139 KB, 1200x1800, 1517183292575.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7722579 No.7722579 [Reply] [Original]

The ultimate end game, the reason for technology, money, and general progress, is to make women redundant.

When perfect breeding robot waifus are invented, humanity reaches the apex and we coast from there.

>> No.7722623

kek didn't see Chad in the thumbnail

>> No.7722695

This image triggers me every time. The fact that someone actually believes that "the right one doesn't have to try.". "The right one," can only be found by giving people/things a chance, it doesn't just inherently exist.

Fucking delusional cunts.

>> No.7722714

>pussy on the brain 24/7 like a nigger
The goal is to become immortal robot gods and conquer the universe.

>> No.7722717

cry more

>> No.7722737


>> No.7722740

Virgin detector going through the roof.

>> No.7722741 [DELETED] 

Sure thing, bud. Stay an ignorant cuckboi.

>> No.7722821


>> No.7722841

Looks like someone’s doctor upped the dose of your blue pills. Tell me little snowflake, how much do you enjoy your Zoloft while crying about all the chads that have already plowed the girl you’re trying to be good enough for? Stop being so fucking naive.

>> No.7722869

>that chad in the sofa


>> No.7722902

Bluepilled soyboys in full force tonight.

>> No.7722913


>> No.7722922

Let me expand.

Historically, they were needed. Even now, they are needed. But they were just a tool for us to have reached this far, and soon they will be obsolete. When they are, they will need to be shaken off for continued progress.

Imagine eveeyone just chasing advancement of art, science, everything without the distraction of thots

>> No.7723050

how long until programmable human-level AGI?
10 years? 20?

you have good point OP, even if you're being somewhat facetious. the fact is that most men are took weak to live without female approval (evidence ITT) or without falling into self-destructive behavior (evidence 4chan).

but i think if this were overcome by hijacking our sensory systems with AGI, we would entire an era of peace and artistic flourishing. maybe

>> No.7723138

Even if by some chance two people were to be just right for each other without trying, how long will it stay that way? People and circumstances change. How much effort is permissible to rectify issues then? "I'm just not feeling it" would've been more honest.

>> No.7723414

Listen up children ,
That pic represents something more real than your incompetence . This is about confidence.
Woman can feel it , everyone feels it and that's where you loose. They hate faggotry , deep inside , the instincts cannot be overridden . The key is to be smart and NOT play their games . This may be hard for some of you but you need to overcome it as soon as possible. Also, they're hardwired to despise soft hands literally, meaning when you're handling them you need to deploy a hard firm grip at all times including during sex. They wish to feel secure and dominated. DO NOT believe shit they tell (if different from what is described above ) you because that's simply what they read on magazines , saw on TV, professor told them ( feminism ). That is a delusion and you fail because you're complacent and fall for the feminist tricks .
The source of the failure with woman is inside our own heads .
I was never a bully or anything and I'm sharing this words because i never liked to see the Nerd bro's unhappy . You're very smart dudes and that should translate to all aspects of life.
Think and carry yourselves like confident man and success with woman will come.
Godspeed .

>> No.7723440

t. incel

>> No.7723460


>> No.7723480

Read womens psychology ya beta cuck

>> No.7723511

question alpha senpai:
if a girl likes to be choked, and she wants you to choke harder and harder, basically until she passes out, how do you know when to stop? i don't like hurting her.

>> No.7723523 [DELETED] 
File: 71 KB, 718x1024, 17FE2A59-07F2-4F21-B295-8C62DEA0B79F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>your gains can buy you a breeding pod right now.

Pic related is mine.

>> No.7723531

This only happens to woman whose partners are the soft type. To much attention, give in to whims , soft grip , wimpy sex, feminine behavior , unnecessary gifts , etc.
Even only one of the above will fuck you up .

>> No.7723553

What the fuck is that, damn

>> No.7723562

Avoid that type of action. Turn her around firmly without asking and fuck her in the ass.

>> No.7723588

kys retards

>> No.7723597

A chad once told me "you're not supposed to understand women, you're supposed to fuck them". I think that says it all. Keep your mind on your coins, get rich and fuck escorts.

>> No.7723604

mmmmm i'm beginning to doubt your wisdom

>> No.7723623
File: 31 KB, 411x639, 65619E27-67AE-41BF-9232-79B999A7D446.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I told you what it is. My first child grows within its womb. Crypto can buy anything anon.

>> No.7723636

Avoid that type of action. If the situation arises turn her around firmly and fuck her in the ass hard.

>> No.7723645

Wtf is wrong with you

>> No.7723671


>> No.7723697

>thinks sex is about pleasure instead of reproduction

does it get any more beta than this?
congrats on your burgeoning industry anon. i wish you and your offspring the best of luck in their journey into the stars.

>> No.7723719

You shouldn't . Remember , woman are crazy and specially the kind that asks to be choked . You MUST NOT trust this type under any circumstances . You do something they don't like at any point in the relationship ( whatever it maybe be ) and they will trow you in jail. That risk is huge . Remember , laws in place are out of balance for a reason.

>> No.7723729
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>> No.7723733
File: 25 KB, 500x338, 1377260_232099596954277_506458697_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's retarded to waste money on biowombs when the artificial womb is around the corner.
Though, i guess breeding now may be worth the risk of losing most of your wealth by tying yourself to an ancestral parasite.

>> No.7723768
File: 797 KB, 640x1136, B59848F3-9105-47EE-BC87-B732ECD7A921.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really just want progeny. I don’t feel any attachment to women, and almost certain to get only male offspring.

>> No.7723798
File: 1017 KB, 1136x640, 50DC0492-4287-4879-8DAC-ADC527CEAB1B.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7723803

tfw this actually true and delusional forever lonely retards will never believe this and find true love

>> No.7723969

You do realize the kid needs a mother to not grow up completely fucked up. But I guess at this point it looks like you are pretty much trying to grow a fucking anti-christe.

If that image is real I hope you end up in a shallow grave anon.

>> No.7724038

lol just reverse search

>> No.7724064
File: 111 KB, 564x564, 1439871153004.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon what the fuck

>> No.7724105
File: 157 KB, 759x1197, 1F2962D4-1588-4B56-8A12-997EE1B1306A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You’re indoctrinated to think that way.

>> No.7724162

Angrogynous asexual soyboy detected. If sex isn't on your brain most of the day, kill yourself manlet, because you have nothing left to live for.

>> No.7724278

Oh hey Hannibal

>> No.7724765

What are you 14? I'd happily become an immortal robot God over 2 minutes of squishy noises.

>> No.7724891

protip: this is nonsense bluepilled bullshit. The only thing that matters is your looks. You could be a complete beta autist, but if you look like a Chad it doesn't matter. In contrast, you can act like a complete alpha and do everything by the book, but women will hate you and find you creepy if you don't look accordingly.

>> No.7725043

we don't all suffer from premature ejaculation anon. sex is more enjoyable for people with regular dicks

>> No.7725092


This lmaoo.


You should more triggered by the betas behavior in this comic than the girls. The fact you aren’t speaks volumes.

>> No.7725111

nah man, you just suck at this
i'm ugly and in poor health and got my 10/10 virgin qt
the bluepill is believing you're "acting like a complete alpha" when if you recorded yourself on camera and watched it later, you'd feel the cringe
being confident and being genuine beats your book of PUA tricks anyday. they can smell the desperation off you if you're just trolling for pussy

>> No.7725129


True and digits confirm.

>> No.7725224

this anon gets it
the entire comic is a litmus test for smart vs dumb
the moment you say "'i'm trying to be the right one for you", you're not trying, because actually trying would be taking charge and doing things, while telling her you're trying puts the burden on her to accept you, which she immediately resents you for
and you certainly don't do that shit behind a closed door, like you're trying to hide because it's too hard for you
there's no difference between a romantic relationship and a business relationship: you have to think of the value you can bring to the other party. being a whiny bitch asking for acceptance makes you a burden, the antithesis of value

it takes four steps to fix the situation in this coimc
1) don't slouch
2) wipe that passive and sad look off your face
3) open the door
4) "I'm the right one for you"

if she says no, she says no, but at least you still have your balls

>> No.7725292

wrong. the right one doesn't have to try, see chad in the thumbnail? thats real life

>> No.7725452


I'm a Chad and I'm slightly triggered by her not at all by him

I've been where he is ONCE and that was my wife so I can relate but her reaction is just typical woman bullshit that they think purely because it sounds good not because it makes sense logically.

>> No.7725506


You’re absolutely not Chad if you think this. Sorry you had to find out this way man.

>> No.7725534
File: 643 KB, 1024x1024, room_Service.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All women are leeches who have been coasting down the evolutionary highway on their backs. They possess no talent, no virtue, no personality, no strength and no drive. Roasties are a constant weight on the back of Men. It is our duty to throw off this weight and create a utopia.

>> No.7725564

What do I need a regular dick for when I'm an immortal robot God though?

>> No.7725568

I've been a bully since I could walk as a toddler..im completely serious..I was known and nicknamed for bullying the other kids since that young BUT I've always been fair I bullied the nerds the cool kids the bullies the jocks the girls my friends my family my girlfriends etc lmfao

I said that to say he's pretty much right, you can try to debate it all you want but its to your detriment it would be wise to just accept it and act on it..the more you are your self FULLY the more confident you are and the more women you will get even out of your league. I've had so many women that other people considered out of my league that I could tell you all the shit that nobody prepares you for when youre some ugly dude with a 10/10

>> No.7725578

i got tired of explaining halfway into writing it but suffice to say women are stupid and thats what i was trying to get at but theres no reason to hate them for it

>> No.7725882

Unironically this. Would retain sexual capacity though.

>> No.7726384

If you ever make it, is a prenup good enough so that your future wife won't run away with your money?

>> No.7726425

you don't, just saying the rest of us don't feel the need to be immortal robot gods

>> No.7726460

Id fuckng kill to be an immortal robot god

>> No.7726536
File: 1.22 MB, 1039x581, 435763456345.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i bet you don't wanna be rich either you fuckin low test soyboy

>> No.7726554

This is absolutely terrible advice. Holy shit do NOT do this

>> No.7726624
File: 6 KB, 194x260, 2018-02-17-03-23-55-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> sexual preferences tell you all you need to know about a woman, if she likes you to choke her she is crazy
> muh guro
> muh futa
> muh loli
> muh brapp

>> No.7726638


This anon fucks

>> No.7726762

Anon, if it wasn't for women's highly evolved ability to only let the best men mate and reproduce then men wouldn't be where they are today at the pinnacle of evolution.

>> No.7727096

what a load of shit...

>> No.7727129

gtfo norman

>> No.7727166

chortle at chad on his fone

Also artist should be ashamed of xitself; women and shrinks are CONSTANTLY harping on about how you gotta work at relationships

>> No.7727226

Here be truth.

A bad person runs off with a woman's baby. What does she want her man to do?
[ ] A. Have a drum session and talk out how everyone feels about it
[x] B. Chase after him, retrieve the child and fuck the bad person's day up so it never happens again

Live every moment as man B

>> No.7727238

>The only thing that matters is your looks
single true point in this bread.
everyone who thinks its not only about looks (for women < 30yrs) is either deluded or larping for reactions.

>> No.7727956
File: 60 KB, 720x481, 1508976241969.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since they miss the point of being able to do anything they'd want as a being with an indefinite lifespan (including sex any way they could imagine) they likely wouldn't have considered that money will be irrelevant to self sustaining entities in a future that likely has an artificial super intelligence that's permanently ended an economic system dependent on artificially induced scarcity.

Or maybe we end up in a dystopia where we learn what consciousness is and in order to stay out of an artificial hell we have to pay shekels to the omnicorp/gov taxes for eternity

>> No.7728060 [DELETED] 



0.05 eth and i will tell you the ultimate black pill secret to having that one girl you really really like

>> No.7728251

I was a 6'6 nerd albino skin with panic disorder, adhd (so kicked out of school at 14), IBS (shit myself) and deformed chest from scoliosis and I swear steroids was the best thing I ever did. Now I have xanax, dexamphetamine and codeine for the other things but steroids I went from loser to fucking the hottest chick's. God dam.

>> No.7728300
File: 11 KB, 251x355, STOP USING SKIN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually, statistics goes as follow : couple strictly superior to single father strictly superior to single mother.
This means that for every single statistic of a child, be it likelihood of being a druggy, of having low IQ, of having low income, of having depression, of having all sorts of diseases, on every single metrics single mother beat single father very very easily.
Couples seem to be better than single fathers though, but saying that a kid needs a mother is highly erroneous kek
Especially when gynoids are also around the corner ( and would be closer if the faggots would just focus on pic related instead of forcing the fucking uncanny valley on us by making artificial roasties ).

>> No.7728391
File: 15 KB, 480x480, 1497212659137.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ahh. I love biz. Where virgin soyboy neets meet chad finance fags.

>> No.7728405

The artificial womb would result in a new paradigm, where a single individual will be able to reproduce industrially.
The random retard will not be able to own a literaly baby factory, the average retard will not be able to get the resources for feeding and educating the literal millions of his boys, the common retard will not even wish to do such a thing.

I will aim for my brood to make up 10% of Humanity. Can you do such a thing with an ancestral parasite, who can at any time get minimum half of your wealth, crippling even further your capacity to reproduce ?

We are about to enter a Brave New World.
Are you ready, you filthy kike ?

>> No.7728677

youre just supposed to get it, if you dont then obviously she shouldnt be dating you
you can read more about this here: