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7723427 No.7723427 [Reply] [Original]

>Are ya winning, son?

>> No.7723452

tell your dad to put his life savings on the inverse 3x s&p 500

>> No.7723481

Tell him you went all in on XRP

>> No.7723492

Tell him you are still up 100x

>> No.7723495


I tried explaining crypto to my dad and he somehow got pissed off at my explanation. He didn't actually understand it but he still got irritated

>> No.7723499

>foolishly reveal to dad i made a 100k last year on crypto
>tells all his friends his son is a wall street trading genius
>hands out my phone number, i get people calling asking for advice
>mfw all i did was buy omg at ico without even knowing what it was

>> No.7723505

FOMO does that to people

>> No.7723532

What site can I use to make fake conversations?

>> No.7723545

never tell anyone about your cryptos

I told my parents all those computers in the garage are for protein synthesis/folding. They think I'm devoting my life to researching cancer or something. Little do they know I am worth 900k

>> No.7723561


>> No.7723577

lol this is actually real. BUT you don't even need a site to fake convos, just give yourself a fake name on your phone, text yourself and delete your outgoing texts. easy peasy

>> No.7723596

OP on my pc btw

>> No.7723602

How do u know it's real u absosolute retard
Nice proxy op

>> No.7723638
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>are ya winning dad?

>> No.7723654

don't even tell /biz/

>> No.7723659
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>tell parents about crypto gains
>they tell family
>they try to give me money to invest in specific stocks for them
>tell them I don't invest in stocks and wouldn't even know where to start
>they think I'm lying and being selfish and get mad at me

>> No.7723689

It's alright I'm behind 7 proxies and a VPN, good luck finding Mr. FBI

>> No.7723961
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>> No.7724533

Just tell them the truth, you were gambling on internet money at the right time and you just got lucky

>> No.7724561
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my dad is wokest dad

tfw dopest dad

>> No.7724636

>I’m a boomer son, winning is all I know. How’s the job search coming?

>> No.7724643


>> No.7724709

That's pretty cute, that's your dad proud af

>> No.7724793

the only people I talk about crypto to are other crypto holders

>> No.7724868

Loser white guy from a small town, I smell it.

>> No.7724892

You should never tell anyone how much money you've made, even if it's only in the thousands. People blab to each other about shit, especially things they perceive as particularly blab worthy, and suddenly you've got a ton of people hounding you for advice at best or asking you to solve all their problems with your money at worst. You have to treat it like you're some kind of autistic superhero and your power is having a lot of money, because everyone will try and fuck you if they find out your secret identity.

>> No.7724902

fuck it, take their money and roll the dice. if you lose they might be mad at you, but people being mad at you is better than losing your own money

>> No.7724909

let them know you have a lot of money when you post your mansion on facebook

>> No.7724922


Am I the only one who's dad was actually into it? He works tech which is probably why. He bought like 10,000 eth in March / May last year when it hit 200.

>> No.7724934
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Tell him you're beating the meat while watching crypto sharts

>> No.7724967

I think my dad likes the idea of it but he's skeptical

>> No.7724977

Terrible advice, I did it nonchalantly with stocks and I somehow managed to get friends of friends to let me manage their money. Now I make an extra 20-30k per year without doing shit.

>> No.7724996

Yeah mine is fascinated these days, too bad he wasn't at $10, but to be fair it wasn't even worth my NEETbux to me back then anyway

>> No.7724998

dope import who bred with a white girl

>> No.7725054
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Well OP, you should enjoy your dad being proud of you.
I lost my dad before I even made it. He died 3 months ago. God I miss him so much it hurts. He was such a cool dad, jack of all trades master of none kind that watches anime and builds PCs and plays vidya with you (only racing games). God, I miss him so much.

>> No.7725081

rip. sounds chill. bet he was great

>> No.7725106

Your dad loves you and is proud of you for once. Cherish it.

>> No.7725299

rip in peace, stay cool anon.

>> No.7725361

Even though I hate your political beliefs and called you a dumb faggot numerous times,
Sorry for your loss.

>> No.7725459


>> No.7725508

rip, I don't know how I will cope with my dad's death desu :(

>> No.7725573


>> No.7725630

Do I know you?

It's hard. I cry in private when I remember him, he was the one that introduced me to anime, helped my build my first PC, taught me how to cook, to drive, taught me the wonders of videogames by giving me my first Famicom, and so on.
We even watch anime together, as a kid growing up until recently. We watched Eva and we laughed about how terrible the storytelling is (well I like Eva now but when we watched it in 1998 or some shit we hated it)

He had so much more to teach me and he died at a young age of 59.

I'm just saying anon, cherish your dad because you'll never know how much you valued him until he dies. I never even had a chance to give back from all the things he taught me in life.

Sorry for the long post.

>> No.7725645 [DELETED] 

Yep dad, up 50% of my investment (in USD) in about 1 week due to BTC price rise and daytrading. How's that 2%/yr treating ya?

>> No.7725692

my dads heart nearly killed him my brother. he needed a heart valve replacement and luckily they caught him.
almost died from common cold + that.

I met a man randomly on a road trip. He was homeless on the street. He was cold, and tired, and I just could tell he needed help.

It was an an In+Out and everyone was writing him off. But he wasn't drugs or crack. He was hurting.

I went and talked to him and bought him food and gave him 50 dollars.
He had the same heart problem as my dad.

I knew it. I fucking knew it.
So god bless you all.
All this divide and whatever we are unified by our love and our souls.
I'm tearing up crying here anon
You are never alone ok
know that

>> No.7725779

>cherish your dad

fuck you dumb fuckers. my dad is an abusive alcoholic that smokes weed all day. the fucking jackass has nothing to his name, literally and divorced my mum when i was 10 years old. he also didn't pay shit towards our living and only saw us once every 2-3 months.

should i still cherish my dad? lmao fuck outta here. i cut him from my life like 2 years ago. haven't communicated with him since.

>> No.7725781

>inverse 3x s&p 500
What does that even mean?

>> No.7725810

fucking privileged millennials piss me off. wrapped up in your cozy little bubble thinking everyone has a similar life to you. absolute pricks.

>> No.7725843

you probably talked like an uppity douche

>> No.7725871

No one cares nigger, kys.

>> No.7725932

boomers desu

>> No.7725946

He played you, son

>> No.7725947
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Honour thy father and mother; (which is the first commandment with promise;)

>> No.7725959


>> No.7725991

i'd snap ur neck u little anorexic weasel

>> No.7726208

fuck off back to detroit

>> No.7726297

RIP, I’m sure he’d be proud of you

>> No.7726338

My dad reposted Jordan Belfort on normiebook saying shit like 'the master has chimed in' and he spelled crypto as kryptocurrency

I think he thrashed MDMA a bit too hard when he was dealing in his 20s. Cooked his brain.

>> No.7726392

my dads turning into a fag from losing his job. he thought he was gonna live the boomer dream. now he sobs for 2 months without looking for work himself, complaining how hard it is to find work, despite having over 15 years of work experience

fuckin bitch

>> No.7726420

He prolly got mad his retard son bought monopoly money with his actual money.

>> No.7726433

This, fucking boomers piss me off, “you need to get a real job”. Just because they wageslaved 9-5 for 50 fucking years

>> No.7726486

Bizbros is here for u anon.

>> No.7726500

what the fuck is a gigilo
is your illiterate ass trying to say gigolo
do you even understand that's supposed to mean a prostitute male supported by a woman specifically
goddamn, some of you burgers are alright but the rest are an absolute scourge on humanity

>> No.7726616

Or.....go all in on NVIDIA and a bunch of other surging crypto relayed stocks.

Shit loses - ah well, you're just a retarded kid. Shit hits, claim your success is due to genius, more people give you money. Become an investment guru. Do ALL the cocaine and hookers.

>> No.7726642


In a time when nearly all jobs didn't need degrees and you could buy a house for 10k on minimum wage.

>> No.7726679

Short s&p 500 with 3 x Lev. I'm indian and even I understood this

>> No.7726681

>abusive father

Well done boomer. You're a clear winner.

>> No.7726781
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>> No.7726803

Kek. My Dad was the same when i first tried to convince him to put some savings into crypto. Finally won him over by convincing him to accept 0.14 BTC to cover a debt I owed him. Made sure to setup a portfolio page for him so he could keep an eye on the value (this was October last year) and about 6 weeks later he'd been won over and bought in just in time for the December bullmarket.

>> No.7727381

Sorry to hear that.
Remember not everyone is equally cool. My family is fighting with me since I made the cash. They got demanding. Not entirely with my money but with my time. I see thus as a subtle way for greed. My mom keeps insulting me when i doesn't listen to her demands. It worked for 3 years till I put my foot down and said no.
Last time we spoke she wanted my sister to move in for 6 months with me and called me all kinds of things for saying no.

>> No.7727555

my dad is going to give me some money, just a couple hundred dollars, to try it out. I'm trying to think of what I should get for steady but decent gains, he's not expecting too much and I'd like to prove to him that it's worthwhile.

>> No.7728072
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> when an anon reminds you that life is fleeting and you should never take your old man for granted

I wasn't prepared for these feels

>> No.7728155

How mad was he in the bearmarket?