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File: 59 KB, 518x428, 692246A8-43CB-41A9-87B3-0487F6CBFD55.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7721700 No.7721700 [Reply] [Original]

Are white women an inflated asset? Why do people keep investing in them if they’re so shit compared to the alternatives? Reminds me a lot of bitcoin

>> No.7721707

women are the biggest bubble of all time

>> No.7721859
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Short the white race! Minorities are based. Some have bigger dicks, some have bigger brains, and some of them are better at cross country. Invest in them all!

>> No.7721943
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>> No.7721961

I live in Vancouver, I can tell you east asian women are just like other women. Except the chinese, they are super backstabby and awful like all mainland chinese people.

>> No.7721975

That japanese chick could be 53. Either way sage

>> No.7722039

Asian women really are the best. Much sarcasm used.

>> No.7722045


Sadly, east asians are even bigger gold diggers than white females

>> No.7722101

>mom is mixed race and doesn't pass for white 100% of the time
>gets treated like a second class citizen periodically in spite of having a masters degree and a spotless criminal record while only going into public well-dressed
>I pass with zero effort
>get treated like a white man

I hate to tell you this, but having white kids is a fucking premium that people will pay for.

>> No.7722145

Literally come to vancouver then you can discriminate against white people.

>> No.7722146

Whitewomen cash is the real whitewomen


>> No.7722162


I don't want to discriminate against anybody. I want a merit based society.

>> No.7722187

So do I, I want to be judged based on my skills.

Sadly Canada isn't that and there is huge anti-white discrimination.

I want to leave honestly but I don't know how.

White privilege my ass, I want asian kids so they aren't discriminated against.

>> No.7722201
File: 311 KB, 750x2357, White Guilt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>get treated like a white man
What does this imply? I'm as white as it gets and people treat me like shit on a daily basis.

>> No.7722267

Weak larp. Nobody gives a shit a mixed people. People aren't even outwardly racist against brown people anymore

>> No.7722270


Well, you guys are a commonwealth nation, and the Chinese consider anybody born to Chinese to be Chinese, so it's a logical marriage if you're trying to triangulate to or from Europe.


I feel like if you collect those reaction images then you're probably as much enjoying an artificial victim complex as an upper-middle class black kid whose dad is a stock broker.

>> No.7722299

Ehh I don't know. I've felt racism against me a ton as a white person here, called names, turned down for jobs in favor of equally qualified chinese applicants, etc.

I just get really pissy when people say white people are privileged or being white is better, it really isn't.

>> No.7722329


I don't know your situation so I can't comment.

>> No.7722345
File: 119 KB, 791x1024, White Is Right.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, I don't blame my race being the reason I am treated by others the way I typically am. I just don't understand why you're saying that being or looking white means you have an easy time in life when that is not the case for so many people.

>> No.7722357
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the absolute state of Canada.

>> No.7722367

Where do you live? South africa?
I want to get out, America seems so much nicer.

>> No.7722409

Come to Australia if you aren't a faggot and will contribute, government memes aside whites still get preferential treatment (as we should, it's our fucking country).

>> No.7722410
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Because I've experienced what happens when I tan, grow my hair out a bit so that the curl shows, and wear bright colors that emphasize a different skin tone. If you've never gotten to be white or non-white on a whim then you've never been outside of the Matrix.



>> No.7722423

Dude, America might me marginally better, but even the northern states are as white as the blackest places in Canada. Southern states are a hell-hole war torn god forsaken hell of spics and nogs. People shoot eachother and blacks have wars across cities in America.

Murmansk on the other hand is fucking comy, white, and no nigger will ever live here.

>> No.7722425

The amount of delusional pussy pedestal propping here is amazing, get ready to be conned hard if you think photoshopped, dyed, makeup-caked, plastic surgery anything is going to be loyal to you.

>> No.7722449

oh and Australia actually seems like a nice place, I'd probably move there over USA any day.
This is very accurate propaganda of the USA

>> No.7722464

Meh IDK, I just want to go somewhere I can be treated equally.

Oh you are half black, that would explain it, I thought you meant half asian.

>> No.7722494


So... you DO know that you live in a fantasy world where racism hits non-whites, you just imagine that asians have it better even if they are non-rich?

>> No.7722515

serves you right for being a mongrel.

Every race deserves to be comfortable in their own homeland free from the oppression of foreign and quisling power grabbers.

>> No.7722517
File: 259 KB, 1600x1200, asians.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As asian women get older they look younger. This is why loli is legal, they depict fully grown big-eyed waifus.

>> No.7722519


No I'm just saying I've had tons of racist insults yelled at me while my asian friends haven't really had any.

What are you on about?

>> No.7722536


My only comfort is that you will live long enough under first world healthcare to watch the world pass you by and leave you confused and angry in your twilight years.

>> No.7722589
File: 239 KB, 1217x1372, People Of Color.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Going by that logic I would have to have certain expectations placed on me due to my skin color. I've never lived in an area where people went after me for my skin color, but I have noticed an increase an anti white rhetoric in the public sphere and mass media the last couple of years. With the amount of people out there who call us devils and slave owners I have a hard time believing your life changes from some simple appearance alterations that make you look closer to someone who owes reparations for slavery.

>> No.7722632
File: 51 KB, 1024x576, 2fca74ea79ae871891dccdc0657d0bf8-1024x576.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>doesn't know history
Every 'multicultural' society collapses into a blood bath. If you think it will finally be different this time you're delusional too. You will never be able to control nature under an oppressive artificial system for very long. I know it sucks being an in-betweener with no one to belong to but I'm sure you'll make the best of it until said collapse.

No anon, every asian girl looks like this, big blue eyes and blonde hair are very japanese

>> No.7722638

The funny thing is that probably won't happen. There is always a reaction against overbearing social trends, and the tide is turning against SJWism. Younger generations won't take that shit.

>> No.7722643


Lolwut. You've had racists insults yelled you? Where, in fucking Chinatown with your asian friends? And they've never heard someone yell chink in their general direction outside of Chinatown? Holy fuck dude.


Mate, if you live your life online through right-wing social media and only tune in to a sphere of selectively tuned outrage then I have no doubt that you literally can't comprehend racism against non-white and think that whites are literally on the verge of being purged by non-whites. You just happen to be dangerously delusional.

>> No.7722666


Every empire in history, excepting the colonial powers, was founded in multi-culturalism. What are you talking about?

>> No.7722685 [DELETED] 

No, downtown. Are you unaware that Vancouver is only like 40% white now and rapidly falling? With massive racial tensions?

If there is any racism against non-whites they probably did something deserving of it.

>> No.7722701
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Go change your race then. You are a perfect example of what some call "white fragility".

>> No.7722762

Nope. You stole it from the Aboriginies and sold it to the Chinese.

>> No.7722765

Satan plsgo

>> No.7722767

Wrong Satan, Babylon will fall once again.

>> No.7722808

>white people
>our country

the delusion is real

>> No.7722818

I haven’t browsed pol in a little while and I don’t think the whole “America will be mostly non-white before 2050” projection has changed since then. I don’t plan to live in this country to much longer as I see the way the tide is turning from afar and know that one we will be like South Africa with a 10% white minority, with a government not made up my peers. I would much rather live out my an either a still decent non-eu country or a nice asian country should they have me. I think your mentality is skewed from your own perspective of not living in an area where racial violence towards whites is very prevalent, though I will admit that much of this media rhetoric comes from whites themselves, I doubt they share the same political views about me however as I have never treated anyone in my life differently due to their skin color.

>> No.7722827

>faggots who don't understand history
Nice work with your lack of education.

>> No.7722834

I might be coming brah. Do aussies love the Canadian accent or whaa?

>> No.7722853

Kinda gay isn't it? But anyway, anywhere in the world girls want to fuck foreign guys so you'll be fine.

>> No.7722860


Mate, you are living in a fantasy if you think that racial violence is predominantly anti-white. It certainly can be, but isn't. We aren't looking at South Africa demographics for hundreds of years, ie not in your lifetime, and your paranoid fears of being displaced by non-white competitors and fantasies about running away to an idealized version of an asian country that exists nowhere in the real world are symptoms of a sort of mass delusion that is sweeping through the first world.

>> No.7722873

Just because there was no mention of Aboriginies in your history books doesn't mean they don't exist.

>> No.7722893

Do even you know what you are talking about?

>> No.7722898

Don't you preach to me about abbos, I've lived around them for years and know more than you ever will.

>> No.7722917

>Hurr durr aborigines are a myth

go back to your echo chamber /polfag

>> No.7722938

this is from a movie, cehck the first comment

>> No.7722968

Holy shit the delusion is worse than I thought

>> No.7722991

Oh man.

>> No.7723012

>provides absolutely no content or argument
Nice shitpost.

>> No.7723013

So you know they exist but say I don't know about history when I say they were the original owners of the land?

>> No.7723016

I can confirm that image is accurate. Every beaner I know is a nazi.

>> No.7723018

I never said in general racial violence is predominantly white focused in general, all I was implying is that it does exist and is becoming more common both here and in other countries all across the globe. I already said that I never was a target of any of that in the past and I don’t plan to be. Maybe I do have a bit of a grass is greener on the other side mentality, but I do genuinely feel that the calm, quiet and hard working personality of mine would work out much better for me in Asia as opposed to the land of obese lardasses who all try to get ahead of others by being the loudest in the room. This country is looking at a lot of term problems that are starting to come to a head soon and I want to be financially and physically secured in a place where most people may actually have some respect for me for once, is that really too much to wish for? To be happy? I guess it is with how self obsessed, vapid and materialistic everyone is, no wonder we have all these drug epidemics.

>> No.7723031


Yes. I don't expect to get through to anyone because over half the people in this thread are from /pol/ though.

>> No.7723056

Yes they were, and they failed to advance as a people and failed to defend the land, as has happened countless times since the dawn of man, and was even socially acceptable at the time it happened. Now we are the owners by right. Newsflash for you, literally no people are living where their distant ancestors did.

>> No.7723057


Asia is a good place to spend some time as an expat. It's a good place to visit. I think you would very quickly see why you wouldn't want to raise a family there or live there long-term after being there a while. It would be good for you to go so that you can see just how good you have it in the first world.

>> No.7723072

>Still can't counter my original post about Australia belonging to aboriginals so he asks for a counterargument without presenting an argument in the first place.
the absolute state of brainlets

>> No.7723088

Yeah so my original statement stands. Stolen from the Aborigines and sold to the Chinese.

>> No.7723104

Where are you from champ? Explain why is belongs to you more than Australia does to Australians.

>> No.7723130

Stealing implies wrongdoing.

>> No.7723179

Australia belongs to the aboriginals. End of story.

>> No.7723197

>he says, again providing no argument
I'm sorry you're literally retarded and have no capability for independent thought.

>> No.7723203

Are you implying places like Japan and Korea aren’t first world countries? Their work lives might be draining but I do believe they both have higher life expectancies than we do. I have a hard time believing any society that speaks so highly of itself can be as soul crushing to live in as ours, I’ve come into contact with some of the most repugnant human beings I can imagine in this country so you’ll have to forgive me if you expect me to believe it can any worse in a country that is genuinely full of hard working people who want the best themselves and don’t shit on others to make themselves look better or start up female only businesses because hiring males would only cause problems. But no yeah, this country is stereotyped the ways it is for a reason, because almost everything that comes out of it is bad.

>> No.7723221


Just go there. Live out your changeling fantasy. See it for yourself.

>> No.7723228

lol, no

>> No.7723266

Obviously no point arguing with you if you think there was no wrong done to the Aboriginal people.

Just don't complain when the Chinese slowly increase their influence over the country until they fully control it, like they have done with S.E Asia. I have no problems with it, at least they pay instead of steal.

>> No.7723279

Sorry there's already one misogyny thread on the front page of the business and finance board. That's the limit.

>> No.7723293

I remember when I graduated high school too.

>> No.7723297

>Aboriginal people

>> No.7723307

Of course they got fucked over, nobody denies that. But again this is completely normal and every civilisation has done this forever. Aboriginals massacred each other as well. What you don't grasp is that this isn't unusual and white Australians have every right to own the place, at least as much right as anybody can to anywhere.

>> No.7723328

I don’t want to raise a family also, I think having children is overrated. The same goes for relationships, there are very few women I would care enough for to actually commit like that and give up my happiness when the inevitable divorce comes. The sole reason I am on this board is to raise enough capital to be able to live my life on my own terms and to not have to be a wagecuck listening all day to people who think they’re experts in politics and that celebrities are gods to be worshipped, I just want to be happy. I ask you again, is that really so unobtainable?

>> No.7723354

I’m in college in my early 20’s. Believe me I was much more depressed and suicidal back in high school when I thought things would never get better for me.

>> No.7723363


>> No.7723382

You need to start living.

>> No.7723391

They keep calling it invasion day. If it is classified as an invasion it is under the right to conquer, and the mabo case needs to be overruled. Meaning it is now. Which is god damn hilarious imo.

>> No.7723396

Again, how is my original statement incorrect then?
Now you admit the land was stolen.

When are you going to admit it has been sold off?
Look at home / land ownership trends in Australia, who is buying it all up?

>> No.7723444

>Now you admit the land was stolen.
I don't know why you keep saying this. If you want to say we stole it sure, but then every country in the world is stolen. Call it that if it makes you happy.
>When are you going to admit it has been sold off?
Yeah that's pretty shit, it's not too late to turn it around though. I only hope it does. Anyway I'm off to do stuff so you have fun.

>> No.7723482

When you have no family, enjoy being alone when you're older in a government home being abused by negroes wishing you didn't waste your time just existing for nothing.

>inb4 you'll kys first
No you won't

>> No.7723501


I don't even know what to say to you. You're so divorced from the human experience that anything I say utterly lacks context.

>> No.7723685

nice blog faggot.

>> No.7723861
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Thanks, I try.
I will only off myself if I do not have the means to reverse my aging body in the distant future, otherwise I plan to use my ICX gains to have my body cryogenically frozen until I can be brought back. Ideally I could upload my consciousness to a system where I may have a harem of anime-esque women around me 24/7, forever.
Not an argument, you still have not answered my question. Probably because you are so far down the drain like every other normie you are incapable of seeing this country is a shell of its former glory and we would all be far better off if we lived elsewhere.