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File: 54 KB, 606x372, chinese20121227153912_l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
740625 No.740625 [Reply] [Original]

Shit you can order from Chinese factories and easily sell online

>> No.740626

dragon dildos

>> No.740632

You really think there's à market for that?

>> No.740662

My girlfriend's brother and his gf own like 10 and they pay a lot for them

>> No.740678

There's an Anon who sells glass dildos he buys from China, I don't know how profitable that is though. Another sells some sort of sexy anine type of item to weebs on ebay with sone anime profile pic that supposedly boosts his sales.

Another sells knitted products on etsy that he gets from China.

I don't know how viable these are but if you can clear 10k a year after taxes and ecommerce fees then that's better than nothing.

>> No.740686
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Here's one of the products from Bad Dragon, arguably the world's leader in Dragon Dildos. Lowest start at 75... and they have others that cost even more.

>> No.740746

Dragon Dildos aside where do you even sell sex toys on linéaire?

>> No.740749

Ebay is a popular avenue and so is Amazon. The guy who sells glass dildos sells them on ebay.

>> No.740795

I'm going to need more info on glass dildo anon.

Any other success stories?

>> No.740853

most people that buy sexu toys and stuff like that, buy them online.
ebay mostly.

>> No.740951

Ok I get it this whole thread is dildo

All you guys are saying resumes to sex sells only you do it from a r9k friendly perspective

>> No.740952

>All you guys are saying resumes to sex sells only you do it from a r9k friendly perspective
I don't get what you are trying to say, but yes, sex always sells. In any form.

>> No.740958

>I don't get what you are trying to say, but yes, sex always sells. In any form.
Then why being so specific on the otaku culture?
Dragon dildos, waifu toys and body pillows only appeal to a very small audience

Why not something along the lines of what the vapes used to be?

You know, clean stuff that doesn't scream serial rapist when you tell people about it

>> No.740963

its niche enough that you could probably do pretty damn well if you had a lion's share of the market on ebay and/or amazon. thats generally what you want to look for, tbh.

>> No.741108

I personally wouldn't sell electronics like vapes online. Too many chances for a "faulty" product which could result in too many returns which is a bitch to deal with I assume.

>> No.741125

that can happen tho dildos as well. They get stuck down there.

>> No.741144

That's the marvel of dildos. If they are 'faulty', they get stuck and the buyer can't return them.

>> No.741155

I'm working a minimum wage job and I want to use the money I earn to make more money on the side. Is doing this stuff pretty successful? If I'm not mistaken perhaps vapes are an over inflated market.

>> No.741421

Ok so I've checked and it appears the chinese aren't mass producing dragon dildoes

What would be a good buy instead?

Dakimakura? Animu fuck doll? regular dildoes? The stuff necessary to put up a small dildo workshop?

Btw I graduated a bachelor in arts so I know how to sculpt and mold

>> No.741438

children dolls:


>> No.741442

Sell fake phones as joke/kids toys.

>> No.741446

What's the point? Scam folks and go to prison?

>> No.741449

You sell them as joke items, kid's toys, and display models.

>> No.741454

Kids toy? You really think there's a market

Display could get a couple sales tho

>> No.741457

Actually kids love them. I used to work at a cell phone store. I took all the display models and gave them to my nieces and nephews. They were hands down their favorite toys. Plus it lets kids have a "phone" just like mommy's.

>> No.741466

Good point I'll look in to it only question is why didn't you keep the idea for your own profit?

>> No.741469

http://startupbros.com/how-you-can-make-big-money-importing-from-china-the-rise-and-fall-of-my-empire/ read this

>> No.741472

I have a bunch of items that can sell well. I ain't got time to chase them all down.

Just make sure if you do something like that you aren't a retard and get something branded.

>> No.741492

>Btw I graduated a bachelor in arts so I know how to sculpt and mold
Make your own. Get creative, used rare materials.
btw, I don't want to be rude but I learnt how to sculpt and mold when I was a kid...

>> No.741618

so I looked for dragon dildos in my country, and it seems like they'd be a novelty. there aren't that many shops that sell them.
interesting stuff.

>> No.741644

Scooters and Scooter parts

My father's boss runs a side business of importing Chink scooters to sell to people in states that don't require licenses to drive them. Hugely popular in NC

>> No.741795

A family friend of mine works for a big manufacturing company and goes to China for business regularly. He tried bringing some scooters home for his son and the amount of red tape was ridiculous. He ended up just giving up and abandoned them. Basically anything with an engine is a pain unless it has documentation. He also went through the legal channels though.

>> No.742318

How about vidya game inspired fashion accessories?

Like geek t-shirt, legend of zelda necklaces and pokemon hats?

>> No.742333

All good options if you can find a niche in them. You could sell some obscure electronic device like a SIM unlock card or replacement parts.

>> No.742580

never sell clothes. they are a pain in the ass.

>> No.742585

Can you elaborate? Do they get returned more often?

>> No.742593

yes, a friend of mine tried to sell clothes but dealing with different sizes and stuff will make you cry.
instead he sold baseball caps and made good money.

>> No.743528

Baseball caps? Like any cap? Blank caps? Specific team's cap? Brand caps?

>> No.743530

Brand caps and youll get sued for copyright infringment

>> No.743538

Was actually gonna start a thread on this.

This past month I inquired Chinese suppliers for Magic the Gathering cards. I found 2 suppliers that are sending me cards. My plan is to re-sell them on craigslist/ebay/trade them in the store. The counterfeits are almost identical, the only way you can tell is to do light tests or rip tests on the cards. All I need to do is sell 1 card to make a hundred dollar profit, one dual land is 100-300 dollars

>> No.743549

Phone cases are a great thing to consider when doing this.

>> No.743561

I was wondering about those copyright infringements

How do they work? Like what's the worst thing that could happens with those?

>> No.743573

>IP piracy
>the thread

go to a farmers market or boardwalk event, see what most people are flocking to, copy the easiest one. fancy/fun looking bonsais are good. buy a decent plant, allow roots to establish, add knick knacks, sell it.

>there's a certain cactus that basically grows tendrils
>my bud and i are planning on making a medusa's head pot and tossing this cactus on top and sell it to 40 year old wives

>> No.743575

Where the hell do you live? last time I checked most dual lands were worth 10 $ more or less. I mean I play MTG and own several of them myself.

But regarding the rest of the post I got to admit I considered the same thing myself when looking around for a cheap way to get a second copy of a 60$ card I found in a booster pack and then realizing a counterfeit one from china would cost only 2-3 bucks. Selling a play set made of 3 fakes ones with a real one on top did pass trough my mind.

>> No.743576

>Underground sea 250
>Volcanic island 230
>Tundra 200

I wish they were 10$ then I wouldnt of gone to get them through counterfeiters

>> No.743580

Honestly if you can't figure out what you can do this with yourself, then you have no place competing in this market and if someone was doing good in a certain niche thing it would be dumb to tell you as well.

>> No.743581

Oh right, those old ass dual lands. Like THE original dual lands with no conditions to use at all.

Seriously dude those are rare as hell and coming to a store with a 20 years old card in mint condition will definitely look fishy.

On the other hand there tons of not so rare 40-50$ cards, maybe those would be safer.

>> No.743584

i suppose if he's gonna try selling fake cards, might as well go full illegal and add a fake grading to his cards too. few people would question a grading with the card in a case

>> No.743588

My plan is to shuffle them a bunch unsleeved to give them that wore out look. Then I'm gonna just sell them one at a time on ebay(have a decent rep) and meet with people on craigslist and sell them 1-2 at a time. Not gonna go to any store, it runs the risk of them realizing im conning them

>> No.743591

What's with the attitude m8?
Are you insecure somebody start competing in YOUR niche or something?

>> No.743593

Sounds like a good plan

I'm just saying it like that but you could also try to trade them for real cards of equal or slightly lower value. That way you could have a bunch of cards to run tests on when a client gets suspicious

>> No.743595

Yeah I was thinking of doing that, will have to wait till I actually get the cards to see how high quality they really are though

>> No.743610

There are already enough people there and still I'm okay but if you can't figure out what shit to sell on the internet, c'mon.

>> No.743627

The point is not that it's hard to figure out what to sell, there are many options, maybe even too many of them actually.

Also not knowing anyone IRL that's interested in discussing this subject or has any experience with it anyway

>> No.743710

OP here, he sold brand caps and team caps.
He didn't get caught and made good dosh.
Kind of jelly actually.

>> No.743721

Good idea.
I thought about selling shiitake mushrooms to restaurants, unfortunately my city isn't big enough.

I played mtg years ago, IMO it'd be better to just sell newer rare/expensive cards even if they aren't as expensive.
You are at a higher risk of getting caught if you were to sell old and rare as fuck cards.
>My plan is to shuffle them a bunch unsleeved to give them that wore out look
I don't think that would be enough

Forgot to say, we are also southamerican, so that might have helped in not getting caught.

>> No.743734

You're a terrible person. At least with counterfeit sports gear people know what they are buying.

>> No.743735

>You're a terrible person. At least with counterfeit sports gear people know what they are buying.
nah, actually with fake sports gear people can get injured.
magic cards? the kid that got them might actually win granted he's not retarded.
seems ok to me.

>> No.743744

Out of ALL the counterfeit things in the world, you choose the ONE type that has the most autistic/spergy people who will obsessively check over the card and know EVERY detail about what genuine cards do.


>> No.743967

I dont even care, fake magic cards are already a problem in the community, I'm just trying to make a profit off it before the entire market crashes

>> No.743970

A lot of the cards the only way you can tell any difference is by doing a light/rip test, which no one does unless its a card shop owner

>> No.743983

what kind of light? uv light? there are a shit ton of methods like water testing

believe me if I thought it wouldn't get me permabanned from ebay I would be getting all in on that

>> No.743995

It's only one basement dweller wet dream. The fakes sucked hard.

>> No.744018

You can get a black light and tell right away which ones are real. There are a lot of methods to tell fake cards from real ones sure, but I'm not sure 15 year old Timmy even knows that counterfeit cards are out there

>> No.744024

So what's your upper bound on price you're willing to sell? I think anyone buying a >$50 card will be testing.

So that leaves $10-30 worth to be on the safe side. Do you have a supplier already? I've looked at my main sources but those are mainly for makeup and clothing and I'm not sure I trust non specialized fakes (they have them but some vendors have feedback is shit, others have some that say it's good... )

>> No.744050

I got 2 suppliers, just waiting to see how good of quality the cards they send are. If I can't tell any significant different on the cards them I'll try selling them 1 at a time on ebay and craigslist, also my friend is selling his entire MTG collection and we are gonna throw some pricey cards into it

>> No.744062

I'm going to try my luck with magic erasers/ sponges at work.

Women love that shit since it works so well,
its dirt cheap as fuck to order from China.

Margins are good too.
A lot of 300 [ 3 x 100pc packages] runs around $9
Sell each pack of 100 for $15-20 each and profit.

>sponges are thinner than brand name ones
>they don't last as long, maybe due to their thinness.
>packages take 2 months or more to arrive from China

The risks are pretty low.. at worst I will be stuck with 1500 sponges which cost me roughly $60 so meh

>> No.744130
File: 270 KB, 1080x1600, highfidelityposter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ITT: Movies that give you nostalgic feels

>> No.744134

>underrated post
Also checkd

>> No.744487

>>packages take 2 months or more to arrive from China
this is what is stopping me from importing stuff.

>> No.744496


Research hot selling ebay products and their prices.

Find similar product that can be produced on alibaba for way cheaper.

Buy & sell



>> No.744864

I have a slightly off topic question for you guys. I've been thinking of trying this out but after some research I found out that it's nearly impossible in my country (Sweden), our version of ebay is dead and there are no other options.
Any other Europeans that sell stuff online successfully? Do you think it would be better to list them on a German site and ship it? Or British ebay?

>> No.744870

I bought bluetooth sport headphones off of Amazon for 6.50 and sold them for 15 dollars at a flea market

>> No.745070
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>> No.745108

>magic erasers

Hey, I was going to do this. Then I found out some assholes on ebay are undercutting everyone with unlabeled bulk ones. Buying from him would have cost me pennies more than buying from china.

The only way to make profit here is to buy the actual Mr Clean clones and sell since people will pay way more for the brand name.

>> No.745169


Bad goy, I must close my thread now


>> No.745241

start a swedish ebay

>> No.745257

afaik, wireless/bluetooth headphones, sell well.

>> No.745296

Any electronics worth noting that are bought regulary by people?

How are chinese Smartphones? To big initial price?

>> No.745329

>Any electronics worth noting that are bought regulary by people?
anything related to phones

>How are chinese Smartphones? To big initial price?
do you mean chinkphones as in xiami, oppo, zte, jiayu, etc? or the knockoffs?

>> No.745357
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Yes, Chinese Smart Phones are really good to sell. You should look into selling DS styluses too

>> No.745360

Buy Chinese fake MTG cards in bulk, sell them on ebay. Make sure to put "no refunds, as is" in the listing and do not list the words "magic the gathering" or "official" either, so if you get caught, its the buyer's fault he didn't know what he was buying. Also make sure they're the ones that're only worth like $10 so the neckbeards aren't bothered to see if they're fake.

>> No.745374

Selling fake MTG : the complete guide

In less than a paragraph, I love it

>> No.745400



You can buy the powders, blend it and repackage it yourself. You just can't be sure of the products if they're legit

>> No.745409

>You can buy the powders, blend it and repackage it yourself. You just can't be sure of the products if they're legit
lel no.

>> No.745870

That moment when you realize that most vitamins are made using that process by people with that state of mind

>> No.745882
File: 123 KB, 1202x533, fd1faaf7f85683241367571e120c47.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The answer to the question is, fake Lego minifigures. Especially the Marvel/DC ones and some of the rare Star Wars ones.

Real fans obsess about the differences between real and fake ones (look at some of the threads on Lego fansites) but some of the fakes are so good that normal people wouldn't be able to spot them if they just want them for their kids to play with.

However, doing this would make you a bad person and you would probably get a horse's head in your bed from the Lego company.

pic related (from a fansite) is a bunch of Chinese knock-off Star Wars/Ninjago mash-up sets.

>> No.745903

Where do you get your Chinese supplies from?

>> No.745990


>> No.746032

Brotip: Absolutely none of that protects you on ebay. You're required by ebay to give refunds if the product is SNAD (Significantly not as described). Which they can just say it is. You have no say in it, they just remove the money.

Selling counterfeits is still illegal and will get your listing taken down and possibly banned.

>> No.746268

I realise vitamins are shit, specially the multi ones, but I don't want to get ravaged by the FDA or someone else because dumbfuck anon died.

>> No.746527


Don't those have rootkits embedded in the hardware? They could easily know how you use their product and all your info on it, be it any company involved.

>> No.746612

There are tons, TONS, of these at my local swapmeets.

>> No.746694

tbh, I'd rather let the chinese have my info that the NSA or google.
welcome to the botnet, lad.

>> No.746928

Chink-made tablets, especially the ones that look like iPad

>> No.746970

SIM unlock cards. They sell like crazy.

>> No.747753

If you live in a shit country (like me), cheap chinese smartphones sell well and there's a lot of demand.

>> No.747765
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awesome thanks

>> No.748194
File: 18 KB, 330x484, 40908916-02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Started fucking around on Ali-baba, I'm starting to form ideas about selling small, cute looking items that wealthy college girls are happy to overpay for. I'm thinking about small items that have a use, like usb sticks shaped like animals, wristbands, stickers, key chains, factory made "crafts", phone cases, and various items with my college's logo on it. (I know I won't have a license to sell items with the universities logo, but I'll be small enough so that they won't notice).

I'm thinking about selling around campus but I don't know how I can set up a spot because I definitely won't be allowed. I could also sell on my college's craigslist group on facebook and outside of college sporting events.

I'm thinking out loud here obviously. I guess I have two questions:

1. How can I sell stuff to my fellow college students in person as close to campus as possible without getting told to stop by my university? I'd like to just set up a folding table with all my crap on it. Maybe just off of campus, I'm not sure what the law is on selling on sidewalks or parking lots and if so, they're actually enforced.

2. Cheapest shipping methods from mainland china for small items that don't take up much space or weigh a lot.

I KNOW there's a market for this stuff, I always see these girls throwing daddy's money around. And I've noticed how much they'll pay for "cute" items when they're with their friends, they all fawn over an owl shaped phone case and then all four friends will drop $10 on one without a second thought. I just need to figure out how to sell stuff in areas near campus with heavy foot traffic without being shut down.

>> No.748298

Use a facebook account to sell.
A friend used to do that. He would offer his stuff through facebook, contact as many people as possible and then deliver the items throughout the week around campus.

If your university tells you to stop tell them you need to earn some cash in order to pay them or make some bullshit up. Lie.

>> No.749065

>1. How can I sell stuff to my fellow college students in person as close to campus as possible without getting told to stop by my university? I'd like to just set up a folding table with all my crap on it. Maybe just off of campus, I'm not sure what the law is on selling on sidewalks or parking lots and if so, they're actually enforced.
Give some samples to people you know and tell them to show them every occasion they have so that when people ask them where they got them they can point them in your direction

>2. Cheapest shipping methods from mainland china for small items that don't take up much space or weigh a lot.
boat but that would take very long and you'd have to order massive quantities

>> No.749121
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I have a friend that tried to get into selling cheap, Chinese shit on eBay, amazon, and other market places.

Getting off the ground was a nonstarter since his competition would constantly report the shit out of his accounts. The established accounts that also sold knockoff junk had too much feedback and or positive puppets to counter.

If it weren't for the cutthroat market, it wouldn't be a bad idea.

>> No.749333

So he was selling fake branded items? Like Northface glove knockoffs?

>> No.749510


I don't even have to fool with the chinks. Go onto auctionzip, find you a wholesale auction. They usually go on during the day, like at 10am-2pm during the week. You can get some good shit sometimes.

Lots of people take that shit and sell at the weekend dirt auctions, but fees for that shit are higher than eBay and most things are non-reserve

>> No.750715

bump for chink shit.
what about drones?

>> No.751091

What are some good counterfeits?
does anyone know of a good supplier?
I need it for science ofc...

>> No.751111

ISIS flags

>> No.751163

I buy countless amounts of cartons of cigarettes from a chinese website and sell them each for a higher price.

>> No.751232

If I had to choose between being in a room with a person who vaped and a person who admitted to using owning a large quantity of dragon dildos I would choose the dildo owner every time.

>> No.751663

this, fuck vaping and vapers. gayest fucking thing on earth

>> No.752783

>tfw waiting for your stuff to arrive
this is suffering, any tips?

>> No.752893

I remember he buys them for $6 and sells them for $15.

>> No.752905

Heres a protip: When purchasing chinese stuff to sell, specially for amazon.. You create your own brand & purchase a UPC code.. Quick example: microfiber towels (big seller on amazon) but you couldnt get into it by selling the same exact product unless you want tiny margins.. Instead you buy bulk microfiber towels all different colors, next, come up with a brand name, and then go to fiverrr and pick 5+ different artists to make you a logo for $5 [you can also go to 99design and buy a $99 logo] buy a upc code (this will let you post your towels independently from others)

now you come up with a package, (this can be outsourced on alibaba as well) package those suckers up, and post.. You can go higher price then others and use words like "premium" "luxury" etc.. Now getting some reviews, have friends/family/pay people to review it, get a good amount then you should start getting organic sales..
BONUS: set up a website for your new company and expand, if it was microfiber towels for cars, now you can sell squeegees, soap, wax, polish under your logo and brand name.) set up a shop on your website and sell there using ads on facebook/google... Send freebies to people with exposure in the industry..i chose microfiber towels because of the markup, you could double your money every sale AFTER your branding/packaging and shippinng would be cheap..

>> No.752910

Oh yeah don't bother with electronics.. Theyre usually junk/scammers.. Wooden sunglasses would have been a huge niche 2-3 years ago.. Too bad i was too busy at the time.. Was going to buy just the frames and then custom stain/paint/lenses myself on a customer by customer basis.. Plus i was going to do special "limited edition" runs of them.. Too late now, schwood and a bunch of other companies have wood sunglasses on lockdown.. Unless you had a killer idea and $$$ to break into the niche i wouldn't bother..

>> No.752912

Why the upc code

>> No.752947

wooden sculptures of huge dildos

>> No.752956

Nearly anything on this site

>> No.753075

I haven't seen wooden sunglasses in my country?
how do I find if people are interested or not?

>> No.753088

How about wearing one of these for a day and watching reactions?

>> No.753128

>How about wearing one of these for a day and watching reactions?

>> No.753734

sports merchandise

>> No.753835

counterfeit or legit?
I guess fakes right?

>> No.754227

don't bother with the chinks, they are massive wankers.

>> No.754398

Not sure if the market is the size you're looking for, but /cgl/ would really appreicate a US based company making it easy to get lolita shoes that don't cost a bajillion dollars and take 2 months to arrive. (Basically, a distributor for a chinese shoe company called "secret shop")

>> No.754418

Sounds like a good lead actually. Carry the most common sized women's shoes. Peggy Hill will still have to wait for hers.

>> No.754440

Usually about a $10k business sinker. The logistics side will just have to be real good then along with a distribution center in the form of your house or warehousing.

>> No.754456

Where do you buy them from ?

>> No.754528

Holy shit, can I import chicks like this to my dick?

>> No.754883

This is relevant to my interests

>> No.755343

If you can't figure out that by yourself just don't bother. We both know you won't be doing anything unless they hand it to you all chewed.

Fucking hell, stop going to /biz/ expecting for people to tell you every single step to make money. You have the idea: import and resell. You know it fucking works for many. Do you think we just sit and ask what fucking color and size should we order our products for people to like it? Do your research and take action. Do you think someone's gonna say 'here anon, just buy this exact item at this amount to this supplier and sell it at this price through this account right here. Here's all the details for your listing and what to do on the way. Oh, and here, some money to buy the supplies. You didn't really think you'd risk any of your own money, did you?'

This takes work, and if you're not willing to even bother researching or taking risks, go back to your basement and stop asking retarded questions.

>> No.756461

fuck you.

>> No.756501

What website would I buy them from and what should I look for? Are the ones that say they're proxies the counterfeits?

>> No.756950

I guess alibaba, look around.

>> No.756952

Fuck off lazy faggot

>> No.756961

Star Wars Figures

O wait this aint the 90's anymore

>> No.758012

>not legos

>> No.758873

secret bump

>> No.759629

>dealing with clothing and shoes

>> No.759631


>> No.759663

craigslist single moms

>> No.759830

Any idea on where to acquire the frames?

>> No.760663


>> No.760673

bump for info

>> No.760745

jesus just go to alibaba

>> No.760793

>. I've been thinking of trying this out but after some research I found out that it's nearly impossible in my country (Sweden),

Nigga, Tradera is full of Chinese stuff, I used to sell stuff all the time.

>> No.761740

any other site bsides alibaba?

>> No.761752

Yes. Use this thing called "google" they have wholesale companies in india online for instance.

>> No.762270

rude tbh

>> No.762318

Muh test

>> No.762462

I feel like the real question is what product is trending currently that you can sell continually with a decent profit margin...

>> No.762534
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buy for one dollar sell for two. easy.

>> No.762793


>> No.762818


You just have to find 'em.

I got a product right now that sells like hot cakes. Thing is, I don't even have to buy this item from china. I get 10 for $50 and then I sell each one individually for $15 on eBay. 10 usually sell out within a week or so. Lightweight so shipping and fees are usually no more than $4.

I also buy gunparts on gunbroker and resell them on eBay. You can get certain parts cheaper on gunbroker and mark them up for a premium on eBay. Lots of people do this so I don't feel bad talking about it, but you need to know about that shit so you don't get burned.

>and 10% of my business is finding eBay BIN's/auctions that are way underpriced, buying them, and reselling them

Bought something for $60 the other week, just sold it for over $150 a few days ago.

>> No.763214

>I got a product right now that sells like hot cakes
what kind of product?
food related?
dragon dildos?

>> No.763931

flipping is always good,
I wasn't really asking the question so much as making the statement about it being what one should focus on looking for.
Thank you for replying to me though, your post was rather informative.

>> No.763986

If there are any brazilfags here (like me), try buying basic gym equipment like dumbbells, water bottles, training gloves and that kind of stuff.

You are almost guaranteed to sell them, and for a good price too, sweetspot for me is at rubber dumbbells, you get them cheaper and for some reason fitfags like them better than the iron ones, aluminium bottles sell great too, people like shiny stuff and they are cheap as fuck.

There is one piece of equipment that gives the best profit though, but you'll have to figure that out for yourselves.

But hey, if any of you are starting out, i suggest dumbbells, weights and bars.

>> No.764911

Is selling makeup a good way to go, or should I be worried about FDA stuff?

>> No.766312

sell beauty products, they sell well.

sell crossfit stuff. good ROI.

>> No.767247

does anyone know of a supplier of dragon dildos?, everyone on alibaba sells the normal stuff.

>> No.767349


I'd like to produce my own line of variants but with more female input.

>> No.767353

>with more female input
lel, don't ask me.

>> No.767361


I have a girlfriend who wants one.

I'd have no prob ok emoody gathering data.

Maybe I should buy a prototype and then reverse engineer it enough not to get sued.

>> No.767365

>Maybe I should buy a prototype and then reverse engineer it enough not to get sued.
I believe this is your best option.

>> No.767369


Do you really think there could be a demand for it if I could cut costs and improve performance?

>> No.767374

you should ask a lawyer.

>> No.767379


No really I make similarly unique shaped solids but they cost 40% cheaper.

That alone would eat into their sales right?

Not trying to steal their brand.

>> No.767407

I really can't say tbh.
I mean it, ask a lawyer.
If you go for it make a thread in here, I might need some dildos...

>> No.767726

>reverse engineer
come on, they're dildos it ain't rocket science

get some clay, shape it into something you think is people will enjoy sticking inside them then cast that shape into a mold and thats it, just mass produce that shit by filling that mold with silicon

>> No.767840

I actually looked into this stuff a while back, here's what I've gathered :

>bad dragon's designs are mostly for anal use, and not for vaginal
>they mess up vags
>bad dragon's quality has been dropping lately (lots of furries are complaining about this)
>there are a few competitors, but none are as well known as bad dragon
>competitors are craftsmen who are making them to order, not mass producing
>primarily on etsy
>silicone is a popular material
>none of them actually vibrate from what I see, they're all manual

>> No.767977

I have been thinking og buying a bulk of these http://xianggangtanke.en.made-in-china.com/productimage/nvTEWHhKvPVm-2f1j00kShEJpOKkBcr/China-High-Quality-Mobile-Phone-Stereo-Earphone.html

Unless im an idiot and reading it wrong those are fully operational earphones for 0.1-0.2$ a pop... That should be easy as hell to pass on? Right?

>> No.768227
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This is /biz/ summed up in one post.

>> No.768335

Not really. They're probably really shitty and cost a dollar with free shipping on ebay .

>> No.769222

mmm interesting, so I actually need someone to manufacture them...

>> No.769241

>they mess up vags

Please elaborate.

>> No.769275

where does he buy them from?

>> No.769428

1 buy cheap little girls panties
2 run through wash
3 pee in spray bottle
4 lightly spritz panties with pee
5 spray with vanilla extract
6 sell to Japanese business men
7 be rich

>> No.769812
File: 16 KB, 467x358, 1344593285567.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I sell American flags in Iraq, alongside bibles, crucifixes and other strongly American memorabilia.

The best thing is, the same customers keep coming back for more because they keep burning them.

>> No.770761

how is this even possible

>> No.770788


>> No.770822

Pretty sure this is illegal, but you have my attention lol. Care to explain?

>> No.770860

What about printer toner and ink cartridges? That stuff has insane mark-ups.

>> No.771629

alright, this is about to get really gross

the rectum doesn't have an actual "end," unlike the vagina.

vaginas typically are 4-6 inches deep, and the cervix blocks off the other end.

there's an opening in the cervix, yes, but it's an exit. it only opens to push stuff out, like eggs, the uterine lining, and babies. don't let your chinese cartoons fool you- nobody actually likes stuff ramming into the cervix at mach 9. that sucks.

the vagina can widen or "loosen" dramatically and go back to it's original size, but that once again is for making and pushing out babies, so everything going in and out needs to be very smooth or it risks tearing the flesh. furthermore, the vagina can only expand slowly- go to fast, and it rips. that's actually why a hymen "pops." it's just a little flap that gets all ripped up when people rush. there are ways to have sex without doing that, fyi.

don't fall for the /r9k/ meme, anon. roasties aren't caused by that, it's unrelated.
bad dragon dildoes tend to have bad textures, like the tentacle one, that catch on the vagina and tear it. other ones have a knot or flare that's to sudden and mess up the vagina when they're pushed it. the designs also are geared more towards the prostate than g-spot, and come in sizes that are simply too big to fit.

since anuses can stretch a lot more with training, and don't have an end (they just lead to the intestines/colon), bad dragon dildoes work in them.

>> No.771760

mmm inteeresting info, how do you know this,.

>> No.771794

Are you a girl?
Are you a qt?

>> No.771800

>there's an opening in the cervix, yes, but it's an exit. it only opens to push stuff out, like eggs, the uterine lining, and babies. don't let your chinese cartoons fool you- nobody actually likes stuff ramming into the cervix at mach 9. that sucks.

I approve this as a gynecologist.

>> No.772132

I wanted to do this but selling them is the problem, you need to have a network usually of regular trusted clients, I simply dont wanna deal face to face and dont know any other way to sell them, people are less likely to spend their bitcoin for imported cigs than actual drugs (tor)

>> No.772141


I agree with this, kids love display phones.

>> No.772142


Basic human biology?

>> No.772143


I find this really stupid. If someone is going to buy a dual land they will check to see if it's fake .

>> No.772216
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eBay doesn't

>> No.772218
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They really...really don't like people selling dummies

>> No.772220
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Then again

>> No.772222


Oh shit

>> No.772224
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I might be wrong...

No worries, took about 10 hours but I got it taken care of. Always call in before listing anything you suspect may get you in trouble ;)

Now I'm stuck with over 1k worth of dummies, but hey..."fair market" right?

"Just report the other sellers"

>> No.772251

>Basic human biology?
>implying you learn all that in a biology class

>> No.772255

they were probably the ones that reported you, fuck them and report them.

>> No.772257

Anyone have any stories about importing cheap sunglasses from China and selling them online?

>> No.772261

It is a fair market, you're selling fake crap that doesn't work and advertising it like it does work. The consumers bought it, it sucked, they all reported you, you're suspended. That's fairness.

>> No.772276

found the competition. ;)

>> No.772280

"Dummy" "non-working" "display" "Toy". Which one of these imply he was advertising it like it does work? I don't see how ebay can block this type of selling. I sell non-working laptops for parts all the time, even shell of laptops for display or prop purposes, how is that different? Also apple, samsung, etc all produce and supply these dummy phones and even charge some stores for them, so how is trademark infringement to sell them?

What reasoning did they give for not allowing this?

>> No.772351
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I'm not even going to waste time responding to him, title/description was the same as my competitor "from_wow". Right below his listing you can see others are selling WITH the Apple logo. Oh but of course eBay is very...very understanding.

They told me it was "not allowed" for it was "a replica".

So basically they said you can't sell a picture of an iPhone.

Haha, I don't know how he doesn't understand what's really going on here.

I mean I know it's a competitor/troll that kept calling eBay till they got an Indian rep who didn't understand what the hell they were looking at to take them down. But I even put a reference # the second time I listed. The references were for the calls I made to the actual "LISTING" dep asking if it was okay to sell, even taking their tip to adding "for kids".

lol it's what it is.

>Pic related
Now this is what I found REALLY amusing...really

Go on eBay and search Rsim 10, or even at that, search Google for Rsim 10 and tell me what type of phones it works for. I swear I actually almost fell out of my seat laughing when my 600+ sold listing was removed and I was debunked to the 3rd page of the search result with a "0" sold for when I reposted the same listing. Now my competitor has 1500+ sold and is in my spot, eh...again, what it is.

>> No.772384

did the phones even sold that well?

>> No.772385
File: 128 KB, 1381x623, Ayy lmao (2).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yea, I even boasted about it on the eBay threads (pic related). Sold over 30 dummies in less than a week. Was going to go into the iWatch dummies. Order was prepared and was ready to pay the next day, then it all happened.

Buyers messaged me asking for more when they saw my listing was removed.
This could've been big...could've.

>> No.772388
File: 140 KB, 978x965, 2ndOrder.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyways, going about the Rsims...
I was the only one selling the Sim cards with 100% feedback. Used it as a marketing advantage to say that my version worked 100%.

Now mind you I get 11-15 negative feedbacks for this item a month. But the way I talk to eBay/the way I describe it makes it impossible for someone to leave a negative feedback and for it to remain.

The only revised feedback I have on my account is for when I sold something I thought I would be getting, turned out the two sellers I bought from didn't have it.
>Pic related
Lesson learned, don't sell what you haven't seen yet.

Since this isn't an eBay thread, I should contribute. To OP, or whoever is looking for something to sell. You should be going into iWatch things before it's too late. lol & this is my post >>745070

>> No.772399
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Mind you this happened twice...I always order twice just to make sure if anything happens I'll have something to lean on.

I took these pics for the buyer that revised their feedback, they weren't taking the bs that their item "went missing" in the mail, like I told the other 27 buyers.

Refunded a total of $500+...it was a mess

>> No.772470

Seems to me the only actual issue is that you labeled them as "iPhone" or what ever, which since it's not an Ishit, it's then counterfeit as it never in it's life was an Iphone. Remove any brand name and logos and you would be good to go. Report the other seller as they are in violation as well. I don't see ebay allowing it just because the other guy does it, rather they will just ban both. Losing the keywords though will definetly kill your positioning, just have to think of more creative ways to market it. Maybe in the description you could say "this product is often used as a display for popular phones like iPhone or Samsung S3 etc."

I have actually been looking into doing this for a bit, now kind of discouraged. Trademark laws are really something stupid in this country.

What are rsims anyway?

>> No.772487
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I mean yes but then again no one would be able to find the item if I didn't put it as iPhone. I was thinking of putting EyePhone the 3rd time, then I realized that wouldn't be very smart.

>What is rsim
They are unlock cards, sell pretty well. Used to sell them on my other account and my feedbacks grew fast, so I moved them to this acc.

Only problem with selling these is that some buyer's are very..very stupid, they don't know what they are buying and expect you to sit there and help them out. I put in my listing I won't be helping anyone, this is mostly why I win every case about this item.

There really is not point selling them now since I came back to selling them, I've taken the price all the way to the lowest possible. I'm only making cents, but it's worth it knowing my competitors aren't selling as much and I'm going back up to the 3 digit in "sold".

My Chinese guy sends them to me and I pay him Western when it's sold (crazy right). I'm paying less than everyone else, so I still profit.
>Guy now wants me to sell his selfie sticks, feels gud knowing I can be trusted by a China.

>> No.772508

Yep that's what I said, it's the proper way but will kill the search function.

Maybe other markets would better for this type of commodity.

I have found about 7/10 buyers to be the definition of retarded on ebay and don't like how quick ebay is to cater to them.

I used to sell business cards on ebay. NO ONE read the instructions, lots of return requests because of that and I was often forced to eat the cost.

It's easy too easy to abuse the ebay seller.

>> No.772534

>>771760 see >>771794

back on topic, I was thinking of selling cosmetics, but I'm worried about FDA/consumer agencies poking into my business. would sticking to tools and applicators be better?

>> No.772873

I guess.

>> No.773218

It'd be decent to start selling those beauty blender sponges under my own UPC, but I was hoping to get eyeshadows/falsies sold.

>> No.773856

honestly, reading this thread, fake mtg cards seem like the best idea.

>> No.773890

holy shit you got banned for a year ??? so how do you verify you other accounts after 200 sales ?
100% your competitor fucked with you , the amount of new accounts buying my shit and not paying with the intentions of keeping my item from selling .
so you guys sends you the item first then you pay ? how long did it take for you to get that trust ? baba or press ??
word of advice careful with the selfie stick that shit is trademarked , do a search about being able to sell it

>> No.774117

I'm thinking about selling iphone cases on eBay.
Some of the transparent ones go for 50cent a piece on alibaba so even if I sell them for 2$ on eBay, I'll still make a profit.
So is this a good idea or is the market oversaturated with phone cases anyway? How hard is it to start on a fresh account without any ratings?

Another idea of mine is buying more premium cases such as golden or aluminium ones for 5$ on alibaba and selling them for 10+$, marketing them as premium and high quality and shit. I mean apple consumers love expensive shit...

>> No.774128
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Selling things like that isn't good unless

You're already selling 2k+ other items/power seller (so your item will be seen in the first few search results)

Your shipping is already reduced with Commercial Price + with USPS

You plan on shipping without tracking (bad) "I didn't get it, can you send another?" -Buyer + You'd never be Top Rated because your seller performance needs tracking on every item, every case about the item would be won in the buyer's favor.

You are selling a new version of iPhone/Android/Etc cases (like when the i6 came out, there were only 10-30 case sellers).

This isn't an eBay thread so I don't really want to go into it

Just look at pic related and tell me how you would profit after eBay Fees (10%)/Paypal Fees(2.9%+ .30c)/Tax/Shipping

Most sellers just sell the cases to build feedback/sales numbers. No one really profits, but of course the Chinese are selling for $1 because their country's shipping is free.

>> No.774138
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Yup, but it was removed after I called in explaining what eBay should already know. Also I don't need to "verify" my accounts, lol It's not like I'm selling Bitcoins (Link).

>Pic related
My guy started trusting me after 2-3 purchases ($1500+), after that I just randomly asked "Hey, lol why don't you just continue sending to me and I'll pay Western when it sells?" Sent him a link of an urban news report some news channel did of me back in high school sophomore year three years ago, where I talked about how I wanted to be "an entrepreneur" or some shit. lol I didn't think it would work, but after that he's been sending over and over.

Only annoying thing now is Western Union, he's the only guy I send money to, yet they keep messing up his name after I say it 10 times over the phone. Almost lost him once when he went to the bank to collect and saw his name was wrong (he has two first names and one last, Western kept/keeps putting a middle name).


>> No.774173

isnt it cheaper to just use a visa , western has fees? paypal needs verification after 200 sales or $20k how come you dont need , you maintain below it multiple stealths?
holy smokes 70k in preorders wtf kind of connection does someone have to be able to ship out such a popular product

>> No.774327

Bump for interest

>> No.774348
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Visa is basically just buying from his store directly, wouldn't benefit him in anyway so we use WU. The site his store is on charges like 10% in fees, so he's avoiding it doing it this way. I don't mind the fees, it's taken care of in the sales.

Had my Paypal for over 6 years, don't think they started this till recent, so I've never had to go through it. and yea the Bitcoins guy went through alot, haha.

>> No.774855

>being a nigger.

>> No.774927

I will never use WU again. Unless you know the person on the other end is 100% legit, don't use it. You've been warned. Yes I was scammed, learnt the hard way.

>> No.775599


>western union

>> No.775637


you're my favorite guy on this site. I'd like to get into this stuff because I feel like I have the intuition to know what will sell but I lack the technical knowledge on how exactly to go about trade on sites like alibaba and shit.

Do you have any resources that I can take a look at so I don't end up $5000 in the hole with 20,000 pink slippers in my closet

>> No.775690
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Not sure if legit

780 ti gfx card from aliexpress

>> No.775735
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Haha, thanks bro.

I myself have a long list of "To Buy", but lack the sheckles to make it possible. So you're ahead of me...in a sense.lol

There really isn't any forum I know of that will tell you details on how to get started, I still tell myself I'll make a video but keep pushing it because of the new info I find everyday.

I'm just building credit now so I can get a loan in a few months like my bro did with his secured card.

>Tfw Tried listening to M. Cuban on not using a loan to start a business, but for eBay, it's honestly the only way.

>> No.775740
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>Buying Anything Memory direct from China

>> No.776834


>> No.777243

Teach me

>> No.777249

video when

I'm not a /biz/ native, but I can say you're the best tripfriend I've seen.

>> No.777333

So, why can't you just reinvest the profit you get from selling the stuff back into getting even more stuff to increase your inventory? Like, start small, then slowly increase the amount you sell over time so you eventually end up with decent profits.

I would like to try this, and that's what I was thinking of doing, but I don't want to have to take out a loan for it. Plus, I think that's how the guy in this >>741469 article did it.

>> No.777490

This is awesome advice. You got an email that I could reach out to? I'd love some starting advice/pointers brotha.

>> No.777520
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Been reinvesting, it's just that I have living expenses as well. Taking a loan out for something you don't know (say a new product you made) doesn't make sense, but taking out a loan for something you know sells and is already made but just needs to be mailed to you is something else.

My list goes on and on, yet I can only pick out the small things...it will take some time. This is why a loan would help me skip all that time.

I only started all of this with like $150 I won from a school competition.

I'm not an eBay guru, lol there's many others that know more than I do.

>But Pro Tip: If you have a store, you don't need to set up "Shipping Discounts" (confusing/impossible) when you can just run a "Shipping Promotion".

I just found this out yesterday after trying to find out why I couldn't let my buyers combine ship. Now when they buy more than one on a paid ship item it gives them the normal shipping price of x1 item.

Ayy lmao, I don't know when for video, looking to make one mainly on promotions since most people still don't understand it. Then move on to "what to buy"...etc.

>> No.778075

ofc, there is.
they are meme sex toys but there's demand for them.

>> No.778277

>but for eBay, it's honestly the only way.

Or you know, get a real job and use your paycheck. Come on Onoh, you can do better!

>> No.778596
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>Post didn't say (you) for some reason

Anyways, lol nah I'm fine, this is much easier/entertaining/better for the long run.
Thinking moving might make this easier, maybe somewhere in FL...idk

>> No.778642
File: 1.06 MB, 250x199, activate .gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Oh shit..you know this isn't actually a bad idea now I think of it.

1. Wouldn't have to be bothered by mother
2. Hang out at mall
3. Get the $$$ in less than ($150x4x3) 3 months

>Then again it's kinda late for a summer job, and I might end up at the back of some retail store again folding clothes while being persecuted for a missing iPhone bar code scanner that was RIGHT THERE BETWEEN THE FUCKING 34x36 JEANS (I'm talking to you Dillon) Yea..nevermind

It amazes me how these kiosks that sell Chinese phone cases make are still able to pay the month 5k rent at the mall.

>> No.779013
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>while being persecuted for a missing iPhone bar code scanner that was RIGHT THERE BETWEEN THE FUCKING 34x36 JEANS (I'm talking to you Dillon)

>> No.779042

Two words
Football phone

>> No.779050

Fuck cases and just remake that film they dip them in to waterproof them.
Think about it, you could use almost anything.

>> No.779063
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guy made me come to work just to look for it, giving me the "oh we believe you" voice.


lol what

>> No.779085
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whats up 99 problems but a feedback aint one

>> No.779086
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>> No.779099
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we made the homepage !

>> No.779102
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We have fulfilled our duties as men

>> No.779116

Hey /biz/,
Tomarrow we will expload by USA and Korea.
Have Fun !

>> No.779361
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Is this legal

>> No.779946

what do you mean?

>> No.780389

The Chinese guys are selling all their shit themselves on ebay now at basically the same prices so I got out of this game last year. There's still some moves you can make with instruments but it hasn't been worth the effort for me.

>> No.780425
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Exactly, think you've also heard that eBay started featuring their items in front of every search result while everyone is set to "Best Offer".

How can the Best Offer be the guy that mails to you a whole month later and doesn't even understand 1/2 your language?

Amazon hasn't failed us yet, Amazon really is the only place to be right now, it has everything you need..everything.

>Mfw I just found out Amazon tried buying USPS to save it from losing 1B a year, but the Govt. denied the 70B+ pay because they didn't want a private company owning USPS (seeing Amazon would profit so much/being able to deliver your packages sooner/get rid of the slobs at the post office by offering giant drop off boxes/delivering your latte with your mail).

>> No.780455

Any advice for switching over?

Can you even sell old stuff on there?

>> No.780471 [DELETED] 
File: 86 KB, 1152x917, Valet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I don't know much on Amazon bro, lol imo I think it's for new/used, not vintage (if I'm getting you correctly). But if you do have alot of stuff, you can just send it all to them to sell for you. eBay tried copying with their shitty wannabe FBA "Valet" thing that still fails till today (pic related).

All I know is that if you mention your "eBay Store" on a site talking about something you sell, most people will turn away knowing how horrible eBay is setup for both buyers/mostly sellers.

But when you say Amazon, everyone knows it's simply click/buy/ship and even CANCEL WHEN THE SELLER HASN'T SHIPPED YET (or return the item and not have to hurt the seller's account doing so, making the seller more happy to accept any return).

>> No.780502
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No advice, I don't sell on there

Think you can sell old things, don't know how well vintage sells on there.

>You know something is wrong with a commerce site when these are your options when trying to contact a seller

It's like "hey scammer, welcome to the scam hub, how may we help you scam the seller today?"

>> No.780546


I haven't used Amazon to sell in years because it's too easy to get buried in the "other sellers" section. The vast majority of people look at the price on the item page and either buy or don't instead of viewing the other offers. The default offer is typically sold by amazon itself and they are tough to beat on price and shipping., and generally have their shit together. On top of that, Amazon operates at a loss and doesn't give a fuck. It's probably better for someone selling their own unique product to use them as a storefront than for me to make a few dollars here and there on some dumb chinese shit everyone sells.

Ebay is an absolute shitshow getting by on name recognition. I build and modify guitars and I have considered quitting because of the sheer amount of human scum trying to scam sellers. It's hilarious how much "protection" the buyers are offered where sellers get basically none. It's like the principal's office in elementary school, he said-she said bullshit. Buyers are constantly taken at their word with no proof that item was not as described or damaged or whatever bullshit they want to claim to get their money back and keep the item so they can sell it themselves. I had a guy try to claim that the vintage guitar he bought from me was damaged (he never could explain what was wrong with it) because it wasn't "packaged correctly". I gave him multiple opportunities to send me a photo or contact UPS and he did absolutely nothing but complain. "I'm taking it to my guitar guy, hopefully it will not cost much to fix." He implied he would be in contact with me to demand some sort of refund and as soon as the money cleared in Paypal I closed the ebay and paypal accounts.

>> No.780646
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>as soon as the money cleared in Paypal I closed the ebay and paypal accounts.

>> No.780651
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I mean is buying shit from this allah website and reselling it on ebay legal? From what I've read it's only illegal if you sell brands but isn't anything worth selling branded? Forgive me I am newfag

>> No.780658
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have you ever shopped online?

>> No.780699

Who do you sell to if not card shop owners?

>> No.780715

Can you provide a link to this or anything similar? Can anyone? This is the idea that seems most promising

>> No.780978
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I'm a 19 year old trying to be a millionaire in 10 years and searching for options that wont fuck me over. I don't know shit all I have are questions

>> No.781000

look into the pink sheets aka penny stocks. a lot of good marijuana stocks could make you a millionaire in a few years. Ask your parents and friends for money first.

>> No.781392

I'm in my comp sci class on a different computer, any good sources you recommend to use to learn about penny stocks/pink sheets? Again I'm staying away from illegal, got into trouble with the law once i ain't fuckin wit dat.

>> No.781437
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Anyone start doing this recently and have any luck?

What type of product are you selling and how's the demand for it?

>> No.781448
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I'm into custom mousepads in a few months

Started last year with Rsims

Right now I'm selling iWatch accessories (MM mMMM Good). Don't really care if anyone steals my products, lol I'll just lower my prices till we both don't make any money.

>> No.781456

Taking custom 3D printed dildo orders. Max size 7.5 inches. $20 flat rate.

>> No.781469

I work for a guy who's teaching me how to amazon. we sell maybe 15 Horse Dildos for 77 bucks or so a month and buy them for a third of that. We also sell Whale dicks. we also sell about 1,000 cocksling, splitslings, and and various other gross sex type stuff (I'm talking water sports here boys) a month, and we buy from in the states, from people buying from china probably. So yes, there is.

>> No.781484


Yeah, I think a lot of people worry about potential competition or stealing their business ideas here.

Accessories? Like cases or screen protectors?

>> No.781490
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No not cases, just...ohh I see what you did there

>> No.781500


Whit, what did I do?

If you don't want to go into specifics, that's fine; I was just curious since I haven't looked into the iWatch stuff.

>> No.781502


Actually there are "cases":


>> No.781590


>but isn't anything worth selling branded?

Depends on the product. If you're selling something where brand matters to the extent that an unbranded item won't get purchased, china won't be much help unless you're counterfeiting the brand. I doubt, though I may be wrong, that trying to sell an unbranded iPhone ripoff/alternative would be worth it. Electronics is very brand/model driven. BUT there is a huge market of phone accessories of varying quality that people will gladly buy without a second though. Convenience stores realized this and put chinese-made smartphone cables and chargers at cash registers.

With things like instruments which is where I specialize, many many people are looking for usefulness instead of collectible value. So i have made many custom/modified gibson/fender models that are based on the branded ones, Only much more worth the money because i have improved/altered the standard models. In many cases there are no actual original parts, It's the shape that decides what type of guitar it's considered. Very few people are doing custom high quality mid-priced guitars which is why I got into it as a business. I can make a Telecaster look and sound pretty much however I want, and for musicians that's the most important thing. The high-end market is for collectors, period. It's all about resale value. Unless I make something truly unique it will probably not resale for a profit without further modifications/improvements, so I don't make or market anything towards collectors.

>> No.781604


I know this is already tldr but I forgot to mention that LOTS of people try the "buy counterfeit guitar from china and sell as legit on ebay" model and it's just impractical for legal reasons and because the profit margin is only there if you are counterfeiting it, and like I mentioned before, the guitar factories are simply bypassing the middlemen and selling on legit marketplaces themselves. So basically the "chinese guys doing all the work for you" model isn't really a viable option unless you are the manufacturer and seller. I honestly can't think of anything the chinese manufacturers are making that they aren't also selling for cheaper than you ever could online.

>> No.781640

>tfw never think of a niche
i've never sold on ebay. i did once make a decent amount selling 1-inch pieces of foam inside a condom. put ads in porn mags and papers selling them as "instant penis extensions with no need for medications", sold for 35 a piece and cost me fuck all. no complaints.
i did try something like this again, this time selling a male sex aid, most realistic fake cunt ever etc. 20 for a sponge with a hole cut through it and a condom stuffed in the hole. no complaints.
tempted to try other stupid things i've heard like advertising 100 cigarette lighters and mailing a box of matches, but those people bitch and whine, whereas virgin micrococked cuck-wannabes don't dare speak up.

>> No.781845
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so unbranded items are legal to sell then, while branded items are illegal?

Meanwhile, you need a means of actually storing all of the shit you're selling and you need to hand package it and ship it out as well?

>> No.782146

>i did once make a decent amount selling 1-inch pieces of foam inside a condom. put ads in porn mags and papers selling them as "instant penis extensions with no need for medications", sold for 35 a piece and cost me fuck all. no complaints.

>> No.783162


It's not about branded vs unbranded as much as it's about counterfeit vs legitimate. You can sell branded items all day as long as they aren't fake. The problem you run into is that the name brand stuff will typically be unavailable or more expensive on Alibaba than just buying it domestically, and the Chinese guys will be selling it here too, so obviously you should buy the unbranded ones and sell them here for a lower price than the branded version, right? Nope, because the Chinese guys are already doing that too, usually at a price that wouldn't be profitable for you.

And yes, storage/shipping is a pain in the ass if you are selling a ton of little shitty items which is the main reason I don't fuck with any of that nowadays.

>> No.783194


Think there's a market for these?

>> No.783201

sure. enjoy your competition though