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7718780 No.7718780 [Reply] [Original]

How do I explain to my boomer father that crypto's have value?

>> No.7718790


Why would you bother..?

>> No.7718802

try to create one out of thin air
you cant

>> No.7718831


Don't bother unless you know what your doing and planning on making money on trades you do for him or something.

>> No.7718839

Why would you lie to him?

>finiteness gives value

>> No.7718853

>fniteness doesnt give value

>> No.7718876

Humans use seashells for currency because they need currency, not because they especially like seashells.

Cryptocurrency is functionally and technically superior to $USD in many ways.

>> No.7718879

I'm currently investing his money and making a significant percentage of the profits. Initial investment was a couple k's. He's happy as I'm making us both money trading. I truly believe that crypto isn't just a fad.

>> No.7718899

>crypto gets worldwide use
>fiat BTFO
>internet goes down cause solar flare
>no more money
>world plunges into chaos

>> No.7718940

He won't believe you until you cash out and have your money in your bank account or in your hands.

>> No.7718951

Sounds like your on-top of things. He'll come around as profits continue to flow in. Very little in this world has any value other then what we the consumer or the market or the regulators decide its worth.

>> No.7718958

I know, I didn't mean it's not useful as currency, but its value is the belief of others in the currency.

I just pooped and signed my turd with a pen, it's the only one of its kind and there will never be another. Does that give the turd value?>>7718876

>> No.7718971

cryptocurrency is a fad. theres still no reason to use blockchain everything is too expensive to run by any company.

>they use it eventually
when we have unlimited renewable energy

make money then get out were 3-4 generations early for blockchain to be viable

>> No.7718972

they don't

that's why you can't explain it

but there's still money to be made in them

>> No.7718987


I've made him fiat, he still thinks that this is all internet meme money and still wonders why all this shit has any sort of value.

>> No.7718998

ask him if he has an idea of what the current cost of driving an economy is. This means having the whole infrastructure you need(bank buildings/ATM's/creating paper money&coins/transporting assets etc). now just think you could cut the cost of that by 10-90%. why such high prozentage numbers? because NOBODY knows the cost at the moment! with bitcoin you can say its a giant energy bill but with the current economic system you cant even make a proper estimate. but even then its an accountable and cheaper solution to a problem so it will in the end replace what is currently going on.

>> No.7719021

makes sense but we lived in a world, not too long ago, where everyone doubted the need for a personal computer or a even a fuckin' cell phone.

>> No.7719048

My father still doesn't comprehend tech stocks. If you figure it out then fucking tell me man.

>> No.7719060


If you physically generated poops that were unfalsifiable and truly verifiable, ie anyone anywhere in the world could recognise that poop immediately, and if your signature was unforgeable even with billions of dollars of computer and laser tech, then yes it’d be a very valuable poop.

Because the US gov spends billions trying to create money that isn’t forgeable. Do you understand that the amount of money that could be made from replicating bitcoin is colossal and yet no one can do it. Anything completely unforgeable has value.

>> No.7719099

normies are braindead and mentally incapable of understanding the potential of crypto unless the MSM tells them so
I've told people at work about god-tier coins and they don't understand anything. Even the retards who managed to buy bitcoin don't do any research and just hold bitcoin/bcash/litecoin.

>> No.7719150

>not too long ago, where everyone doubted the need for a personal computer or a even a fuckin' cell phone.
yup and before that pagers were all the rage remember how long that lasted, and before that typewriters

>> No.7719171

>US gov spends billions trying to create money that isn’t forgeable.
anon we all know this isnt true

>> No.7719184

shill this thread on your god tier coins, my sleeper is currently GIFTO.

>> No.7719208

If internet goes down, we're all dead anyway

>> No.7719240

I mean the major coins that are shilled here daily (link, req, etc)
No gems or anything but I'm sparing some ETH for some upcoming ICOs

>> No.7719245

>countries spend billions
There I've fixed it so your meme reply is now worthless.

>> No.7719288

No I don't think my poops would ever be worth something. My poop has my DNA which is unforgeable too, how does that give it any value?

I mean, something *needs* to be finite or scarce, as you say, to have value -- but that's not all there is to it.

>> No.7719290

Someone would probably buy it if they wanted to make jenkem; therefore giving it value.

>> No.7719292

>Do you understand that the amount of money that could be made from replicating bitcoin is colossal and yet no one can do it. Anything completely unforgeable has value.
this is a math problem very few math problems arent solvable sha-256 will be broken eventually

>amount of money that could be made from replicating bitcoin
this is debatable you need to sell a bitcoin in an exchange or someone willing to buy it, remember the ethereum flash crash because someone wanted to cash out. youd need connections to even get the money

>> No.7719303
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>hanging with my normie friends in my fraternity's chapter house
>h-hey anon we heard you're into cryptocurrencies right? We bought Stellar and Ripple man! We heard they're going to make us a lot of money

Normies are catching on too bra.

>> No.7719366
File: 73 KB, 960x960, 22008004_1410252949092249_3447823486921281394_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BTC is the first digital good in the history of humanity that cannot be replicated, counterfeited or faked, thus it is actually scarce and inherently valuable.

think about, microsoft, EA games, McAffe, and none of them figured out a way to make their digital goods irreplicable without authorization
until the blockchain technology came...

>> No.7719864

>think about, microsoft, EA games, McAffe, and none of them figured out a way to make their digital goods irreplicable without authorization
>until the blockchain technology came...
yeah not the same problem buddy

>> No.7719933

Air has more value than shitcoin...

>> No.7719983

A solar flare would rape fiat too. You dont actually think the numbers on the screen have 1:1 backing with printed cash do you?

>> No.7720019

crypto is more resistant than fiat

>> No.7720106
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>he doesn't know economics 101
Jesus, you flunked High School or something kid?

>> No.7720188

If you cant explain what your investing in you will get justd

>> No.7720255

Can you follow the thread and explain how my one-of-a-kind signed turd has value?

>> No.7720285
File: 102 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Darling in the FranXX - 02 [720p].mkv_snapshot_04.00_[2018.01.21_12.59.30].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What kind of dumbass logic is that?
Everybody can take a shit and you can't sign a turd, are you stupid or just pretending?

>> No.7720340

Oh but this one is signed, and that makes it unique. A collector's item even. I thought finiteness alone gave it value?

>> No.7720379
File: 103 KB, 1280x720, [Chyuu] Fate⁄EXTRA Last Encore - 02v0 [720p][A8BB3EA6].mkv_snapshot_04.33_[2018.02.09_14.03.29].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wouldn't buy a turd signed by an elementary school dropout to be honest. Who has no idea how economics work. I could shit a big one myself and it would have more value.

>> No.7720402

>it's the only one of its kind and there will never be another. Does that give the turd value?
Maybe. Does your opinion being so commonly by millions of brainlets make it worthless? Or is it worthless regardless of supply?

>> No.7720405

Nice ad hominem. Thanks.

>> No.7720431
File: 75 KB, 1280x720, [Chyuu] Fate⁄EXTRA Last Encore - 03 [720p][81DA8FD6].mkv_snapshot_00.35_[2018.02.16_19.26.28].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nice ad hominem
Well, being the brainlet that you are, I've lost the will to be seriously discuss economics with you.

>> No.7720459

Humour me.

>> No.7720549
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>cryptographically secure
You can't use smaller words.

>> No.7720595

are you my brother OP? It's like boomers REEEE when they are wrong about something.

>> No.7720643

>DNA is unforgeable
U fucking wot.
>molecule that does literally nothing but replicate itself as much and as exactly as possible can't be copied

>> No.7720656

They don't.

You should listen to your father, you dumb sperm.

>> No.7720681
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Tell him that if he doesn't believe in crypto, you're going to remove his life support.

>> No.7720742

Dude, GE is close to getting fusion. Even if it takes a generation, you still have other technologies that could take blockchain to a whole new level.

>> No.7720756

You can argue that crypto has no innate value but neither does fiat. What gives fiat value? Use case and the value users place on it. What gives crypto value? Same damn thing.
Also, people don't want to hold dollars anymore. They're overprinted, overvalued and basically worthless in a 0% inflation economy. Turns out people don't like holding worthless paper that a bank can devalue at will. BTC is the reserve currency of the crypto world and that's what the shorters and wojacks are painfully figuring out this weekend. It was first. It will always have value. It will always be on top. It will always be king.

>> No.7720762

you can't. I can't explain this shit. I paid my bills with etheremon gains this month. It's absurd.

>> No.7721446

Tell him to earn some crypto himself so he can learn the true value of a bitcorn

>> No.7721682

explain to him that not all cryptos are trying to replace fiat. I only invest in utility tokens aimed at streamlining back-end processes for companies. Many of these have economic models that make each token similar to a stock in that it can be valued through a DCF because of 'dividend' payments (there are very few that can be properly modelled right now because the space is so uncertain, and things like tx vol & market share are just guestimates at this point). I see investing in these kinds of tokens more similar to investing in tech startupts as a VC rather than investing in currencies (nano, ltc etc) or cyber 'gold' (btc).

>> No.7721786


>> No.7722321

Wait until you have more money than him then laugh in his face

It's the only way he will ever understand

>> No.7722475

yes anon, buy PRL. oysters are the most beautiful currency

>> No.7722490

theres bitcoin nodes on satellites dumbfuck

>> No.7722934

Have him explain to you why fiat has value.

>> No.7722964
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spam him with andreas videos


>> No.7723144
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>Fuck you mom and dad. See how it feels when you're making their fucking Lexus payments.