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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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7717063 No.7717063 [Reply] [Original]

Why do fucking chinks dump crypto every night? Do their hands have some sort of genetic deformities? How do they even have any crypto left if all they do is dump?

>> No.7717421

wondering the same

>> No.7717909

You are wondering because you are a poorfag.

We dump our coins at what we believe to be the high, so for example yesterday at 10.2k. Then we buy back in when we see it has dropped a significant amount thanks to our dumping, eg yesterday at 9.7k.

We increase our stack and wait for you stupid Americans to buy more thinking you are 「buying the dip」, and then you pump it back up for us so we can rinse and repeat.

All the while you Amerifats just HODL and your portfolio fluctuates while ours increases each day.

Too easy.

>> No.7718170

>what is earth's rotation
Fucking idiot

>> No.7718258
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>> No.7718490

Crypto dumps at night because margin traders get liquidated when they go to sleep and the coins they're holding as collateral get sold to pay back the ((liquidity providers)).

>> No.7718917
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Keep in mind money is still new to the chinks, 20 years ago (before we decided to let them make our junk) they were still wiping their asses with leaves