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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 613 KB, 604x476, copybee.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7714225 No.7714225[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

when was the last time you made a thread that got over 300 posts? me never

pic not related.

>> No.7714257
File: 201 KB, 1000x1000, 1513535457777.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well this one won't either. KEK

>> No.7714276

I would step on the puppy for five dollars if there was no litigation

>> No.7714288

i made one on r9k about accepting being a kissless virgin forever

>> No.7714289

People would not step on the puppy because they know they will not get money anyway.

If there was a smart contract hooked to the heartbeat of the puppy, and if it dies you get the money, then people would much less hesitantly squash it

>thanks Satoshi

>> No.7714311

U want a cookie now u tripfag.

>> No.7714363

would buy 100k

>> No.7714369

I'll be honest i'd do it for 1000$ if there are no legal consequences

>> No.7714396


Strangely I initially said yes but realised I wouldn't do it. Killing a harmless puppy would psychologically damage me I believe thus it's not worth any amount of money.

>> No.7714427


Unless it was a bulldog, if it was a bulldog I'd smash it's head in for free. That breed should be wiped out.

>> No.7714434

fuck, there's a good movie script somewhere in there

>> No.7714444

never use an image more interesting than your post
unless that was your plan all along

>> No.7714467


>implying you can't help more lives than one with 18 billion dollars.


>> No.7714468

I make height and penis size bait threads on /fit/ all the time that routinely get over 200 replies.

Like catching fish in a barrel with grenades

>> No.7714517

Ill smash the bastard in 1 second then ill use 1 billion to make shelters around and clean my conscience if you say no you are a 100% certified DOC retard and im a dog owner

>> No.7714530
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but necessary evil

>> No.7714541

every time i post something pol related in /v/ it gets 300+ replies in no time but usually gets deleted

>> No.7714589

i'll step on that puppy for free

>> No.7714602

Only when I post some real baity shit. Gl faggot

>> No.7714624

Doesn't specify I have to harm the puppy. Pet it with the bottom of my foot. Pay up.

>> No.7714629
File: 266 KB, 499x281, oh yes.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is why we need LINK to solve the oracle problem

>> No.7714659

I dunno, after I make a tread I hide it

>> No.7714771

i wont step on the puppy no matter what. this must be a test from God.

>> No.7714813
File: 43 KB, 400x400, smug-pepe2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>step on the puppy

No fine print, I'd step on its tail. All the fucking money and none of the fucking guilt.

>> No.7714823

i would step on the puppy but only if using every single cent of that money to better the lives of other puppies. god would understand

>> No.7714825

I like the cut of your jib.

Personally, >>7714396 this too, but you could use some of the money to help strays and shelters, maybe make a big ad campaign for rehoming animals and also set up a fund to pay for free neutering of dogs to create less strays. You could also make another media campaign that tells everyone there are only two kinds of people who get pitbulls: criminals and idiots.

Pair that with the fact you could easily smash the puppy's tiny head in one swift stomp and it wouldn't feel much of anything, and you're faced with a moral dilemma as you could clearly reduce animals' suffering with the money. I smashed a baby bird's head with a rock once, it was a totally not cool experience. There were 3 naked fresh hatched baby birds on the sidewalk, one was dead already and ants were streaming in and out of its mouth. The ants hadn't found the other two yet, so I had a choice to make. I smooshed the one and it was terrible, so I just put the other one on a windowsill to die of exposure. Better than death by ants.

>> No.7714856
File: 1.24 MB, 1240x1754, 1011.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'd do it for $50 if there were no repercussions and nobody knew to nag me about it.

i'd smash puppers until i made it, senpai

>> No.7714890
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>> No.7714914

I've made 15 race bait threads on /pol/ and everytime they got well over 300 post. Never fails.
t. polack

>> No.7714938
File: 49 KB, 546x548, nigspecies.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it works here, too. the amount of newfag reddits that want to argue that niggers are human is never ending

>> No.7715120

It makes sense to do it really, you could spend 17.9 billion saving every fucking dog in the world and still be rich as fuck.

That being said, I don't know if I could actually go through with it. I think I could, but I don't know...

>> No.7715138
File: 41 KB, 540x540, 1517366251978.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if ever you go to Africa there's niggers there that are literally dumb as rocks trust me

>> No.7715166

I'd vivisect a puppy for no remuneration.

>> No.7715206

I would step on it and smash it to a pulp for that money.

>> No.7715285

Made a thread on /fit/ about eggs being overrated.

>> No.7715328

idk probably a couple months ago when i made a blacked bait thread on pol

>> No.7715342

I'd step on the tail if possible, if not then yeah, I'd curbstomop it as hard as possible to hopefully make it quick. But I'd do all kinds of shit for that money.

As for have I made threads with over 300? Yes. Shit loads of them, a lot of the I'll end up making some of the general/game threads on /sp/, I've gotten a couple on /b/ with the taxmaster or ultragiganigga, /pol/ is pretty easy to do as well. Also occasionally on /d/ and /aco/ because I'm a fat degenerate that likes dicks on his 2d girls so long as they also have a pussy.

>> No.7715439
File: 1.56 MB, 2936x2066, 1517778264694.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just went there for the FIRST time ever
They've got a fucking thread with cartoons farting.
/gas general/ or some shit
What a bunch of fucking total loser

>> No.7715440

Jesus Christ where do these new Sminem's keep coming from? Is he literally Deux Ex Machina?

>> No.7715479

Yeah, and I'd kill anyone else you offer that deal to, so I can step on their puppy for them and take the money.

>> No.7715487
File: 98 KB, 932x856, 1518283915295.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Don't post art that isn't of decent quality.
>Keep up the variety.


>> No.7715509

Only a couple of threads I stick to, that's not one of them.

>> No.7715553

I essentially would like a monopoly on this whole puppy stepping industry. It seems quite profitable.

>> No.7715559

>he hasnt authored multiple highly successful threads

Not all your threads are gonna max out but you get a feel for what gets responses the more you post.

>> No.7715575

Yeah right whatever you sick fuck AAHHAHA AHAHAH I bet u draw them too. Draw us all a wojak farting or a sminem brap.

>> No.7715586

i got 600 in a thread over at /g/ but those soyboys are pretty easy to rustle

>> No.7715604

I bet you get off to real disgusting shit. Like hand holding. Or naked women... Smiling.

>> No.7715649
File: 181 KB, 1280x720, dandy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lord almighty, her goodies are divine

>> No.7715650
File: 494 KB, 750x737, 1518400079171.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ASMR marshmallow eating

>> No.7715721

>Stepping on a dog magically creates wealth to help more lives

You really don't know how economies work do you?

>> No.7715806


>> No.7716063

almost every day

many day in row

>> No.7716198

:P :P don't knock it till u tried it :P :P

>> No.7716313


I tried to make pro-manlet threads back in 2013 and the mods deleted them every time. There would be like 5+ manlet shaming threads and I would post pics and examples of successful manlets. From Vegeta, to Messi, to Hitler and Stalin. They were quite successful, but short lived.

>> No.7716333

i would step on the puppy and smear it into pulp for 20 bucks

>> No.7716372
File: 7 KB, 205x245, squirtle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When I posted this on /b/ about 5 years ago.

>> No.7716409

>weird barrel-shaped body
>waist is wider than hips/ass
>no ass
>uneven tits
>even slathered in make up can't hide her monkey maw
Yeah, not thanks.

>> No.7716424

you almost cut me there with those trips

>> No.7716445

Is asked such a question while no intent of running with the scenario found, then one should make the most convincing display of doing the morally correct thing. you gain from that and sincerity is not needed.

If the situation occurs for real, the I'd squash the pupper because I indirectly do much horrible shit to farm animals.

>> No.7716454

I'd stomp that puppy into paste and all in link

>> No.7716466

bulldogs are peaceful as you dolt
they were bred as family dogs

>> No.7716510

I'm gonna help you anon, as long as you upvote me and give me 4chan gold

>> No.7716512

Kill dog
Get money
Spend some of money to save thousands of dogs lives

There you go, it's now the correct ethical choice

>> No.7716515

I used to make communism generals on /pol/, gaurenteed 400+ every time

>> No.7716560

I would kill my own family for 18 billion dollars. A fucking pupply? Lmao.

>> No.7716594

That's because some Spanish cunt always bumped them.

>> No.7716611

Shit image.

>> No.7716619

18 billion dollars? Goddammit you could resurrect Freud and have him help you with your problems with that money.

>> No.7716633

one time I was playing basketball at a friends birthday party and the ball went through the hoop and smooshed their little dog. it just sat in the corner shaking for hours and everyone at the party hated me for the rest of the day.

>> No.7716673

Did he died

>> No.7716685

Literally yesterday on /pol/. Never on biz.

>> No.7716688

I made one on /b/ like 8 years ago asking people to describe their dads

>> No.7716736
File: 39 KB, 253x282, 1517611957641-v.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't fucking remember, I know I can count with one hand the amount it's ever happened though

>> No.7716746

I'd eat that puppy raw for 18 billion

if people get mad at me, I use 100 million to open up my own fucking puppy sanctuary where people can adopt puppies

boom, that puppy I ate is now a fucking martyr

>> No.7716755

>family dogs
If by "family" you mean hunting/subduing cattle
He probably means pitbulls

>> No.7716782

why u feel the urge to do that?

>> No.7716802

farm family dogs bro
when parents are away a female bulldog will look after children of the house like they were puppies

>> No.7716870

I wanted to make a thread I thought would get lots of replies