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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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7713060 No.7713060 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone here affected by the memebase double charge scam? Seeing some horror stories on plebbit. Is it possible they were just cutting it close with their liquidity if anyone was selling and took money to keep them afloat to keep making payments?

>> No.7713100

They refunded me about $500 and withdraw it back real fast. Got stuck with another 6 shekels in intl transfer fees.

>> No.7713121

They declared no tag backs when they blamed VISA so stop fuding

>> No.7713142


>> No.7713153

Visa has publicly said it's not on their end now, so that leaves up nowhere

>> No.7713185

Did it just happen or did you go to support ? I'm only on the hook for 100 bucks. I stopped using it late last year but this still happened

>> No.7713215

I posted the other day, I got hit with 16 charges of $1,014.90. Called the bank and had it all canceled as theft. Not my problem anymore, but someones going to be dealing with my bank over their $16,000 in payments.

>> No.7713232

Just happened. It's weird because I had never withdrawn from them. For some reason I got refunded for my purchases I made there instead of charged again like most people. It's kind of funny how quickly they fixed that one for a couple hundred while people are still thousands in the hole.

>> No.7713278

>(((Equifax))) said there was no data breech, so don't blame us goyim

>> No.7713321

I've yet to see a single Plebbitor back up these claims of obscene numbers of charges with even a simple screencap of their online banking page. You could be the first. I want to see it. How are the charges being put in? Actual new purchases?

>> No.7713446

+ those fuckers stole .1 ETH from me.

Didn't even realize it until today, checking my Coinbase and it says I purchased $50 of ETH at an ETH price of $480something, and debited .1 eth from my account.

What the fuck? Can only assume they're swamped with tickets so don't really want to deal with this now.

>> No.7713607

I think a lot of people have that mindset right now unfortunately. Just hoping it sorts itself out..

>> No.7714197


yeah this is fucked. i think my missing .1 ETH has to do with this whole fucking thing too.

this shit is either gunna implode or i won't have my money back for a month or two.

>> No.7714348
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Got charged 2 times for some buys I did 3 weeks ago totalling $2500 after I blocked my card and delinked it from shitbase. This would never happen ON THE BLOCKCHAIN

>> No.7714389

I was really drunk a few months ago and purchased about 6 ETH on my credit card, and I'm 90% sure they never actually charged me for it. I don't remember for sure though and i'm too lazy to look through my credit card statements

>> No.7714490

You know, when a building collapses, there are usually some early tells, like huge sudden cracks in main pillars, broken mirrors, etc.

This is when coinbase's cracks started to show. This shit will go down MtGox style, and you fags will scream in pink but know this, there were huge signs along the way telling you to abandon ship but nooooo you stayed for the normiebase. Get rekt

>> No.7714535

They are FDIC insured though so it's probably safe

>> No.7714585

0/10 larp

>> No.7714611

Charged $1020.16 and it was reversed today.

>> No.7714648

All of them are getting reversed. Someone fucked up majorly, and it'll get fixed. The USD Wallet is FDIC insured and if I'm not mistaken they also have insurance for the BTC/LTC/BCH/ETH Wallets.

>> No.7714653

I promise i'm not larping. I'm honestly not sure if coinbase gave me free ETH or not and i'm too lazy to check

>> No.7714721

so glad that my coinbase account got banned last year or buying 2c-b from germany thus forcing me to switch to winklevii-base