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7711704 No.7711704 [Reply] [Original]

>Be CIA dyke Ellen
>Get awards for equally dykish Obama
>Used as decoy for Vegas shooting
>Starts shilling bitcoin

Do you not see what’s going on? Katy Perry had her tweet with her nails. The deep state is losing grip of controlling the people. They will crash bitcoin to make people poor. And 4chan loves crypto, deep states hates 4chan. I expect a big hype and gains short terms but in 8 months, when normies have invested thousands, deep state crashes bitcoin and they regain control.

You’ve been warned anon

>> No.7711732


>> No.7711765

I can feel the red pill kicking in hard right now

>> No.7711770

> deep state
> conspiring to pump and dump digital internet ponzi money

Oh ok

>> No.7711782

OP woke as fuck, can confirm. I am a deep state insider.

>> No.7711793

Deep state created and supports bitcoin, it is an agent of globalization. At least make some money before our countries are thoroughly negrofied:

>> No.7711804

>implying deep state is not satoshi

>> No.7711807
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>> No.7711818

>Ellen a CIA operative.

Highly fucking doubt it.

>> No.7711848


>> No.7711903


>> No.7711967
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>> No.7712013
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Spoon feeding the deadliest shooting in history witness questions.

Anyone in pedowood on TV talking to the millions of brainwashed people who watch them are CIA.

>> No.7712030

I see it happening. While everyone is worried about their coins going up or down, the wise ones are paying attention to the deep state and what they're planning to do. They sit back and watch as things unfold, then they swoop in to rearrange it to their customs.

We the people, do not win in this society. Because we let others steer the direction. You can't turn around in a dead end when you gave up the wheel.

We gotta be smarter than this. The way I see it we aren't going to come together to stand up to this. Everyone is too busy shilling or FUDing their favorite memecoins.

>> No.7712034

>deep state hates 4chan
wrong. Deep state loves memes and shitposting

>> No.7712085

Oh no what are you doing? Stop

>> No.7712095

What's her connection to Blockstream?

>> No.7712125

CIA is DEFINITELY Satoshi. They invented Tor so the chinks could evade the the Great Firewall and they invented bitcoin so they could do the same with money

>> No.7712132

Does check out.

>Be deep state
>Losing drug and illegal money from dark web
>Create bitcoin to track criminals and delusion of blockchain being secure while only their computers can hack
>See potential of incriminating more than criminals and can financially cripple normies
>Give name Satoshi because deep state knows racism sells and normies trust an Asian over a normie burger Chad.

>> No.7712229

can confirm, my dad works at a deep state supreme presidium of the central committee and they are crashing DOGE next week
BITB is next
you've been warned

>> No.7712272

Crypto is the New World Order currency you fucking idiot. Only BTC will be left, we will be tracked and controled financially. They are never going to kill BTC, THEY CREATED BTC. They will force anyone to have a Chip implanted in their hand. they will be able to control everything you buy and sell, NEW WORLD ORDER MONDIAL CURRENCY WE WILL ALL GET FUCKED IN THE END.

>> No.7712300

My dad works at Roblox and just confirmed this as true.

>> No.7712306

I also raised an eyebrow after I saw her endorsement. Katie Perry 2.0. Idk if she's malicious, I think it was like how celebs are paid to espouse certain views.. People want to dump at highest prices so what better way than celeb endorsements.

>> No.7712323
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most stupid, naieve post ive read all day. its just common sense that OP is right


>> No.7712456

You're saying ultimate financial control and to fix the failing jew banking system was to create a "decentralized" currency. Control the currency and how its spent. Thats more power than they have now. Those fucks.

>> No.7712554

BTC is the ultimate currency they are spreading it wordwilde, people are losing trust in fiat each time they shill it on socials, tv etc. They will have total control over anyone. They have been preparing this digital currency for hundred years. Tether will never fall because it is what they use to pump BTC.

>> No.7713007

Where do alts come in? My portfolio is 30% XRP because of my faith in short term jewery to make money. Vitalik looks like a prime MKultra candidate. Do alts just give us early autists false hope to actually bring them down? I dont think anyone here really believes in VEN or REQ, but hold them to up their BTC totals.

>> No.7713158
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Notice how on the way up from 6k they were saying bitcoin is dead and will never rise again? Now they're pumping hard just before the final crash. At 4k normies will dump their shitcoins en mass straight into their hands.

>> No.7713182

Yeah i know

But can you call the top please?

>> No.7713201

dude nobody but a few 1000 people are or will get rich with btc.

nobody fucking cares.

>> No.7713223

ur wrong
she's controlled

>> No.7713229

My dad works at deep state and he said you are wrong.

>> No.7713233

Then you are fucking retarded.

>> No.7713253



>> No.7713265
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>> No.7713302

i fucking hate Ellen.

>> No.7713306

im a faggot

you've been warned

>> No.7713316

The people who doubted are now endorsing. Wall Street is in it now for the Deep State.

>> No.7713360

Britbong here

What am I looking at?

>> No.7713401
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muh deep states stealin ma bitcorns

>> No.7713405

a psyop

>> No.7713442

He's that Madalay Bay security guard who supposedly interrupted the Vegas shooting. Ellen pitched him softballs to pad the official narrative.

>> No.7713453

Security guard Jesus Campos. The "witness" to the Vegas shooting. Very weird timeline with him. Shortly after he went missing and appeared by the Mexican border. The interview was awkward and she spoon fed him the questions while his handler didn't let him go off script. The whole thing was staged and totally fake.

>> No.7713457

leave my waifu alone

>> No.7713480

I can time the market

>> No.7713485

brilliant theory, but you forgot to carve out a role for Hillary in all of this

>> No.7713518

OP, tell me: what is the "deep state," exactly?

>> No.7713525
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>deep executes order 66
>deletes bitcoins system 32

>> No.7713528


Cheers lads.

Fuck me, I can't believe they'd be so brazen in doing that.

>> No.7713688

Out in open, down our throats, without buying us dinner is how they do it. It is sickening.

>> No.7713690

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my Deep State class, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Trump Tower, and I have over 300 confirmed jewish tricks. I am trained in gorilla cyberwarfare and I’m the top hacker in the entire globalist deep state. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can steal your gains in over seven hundred different ways, and that’s just with my Soros connections alone. Not only am I extensively trained in destroying the white race, but I have access to the entire arsenal of gay mind control devices and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.

>> No.7713760

Is Bitcoin about to go back up to $19,000?

>> No.7713802

YFW the biggest BTC whale is the CIA.

>> No.7713903

>Do you not see what’s going on? Katy Perry had her tweet with her nails.


Also they wont crash Bitcoin because of 4chan NATZIS. They will crash it because the banks feel threatened by it.

>> No.7713973

big if true

>> No.7713980

Ellen Degenerate covering up the Vegas shooting.

That guy on the show was supposed to do interviews in the media to explain exactly what happened. Except his story kept changing everytime he opened his mouth.

Eventually they cancelled all his up coming interviews (He had one coming with Tucker Carlson and you know how he is) Next thing he goes on Ellen Degenerate to explain what happened and she just sat their nodding her head and telling him how brave he was.

Ellen did this because she has business ventures in Vegas and is part of Obamas deep state.

>> No.7713985

I think its just an example of another very powerful hollywood elite shilling. The left is using their 2 biggest players to reach the mass. The popular talk show host and the super bowl performing singer. The left is doing something in crypto bigly.

>> No.7714161
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