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771113 No.771113 [Reply] [Original]

Post business ideas.

These kids in my city started putting QR codes on coupons and local businesses loved it for some reason. Details here:


The article sums it up better, but here’s a shorter version: These two people in my business program made $6000 in one week from advertising. They created small booklets of coupons for a bunch of local businesses, utilizing QR codes, google maps, and a bunch of other simple tech. They set up the website and then showed it to ~30 local businesses. The businesses paid the students for the opportunity to be in the booklet. In all the students got $6000 with basic skills and a bit of effort. And now, business are coming to the students in order to get in the booklet. If anyone wanted to try this idea in their own city, I can’t see how it could go wrong. For reference, my city has about 70 000 people in it. And these guys only managed to get 30 businesses on board, imagine if you could get more.

Share your ideas for businesses that could be set up relatively easily.

>> No.771126

Are these guys expert computer programers do they have a patent? And what do you mean booklet? Is it a book they made if so why would a company want to put there ads in his booklet. How would people see his booklet? Also your in Canada right?

>> No.771129

Pay starving art student peanuts to design cool/ironic/hipster logo.
Slap logo on mugs/t-shirts/crack pipes.

>> No.771138

>expert programmers
Fuck no.
I don't think so, and it's literally just coupons with QR, can't patent that can you?
Just google "coupon booklet", it's like that with about 30 coupons for all different businesses in it.

Businesses put their ads in it, and the booklet makers give them out to students at my University. The idea is that the students are poor as fuck so you'll get a lot of their money if you give them coupons.

>> No.771147

Ok I have a large university near me many actually. However about once or twice a year a coupon book is mailed out to everyone in my county and people sell coupon books but they have no qr codes. There are also mini coupon books that come with the Friday news paper. I'd be willing to go from dorm to dorm to make sure every single student gets a coupon book. What should I do? Also how did this student approach businesses to get the coupons?

>> No.771155

Also do you have a gmail or something I could use to contact you to get an example of the book. I just want a picture but I don't want it to blow up so everyone in the states starts using it.

>> No.771183

Also it said they charged businesses 150$ is that per month?

>> No.771215


>> No.771769

seems like a good idea, and my city is kind of obscure.
the good thing is I live between two cities +600k of people combined.
but, what do they do so they get monthly payments? I mean what's their strategy for long term business?

>> No.772365


>> No.772532

Guys, i think i'm the right place at the right time to do this. I live in a touristic place and now with the summer there's a ton of nightclubs, bars and restaurants to do this, and i'm serious about replicating this. But i have some questions:

1. The service includes the distribution of the coupons right?
2. They asked for 150$. But it's for x number of coupons or there is other model of bussiness?

>> No.772545

Device you put in your mouth that makes it difficult to eat, helping with weight loss. Also helps develop your face to be better looking.

>> No.772554

Im thinking of setting up a liquor delivery service

>> No.772879

op pls come back

>> No.772882

i've considered this. raging alchie who very often runs out and is too fucked to get more. i'd have done this last night in fact. not really possible for me to offer the service since i lost my license for DUI, and generally people who would need to use this service will be poor, plus you'll need to be able to defend yourself when drunk people kick off. i also imagine that by the time you've got to them, half the time they'll have fallen asleep. oh and you'll presumably need some impossibly complicated license to sell booze.

>> No.773849


>> No.773862


You don't have to be a fucking computer expert to make a website and use a QR code generator you fucking pleb

>> No.773872

i still dont get what the fuck they actually did

>> No.774828

me neither.

>> No.774858


Imagine for a second, you own a local coffee shop.

One afternoon you are walking around your local college and someone hands you a FREE booklet.

Inside the FREE booklet there a coupons and special deals for a range of businesses including another local coffee shop (your competitor)

You then look up and notice every kid in the college also has a copy of the FREE booklet and are making their way to your competitors coffee shop to take advantage of the coupons...

Wouldn't you like your business to be in the booklet?


>> No.774864

I still don't get it, booklets with coupons already exist.
And why would businesses pay some kid to print some coupons when they can do it themselves?

>> No.774871

Remember, this booklet may have a large audience base due to the range of different businesses and coupons included in the book.

It's like saying, "why would a business pay to advertise in the local paper when they can "just do it themselves".

Like a coffee shop owner will just start a newspaper company just so they can advertise their coffee business in it versus just paying some dollars to have their ad included in an already established newspaper.

>> No.774872

Because interest has been expressed for a booklet containing coupons for all local fast food places. As a consumer you would prefer to carry around a booklet that has a bunch of options over carrying around several booklets with one option for each

>> No.774883

Here's my idea: An electronic belt buckle that shouts insults at your crotch randomly throughout the day.

>> No.774886

ok but what's the twist? those booklets actually exist.

>> No.774896

coffee shops exist but that's not to say you can't find success in starting your own...

>> No.774916

OP, great info thanks for posting this. I would be very interested in discussing this with you via email, since you are close to the source. e.g. how did they distribute, and in what numbers? My email is tayhay001@gmail.com

>> No.774928

yeah but a coffee shop makes it easier to add a twist to it.
With the booklet thingy, what makes you different to the already existing ones?

>> No.774950

>spoonfeed me
>spoonfeed meee
>spoonfeed meeeeeeeeeeeeeee

>> No.774951

Exactly. It's an unsustainable model.

>> No.775557

If you get going with this i can help you print em. I run a print shop a d were super cheap.ive done a booklet like this before so maybe i could there too.

>> No.776832


>> No.776844


How will you get the booklets into the handsof tourists? OP's guys worked by promoting them at a university. It worked because they had an established network of friends, associates, etc.

How would you establish an equivalent of that but with tourists?

>> No.776886

>tfw this was basically cold calling on a grand scale
>tfw cold calling is illegal in my country
I seriously wonder how the hell buisnesses are established around here...

>> No.776889

Where are you located?

>> No.776890

>cold calling is illegal in my country
Literally what?
What country?

>> No.776897

A few things aren't adding up for me:

- how many booklets did they print?
- how did they distribute these booklets?
- how did they secure the first 0-5 orders? i.e. there was no guarantee they would get enough orders to fill a booklet... did they plan to print the booklet if they only got like 5 orders?

>> No.776898


>> No.776904

-Most likely 500-2000, the more you do the better it sounds.
- Manual delivery most likely, its cheap. Drop em at dorms businesses etc.
- start small, sheet folded in half maybe three pages. Figure print and anyother costs. Determine ad space and price per. Probaly have to eat some costs first time or so to get it going. Businesses are more into these kinds of things than you think, at least in my area there are so many of these. Basically a cheap way to mass mail. You need a good pitch to business and a good hook for consumers. Businesses will expect customers their first run with them, which is highly unrealistic, but you need to do everything you can to get them that. Be good with ad copy, marketing and design. Have a concept that goes beyond the booklet to bring in the businesses customers. Otherwise you will crumble fast finding new ones every month.

>> No.777082


>> No.777101

these are some good ideas, maybe not all of them are marketable but they are worth looking into

I don't know how smart people do it. Do you just sit there and brainstorm for an hour straight, coming up with dozens of random ideas by stabbing in the dark then imagining if they are feasible or not? Do you read tons of books then try to think of things as you go along?

>> No.777257

why the fuck would I give you a good business idea for free? Literally I gain nothing and you could gain a lot. Why would anyone do that? This thread is retarded

>> No.777402

Because without execution (actually doing something with said idea, and doing it well) your special snowflake of a precious idea is worth sweet fuck all.

I give away ideas all day erryday.
Some I know work, some I have done in the past, some I still do, some have been done by others, some are being done by others, some still are doing them, some of these peeps I know first hand, some I don't know at all.

I could literally type out a complete blueprint for many businesses or side hustles, and it wouldn't matter.
99.99999% of you will do literally nothing with the information, even if I answer a further 20 questions, post proof, and sell nothing, shill nothing.

Look at this thread for example.
Literally maybe 2 people will do something like this after reading everything about it that they can get.
And at least one of those two will give up or do it poorly.

>> No.777406


Slide me that blueprint anon

>> No.777418
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>ID: kwjHwwhZ

Dear anon, dont know how long it will take, but when done i will post results

>> No.777424

I didn't mean I have a literal blueprint for all businesses.
I could write one up but it would just be general principles.
I mean probably any business I could write specific plans or improvement tweaks.

What do you need?
What do you want to do?
The booklet thingy?

>> No.777433
File: 27 KB, 500x451, new-force-cant.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would anyone teach law or medicine? I mean fuck, why not keep those skills to yourself and make all the cash???

>> No.777436
File: 77 KB, 440x713, Desastres-en-la-cocina-4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how they distribute the booklets?

>> No.777438
File: 110 KB, 463x620, landis-chapeau.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would anyone invent the internet and share it?? I mean what the fuck? Why not keep all that internet to yourself??? This thread is retarded.

>> No.777439

OP, I remember you making this EXACT thread a few months ago (I have thought about it ever since). What the fuck are you shilling and why?

>> No.777442
File: 952 KB, 2537x1988, warren-buffett.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would anyone invent colleges and universities?? I mean fuck other people will learn shit that smart people already know? What the fuck? Why share all that knowledge just so someone else can go out and make all the fucking money?? This thread is retarded.

>> No.777449
File: 36 KB, 402x402, Jonas-Salk-9470147-1-402.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would someone invent life saving medicines and give the formula away like Dr.Salk and Sabin's polio vaccine??? I mean what the fuck??? Those two could have become zillionaires and made shitloads of money but they gave the formulas for FREE. I mean, what the fuck??? This thread is retarded.

Pic related.

>> No.777480

Is that your question? That's the easiest part.
Post to random addresses.
Leave on campus, on reception area of local businesses, hand them out, etc

Do it yourself at first until profitable, then pay a leaflet distributor or even the post Office/postman to deliver them if they offer that service. Some do like here in the UK.

This answers most of the questions.

Let's say you are going to post a one-sheet A4 leaflet at first.
You decide to budget for 1000 leaflets.
Maybe it costs, say, $200 to get 1000 leaflets designed printed and delivered.

You design the leaflet with four sections per side, half-page ads totalling 8 ad spaces. You rent out each one for $50 per space for 1000 leaflets.
That's $800 you just got paid for leaflets that cost you only $200 to get done.

That's a basic package without design.

With design and copy charge $60-100 per space.
You can save on costs by delivering yourself or with a partner, then hire students who are always looking for McJobs in the summer that they can do wearing an ipod with flexible hours.
Pay them $40 per 1000 posted.

Keep clients cool by offering a non-compete model - only one cafe or barbers per neighbourhood, etc so you become the list to be on first.

Do your core skills, outsource the rest or partner up

>> No.777484

Why would someone shitpost like this all the time?

You would think they would keep their rare Pepes for themselves...

>> No.777509


>> No.777541

Fuck guy, what is so hard to understand.
I am definitely hopping onto this when get some more paychecks under me.
Only thing close to this is shit for fast food where I am.

I like the no-compete model but I feel it would be limiting to the biz.
Especially if there is multiple places of one thing.
Another question, how long would the coupons be for? Are they issued weekly, monthly?

>> No.777570

>posted this in the other thread

centralized chinese and pizza delivery
businesses pay for labor and customers pay for delivery
businesses can have a reduced cost of labor even further than the 2.13/hr and customers have a reduced delivery charge
this results in higher profit margins which could lead to lower prices or higher wages for the necessary employees, whatever the business wants. it also results in big savings for the customers, and combining both, allow room for customers to leave a decent tip for the drivers.
with the concentration of drivers that would otherwise be spread out to around five stores, insurance costs, theoretically, would be cheaper.
the space on top of the vehicle can be auctioned off for vehicular advertisement
im not sure how else i could monetize
so far im looking at ~300k a year in total revenue per place

i'd need a space to rent out, big enough to handle the dispatching side and the drivers side and office. i'd also need a system to dispatch the drivers that would be efficient. i'd need to figure out how i would handle payments from customers and the businesses.

>> No.777607

You've already got competition established.


>> No.777629

Because there is such a thing as "enough".

John Bogle said as much.

>> No.777640

You are running general ads on a regular basis to all surrounding areas, generally, a campaign would run monthly with occasional promotions or offers special to that campaign. You want to 'microtest' and tweak some small runs until you get higher than usual response (more than 1-2%) then you can charge higher fees, and specialize.

You always want a unique design, offer or code so that you can record the response rate and get kudos for those sales brought in.

Whatever you can learn about marketing, design, etc helps them out.

If you're confident, but can't get sales for your first four - make them an offer they can't refuse - offer a month for free if you get sales, they pay you 10% of those sales. Or you give them all the additional sales you bring for free, they just agree to sign up for 6 months if you bring in sales above an agreed target. This gives you cashflow and working capital - at this point, you are in a strong position to negotiate with printers and get credit with them, it becomes a fixed cost of peanuts beyond a certain point to you both.

This is called 'results in advance' and is a powerful sales tool. Would you not sign up to a $50 a month service that increased your profit or income by 10-20% in a month for practically no effort?

>> No.777700

Who is John Bogle?

-Hedge Fund Founder

>> No.777839
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>tfw have two thoughts that take the app idea you've been tossing around in your head from being an alright idea to something that could be game changing and BIG profit pushing

Fuck yes. I'll never share, faggots. I've just got a little work to do to translate my C++ skills to Java and mobile devices. Get bent!

>> No.778074

can you give me 1k after you finish pls?

>> No.778248

Lets see. A coupon book with QR codes. The QR code takes you to a website or app that holds a database of businesses.
Each business page has the business, business info (what they do, their address, phone number, etc), a map of their location, and facebook/website link to their business.
Reviews and ratings for these businesses can be found from their facebook page, yelp, etc. APIs?

Extra Shit.
Add extra stuff to your website/app such as sharing and liking or even a dislike option.
Allow users to add reviews.

Thinking about it, doesn't it seems that they made a yelp clone in a way?

>> No.778260

Use kickstarter/indiegogo and slap up a funding for a product that is just slapped together with premade shit or a crappy documentary film.

Miniemu (Kickstarter), a raspberry pi emulation station that is housed in a premade project box with a sticker cover, and runs a modded version of recalbox for the os also comes with a USB SNES controller. He got €80,116 ($89032.91?) when the goal was set to €4,900.

Anonabox (Kickstarter closed it down, went to Indiegogo), a cheap chinese router running openwrt with tor. People busted this guy in the balls because of the hardware he used and didn't make. $585,549 before being shut down. He was asking $7,500. Then he went to Indiegogo and got $82,643.

Also seen a woman with a "Los Angeles story" about herself about running away to Los Angeles at a young age and how she started her career. What she did is slap a kickstarter together to make a documentary film called Face2Face to meet 50 random facebook friends. Got $77,547, $50,000 was the goal. But she had 3 kickstarter campaigns for it. The other two she got $18,759 and $58,424. Altogether, $154,730 to drive around to meet and record 50 different friends from facebook. She has other projects listed on there too, 2 canceled, 5 funded. Why does a bitch that says she is an Emmy-Award Winning filmmaker need kickstarter to make movies?

Start with kickstarter/indiegogo, put up a simple project, hopefully get a lot of money, then keep selling or posting new projects, and start a business from what you "made".

>> No.778269


You do realize that any half-smart high school graduate can sit down and pop out a billion dollar IDEA per hour? Right?

There's a reason the people who get paid are those who actually successfully create the business.

>> No.778278

Actual business ideas that are easy/every motherfucker is doing it.

Shit that is cheap to do then it was 5 to 10, maybe 20 years ago.
Photography - Cheap Software and hardware, 500000000000000000 fuckin tuts online

Programming - Free/Cheap software, a lot of tuts online

Web Design/Development - Free/Cheap software a lot of tuts online

Being a DJ - Cheap equipment

Video editing and production - Cheap hardware and software

Game development - Free/Cheap software, software ranges from drag and drop to simple coding

App Design/Development - Cheap/Lazy way, find a free framework that can use HTML5/CSS3/JavaScript

Build/Sell/Repair Computers - No reason to explain

Slap premade shit together and sell it

Website Network - Buy a few domains and get some web host for each domain, run websites or even just blog, Put ads on all the websites. But don't put popups, or use a service that you get pennies for links that sends you to an ad then takes you to the link

>> No.778280

Other crap.
Dumpster Dive for Tech/Games/other stuff that you can clean/fix then sell.

Go to garage sells/flea markets/thrift stores, buy and resell, or redo the item (paint, designs, and shit) and then sell it.

Flip computers and tech, I use to do this right here when I had 2 stores that I bought from online for cheap. Back in the day when windows 7 was super new and shiny :D, I would buy windows vista laptops/desktops and do the free upgrade to windows 7. For example, buy a HP Laptop with Vista for $175. Do a upgrade to 7, install drivers, add some free software to it (antivirus, install open office, etc), make sure it was clean looking, resold it for $350. Also sold factory refurb laptop chargers for $60 when I paid $25-35 for them.

Buy chinese junk and resell it.

Japanese imports for anime, video games/consoles, food, books, etc.

Mod consoles to play imported games.

Dog/Cat babysitting/walking

Lawn mowing/yard care/snow plowing

Food delivery - Last town I lived in a guy started a business delivering fast food/restaurant food.

>> No.778290

Fuck it, Im on a roll.

Start a hackerspace/makerspace.

Start a video game lounge.

Start a pick up/drop off delivery service

Sell crops/food at a framers market

Start a food truck

I see that old school consoles and games are a bit up in price

Pretty much you can turn a lot of ideas into a business. It will depend where you are and a need for it. Its going to take time and work, but anyone can do it. Just dont be huuuuuuur i own a busines, duuuuuuuuuurrrrrr I dont have to do anything. You might get to a point where you my not get to do shit and have other people do it for you.

>> No.779015


good posts nigga.

>> No.779944


>> No.780085
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Ok the article said they charged 125$ to be in the book. Is that per month? My local paper has a mini coupon book so I'd have to under cut them. Also when. I go to a bisinuise how do I appeal to the businiuse. I can picture it now.

>I'm making a coupon book
>are you affiliated with the university
>get lost I'm not paying you 50$ a month

>> No.780111

right but from personal experience i thought these booklets are extremely common everywhere. my local savings bank already provides coupon booklets to all pupils and students that have an account. making your own booklet would be completely useless.

>> No.780618

You've got 35 employees working round the clock on 35 shifts. b/c efficient like a boss. do you hire a new 35,000$ employee to print and distribute coupons. or do you pay some dumbass kids a few sheckles to hustle for you and a portion of whomever they contact to come see you.
The alternative is likely a net loss for the business while the kids are likely profit. do you see it now mathtard

>> No.780620

who cares you've got 6000$ you didn't have before

>> No.780628

cold calling citzens or businesses. seems unenforcable without very big brother.

>> No.781010

who's this cum goblin?
As for your question, just try it.

I thought the same.

>> No.782144


>> No.783199


>> No.784256
File: 93 KB, 813x540, haintedtrail.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you have land not far from even a small city, doing Halloween shit makes bank. Relatives have a patch of woods they grow lumber on, and turn it into a haunted trail for the second half of October. $15 a head, and they get hundreds of people a night.

Make little camps with different themes out of plywood, tarps, and sheet metal, fake cemetaries, spiderwebs hanging from trees, etc. like a "Hills Have Eyes"-style cannibal hillbilly dens, voodoo, and zombie themed shit is pretty cheap and a lot of fun. Hire local teenagers to doll up in masks and makeup and jump out at people, guys in hockey masks chasing folks with a bladeless chainsaw, and have an area selling stuff like nachos, hamburgers, and cokes at the entrance/exit with a few tables around. If you offer a discount to church youth groups and get a few of them to show up, you're golden. Help sponsor a few teeball games and shit like that to get more parents bringing their kids out.

Hayrides are another option if you're in a small town.

>> No.785193

>If you have land not far from even a small city, doing Halloween shit makes bank. Relatives have a patch of woods they grow lumber on, and turn it into a haunted trail for the second half of October. $15 a head, and they get hundreds of people a night.
I'm doing this, this year, wish me luck.

>> No.786180


>> No.786519

A magazine, "Meme"

About daily meming on the internet and 4chan