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File: 8 KB, 580x348, ZClassic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7703862 No.7703862 [Reply] [Original]

it's still fucking cheap

>> No.7703901

I'll say it's already prices in and will dump faster than 90% of you can cash out
Most people will lose with their 100$ buy-in (already overpriced)

> 5 people come in and say i am qq
> 5 more people add to the ZCL shill

>> No.7703946

I have my ZCL on cryptopia, where should I move them if I don't have a bittrex account?

>> No.7704340

I dont understand how you cant understand that everyone knows that it will dump lol. Cmon man fix ur fud

>> No.7704351

Short term, yes it's still cheap, long term, I agree with you. There's huge demand for this coin at the moment and once bittrex reopens registrations for normans, this is going to $500.

>> No.7704581

That won't happen this soon. One and a half weeks to go.

>> No.7704692


we will see, obviously this coin is dead after the fork, do you guys plan to invest in BTCP?

>> No.7704725

>This is the problem on BIZ
we have guys here posting on Biz that have zero clue why we investing in this coin. I dont care if it drops to zero, we only buying this for the BTCP we will get.

>> No.7704740

uhhh no im buying to sell one or two days after the fork, then maybe re buy btcp

>> No.7704763

will probably pick some up if I can get a good cheap price. It will have a decent rally before summer and should do very well this year i reckon

>> No.7704771

I'm talking post fork which the earlier poster is referring to.

You either ride it past the fork or sell at a profit, the price will keep increasing from here.

>> No.7704876


I'm saying it already mooned. I got in at 2$ and sold at 140$.
People will expect all these forks to go like NXT, and that's why that will not happen. It's just going to bleed from here until capitulation

But sure, assume I don't know what's going on with the coin

>> No.7704899

What's the math on selling at the highest price pre-fork and buying BTCP's dip vs. hodling through it and get an equivalent amount of BTCP?

>> No.7704952

Doesn't matter that it was $2 at one point, its now down to what people believe a BTCP would be worth and I don't think that is below $200.

>> No.7704973

I have mine on bittrex, are they supporting the fork ?

>> No.7704979

I only have 150 of them, haven't made up my mind - may just ride it through to the fork but I think there will be a dip in price post fork due to the increased marketcap.

I got in at $35 so don't really care either way.

>> No.7705070

It's 100% priced in. You might as well be trading BTCP futures right now. There is no bargain to be found here anymore.

>> No.7705093

selling pre-fork is the safe and logic way to avoid heavy bags

>> No.7705121
File: 175 KB, 771x1048, 165864.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sell 2 days before fork
buy exactly before snapshot then dump
dump btcp when it hits exchange
rebuy dip then sell

>> No.7705181
File: 59 KB, 1035x690, image_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good one but every move has to work out perfectly.

>> No.7705288

Your scenario has just as many assumptions. PROTIP: ZCL price won't just go to 60% of what it is right now.

>> No.7705330

we will see, anything can happen when FOMO kicks in and there is juice normie money

>> No.7705408

I know what you're saying but actual normies have no clue about ZCL/BTCP. This is whale games, son. What you're talking about is /biz/tard tier FOMO money which may kick in enough to bring ZCL to .02 pre-snapshot but I wouldn't want to be left holding the ZCL bags.

>> No.7705469

Why does this have to exist when there's monero, zencash and wanchain?
The current price would rank BTCP above Bitcoin Gold (listed on Bithumb, Bittrex, Binance, Upbit). I think it's not cheap at all and the fork is priced in.

>> No.7705487
File: 31 KB, 640x480, sir.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh believe me the normies know. The ZCL telegram is swarming with them.
Join the ZCL telegram anons and be amazed at the idiocy spewing there.
We are not going above 300 pre-fork.

>> No.7705510

The price you're dumping your ZCL post-fork might not matter that much after you maxed your BTCP holdings.

>> No.7705541

i don't know man, ZCL is going to be listed in some more exchanges before the fork and that could trigger normies

>> No.7705644

I was at the ZCL conference in NYC. Room was full of normie pajeets. Literally a middle aged woman was there who didn't even know how bitcoin/crypto in general worked...It is going to be full of bagholding normies

>> No.7705696

I meant BTCP conference

Anyone who knows programming/sk-snarks and how well shielded addresses work? How is the source code of BTCP looking? Or is it basically just looking like a rebranding right now while they work out the kinks

>> No.7705760

just make a Bittrex account.
registrations are *kind of* open now afaik


>> No.7705906

>The price you're dumping your ZCL post-fork might not matter that much
Just assume this is basically zero. ZCL was trading at like $2 before this BTCP stuff.
>after you maxed your BTCP holdings.
If don't have any ZCL by now then you're best bet is waiting until it begins trading. It's going to instadump.

>> No.7706524

They haven't announced yet, but I'd be very surprised if they didn't.

>> No.7707334

You fucking idiots. Bittrex has already started accepting new registrations. I signed up the other day. Been trying since December 7th.

>> No.7707365

is that good or bad?

>> No.7707437

fucking good since I no longer have to use Craptopia to trade. The volume is a lot higher on Bittrex and I'm increasing my stack as we speak. Already gained another 1.4 ZCL since yesterday. I won't sleep until I get another 10 or so.

>> No.7707442

How new, just how new?

>> No.7707707
File: 15 KB, 251x242, 1516843804092.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>normies don't know about zcl
anon, I...

>> No.7707779

No you nigger, you still have to apply for a registration form, that doesn't mean registration is universally open for all yet.

>> No.7707800
File: 266 KB, 499x281, 55f5ab7048445b8f843fd6e78f3f4a1e8d90b078_hq.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well he may have said it in a way that ZCL price won't go up any more because normies have already registered in bittrex and bought, got it? this is the last pump we are waiting for, the normie FOMO

>> No.7707849

but we are hitting $300?

>> No.7708019

>he sold at $140
>when btcp will be worth at least $250

>> No.7708031

Yes at least watch and see

>> No.7708208

I sold my bags I got for .007

This coin peaked, move to etc.

>> No.7708217

Anyone else seriously worried that BTCP will be like $17 when it releases?

>> No.7708241

We could if january market didn't happened. Zcl will stay in this range until the forkl

>> No.7708246

Yeah but when do we dump

>> No.7708336
File: 168 KB, 1280x720, 1517363317862.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nobody knows shit to be honest

>> No.7708399

>cheap BTCP
>seriously worried

why? its obviously going to be cheaper than ZCL fork price

>> No.7708441

why did it pump to .020+ the other day out of nowhere

>> No.7708484

the only reason I can think of is they released their whitepaper

>> No.7708538

>another privacy coin
>will be dumped by bitcoin holders
>main dev is a /biz/ browser, he even ranted on twitter after some anon posted inside info
>main dev is also a known scammer
>heavily manipulated by whales
>shilled by OmegaMaker aka "hur durp we're going to 6k"tripfag
>literally no reason to own this coin except for greater-fool-theory as you can't use it as a currency anywhere.
>not supported by exchanges so yoiu need to store it in a semi-functioning wallet, so you'll be way to late to sell it after the fork, taking HEAVY losses
Yeah no thanks. Sold my bags yesterday at 0.018 BTC

>> No.7708611

everyone is in for the money, Ill dump when fomo kicks in and spikes up agaiin to .020

>> No.7709358

Price target is .035. it's early days yet.

>> No.7709455
File: 50 KB, 806x530, d832949d5f56fe161221655924df8a829ee6690b_hq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he thinks we care about BTCP

>> No.7709689

im screencapping every btcp fud post

we will see end of year

>> No.7709863
File: 201 KB, 1517x755, 122222.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

doesnt this mean its time to sell? im a newb but i was promised a moon and its done nothing but bleed

>> No.7709989

Look at what you are trading in this case and not the meme chart.

If you want to trade some shit that is limbo like SALT or STRAT and things like that use charts.

If you are trading a coin that has a major fork or upcoming release use the news and intuition.

So in this case you would look at past forks and what they have gone for. Look at their supplies compared to what this one is going to have, read sentiment, look at the team. Look at what exchanges and wallets they are working with and decide for yourself.

Just a general message to everyone, trading is not a cookie cutter thing and you need to take into account what you are trading and external factors unless you are working in a 30 minute or less trading window.

>> No.7710358

Doesnt matter zcl wil be dumped prefork, and post fork, no one gives a shit about this coin and btcp still has some way to go

>> No.7710386

A way to go like launching in two weeks?

And ZCL will be dumped for sure

>> No.7710551

What day is the snapshot?

>> No.7710651

In means of growing as a community, I like the proyect but im not that rich to hold through the snapshot, prolly get out investment+earnings and move the rest to the electrum wallet

>> No.7711083

>If you are trading a coin that has a major fork or upcoming release use the news and intuition.
this makes sense, can you give me some proof you are not just a larping pajeet? bc I think you are a good trader but you know... this is biz. you never know.

>> No.7711234
File: 489 KB, 458x260, ONFJJJL.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy fuck being this retard, i said im going to invest in BTCP after if it looks promising after the fork but im not going to argue if monero or btcp is better

I give 0 fucks about tech or dev team if it is going to make me money im in

>> No.7711419

No larp, just trying to help people make evaluations. I own a 6 figure a year business (in the US and I am white) and have made 140k off a 5k crypto investment in the last 9 months.

You can trade both ways and do well just know what you are dealing with and how it evolves over time.

Make sure to take your profits in a big dog like ETH or BTC or EOS when the fork gets closer. Good luck.