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File: 12 KB, 250x128, IMG_0477.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7703854 No.7703854 [Reply] [Original]

hello woman

>> No.7704080

Greetings, female specimen

>> No.7704087

"How many fingers do you see?"

>> No.7704098

Begone thoth, you have no power here

>> No.7704102

Does my hand smell like chloroform?

>> No.7704117

Imma place my hand on your breast now, k?

>> No.7704125
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>> No.7704127

Not here, I promise I'll text you later tonight. Yeah I have a room

>> No.7704151
File: 132 KB, 1301x1024, CHAD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but sergey isn't autistic, he is literally a Chad who bangs qts who "couchsurf" in his 30 million apartment.
they literally suck him off while he eats bigmacs.

>> No.7704153

How can someone be so fucking obese ?

>> No.7704155

top kek

>> No.7704166

this is fake right?
what site is that even

>> No.7704183

Sergey is a Turbochad

I bet he smashed that

>> No.7704187

Good time of the day, person of the opposite sex. I would suggest we take our smart contract beyond tokenization. Yes, in my room.

>> No.7704195

>Tell us about yourself Sergy, who are you?

>> No.7704226

Ahahaha! I hope this is real. Sergey smashing foreign puss on the reg.

>> No.7704254
File: 121 KB, 1643x944, 010 wouldn't bang.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no its real
he lets eastern european sluts sleep on his couch in exchange for the succ. despite living in a aquarium 16 hours a day he gets more pussy than you EVER will.
he can literally fuck any woman he wants, he doesnt need to pick em up, they come on their own when they see his super comfy couch in his multimillion dollar apartment.
then he accidentally shows his enormous cock and the woman cant resist.

>> No.7704284
File: 1.83 MB, 977x988, B8F43AC4-6F6C-450E-AD03-EDF069A6C4BB.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7704287

t. rory

>> No.7704336

The "autistic chad" isn't inconceivable. Just rare.

>> No.7704558


Honestly, what's so strange about saying hello like this? I do it all the time. It's friendlier than a head nod but non-committal at the same time

>> No.7704584


>> No.7704585

Those actually exist.

>> No.7704670

>nice guy/approachable
>little shy
>extremely wealthy
He won't fuck immediately, but he's the guy women think about when they ovulating.

>> No.7704724

Looks are order of magnitudes more important than status or money (money works in poor countries though).

That's why you can have autistic chads.

>> No.7704780
File: 1.05 MB, 1826x1795, qtbrain.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will linkies reply in my thread if I buy?


>> No.7704807
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Sergey only bangs clown fish now. Or is it rather rape? This according to the anon who spoke with Chainlinks newly hired marketing director:

I just spoke with the new marketing director of Chainlink and he had some pretty interesting things to tell.

We all know that Sergey has gotten kind of big lately, but the last months it has sprialed out of control. He is now so morbidly obese that he cannot support his own weight. Apparently he used a large chunk of the ICO money to install a huge aquarium in his house. He, and I kid you not, spends 22 houres a day in it to release the strain on his knees and back. According to the MD of Chainlink, he has switched to eating fish food. He says it has the optimal balance of minerals an positive vibrations. But the most fucked up thing is that he is supposedly mating with a clown fish. I don't know if the fish consent or not, but with Sergeys current size I don't think he have a say in the matter. Also, once a day he is hoisted out of the tank and onto a couch so that he can watch his favorite TV show Dr. Phil.

>> No.7704870
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>> No.7704977
File: 130 KB, 640x633, 1517906292946.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yep it can happen. They might become hyperfocused on pick up and develop great social skills- apparently.

>> No.7705044
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>> No.7705048
File: 128 KB, 320x320, 2437895645.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>talking to fememes

>> No.7705095
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>> No.7705149


the look in her eye, you just KNOW they banged

Sergey is known to be THE most hung guy in crypto, possibly one of the biggest in the world. his cock has been described as "like an evian bottle", with gargantual thickness that would rival shane diesel and shorty big mac. im estimating his size to be at least 8.5" bone pressed, with OVER 7" of girth. he would have absolutely destroyed that jews pussy.

they would have spent hours and hours on foreplay, getting herself wet enough just so she can take it. i can just imagine her begging for it, with liam barely able to force it past the knob, and she's moaning and squirming, demanding him to force it in deeper. she would have orgasm'd within seconds of taking the entire length, being filled and stretched right up to her cervix.. the orgasm would have been powerful, with her vaginal muscles clamping down on Sergeys throbbing monstrosity, her whole body quivering in euphoria..

>> No.7705196

fucking lol

>> No.7705250

>looks are more important than status or money
pretty sure you mean less

>> No.7705417
File: 171 KB, 717x545, E777215B-B23D-4A95-A27B-D405766C7AF0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7705474

>get in my belly

>> No.7705530

You're retarded. 100 million years of evolution. Do you think cave men had mirrors? Whose genes were passed on? Alphas who raped and killed betas who came near there women, or pretty boy cavemen? Stop being stupid.

>> No.7705560

Money doesn't mean shit either. It's a utility, but the underlying characteristics that women are looking for are conveyed by personality and character. Stop being brainwashed by (((them))). Wake the fuck up.

>> No.7705587

Ok you fuckers did it. You shilled me into dropping 5-figures on fucking LINK

I will be meming with you from now on

>> No.7705641

man i genuinely hope someone is saving these pastas and sending them to sergey

>> No.7705689
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>> No.7705697

>Confirmed good sex, would sex him again

>> No.7705844

Thank you for your service

>> No.7705904

I think i'm one. Or i used to be more chaddish but since dating a bpd and getting into crypto after the breakup i have started developing autistic traits.

I can easily be extroverted pick up girls and date them, but longer term relationships start revealing my autistic nature. Also i do lift, good dancer, but also becoming increasingly autistic since what else matters except making MAD $$ on crypto.

>> No.7706017
File: 746 KB, 571x621, bernie cuck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sergey "likes" Bernie Sanders. He is a confirmed KEK and anybody holding LINK is a KEK by association.

>> No.7706040


Wtf why did cuuck become kek?

>> No.7706095
File: 46 KB, 449x600, 1518658457752.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ask out 5 asian girls
>2 of them have boyfriends
>3 of them rejected me after first date
>still a kissless virgin
I hate my life.

>> No.7706140


>> No.7706184

they are written by his community manager to shill LINK

>> No.7706216


>> No.7706258

wow this is my favorite sergey meme. if hes this alpha hes for sure going to make us rich

>> No.7706286

how many LINK for a jewess like this??

>> No.7706295

paid shills all in a scheme to make women want him only because other women are talking about him in a positive manner.

>> No.7706334

the more i read about our leader sergey, the more i like him.

>> No.7706357

literally spit out my coffee

>> No.7706369


>> No.7706390

>helped us with our bags

>> No.7706394

You got 3/3 single girls to go on dates with you. That's amazing!

>> No.7706404

>he also helped us a lot with our bags
i was convinced this was a larp, but it's not. I checked his account on Couchsurfing.

>> No.7706432


>> No.7706442

sorry but there is no such thing

>> No.7706471
File: 80 KB, 936x365, Screen Shot 2018-02-16 at 6.40.42 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck goes on in the Nazarov household?

>> No.7706509

Even nolinkers love Sergey. This unironically fills me with faith.

>> No.7706767

just do more, and keep a record of it, how long can you keep your streak of getting rejected?

>> No.7706842


>> No.7706901
File: 66 KB, 517x768, 2B689E5D-7ED8-4102-84DE-6238B1178C67.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>helped us with our bags

>> No.7706948

He always has this dumb look on his face like he doesn't even know what the fuck is going on.

>> No.7707007

He's on the verge of a BigMac-induced coma at all times.

>> No.7707035


this dude is probably as bad at doing sex with woman as y'all are. 3rd base is probably brushing her shoulder while she leaves.

>> No.7707207

>trusting a normie with a bunch of friends
Linkies should kill themselves.

>> No.7707229

at least you tried.

>> No.7707289

r u me

>> No.7707321

>My jamaican friend ;)

Stuttering pothead cofirmed just market sold 13k chainlink

>> No.7707327

i can see through this code. banana pancackes is code for gluten free pancackes made without wheat products, he made pancackes with banana as the base

he calls him his jamaican friend probably because sergey likes to smoke a lot of weed, thats a given.. maybe even buy jamaican beef patties, which is speculation.

sergey saying "i enjoyed our time laughing together" means they were smoking weed and "look forward to hanging out together soon again" means come to my house we'll smoke weed again sometime soon chainlink $1000 end of year

>> No.7707444

Sergey is a confirmed ultra chad, even men love him

>> No.7708093

God this thread has made my day