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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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7703470 No.7703470 [Reply] [Original]

You have 1 week left until coinbase officially announces nano on their exchange

Normies always go for the cheaper option. That's why LTC pumped so hard when crypto gained traction

Crypto is gaining traction once again and nano will be pumped to unseen heights on coinbase.

>> No.7703569


>> No.7703761

his fucking ass crack

>> No.7703801

I want to believe...

>> No.7703814

bullshit, this coin is dead and under a massive lawsuit in ITALY


>> No.7703816

I heard they were moving their offices to Mumbai?

>> No.7703828

Can confirm am employee of coinbase check their API source java.html coding exe. on the start page .

>> No.7703838

>issues with several exchanges
>millions stolen
>"Yeah, let's add Nano" t. Coinbase CEO

Stop your wet dreams.

>> No.7703895


>> No.7703896

An exchange being sued for not handling money responsibly is not the same as the coin being sued. This is like claiming Bernie Madoff caused fiat to go to jail. The currency doesn’t have control over how people use it.

>> No.7703897

This might explain why Coinbase has been randomly double-spending customer's bank accounts. Raiblocks confirmed!

>> No.7703931

There haven’t been any double spendings of nano but still

>> No.7703934

Keep being deluded fag
There are hundreds if not thousands other projects that do what Nani does and more. Nani is finished. No one needs this drama.

>> No.7703994



>> No.7704014

Do you want to crash coinbase too?

>> No.7704030

There aren’t any other working coins on block-lattice structures. If a better one comes along, I’ll be interested. Ideally, I want one with a stronger node incentive. Regardless, claiming that a currency is being sued because some fucking retard coded his exchange terribly is just asinine.

>> No.7704075

Top Kek. There aren’t any others because the tech is fundamentally broken

>> No.7704079

legit kys deluded bagholder

>> No.7704099

Coinbase won't even be around in a week.

>> No.7704161


Neo (fka raiblocks) "there will always be something"

>> No.7704171

Do you have any evidence of it being broken? So far only major issues have been on exchange side and working exchanges like kucoin and binance also work fine with the coin. It’s easy to test peer-to-peer.

>> No.7704185

The exchange is sueing the dev team and vice versa you STUPID FAGGOT

>> No.7704206

The nano tech isnt broken you dumb fucking pajeet. Learn facts before before spreading lies, you must be a liberal

>> No.7704255

The exchange isn’t suing the dev team.

>> No.7704332

The dev team told bitgrail was safe. They will be sued too.

>> No.7704356

Bullshit. No double spending ever existed. Only double withdrawals.

>> No.7704455

The dev team said that Bitgrail was an exchange where people could buy it, anyone who leaves any crypto on an exchange in large volume post-gox deserves to lose it. People can decide to sue whoever they want but there’s no real case to be made against the devs for the exchange fuck-up.

>> No.7704514
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>tfw bought at $28 and told my brother/friend to do the same
Hope they didn't listen

>> No.7704592

You all idiots
>7000 tx/s

It's the future

>> No.7704616

We will not buy ur bags Panjeet

>> No.7704794


i'm with you OP

nano is hilarious, here's the rules for it:

> price is down


> price is up


ya'll some short sighted cucks... i'll try to get ya'll in range with my telescope from the andromeda galaxy

>> No.7704887

/biz/ has the collective iq of a fucking cumbucket

>> No.7704907

That's /biz/ for you. Shilling coins that already has gained a lot of traction past couple of days. I remember when IOTA had a huge bull run. Nothing but IOTA posts, then when the news got old people start calling it a scam. The odd one out would be LINK though, that coin is being shilled 24/7 and still has a low Mcap.

>> No.7705348
File: 15 KB, 1035x174, comingsoon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bittrex issues
>cryptopia issues
>bitgrail issues
>mercatox issues
>kucoin issues
>binance issues
>"it's the exchange not the coin" ™

>> No.7705514

Soooooo, what issues are there now exactly on KC and Binance?

>> No.7705564

I told you all that the XRB paid fudders were going to switch to paid shillers yesterday
Let me guess, now you're chasing the pump anons?

>> No.7705617

So isn't litecoin the most viable currency to be adopted by the masses right now?

why should I buy nano?

>> No.7705652

Nano will win long term unless they really fuck up the marketing and adoption. Litecoin will probably have better gains short term.

>> No.7705671

Nano doesn't give away money for free to the miners every block