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File: 18 KB, 585x292, coinbase.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7702356 No.7702356 [Reply] [Original]

Update at 9:55 p.m. PT: Visa's statement on the matter: "Visa has not made any systems changes that would result in the duplicate transactions that are being reported. We are also not aware of any other merchants who are experiencing this issue. We are reaching out to this merchant's acquiring financial institution to offer assistance and to ensure cardholders are protected from unauthorized transactions."

Why isn't anything talking about this?

>> No.7702386

It's obviously money laundering.

>> No.7702402

Thanks just transferred 100k

>> No.7702480

>as if Visa is going to own up to their archaic system update failures
funny how this only started happening after CC companies started enforcing their "oh shit" policy by making crypto purchases cash advaces

>> No.7702495

its been fixed

>> No.7702527

no lol, they're still "investigating". I got refunded $700 and then charged $1400

>> No.7702531

>Visa has not made any systems changes that would result in the duplicate transactions that are being reported.

That's Visa, the payment processor. They didn't do anything. It's the companies administering the cards who turned around and said "OH, crypto purchases are cash advances. Now lets just go retroactively change that payment type on people and collect our fees."

>> No.7702585


>> No.7702602

Does anyone else feel like this is the reason for the recent BTC surge? Coinbase double buying BTC? Suddenly volume is up and sell walls dropping much quicker, lasts a couple days, then bam things come to a screeching halt and people start realizing they've been charged for 2x+ what they spent. Coinbase comes out and says yes there are some bugs. Too coincidental.

>> No.7702626
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>> No.7702631

You guys are literally as dumb as fucking reddit. Theres literally no problem, this is FUD.

>> No.7702639

Visa's payment processing fuck up simply double charges their clients. It doesn't purchase more btc from coinbase. This is why we know it's a Visa problem.

>> No.7702746
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You are dumb as fuck.

Kill yourself, retard.

>> No.7702772

This is also bullshit. Kill yourself, Coinbase fag.

>> No.7702801

simple question: do you have twice the amount of crypto currencies? Or just twice the charges?

If it's just twice the charges, you got fucked by Visa updating their systems to back bill you for cash withdrawals lmao

>> No.7702809
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Because when I hear things that aren't positive I pretend they can't be real and scream FUD, I'm 7.

>> No.7702834
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>fake screenshot
so much money at stake exchanges are making fake allegations against each other

>> No.7702884
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>you got fucked by Visa
Basically this

>> No.7702917

coinbase confirmed it you absolute fucking cretin

>> No.7703056

So it's all down to the specific bank, rather than VISA itself? Does anyone know which are affected?

>> No.7703063

Not him, but I got refunded $530 and then charged $750.

>> No.7703199

OP seems a little itchy

Methinks maybe the bear has fleas

>> No.7703225

After I removed my debit card yesterday they returned my last two transactions then withdrew them again. Had to pay another 6 bucks in intl transfer fees. Give back my 6 shekels you fucks.

>> No.7703227

>These are the fuckers that will make REQ obsolete

Oh I'm laffin

>> No.7703271

More fud from russia

Take a flea bath Mikhail

>> No.7703279
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thanks coinbase, just sold 250k REQ

>> No.7703340

Holy shit, literally just checked my bank account and there are about 4-5 charges from coinbase putting me at a negative balance. Not larping.

How do I get rid of this?

>> No.7703369

Can confirm. I'm a 20 year old with the learning capacity of a 3 year old and I also invest all my tendies in shitcoin and scream FUD/nocoiner/etc at people who deliver any news that makes me uncomfortable.

>> No.7703416

Man, coinbase is shit but this is top level FUD

>> No.7703418

I'm not sure who all is trying to pull that. It's really fucking with some people though because cash advance rules vary hugely based on the individual terms of your card, and its really hard to see what exactly is going on because not a lot of information gets posted. Basically a transaction ID, to/from, and amount. They don't include a why in there, so you'd have to call up the bank and ask for an explanation, which you probably won't get because the call centers you get routed to probably weren't briefed on the subject.

The big thing here is the banks deciding to reclassify a transaction type, and then RETROACTIVELY applying it transactions. Huge potential for a law suit there.

>> No.7703438

>How do I get rid of this?
you don't. this is what you get for buying coins with credit card, pleb

>> No.7703472
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>big banks taking on crypto

>> No.7703480

go to status.coinbase.com you retard

>> No.7703540

people who have the double transactions don't get BTC added in their account

>> No.7703550

Call your bank and dispute the charges. Also file a complaint with the CFPB

>> No.7703562

>owning a credit card
>using a credit card

>> No.7703567

More samefagging from reddit. Take a cyanide bath fag

>> No.7703571

Stop posting you absolute fucking brainlet. You are either hired by coinbase or just plain retarded. Coinbase itself has confirmed the multiple charges issue, and you've been shitting these threads up with your stinky posts since the first thread discussing this issue. It's obvious that you're one poster trying to stir shit up. Kys poojeet

>> No.7703601

Maybe it's because Coinbase is actually trying to add Nano?

>> No.7703606

This. I called my bank about it and they just reversed the extra fees.

>> No.7703643

>Huge potential for a law suit there
they can change the rules anytime its in the document you signed when you opened the account
>bank reserves the right to change any of the provisions stated
banks always win

>> No.7703655


Coinbase stole $2k from my account. They are claiming to have returned it. I contacted my bank, but they have blocked incoming transactions from Coinbase because they are unable to validate the transactions and they suspect money may come from organised.

This is not the banks fault and it's not Visas fault. It is Coinbase and Coinbase only. Coinbase is literally the only site that has this error.

>> No.7703666
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will be funny if coinbase will reinburce with BTC and it will cause huge dumping

>> No.7703677
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>Coinbase itself has confirmed the multiple charges issue
coinbase has confirmed reports of people claiming as such. They also have said the charges are due to visa

There are also fucks like you setting up fake twitter profiles posing as coinbase to spread FUD.

>> No.7703685

I thought this was a joke but I lost $750 this morning and I'm 99% sure it's because of this

>> No.7703709
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These motherfuckers, this shit put me into overdraft.

>> No.7703731

It is not due to a Visa error. Visa has made a statement. Coinbase is the only company where this is an issue.

>> No.7703748

Nope. It's not making double purchases, brainlet. It's just adding random additional charges.

It hasn't. Just woke up to ~$400 worth of additional charges today. Contacted my bank and Coinbase.

There's definitely an issue but it's nothing catastrophic. There are just weird charges on my bank account but they're clearly temporary. The additional charges aren't going to Coinbase.

>> No.7703765

There is a problem but it’s with the credit card processing company. Coinbase sn’t suddenly stealing money for no reason and people are being refunded. No extra BTC was being bought.

>> No.7703772
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>Coinbase said it was VISA and VISA said otherwise and clearly when it comes to all things payment processing I know I put my faith in some 7 year old soyboy startup in Soythern Commiefornia than one of the world's largest and most reputable firms.
Okay... The cognitive dissonance here is getting out of hand.

>> No.7703787

honestly, believe what you want. But ultimately it serves you right for buying crypto with credit cards, rather than real money, you absolute faggots

>> No.7703789

...do you not know what samefagging means?

>> No.7703800

Thanks just bought 100k

>> No.7703852

Just checked my account and got charged $215. Fuck

>> No.7703856

My purchase was with a debit card, and the money on my debit card comes straight from my paycheck, my NEET friend. The purchases with debit cards on coinbase are easy and instant, but these ghost charges are bizarre.

>> No.7703859


>> No.7703921

they 50 times everything with draws and deposits. so coinbase is out millions right now. they did not do this on for fun, in a week it will be all worked out

>> No.7703948

also you should also set withdraws from you savings or another acocunt in the account. if you link coinbase to a bank account with all your money in it you are stupid anyways

>> No.7704090

I got a $350 ghost charge, you're not alone brother. Were you using a VISA card? Because mine was. VISA is claiming it's not their fault but I'm guessing they have something to do with this.

>> No.7704108

I was using a VISA card and was charged $135 over three separate withdrawals

>> No.7704110

>I'm a brainlet debtor with no cash in the bank

>> No.7704175

€345 ghost charge here. VISA card. Prepaid debit account so no harm was done but it still shows as a charge.

>> No.7704452

It's a credit card linked to a bank savings account. Plenty of cash in the bank.

>> No.7704495


Exactly my case. Several charges over a few withdrawals, with some kind of weird "description" of the charges. Debit card as well. They're definitely temporary charges but not sure how long the charges will take to get expunged.

>> No.7704543

Its not just coinbase, it's banks interacting with coinbase, and has already been narrowed down to an after effect of the whole "Crypto purchases are now cash advances" thing.

>> No.7704553

Just spoke with my bank and they confirmed it was coinbase, fuck my life. My last purchase was like 3 weeks ago. Check your accounts guys

>> No.7704583

Of course they're going to say its coinbase. You're talking to some schmuck in a call center who doesn't know they're crediting old charges and replacing them with charges that are classified as cash advances.

>> No.7704591

>bank blocks coinbase
>reeeeee its definitely not my bank its coinbae's fault

>> No.7704610

> "I am now broke, cannot afford rent, food, gas, bills," one user complained.

The absolute state of poorfag crypto investors.

"Can afford to lose" doesn't mean 50 percent of everything you own, you absolute brainlets omg poorfags are teh sux.

>> No.7704626

If they didn't make double spending in the first place the problem wouldn't be there. Not the banks fault cuckbase doesn't have their shit sorted out.

>> No.7704723


> but they have blocked incoming transactions from Coinbase because they are unable to validate the transactions and they suspect money may come from organised.

You and your bank deserve each other.

>> No.7704760
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yuge if substantiated

>> No.7704830

Thanks for (((correcting the record))) Coinbase™ dis-info squad.

>> No.7704858
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>purchasing crypto from your main account
>not having a separate buffer account with no overdraft facility

It's like you want to lose money

>> No.7704882
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>> No.7704893

you should thank big banks for the extra MCC charges and the poor who apparently use their debit cards as credit transactions and can't handle the fees.

>> No.7704912

It's pretty obvious that after the reorganization of the cash advance thing somehow they've been going BACK and reclassifying them, which is messed up. I see some others have been affected like mastercard or bank transfers but there are few enough instances (like 5) where these people are likely just legitimate idiots or have had an unrelated problem. Overwhelming majority is VISA debit card.

There is no doubt all of this is made funnier by clueless casuals who just got in claiming everything is rigged though.

>> No.7704915
File: 37 KB, 800x450, list here you lil shit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How the fuck was I supposed to anticipate this dude?

>> No.7704933

>nano is being added to coinbase
>this happens

>> No.7704940
File: 11 KB, 220x285, brainlet2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i'm retarded
>i'll blame the jews that'll show them


>> No.7704941

dude I just had $200 pulled out then put back in..had to call my card company to ask them to take off the $10 cash advance fee they charge for buying currency.

>> No.7704960

If it has to do with reclassifying transactions as cash advances then why are people who buy it on debit being affected you fucking kike?

>> No.7704961
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Because this sort of thing happens? Obviously there was no way of predicting that this specific case would occur but you should take precautions none the less

>> No.7704993

Because its still a transaction through a visa card that is getting it's metadata changed.

>> No.7705000

Like holy shit, I normally accuse people who talk about disinfo squads as being conspiracy theorists...but either crypto-fanboys have gone full nintendrone with their assault on reasonable discourse... or Coinbase is pozing up this board with disinformers to cover their ass.

>> No.7705014

Boy, good thing I don't use my fucking CC like a retard.

>> No.7705046

But using it as a debit card literally just draws money straight out of your chequing account.

>> No.7705053

I'm actually surprised I never hear NEO being talked about being added to CB. I've heard rumors of REQ and XRP being added, and they're frankly not even as solid as NEO.

>> No.7705091


>> No.7705138

It was an off-handed and unrelated comment to the thread, I'm sorry you absolute autist I won't let it happen again.

>> No.7705176
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So I, the poorfag with only a few hundred dollars to play with should have gone out of his way to set up an entirely separate bank account specifically for coinbase transactions? You may be right and I'll probably do this now, but that would still land me in hot water with that other bank.

>> No.7705195


>Not ever being able to get a loan or mortgage cause no credit history
>forever living in mommy’s basement


>> No.7705249
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>> No.7705349
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because they cant spell ethereum

>> No.7705383

Are we really still fuding this?
>autistic needs don't use ccs for anything besides crypto and have never experienced chargebacks or double charges
>normie redditfags are so impatient they double click everything for crypto
>believing reddit posts

>> No.7705404

It's not my fault your concept of how money moves is tiny men running physical dollar bills back and forth.

>> No.7705665

Notice it is only the amricucks who are affected,
SEPA transfer to coinbase == no problems

>> No.7705865

I just got a duplicate charge last night. Originally bought on FEB 9 and my account got charged again yesterday while i got 0 BTC the 2nd time. What the fuck

>> No.7706077

Why can't I add my VISA card to Coinbase this year? fucking telling me to contact card issuer.

>> No.7706101

I didn't bring coinbase up, the guy just said coinbase charged me $750 last night

>> No.7706105

don't do it dude. don't use coinbase. their system is FUCKED and they are draining peoples' bank accounts

>> No.7706263

EU cuck here,

Bitstamp doesn't accept debit cards atm and taking ages to get verified on Kraken.

>> No.7706555

Download Revolut, then deposit cash from your visa card to revolut, add Coinbase as your beneficiary and do a SEPA transfer to Coinbase which is free, it takes less than a day for me but since it is a weekend it will probably arrive on Monday.

>> No.7706756

When you’re living pay check to pay check what do you have to lose?

>> No.7706938

If this was an issue with Coinbase then why would they say it's VISA's fault?
Check and mate nocoiners.

>> No.7707031

Use gemeni or kraken fags..

>> No.7707115

Remember how (((Equifax))) didn't have a data breach for five months, until they finally did?

The banker kikes will never admit fault, nor will they admit they've been illegally recharging old transactions. All of this will come out very quietly after the lawsuit is filed. The coincidentally jewish media will coincidentally forget to mention it. Coincidentally.

>> No.7707159

>their system is FUCKED and they are draining peoples' bank accounts
I have dozens of purchases off Cuckbase in the last two months and haven't had a single problem. I use a MasterCard. VISAfaggots BTFO.

>> No.7707248

These are all Redditors having problems, remember. Collecting Plebbit Golds but refusing to even post a screenshot of these multiple transactions, which hit their grandmother over six gorrilion times!

>> No.7707319

So you're saying that Reddit is a giant conspiracy by bankers to spread uncertainty about one little crypto exchange that is a shit smear in the grand scheme of global economics?

>> No.7708178


Thought you could only buy on coinbase with ACH. Don't even remember the option for credit card purchases