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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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7701842 No.7701842 [Reply] [Original]

>this is an asian lover's board

reminder that this is a 9/10 for the average biztard


>> No.7701869

Nigger lover

>> No.7701884

well at least he bought her and doesnt need to pay in instalments

>> No.7701887

who are you quoting?

>> No.7701895

t. bitter autistic wizard

>> No.7701898

The guy's happy providing and the girl must keep him happy for the relationship to continue. She can't take half his stuff and get in bed with the State so natural equilibrium is achieved.

>> No.7701911

whats the point to marry an asian if you take the most ugliest ones?

>> No.7701930

I would have thought the same thing until I realised how messed up some white women are, not all but at least any I have had any serious interaction with. I realise a lot of Asian girls are super materialistic and money hungry, but I’ve had more positive satisfying relationships with Asian girls. I guess we all have a reason why we like what we like.

>> No.7701941

>manlet can't find a wife, goes to Thailand like all the pathetic white men who aren't fit for the dating pool in the countries of their birth
>marries an unfashionable, ugly, bad genes (bad teeth big forehead) Thai whore
>immediately wastes his wealth on a shitty Honda
I'd rather be single in my own country than raise a halfbreed child who will inevitably resent me

>> No.7701979

With that being said I can’t stand seeing some cheesy white guy with a girl that clearly has no emotional attachment back and barely speaks a word of English.

>> No.7701989

Better than not reproducing at all..he will be high-status in that country ("rich" dad and half-white)

>> No.7702009


Jesus. She looks the fisherman's son who had a sex change.

>> No.7702038

>I'd rather be single in my own country than raise a halfbreed child who will inevitably resent me

Mixed kids primarily resent their white fathers because the dad is a beta cuck. Since the majority of white men who racemix are beta cucks, it makes sense that halfbreed children are overwhelmingly fucked up.

>> No.7702060


>> No.7702085

oh, so even if I marry a white woman my son will resent me anyway?

OK, I guess I'll marry an Asian woman and at least enjoy myself

>> No.7702112

Asian girls want financial stability and that's not too much to ask for either. I've had white girls tell me they'll get married for the money but would only have kids in a relationship where she wasn't married so she can leave at any time.

>> No.7702166
File: 117 KB, 1262x709, feels.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does this guy you don't even know hurt you so much, anon? Do you need to talk about it?

>> No.7702250

Guess so his children will have small dicks AND be brown. Literally the worst combination.
Supreme gentlemen here we go

>> No.7702301

What? Could you explain that again..it makes no sense, please.

>> No.7702312
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>> No.7702328

Why are people upset with what this guy is doing?

>> No.7702329

If she has a tight pussy, makes him happy, cooks and cleans (makes a home)..what is there to complain about..? You can no longer find a model with those basic functionalities in the west.

>> No.7702360

This. The white gene is so inferior and weak it literally loses to ANYTHING. Guess inbreeding a couple of millenias does that to genetic structure. You can actually see it in action. Nature makes white inbred genes cause severe autism, thus making sure said autists won't be able to breed and spread further damage to the genes.

>> No.7702361

What Honda did he buy?

>> No.7702375

>wow this guy is doing what he wants with his money hahahaha what an idiot
This thread is not /biz/

>> No.7702388

But if the white gene is the weakest, then the strongest gene must be....

>> No.7702389

>all asians have tight pussies
Thats where you're wrong but the rest is quite accurate.

>> No.7702397

Bitter people resent happy people and will look anywhere for a reason to feel superior over them, despite it being 99% projection. Then they can feel self satisfied smugness despite nothing having changed.

>> No.7702407

Go back to r/hapas

>> No.7702430

Do you deny that white genes are always weak and gets beaten out by literally any other gene?

>> No.7702478

Only in your fantasy world. What do mean by "white genes"? Blue eyes are recessive. Recessive genes are still in your DNA.

>> No.7702483

that's not how genetics works

>> No.7702494

a drop of shit in a bucket of milk has a "stronger" impact than a drop of milk in a bucket of shit

>> No.7702518

>b-but the one drop rule!
You fags are hilarious. You walk around screaming that white genes are fragile and weak thus must never be mixed. Yet when someone says the same thing you get butthurt instead.

>> No.7702560

So you're calling white genes estrogene filled?

>> No.7702592
File: 307 KB, 438x492, 1468129229921.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd say it is because white genes are, truthfully, far superior to any other. When mixed, it is un-natural for inferior genes to be interloping with the godly genetic structure, thus the product is disgusting. It is a reminder to keep your godly white blood-line pure. If you are not a pure white, you are an abomination.

>> No.7702596

I'm saying something good and pure is easily corrupted

>> No.7702607

I didn't say that lol
I don't care about "mixing" whatever that means.
What >>7702494 said is also bullshit.

>> No.7702611

Ah, yes.

>> No.7702652

Ah yes, like femininity. Good call. Today's white men are all effimate soyboys so you're absolutely right.
>dumber than jews and asians
>physically weaker than nigs
>stopped breeding, huge homosexual population and always starts wars with everything, especially each other.

>> No.7702775

You masterrace, go learn basic genetics.
IQ 90 literally.

>> No.7702832

>tfw hapa daughter on the way

did I make it bros? Am I a true /biz/ness man?

>> No.7702845

Nah, youre just a Canadian

>> No.7702863

Shes still a decent match for a guy that looks like him. Hell I bet she treats him well and makes him feel great and takes as much care of her appearance as she can.

If the guy settled for a white girl he she would be overweight, never straightens her hair etc and would probably just divorce and take the guys money a few years later when she gets "bored".

>> No.7702985

This girl is honestly a 4, and looks old as fuck to boot. Guy looks like he lifts, could pull a minimum 7, probably an 8 or 9 if he tried hard

>> No.7703032
File: 120 KB, 750x847, 1510070774215.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the problem with dating/marrying attractive females is they always had male attention and will always get male attention. what do you think is going to happen when that dries up and she's only getting attention from you?

now of course this is a stupid generalization, but I'm just raising the perks of dating a "homely" girl. cheers.

>> No.7703041

She's cute. They both look happier than you probably are.

>> No.7703623
File: 804 KB, 850x2200, get out.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jews are superior stupid goy

>> No.7703673
File: 241 KB, 1080x1316, 1517009733453.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how does it feel being not only a dumbass cuckboy incel, but also too stupid to make the easiest money on earth to boot op?