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File: 716 KB, 584x626, 1490633007588.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7695069 No.7695069 [Reply] [Original]

wtf I love bitcoin cash now

>> No.7695363


Roger Ver is a bazinga-pajeet irl. Incredible.

>> No.7695515

Bitcoin Core BTFO

>> No.7695555

>needs to pay girls to promote his chinese mandated cryptocurrency

>> No.7695565

nice, just bought 100k mexican sex slaves for my anarchist compound

>> No.7695672


Are those women supposed to be considered attractive?

>> No.7695705

i guess it's what you get if you hire some girls to be models but don't go out of your way to spend a ridiculous amount on the better ones

>> No.7695749

>possibly the shortest shelf-life of all the roasties

Unless they're 10, nearly any other race would be a better option.

>> No.7695777
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Nice just bought 100k of actual anarchist coin

>> No.7695833
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Lol, Bitcoin Cash will win. Blockstream can't market for shit.

>> No.7695965

True, all they can do is Twitter spam " muh Ver m-muh scam" and desperately hope their brain dead followers don't ask technical questions.

>> No.7695996

you understand bcash is the literal sjw of cryptocurrency? and people are making fun of you all just like they make fun of feminists and dudes in lipstick?

>but i identify as bitcoin, dont you dare call be bcash

>> No.7696015
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>> No.7696044
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fuck off roger
bcash will never be le ebyn real le bitcoin
bcash is bcash

>> No.7696045

Nah, BCore/BLegacycucks are the worst community in crypto
Go check r/bitcoin, they are constantly removing criticism and notice how they allow price-related posts only when they want people to fomo-in
It's so fucking retarded

>> No.7696073

I'm disturbed.

>> No.7696090

Comparison doesn't even make sense.
>this technology is just like an insufferable group of communists
>literally the most capitalist technology in existence

>m-muh bcash

Thanks for proving my point though.

>> No.7696126

I'm just gonna leave this here....

>> No.7696163

>giving a shit about Ripple supporters and their opinions


>> No.7696170
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>moneyskel weighs in

>> No.7696190
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so were supposed to be happy with the evil microsoft teaming with the evil blockstream to try and force their vaccinations on us...

>> No.7696201

Bitcoin.com =/= Bitcoin.org.

Fucking idiots.

>> No.7696478

We know that
Your point?

>> No.7696571
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>> No.7696656

Vitalik and Roger are bros

>> No.7696718

>bcash is the literal sjw of cryptocurrency?

Wrong. That would be Bitcoin. Its community is made of toxic people and any post even remotely questions Bitcoin's tech is banned. Heavy censorship is a SJW thing.

>> No.7696865

Well it's a good thing they have a good team that's been working on Bitcoin for 7 years, as opposed to the actual fugitive that stole their work and has the audacity to shit talk the people who's work he's using.
Who's working on btrash? Which developers?

>> No.7696879

I love this pic. maybe even more than the Navy seal one

>> No.7696887


Are you diputing that Theymos is engaged in divisive partisan moderation, that his moderation policies are absolutely depplorable, or that he pretends to be running an open community platform?

>> No.7696917
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>open source

>> No.7696928

I don't understand why we fight like this. Roger is a sack of shit but we need him. We all do. We need more money in the system whether it comes in through bcash, btc, or eth.

>> No.7697214
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Core aren't in it for the reasons you assume they are, they are saboteurs, pure and simple, their goals are mutually exclusive with the execution of the original vision, that's why they're pursuing a settlement layer with an attached second layer that forces centralisation and can provide zero actual technical justification for it. There was a coretard in here last night trying to make the case for the "decentralisation is degraded by larger block sizes" position and it was just stunning how utterly ignorant and clueless he was, breathtaking even. They literally do not have any legitimate arguments at all, thus the only remaining option is that they're lying.

>> No.7697274

>>7683018 watch this idiot get completely massacred.

>> No.7697276

I think they just want BTC to go up. Mindboggling to think they could believe what they post here.

>> No.7697371
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Paid shills getting PAID PAID PAID

>> No.7697446
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Well it's a large team's full time job after all.

>> No.7697530

>argue with Core shills all day
>they never argue tech or rebut anything

He needs to hire some better shills tbf

>> No.7697531
File: 36 KB, 480x270, prince albert.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These guys understand the weak wind of the typical crypto speculator. Just look at all the terrible threads that get created on here with sexy girls for the OP pic. Your thoughts are clouded with lust, and will be your undoing.

>> No.7697539


Calling people toxic is a SJW thing too.

>> No.7697545

You know what bitcoin developers work towards? Bettering their system. Making Bitcoin more valuable.
You know what the btrash team wants? To fuck over bitcoin, the guys whose work they're using, whose brand they're using.

>> No.7697564

>True, all they can do is actually working on a coin.
Fixed that for you.

>> No.7697608
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Wrong, they stole the brand, they sabotaged and hijacked the system, all BCH is doing is restoring the original vision, pic related.
Of course, you probably know that, and you're being paid to cover it up, and if that's not the case then you're fucking stupid, which is even worse.

>> No.7697786

>>post unrelated Satoshi-Sama quote
I'm sorry your only argument is to call people stupid when they disagree.
And you're wrong, the real bitcoin has been developed for 8 years by one group, and the shit coin you're proping up was hard-forked. And if Satoshi was so concerned about his "vision" why hasn't he said anything?
Monkeys evolve. Concepts change from their original whitepaper as new challenges arise, and as variables not originally considered are addressed.

>> No.7697815

There's just no argument to be had, even confronting Gregory Maxwell with it, he can't offer anything, I have done it multiple times, they're transparently stumped when you actually understand the technology, it always comes down to "Trust us, we're the best devs in the world" because there *are* no technical arguments to justify their position, period.
Read some of his reddit comments sometimes, and you start to get a real idea of the thought process, I think it's pretty clear he's been turned by the traditional political / banking forces, you'll see him talking about how dystopian it would be if the world ever had a truly decentralised and anonymous payment system, talking about how to prepare your bitcoin taxes, etc.
He's got an agenda, it's clear as day, and he's using his ability to dazzle with bullshit coupled with most people being unable to see through it to ram that agenda through, because they want to kill the project.

>> No.7697816

obviously ladyboys

>> No.7697862
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It's very much related, it is Satoshi directly layout out the scaling roadmap as presently being executed by BCH and only stopped by sabotage from Bitcoin tabs.
They hard forked to get rid of that sabotage, and that's where we're at now. Bitcoin tabs, a hijacked forcibly imposed centralised broken weak copy of Bitcoin Cash; peer to peer electronic cash as described in the original white paper.

>> No.7697998
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>> No.7698030

You realize Satoshi himself did the block limit, right?
Also, ha, centralization? Really? Where's it centralized? China? Have you ever voted as a miner? Those votes represent a general consensus for the direction of bitcoin.
Again, monkeys evolve, concepts face challenges and have to adjust in order to continue. But sure keep the monkey that's 12% (?) of the real bitcoin
Let me quote Satoshi for you; "if you don't get it, I don't have time to explain it to you"

>> No.7698160
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>the coin with "fake" Satoshi follows everything Satoshi said, to the letter
really makes ya think

>> No.7698194

Lol, /r/bitcoin is that way, buddy

>> No.7698235

this. 22 their done.

>> No.7698306
File: 26 KB, 1265x253, wew.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You just used the Satoshi quote that comes from his post clearly stating that not everyone is intended to run a full node, which is opposite of the narrative Bitcoin Core has been pushing for years about why blocks must remain small.

>> No.7698308

Open source was a mistake

>> No.7698333
File: 138 KB, 768x1024, DPACCyUXkAAnY11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You realize Satoshi himself did the block limit, right?
He's the one that is right now wanting big block sizes. So this makes no sense.

>> No.7698541

The only reason I hold eth is because of Vitalik's war on Bitcoin core.

>> No.7698636

didn't work m8. not sure why you think I'm looking for porn anyway

>> No.7698683
File: 680 KB, 2120x3490, craig scam.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7698702

Face photo of the Asian one?

>> No.7698733

Blocks must not remain small forever, only until the protocol is developer well enough to raise it without compromising other features of the network.

>> No.7698742
File: 126 KB, 811x741, lightning-network-nodes-feb2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's centralised here shit for brains

>> No.7698747

Fucking checked

>> No.7698764

just goes to show that bitcoin cash is the chad crypto

>> No.7698778

This is the biggest meme. There are no developers working on bitcoin.

Bitcoin Cash needs no developers.

>> No.7698811
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shill thread
bcash is trash

>> No.7698816
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The problem never was it'll be centralized, the problem was it won't scale, and even that assuming people will want to pay for their coffee using their "digital gold".

>> No.7698837
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> Well it's a good thing they have a good team that's been working on Bitcoin for 7 years
Can you back up that BS? Do you have any idea what the BTC Core team does and what's being developed for BCH right now?

>> No.7698886


Wait, you seriously think there is a SINGLE original BTC dev working for Blockstream Core?

They are literally all working on better coins. Some on BCH, some on Skycoin, Some on ethereum (maybe, they might have left that too), some on ARK, and probably a few other coins

>> No.7698920

There's nothing wrong with the concept of a peer to peer second layer for transactions, which would implicitly be of infinite scale, if it was statically routed it wouldn't even be that complex, as it is though there's no solution to the dynamic routing problem and has not been since the inception of lightning, so they may well just completely and utterly fail, rather than just failing at the impossible goal of a decentralised second layer peer to peer dynamically routed second layer.
Point is the blockchain scales just fine enormously past the current artificially imposed limits, and that's what matters.

>> No.7698950
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> They are literally all working on better coins.
One former BTC dev moved to XMR, the founder of the LN project moved to OMG. How BTC is valued at 10K with no future is beyond me, and I'm not even talking about the cessepool that is their official sub.

>> No.7698966

Wow it's another episode of bitcoin supporters posting full ad hominem and zero technical discussion.

Someone really ought to put a bounty on the latter.

>> No.7699000
File: 201 KB, 1080x1349, 1518374378298.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>XMR and OMG
ahh yeah
>even the founder of LN left

>> No.7699018
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LN is like the blockchain, it can only be two of: 1. scalable, 2. decentralized, 3. secure. The LN chose 2 and 3, but they still don't have anything but a toy model - what they present in main net as the LN is NOT a real LN because it doesn't solve any of the those. The only question remaining is did Blockstream tried to end with a platform for their proprietary solutions and didn't care about scaling, or did they really want to fail all along and were paid to sabotage BTC?

>> No.7699038

shitting on gen 1 shitcoin with no future bcash does not make one a bitcoin supporter.
>bcashies delusion

>> No.7699064

I'm leaning towards they're only aiming for scalable and secure now. Maybe at one point in time they thought they could get all three, but now that they appear to be rationalising capitulation to mainstream finance, it seems more likely they've just accepted it's impossible and are just trying to jury rig some shit in that at least gives them something approaching a revenue stream, given their last funding round only had a single clueless investor, vs the massive round they had before, they have to know time is up, and this full court PR shill press they've been maintaining ever since UASF can't be cheap, it really does seem like 8/10 people you discuss anything on this subject with are just shills.

>> No.7699085

>muh next gen shitcoins
Not only is bitcoin cash the best 1st gen crypto, its also a 2nd gen crypto.

doesn't matter anyway cause I mostly hold the best 3rd gen crypto

>> No.7699093


That post makes absolutely no sense.

>> No.7699104

good numbers

>> No.7699143

>only aiming for scalable and secure now
But the LN uses onion routing, it won't be scalable. Looks like they're just dragging it to make crypto look bad.

>> No.7699151

bcash is a gen 1 shitcoin, it will never be gen 2. only bcashies think you can tape on shiny gen 2 features to a decrepit shitcoin like bcash and make a gen 2 coin out of it

>> No.7699173

At some stage maybe they just disable it and turn it into a shitty obvious paypal clone, maybe that's why the devs and CTO abandoned it, realising it's going to be nothing but a trainwreck caked with marketing makeup to mask the uglyness.

>> No.7699174

>the bcashie delusion
if they shit on our shitty grn 1 bcash shitcoin, they must be a bitcoin supporter. that is your bcashie delusion.

>> No.7699200

>LN is like the blockchain
Except it removes the blockchain and makes it impossible to use the blockchain to audit your financial records. So it kills the most important point of the blockchain. How can you check to make sure that Lightning routing is working if the transactions are stored somewhere? You can't. That's what the blockchain is for, to prove the system is functioning without bugs. Lightning is literally the destruction of the blockchain. At least the Segwit version of lightning is because it removes the one-to-one relationship between transactions and block entries. BCH can do Lightning its just for every transaction with a new entity you open a channel and so the record of your transactions is still on the blockchain. That is opposed to Segwit Lightning where you open one channel and use that one channel to pay everyone, thus destroying the record of your transactions.

>> No.7699204

have fun with your vaporware m8

>> No.7699220

look around everyone, you will not see a more toxic community in all of crypto. bcashies are cancer.

>> No.7699223

>bcash is a gen 1 shitcoin, it will never be gen 2. only bcashies think you can tape on shiny gen 2 features to a decrepit shitcoin like bcash and make a gen 2 coin out of it
What do you define as gen 2? I would assume shitty insecure tech like DAG's or DPOS.

>> No.7699246

Do you honestly not see the hypocritical nature of your post.

>> No.7699253
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Dear leader approves this message.

>> No.7699287

honestly dude, I don't. you do. Its marketing buzzword bullshit.

I go for innovative elegant code and passionate, educated, experienced wildcards. Particularly if they have maniac laughs. As passionate educated wildcard, I can tell. If I had the experience I'd be working on shit myself. Soon.

>> No.7699297
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Also ZK blockchains are unauditable. That's another question, but I agree the LN has no pros, only cons.

>> No.7699316


Even this former LN dev now thinks it's a stupid idea:


>> No.7699441

implying roger likes girls

>> No.7699472


You're still barely making sense. Your punctuation is terrible. You're also assuming I support bcash, which I don't. You're using greentext wrong. And you're implying that no one who has posted attacks on bcash in this thread is a bitcoin supporter, which is almost certainly wrong.

I'm guessing you have nothing technical to offer either. Great posting!

>> No.7699564
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>> No.7699574

shitting on the biggest assholes in the cryptosphere is the only appropriate response to the cancerous cashies

>> No.7699616

strawman , and attacking punctuation just shows desperation and defeat- 2018 smartphones. get with the program. we're not paid to sit on a keyboard and shill outdated gen 1 shitcoins all day

>> No.7699617

Those JUST bodies.

>> No.7699634

strawman, the only way a cashie can win. you dishonest assholes are just cancer

>> No.7699650

another strawman

>> No.7699667


>> No.7699707
File: 400 KB, 720x512, 1509712338997.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Biggest assholes you say?
Luke-jr would like a word.

>> No.7699723

Oh you're one of those people that parody core shills to make them look bad right? You're doing an excellent job.

>> No.7699731


I'm not attacking you for your punctuation. I'm simply stating that it makes you hard to understand. There is no desperation or defeat because I'm not even certain what your position is.

>> No.7699733

Do you still not see the hypocritical nature of your posts?

>> No.7699748

>strawman, the only way a cashie can win.
Win what? You still haven't presented your argument. What do you define as a 1st and 2nd generation crypto? What coins do you believe to be superior to Bitcoin (BCH)?

>> No.7699825
File: 56 KB, 403x448, 1515908371859.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No one managed to replace tcp/ip 1st gen with a modern 2nd gen protocol.
inb4 LN

>> No.7699889

>No one managed to replace tcp/ip 1st gen with a modern 2nd gen protocol.
What the fuck does this have to do with anything? TCP/IP is a communication protocol between members of the internet. So the TCP/IP of Bitcoin is the Satoshi code. Are you just bringing this up because you are retarded and don't understand what TCP/IP is or how it relates to Bitcoin? This has literally nothing to do with anything posted in this thread.

>> No.7700021 [DELETED] 
File: 71 KB, 600x600, mlghorn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They say Bitcoin is a Gen 1 coin (it is). Litecoin is a gen 1 too. Ethereum? Gen 2. Bitcoin Cash? Gen 3.
>IBM and Cisco are Gen 1 companies and they are still there, improving themselves, making them Gen 3 companies technically

>> No.7700054

IPv6 exists

>> No.7700276

>What is NAT

>> No.7700549

oh god

>> No.7700571
File: 49 KB, 441x408, 0000000000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Bitcoin Cash
More like Bitcoin Crash lmao

>> No.7701027

skycoin would like a word with you

>> No.7701061

he's saying your gen 2 meme is just a shitty meme. you managed to grasp his analogy but not see how it applies. congrats on being willfully retarded.

>> No.7701218

>he's saying your gen 2 meme is just a shitty meme. you managed to grasp his analogy but not see how it applies. congrats on being willfully retarded.
I never made a gen 2 meme bucko. You managed to make word salad here, nothing more. I think you are arguing my point and pretending we disagree or you have no idea what TCP/IP is or the different layers of the internet and how they relate to Bitcoin. We have multiple layers of Bitcoin already. What are you even trying to say? That all we have is the Satoshi code with no users, no network, no wallet applications, and no encryption layers? We have multiple layers already, this TCP/IP comparison makes no fucking sense as we have these layers already and have since day 1.

>> No.7701245

Does any one have a better ass shot of that girl on the left. holy fuck is she sexy.

>> No.7701251

you think there aren't 1000 different layers build on TCP/IP???

nigga you high

>> No.7701314

The more you talk about it, the more people will research it. Core shills are mad that it didn't die after the fork. It's here to stay.

>> No.7701324
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>> No.7701343

>rare satoshi pic

wew lad

>> No.7701353


>> No.7701376

>trusting obvious soyboy

>> No.7701419

There are big designflaws in tcp/IP
In the early 90s there was a nerdwar of people saying tcp/IP wont scale and that we need Gen 3.


>> No.7701598

>You realize Satoshi himself did the block limit, right?
And subsequently proposed raising it...

>> No.7702273

nice watch!