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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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7679558 No.7679558 [Reply] [Original]

I'm sorry bb, ty

>> No.7679577

AppCoins obviously

>> No.7679633

he all about da weed coinz, nah wut im sayin!

>> No.7679817

not till 9pm gmt

>> No.7679896
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>> No.7680626

with the bear market, there are so many options. I heard maybe link. j/k

>> No.7680770

let's put our heads together and figure it out /biz/

>low market vol for obvious reasons, it's a pnd after all
>should be on binance since most of his clients are normie boomers af
>need decent fundamentals

reply to this post with your pick, GO!

>> No.7680787


>> No.7680805

Insider here. PBC coin of the year is REQ.

>> No.7680830

For Binance, I think it will be OST, IOST or TNB

>> No.7680863

He said it had a "weird" use case or something like that.

>> No.7680894

need some proofs

>> No.7681403

its not because REQ is "weird AND creepy"

>> No.7681796


>> No.7681812



>> No.7681847

it's Wax, Vechain, POWR, or RCN

>> No.7681880

They already said to buy WAX and POWR along with AION and DRG

>> No.7682280


>> No.7682406


could be CND again>>7680770

>he is lazy af

>> No.7682473

Has the same one been called consecutively?

>> No.7682489

no idea, but why not

>> No.7682647
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>> No.7682722

I got a feeling it's gonna be bnty or Revain.

>> No.7682952

If it's LINK I'm going to shit in his mouth. I sold half my stack to chase a short-term moon.

>> No.7683000

ive got that feeling too

>> No.7683041

With the VEN rebrand coming up, its probably VEN.
Otherwise, some stupid shitty coin to pump and dump like SALT or GTO

>> No.7683062

>Listening to a literal potato.

>> No.7683068

Theres a reason for the pump

>> No.7683089

Lol it's polymath u cucks

>> No.7683120

It might as well be one of the coins he recommened to buy as text updates

>> No.7683603

they have a video AMA in the coming days

>> No.7683808

99% it's either Neblio, REQ or LINK.

>> No.7683903


>> No.7683936

None of those have a weird use case

>> No.7683969

I'm almost 100% certain it's VeChain or JNT.

>> No.7683974

you have to think like a boomer pajeet

>> No.7683981


Does AION have a weird use case?

He also said its "something most of you havent heard of", so maybe its unlikely to be a previous signal.

>> No.7684005

I didn't say today's call is aion
It's going to be bounty

>> No.7684037


>> No.7684046

It's going to be TRAC you fucks!

>> No.7684055

nope DEVERY!

>> No.7684059


>> No.7684110


i didnt say you did, i was just wondering your opinion

>> No.7684180

the irony if it's doge

>> No.7684193

PFR is the pick!

>> No.7684273

In the blockchain sense for normies, I suppose Neblio doesn't. REQ might. LINK definitely has a weird use case for normans.

>> No.7684292

Pbc pick is at comfysignals t.me/comfysignals

>> No.7684305

Now that I think of it, that pump we saw a few days ago might have been the pajeet buying to dump on his subscribers.

>> No.7684347

ChainLink : pretty weird to normies, huge potential. Mainnet coming etc.

>> No.7684368

It's Spank

>> No.7684388

no way
too controversial

>> No.7684412

He said he heard about this project last month or so
He definitely heard about link waaay before that
It's bnty

>> No.7684459


You can see they've been forerunning the coin the past 3 hours.

>> No.7684461


>> No.7684463

>low/semi-low mcap + low volume
>"weird" use case
>on binance


Which others?

>> No.7684464

GTO (Gifto)

>> No.7684465

>It's bnty
Yup. Officially confirmed.

>> No.7684472

Source (last month mentioning) would be pretty good lead

>> No.7684501

its GTO

>> No.7684508


>> No.7684532

>$25m mcap shitcoin which isn't on binance
>only holders are newfags who didn't understand that december was a classic PnD

Yeah, no.

>> No.7684546

so is it GTO?

>> No.7684551


>> No.7684566

Gifto is retarded, that can't be it.

>> No.7684607

lmao GTO got pump and dumped hard

>> No.7684620

Obviously it's Bitconnect.

>> No.7684633

Obviously it's Bitconnect.

>> No.7684719

hmmm it was being accumulated an hour ago

>> No.7684750
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GTO up to .80

>> No.7684809


>> No.7684929

GTO is crashing LMAO

>> No.7684949

do you have the buy up to prices of other coins?

>> No.7684959

Fake, I'm a subscriber, its not GTO

>> No.7685023

well then what is it? lol

>> No.7685033

>no more than 200-400$

All in, then

>> No.7685043

it is gto kek

>> No.7685049
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lmao at the people who shot in 5+ BTC at more than 6k sats.

>> No.7685057

if its gto its crashing..lol

>> No.7685097

There's always a dip after the initial pump. Always. Followed by another increase as the people who panic sold buys back in.

Just look at all prior pumps, including Cindicator.

>> No.7685164

true! wish my binance didnt keep freezing..

>> No.7685312

was it nano? its fucken reversaling hard

>> No.7685361

Neblio - has that enterprise vibe, has been pumping for a few days now, mesh, staking and low supply - I know I sound like a shill but its just my 2 sats worth

>> No.7685373

i got cuck'd.

when do i finally accept i have no idea what i'm doing and to stop putting in $2k to shit i don't understand

>> No.7685398

This happens to me on PC with particularly high volume, like during a crash or a pump. I've lost thousands because of this and I have an excellent PC.

>> No.7685440

How bad did you get cucked?

You're competing against bots that reads the release and auto-buys within 1 second. Your only chance is to accumulate some coins beforehand and hope for the best.

>> No.7685453

get fucked faggot.

>> No.7685549

This. Palm Beach are the biggest PnD racket.

>> No.7685571

Bought at 7k sats, sold at 5600. Average day for an average wojak

>> No.7685636

yeah. guess so.

i'm never goign to make it. time to go to work at my wagecuck shit job where everyone slacks off and i work my ass off for fucking nothing

>> No.7685662
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Kek. I always look at the top and imagine what that one guy who bought the top feels.

You were close.

>> No.7685714

it'll go back up r-right???

>> No.7685716

i practically bought that.... bought at 6950.

>> No.7685725

Nothing in life comes free. Not even in crypto.
Apply yourself and learn shit, and you'll be rich in no-time.

I wrote a bot for the first 3 McAffee "coin of the day" pump-and-dumps. Went from $8k to $63k in 3 days.

If this pajeet hadn't closed subscriptions, I'd do the same thing here.

>> No.7685759

It might. Depending on the past pumps, probably. But it might not, because the pajeet lost a fuckton of credibility after recommending shitcoins the last few times.

>> No.7685814

It will 2x in the next few days then trace back down 15% then be in for the long hodl to x100. It happens with all of his recommendations. CND, REQ, ADA, Stellar, etc...

>> No.7685822

I think there was alot that bought above that..my screen froze on that ..big purchases..when it came back it went down. appeared someone was ready with a huge sell at the getgo

>> No.7685859

Cindicator has been a good buy for me. It's been getting ~80% of last months support/resistance indicators correct. Also, the ico recs have been gold.

>> No.7685865

>appeared someone was ready with a huge sell at the getgo

Bots have built-in features that makes automated sell-orders after x% gains. It's a safety feature in case the site crashes from overload.

So I'm assuming one of the first fuckers to buy in had his bot dump right there.

>> No.7685896
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>> No.7685912

please remove my picture.

>> No.7686768

I checked etherscan.. 2 purchases 40,308 within getgo..ouch. I saw the sell being devoured instantly.

>> No.7686815

I hate when it goes up to .000001 below my sell order or .000001 above my buy order.

Happened the other day with XLM and it immediately mooned afterwards.

>> No.7687024
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I heard it was probably BNTY

>> No.7687312
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