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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 13 KB, 550x550, bitcoincash.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7669637 No.7669637 [Reply] [Original]

Holy fucking shit. I just found a backdoor in an coming up capacitor block node on the Bitcoin Cash blockchain. This shit will literally implode. I'd say you have about an hour.

You have been warned.

>> No.7669647

*grabs popcorn*

>> No.7669649

*an up coming
is what i meant to say, im too tired. going to bed.

>> No.7669708


>> No.7669785

>I just found a backdoor in an coming up capacitor block node on the Bitcoin Cash blockchain
What the fuck is this word salad supposed to mean?

>> No.7669811

it means bcash is a shitcoin

>> No.7669831
File: 50 KB, 611x502, buy-high.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't be a faggot and give your /biz/bros some proof.

>> No.7669837

It's Bitcoin Cash. Of course it's a piece of shit. Who buys Bitcoin Cash aside from literal retards.

>> No.7669855


Explains why it's crashing

>> No.7669919

It means some retard was reading Bitcoin Cash threads earlier and was too stupid to understand what they were saying so he made up some bullshit to try and sound intelligent and then left. The funny thing is that the rest of you idiots don't know that he literally made up words, but because its anti-BCH you will take it as being true. This thread is the result of extended methamphetamine use, I guarantee you that.

>> No.7669940
File: 175 KB, 630x420, sodl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I sold all my 10 BCH because I literally believe your meme and somehow the price is going up

>> No.7669944

Holy shit, I found out OP has AIDS.

>> No.7669996
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>> No.7670038

You're right, I forgot all about capacitor block nodes and blockchains. That comes in chapter 18 of the blockchain book right after chapter 17 "Electrified Anti-Gravity Transactions". How could I have forgotten? I need more meth or I won't be able to stay awake to read the whole book. Lol.

>> No.7670104
File: 38 KB, 1280x720, 1F2D4617-B0C2-42FF-A69A-753735C4F6D6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>double triggered, this calls for higher resolution

>> No.7670205

You do realize the more we have this back and forth conversation the more people have the chance to see that Bitcoin Segwit supporters believe in "capacitor blocks" and their ability to create "backdoors" and destroy blocks. All while the person who discovered this "backdoor" is sleeping. So keep replying, I'm just here to bump the thread and spread the word that the only people who support Bitcoin Segwit are those required to wear helmets when they go outside.

>> No.7670253

im an electrical engineer so this baits not gonna work on me

>> No.7671047
File: 1.20 MB, 636x434, 0D452273-3581-41D5-B305-76107C4D1C07.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s okay. I rerouted power to the port nacelles — we should be okay as long as the lateral baffles hold out.

>> No.7671080

what was meant by this


>> No.7671084

nobody here supports bitcoin
nobody here supports bcash
you are about as thick as they come

>> No.7671087
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>> No.7671115

that's some mallcore-tier cover

>> No.7671147

I feel as though threads like these are a sad attempt to give credibility to the BCH shills that "Bitcoin Cash is attacked by Bitcoin CORE shills!"

BTrash will never be Bitcoin. The coup failed. Give it up.

>> No.7671153

BCash only UseCase is being digital toilett paper for Pajeets and we all know they dont use it.

Just die already you fucking fake shitcoin

>> No.7671162

i bet you dont even ironically like attila's about that life

>> No.7671180
File: 77 KB, 480x480, theEndOfBcash.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Core shills with the quality arguments yet again.
Parity before EOY deal with it

>> No.7671215

This has been the best thing I've seen on /biz/ in a while.

>> No.7671241

>Who buys Bitcoin Cash?
People who can think for themselves and understand economics. The BTC camp is a horde of morons led by villains.

>> No.7671245

Let me guess...you are some poor cunt who missed out on being f fucking rich like me from btc and desperately want to to get rich off Bitcoin trash? K pal... Flippening ammirite?!? Sure...

>> No.7671251

I fucking hate BTrash, that shit needs to die

>> No.7671273

Thats whats so great about it. I bought pre bubble 2013 and held until december.

Gonna ride it twice, this time with millions.

>> No.7671315

The replies to your obviously true post by poor cunts who.want to get rich after missing the boat on btrash. So sad! Muh real satoshis vision!!! Big blocks!!! Core shills!!! Btc.cunts...im.rich it's hilarious...btrash losers will always try but it's too late. I get a hard-on over poor cunts desperation I swear. Bitcoin cash is the real.v Bitcoin!!! Hahahahaha. So why is it so much less!!??

>> No.7671323

Economics says it's your unusable crippled shitcoin developed by a totalitarian central planning body and promoted through lies and propaganda that's going to die, anon, just like all unfree communist economic systems everywhere. But you're probably not even a libertarian, so don't let me stop you from losing all your money, you deserve it.

>> No.7671354
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Whew so triggered.

>> No.7671362

I heard they are planning a rebrand


>> No.7671373
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>> No.7671425

Not sure if you are agreeing with me but I did the same... This shit has made me millions, pulled out millions in 2017 as well and still have millions... whatever the fuck satoshis vision was! All I know is I'm fucking rich and never have to work again. Btc kicks ass , sold by btrash and whatever I still have makes me money as well but still think btc is my main breadwinner no matter how much Ver cries on YouTube .I'm no core shill, don't care about any faggot shills who 'believe' in anything . I'm just a moron Aussie. Treating this like the digital Dole and laugh at people who are upset by this shit because they are obviously late totally he party and poor as they are so upset by all this discussion. Respect to all old fags already rich (drove my sports pack r8 Audi to my mates right now) in australia who didn't miss the boat because they were playing world or Warcraft like losers in 2012. Btc for life

>> No.7671467
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Stay poor faggot

>> No.7671535

anon are you saying its too late to make it if i jsut start crypto today?

>> No.7671562

it isnt so long as you're all-in JNT

>> No.7671590

This battle between BTC and BCH fags is so hilarious

>> No.7671594

fucking faggot. kys

>> No.7671604

big if true

>> No.7671611


>> No.7671699

>I just found a backdoor in an coming up capacitor block node on the Bitcoin Cash blockchain

>> No.7671717
File: 64 KB, 888x599, Adam_what_happen_tho.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

desperate emergency larp, the post

>> No.7671768

Can you imagine how butthurt the people organising this shit must be? We'll hijack the media and political structure like we always go and everything else will follow because that's how humanity works, we've been doing this for thousands of years, there will be no surprises.
What do you mean they split and are pulling market cap away from our product? What do you mean we can't do anything about it? What do you mean if they take enough our entire product will be destroyed? What the fuck is going on here?
The only poetic justice to come from this shit is when they lose, the core faction will be persona non grata fucking everywhere after the full extent of their treachery is widely revealed and understood.

>> No.7671792
File: 121 KB, 1000x600, satoshi_visa_scale.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This year will be very entertaining indeed.

>> No.7671807

Roger Ver is trying to copy Satoshi's homework but still can't get a higher grade
Just give up and we can get this process over with
Bcash is a distraction

>> No.7671825
File: 215 KB, 2758x454, 1518664421475.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think you mean Adam Back.

>> No.7672127

This describes literally the only reason there are bcash fans on this earth. NO other reason.

>> No.7672221

Yeah what other possible reason could people who actually wanted what was originally planned from a project still have to be in that project beside not having been there when that original promise was made and was being delivered on prior to being sabotaged?
Why are coretards so stupid? There are some hooks in the brain for obedience that override rational thought or something, isn't there? And those who have them have their ability to think rationally overriden instead by authority demanding "Hey you must say think and believe these things instead!".
It's fucking weird and dystopian and makes me even more misanthropic than I already am, fuck this shitty insectoid species.

>> No.7672246
File: 72 KB, 750x743, gommunism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its easy to despair at core shills stupidity. But if you believe in the free market you have nothing to worry about.
Inferior products wont prevail.

>> No.7672298

Go back to support AXA and Mastercard the only reason why you will never have financial freedom. NO other reason.

>> No.7672721

Man, take a deep breath and re read your messages.
You're deep in, but it's not too late.

>> No.7673532

I have re-read this entire situation with disbelief for months now, completely fucking shocked that they so easily managed to pull the wool over basically everyone's eyes.
Someone saying "aren't you taking this a little too seriously" is totally not going to change my view on that one iota, this project was about changing the world, destroying political authority, and throwing off the chains of debt based money and central banking, and all it took for almost everyone to either forget that or not even notice it to begin with was taking control of some people with minor political importance to the project and the most popular media channels around it. That's it, then basically all normie scum just got in line and obeyed, even though it was abundantly clear they had and indeed have no fucking idea what's going on.

>> No.7674109
File: 98 KB, 888x599, Greg_what_happen_tho.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>almost everyone
It only seems like that. Normie scum is loud on reddit, twitter and even here. But when you really look at it you will see the people that actually matter are overwhelmingly with BCH.

Ask any person that ran a BTC-accepting business over the course of 2017. Those are the people that matter for real adoption, those are the people that got fucked over by core the most and they will not forget what core did to them.

How do you think BCH is staying at these mnarketcap levels? There are DEEP pockets supporting them: oldcoiner and real entrepreneurs are pushing it and normie scum can do nothing about the real bitcoin winning.

inb4 a coreshill will say its all roger and bitmain. lmao no.

>> No.7674236

Right, I believe we're going to win in the long run, and I'm keeping my positions set appropriately, and I know at the end of the day what normie scum thinks doesn't actually matter worth a damn, I'm just blown away by how easy it is to fool them, and how little clue they actually have what's going on, not a single one I've ever spoken to has ever examined the actual architecture in terms of what data goes where at what speed and what is being proposed, etc, but they are happy to parrot "INCREASING THE BLOCK SIZE CONTRIBUTES TO DEGRADING DECENTRALISATION!" without a fucking *clue* what that actually means. It really is the crypto equivalent of this shit, and I just can't wrap my head around how they can be so stupid.

>> No.7674373

>claims to have made millions
>pic looks like you are living below the poverty line

Cool another /biz/ LARP

>> No.7674421
File: 53 KB, 1280x720, bch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bitcoin cash can be hacked...google it

>> No.7674459
File: 66 KB, 888x599, Luke_what_happen_tho.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/biz/ does quikkmaths.jpg

>> No.7674611

those are the notes from the tenx ceo...go on youtube...he is right...

>> No.7674693

Nice FUD. Only realistic attack on BCH is 51%, just like every other PoW coin that doesnt have segwit (which adds more attack-vectors)

>> No.7674703

It's been an hour.

>> No.7674712

This hypothesis is holier than swiss cheese. It summarises the risks only as the lost revenue from the BCH blocks, rather than the lost opportunity cost of the hash rate being deployed mining the most profitable chain for the attack interval, it also says "this would definitely work, there is no question about that" when actually that is complete nonsense, because the forces that defend BCH would then just throw a ton of hashing power on top of the wiped out chain tip to make it re-overtake the withheld chain, and that withheld chain would be out not only the opportunity cost of the attack, but also the "definitely working" reward it was supposedly executed for.
It's well known that 85% of miners are anti-core and pro BCH based on historical signalling trends, the edge case hypothesis' of miners attacking BTC are more realistic than this one exactly because of that, nobody will rescue BTC if the miners finally do decide they've had enough of this shit, whereas for BCH the exact opposite is true.
So, he asks the question "Why hasn't this happened yet?" and the answer is because anyone who has any kind of control of any kind of significant hash power is not as stupid as you.

>> No.7674731
File: 129 KB, 1424x723, BCH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7674750

Wow I was going to panic sell but then I noticed that I forgot training mode on at Binance. Never even had BCH. LOL

>> No.7674808
File: 146 KB, 1170x836, bitcoin_soy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>4 posts by this ID
>4 posts by this ID
>11 posts by this ID
>6 posts by this ID

>> No.7675375

top kek

>> No.7675445
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>> No.7675599

k keep me posted

>> No.7675676
File: 9 KB, 247x204, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he routed power to the port nacelles
>activate BCH backdoor bog blocks

>> No.7675702


>> No.7675720

>J-just go away!

>> No.7675737

He is a bcashie trying to fit in.
Just ignore and they will hopefully go away.

>> No.7675767
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>> No.7675853
File: 120 KB, 443x451, 1510015719247.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cute, I can see you are learning how to mimic a 4channer. But you didn't perfect it yet, you need to lurk a little more first.
You will be, hopefully, an oldfag someday. And when this day comes, you probably will forget about shilling for bcash so I'm ok with you here, to be honest.

>> No.7675971


You know you give yourself away when you post stupid shit like this, right? Should I poke holes in your logic and present them to the lurkers of this board, just in time for this thread to ironically die? I think I'll just let them stumble across your braindead post. All they have to do is read it once.

>> No.7676023

Poor bcashie got mad.

>> No.7676111


>> No.7676115


You're like a fat 12 year old wearing a "LOL U MAD BRO" neon t shirt with cheetoh/sweat stains on it. I'm surprised you have the brainpower to navigate to this board.

>> No.7676144


>> No.7676190
File: 208 KB, 327x316, 1466791873153.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The newfag is you though. We dealt with leftist shills heavily during the election, not only on /pol/ but basically everywhere else on the net. You guys have the exact same tactics "Trump's a racist!" and no actual arguments.

The only reason the battle is so uphill is because we don't have most of /pol/ in this fight because half of them are still convinced crypto is a scam. Which is baffling because it was literally created to combat (((international banking))).

>> No.7676216
File: 103 KB, 1024x1024, 1517099729233.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sure OP

>> No.7676291
File: 30 KB, 500x375, cato.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really don't care about the US elections. I was just saying that he is trying to fit in using /pol/ memes.
Anyway, if we could convince /pol/ that bitcoin isn't a scam it would be great, they are blessed with mememagic and they would boost bitcoin price up to 100k.

>> No.7676312

If a mining pool has only 15% in btc it means it has 100% of bch when it switches...this is what he is saying.

>> No.7676422
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>> No.7676479

Core fanboys getting more and more desperate...

>> No.7676548
File: 516 KB, 808x805, 1498067706350.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yea those core fanboys are up 6% today while we're down 6% today i bet those fags are getting nervous!!!!!

>> No.7676552

Would be funny since that means BTCs blocks will become 15% slower for 2016 blocks due to retarded DIFF algo.

>> No.7676590
File: 71 KB, 493x750, fine leaves.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying BCH opposes payment channels

>> No.7676752

>I don't care about the largest influence 4chan has ever had on the world and I haven't learned anything from it so I'm completely incapable of drawing parallels in argumentative tactics used by sophists to push false narratives

Really made me think.

>> No.7676798

You cant have any discussion at all about bitcion. Both btc and bch obviously have paid shills that add tons of noise/derail the threads.

The way I see it there are three non-shill groups. BTC supporters are the noobs who bought after the fork. BCH supporters who bought years ago. And salty alt coiners who don't understand how important bitcoin is as a backbone to the crypto ecosystem.

>> No.7677300

>he thinks LN could work on bcash the same as bitcoin
Its also funny how you bcunts bash the core devs but you sure don't mind copying their code.

>> No.7677375

>he doesn't know segwit isn't needed for payment channels
Oh jeez, never change corecucks.

Channels work on basically ALL coins and the fun part is they work better on coins with cheap, fast, on-chain TX

>> No.7677388

>copying code from an open source project in which there is dev overlap anyway

Top wew.

LN doesn't work on Core:

What you linked here:>>7676422
is related to multisig payment channels which exist on both chains. You're confusing this with cross payment channels. Which again, doesn't work.

>> No.7677437

Just so we're clear, you think LN will work exactly the same on bcash as it does on bitcoin?

>> No.7677522

He's not saying that, he's saying payment channels (LN) work exactly the same on both. Cross channel LN doesn't work on either. That is coming from the Lightning devs themselves.

>> No.7677533

> LN will work exactly the same on bcash as it does on bitcoin?
Which is to say, not at all? Sure, I bet that's a barrier we can struggle to clear.

>> No.7677697

2 people lost real money on the mainnet money because they are dumb.
You faggots make it out like the devs released LN as if its ready to go and its not working.
Its being developed you fucking retards.
I'm running my own nodes on the testnet and its working just fine so far.

Read what he replied to you absolute retarded nigger
>copying code from open source project
Again read what I sad you brainlet. Nothing wrong with using open source code, but you're the biggest cunt on earth if you bash the core devs constantly, then pretend like its no big deal when you use their code.

>not at all
you bcunts have to lie or you'd have nothing to stand on lmao

>> No.7677782


Berkshire Hathaway’s vice chairman, Charlie Munger, ripped into bitcoin.


>> No.7677808

"sometimes it works" is not an acceptable standard for the transmission of funds, the devs themselves are warning people not to use it because they themselves are still losing funds, unless the story you want to spin is that the devs themselves are dumb? I could go with that , to be honest, since they appear to be working on a project that can't even theoretically reach the goal which has been set, but of course, that goal is just an illusion to fool fuckheads like yourself, and nobody with an IQ above room temperature really thinks that it's going to be decentralised at the end of the day.
I'm actually kind of glad all these stupid fucks are in BTC, they'll get what they deserve at the end of the day.

>> No.7677961

>push out a completely unstable product and develop it live on Mainnet and encourage users to buy t-shirts on your Lightning store

Yeah this isn't going to end in tragedy. People who aren't layman are losing money already, this is fine. All central hubs are required to publish IP addresses, this won't end badly. Each hop contributes to Sybil attack vectors, this is fine too. Central hubs are required to have high liquidity and some level of trust with connections and in the future will comply with KYC, yeah that's great too.

>muh Core devs
Cash has probably removed more of their code than they've used. RBF, reinstated 0-conf, avoided Segwit all together, will be reinstating op-codes and colored coins, etc. They didn't copy shit really, it was just a fork.

>> No.7678529
File: 191 KB, 500x632, bitcoin-just.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Core shills are getting exceedingly efficient at being BTFO in these threads. When will they learn?

>> No.7678830
File: 26 KB, 860x237, hey dummy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The code is open source and there are a lot of different wallets
Some are better than others...
The blockstream store is "Powered by Lightning Charge and the WooCommerce Lightning Gateway."
The losses could just as easily be caused by a bug in their shit, not LN itself.
Who said it was ready to go anyway?
Their lightning store literally says you may lose your funds.
What part of "for testing and demonstration purposes only." do you not understand?
Did you expect LN and all wallets to work perfectly from the start?
In the end, you have the option not to use LN at all, and you will still benefit from other people transacting off chain

>they didn't copy shit really
haha just wtf have they ADDED?
Show me any code for colored coins or extension blocks or any of the vaporware they keep talking about but never work on.

>> No.7678857

was also for

>> No.7678898

I’m buying BCH right now.

>> No.7679039

>In the end, you have the option not to use LN at all
Assuming users are limited to BTC, not really. Cost and leadtimes make sure of that. However looking at dominance figures, you're correct. People are making the decision not to deal with these costs and are moving to other coins. Processors like Bitpay are adding more options for consumers and merchants, as merchants have been dropping Core like a stone.

>just transact off chain
Just use Visa, what's the point?

>> No.7679241

>cost and lead times make sure of that
Sure, 10cents to get in on the next block is insanely expensive right?
When was the last time you actually sent a btc transaction?
Are you actually lying outright, or have you been lied to?

>implying visa and LN are even remotely comparable...

>> No.7679320

what have you learned?

>> No.7679343

>Who said it was ready to go anyway?
Literally you, you half lobotomised turbo nigger faggot cunt.
>2 people lost real money on the mainnet money because they are dumb
>Did you expect LN and all wallets to work perfectly from the start?
I don't expect it to work at all, because it can't work, period.
https:// medium.com/@jonaldfyookball/mathematical-proof-that-the-lightning-network-cannot-be-a-decentralized-bitcoin-scaling-solution-1b8147650800
You'll figure that out eventually when they've got it working in a centralised way, but by that time it'll be too late, and your idiocy will rationalise it away as essential, because whoever heard of something as absurd as a decentralised payment network, completely forgetting that's exactly where the fuck we just came from before we were sabotaged and hijacked onto lightning.

>> No.7679393
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BCH is my biggest holding

>> No.7679421

this ain't Reddit retard, no manufactured "consensus" here

you speak for yourself and that's fucking it. so unless you have something to back that up, I'm gonna call your vaporware bluff.

>> No.7679442

>capacitor block node

>> No.7679554

take the bosspill, man. we are meant to rule over the insects.

>> No.7679664

fukken saved

>> No.7679747

yeah but /pol/ got taken over by the same groups before Bitcoin did. there's not much left there besides reactionism and patsy brainwashing

>> No.7679915

>Literally you, you half lobotomised turbo nigger faggot cunt.
Fucking where you literal nigger?.
>"Its being developed you fucking retards."
You mean there? Where I said its in development?
Or the part you fucking quote where i said people are dumb for using it with real money?
How fucking retarded are you?
Do you cashcunts ever stop lying and making shit up?

>I don't expect it to work at all, because it can't work, period.
>links to a blog that says it just won't be decentralized
Which is it?
Won't work, period, or won't work as intended?
That's a pretty big difference.
Not to mention why do you care about whether or not LN will be decentralized, when you're shilling for a coin that is guaranteed to become centralized on the 1st layer, which is clearly a worse outcome than 2nd layer becoming centralized
(to be clear, because I know you cunts, I'm not saying centralization is good either way just much worse on the 1st layer)

>> No.7680083

> Fucking where you literal nigger?.
I quoted it in the very next line where you said it was all fine and the people who lost funds only did because they were dumb, despite the fact that's bullshit and you're fucking retarded.
> Won't work, period, or won't work as intended?
No, if I tell you I'm going to get my dog to mow the lawn, but instead I hire a mexican to do it, that doesn't mean my I got my dog to mow the fucking lawn, and the difference is critical and cannot be hand waved away. Lightning has been hyped and sold as a decentralised scaling solution, which it provably cannot be, that dog isn't going to mow that fucking lawn, and just because you hire a mexican to do it don't fuckin mean he did.
> Not to mention why do you care about whether or not LN will be decentralized
Because the fact it's a fucking decentralised peer to peer electronic cash is the entire purpose of the apparatus stupid cunt.
> when you're shilling for a coin that is guaranteed to become centralized on the 1st layer
Complete bullshit.

>> No.7680091

>guaranteed to become centralized on the 1st layer
[Citation Needed]

>> No.7681039

What part of this
>2 people lost real money on the mainnet money because they are dumb
makes you think I'm saying LN is ready to use??
How fucking retarded are you? hahahah goddamn

>No, if I tell you I'm going to get my dog to mow the lawn, yada yada yada
Even if the majority of the network is using centralized hubs, you don't have to use them. You and I and fucking bob and vagene can open channels between ourselves.
You do not have to use any hubs if you don't want to, but it will be convenient for a lot of people, so I agree, centralization will probably happen to a degree, but the fact is you can avoid it completely (if you can avoid it, what is the problem?).

If (when) centralization happens on the main chain, that's fucking it. There is no way around it. You have no choice but to use another coin.

>Because the fact it's a fucking decentralised peer to peer electronic cash is the entire purpose of the apparatus stupid cunt.
You are shilling for a centralized shitcoin that will only get more centralized (if it ever gets used by anyone lmao). I find it hard to believe you actually give a fuck what happens with LN centralization.

>complete bullshit
Surrrrreeeee. Are you willing to risk that it can't happen?
What's worse to you - BCH mining staying unavoidably centralized,
or LN having centralization you can avoid?

>> No.7681174

Why is BCH mining any more centralized than BTC? Its literally the same miners, dude.

>> No.7681267

>Why is BCH mining any more centralized than BTC? Its literally the same miners, dude.
this has to be bait.

>> No.7681281

Explain yourself, faggot.

>> No.7681322
File: 117 KB, 960x1280, bitcoin_private.jpg_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm rooting for you in this thread, bud.
also, hope y'all have been accumulating, senpai

>> No.7681430
File: 245 KB, 1000x666, dab.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When will BCore shills finally give in and accept the future?

>> No.7681583

Literally the same miners

>> No.7681599

Never faggot till we reign supreme as the original chain

>> No.7681615
File: 179 KB, 701x808, 1518527127283.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> It's well known that 85% of miners are anti-core and pro BCH based on historical signalling trends
That's now how miners view the schism. They don't give half a fuck about who's right, they mine whatever is more profitable, and they support BOTH CHAINS because they see it as not putting all their eggs in one basket. Right now BTC has all the PoW because it's where the big money is, but they also mined BCH at a loss in the beginning to bootstart it. Btw, many BTC people like Luke planned to attack BCH to kill the chain right away when it was still relatively easy but the miners wanted two chains.

>> No.7681763


Miners want bitcoin cash to survive in the long run

>> No.7681810

They mine whatever is most profitable and then accrue and hold what they actually value. I am one. I know how it works. If BTC is more profitable in a day than BCH sure I'll mine it, then sell it into the portfolio I hold, of which btc is an extremely minor part because it's complete shit and I hole it only as an oldfag bot manipulation hedge. Fact remains all signalling ever undertaken by miners has shown a pronounced anti bitcoin tabs bias, whether you personally believe it's for good reason or not.

>> No.7681861

It's not bait. It's the plain fucking truth. Anyone that can run SHA256 hashes on one chain can run them just as well on the other, even I mine bitcoin tabs when it's more profitable, as much as I fucking loathe it, because that's just good business.

>> No.7681972

All your "you can just not use lightning and then lightning being centralised won't matter" shit would be totally right, if artificial limiting of the on chain scaling throughput meant you could actually reliably use the chain. But that's not the world we live in. Ergo bitcoin tabs is being forcibly centralised. No matter how much you want to ignore that, it remains the truth.
The stuff you say about mining centralisation just demonstrates you don't have a fucking clue how mining works. Given how clueless you've demonstrated yourself to be though that's hardly a surprise.

>> No.7682108

Its literally not the same fucking miners.
Yes its the same algorithm, no shit, how the fuck in any way can you say its the same miners? Lol.
Not to mention, there are a shit ton of miners who refuse to mine bcash, no matter how much you want to ignore that fact.

The mempool is cleared out. How many fucking times does it need to be said? The fees are low and its cheap to get in on the next block.
Are you outright lying or do have you been lied to?

>> No.7682264

>Its literally not the same fucking miners.
>literally proves its the same miners

Nigger, you don't understand forks or mining or literally anything about this. It takes nothing for a miner on Segwit to point his miners at Cash. Yet you're making the argument that mining is more centralized on one chain over the other, despite empirical evidence that it is not.

Miners constantly switch back and forth between chains for profitability.

>> No.7682272


the problem isnt the mining, its the nodes who have to keep in sync with the chain... have you ever tried syncing the 1mb blockchain on a normal hard drive as it is?

>> No.7682375

Your understanding of mining is fucking hilarious. You're looking at a graph that demonstrates exactly what I just told you and you still don't get it you dense motherfucker.
The mempool is clear and fees are low... Because bitcoin tabs is fucking dying, because people got sick of tolerating the shit. It's over you're clueless you fucking lose already christ you're just embarrassing yourself now you dumb cunt.

>> No.7682421

>there are a shit ton of miners who refuse to mine bcash
lel you are ridiculously clueless. Miners overwhelmingly are pro scaling.
Why do you think /r/bitcoin loves to bash miners? (which is funny by the way, they will hate on miners and praise BTCs superior security in the next sentence)

>> No.7682443

>they switch back and forth
>proves my point
Nigger it's literally not the same miners mining both fucking chains at the same time.

>> No.7682469

Yes. Many times. This is a stupid argument for why btc has more decentralised mining than BCH though, because the btc chain is longer measured in bytes than the BCH chain, period.
I would however point out that's a stupid metric to decide which chain is decentralised. At the end of the day the entire fucking argument about decentralisation being compromised by increased block size is just complete bullshit thrown in there to distract idiots who didn't notice that no concrete mathematical statement with a measurable actual impact was made. It's literally retarded fucking handwaving so idiots don't notice lightning is actually provably centralising the network.

>> No.7682509

Miners are the nodes. "Full nodes" that don't have hashpower don't validate anything on the blockchain and in fact take security away as they rely transactions to actual nodes with hashpower.

>hurr its not the same miners


Literally the same major players and at a glace mining is more decentralized on BCH.

>> No.7682536

Christ yes it fucking is you clueless cunt. We setup pools that autoswitch between chains depending on which is most profitable at any given time. Then we sell bitcoin tabs for shit that isn't worthless to suckers like you.

>> No.7682602

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA he just doesnt stop.
Are you falseflagging to embarass corecucks?

>> No.7682774

My question -
>What's worse to you
>BCH mining staying unavoidably centralized,
>LN having centralization you can avoid?

His answer -
>its literally the same miners
I took that as "literally the same miners"
You faggots are fucking insane with your dodging -
The point is with Huge blocks, comes a huge blockchain, which requires HUGE bandwidth to download and upload, and takes huge time to propagate huge blocks across the network, so the biggest miner WILL mine more blocks because he can start mining before you dumb cucks, because he already has the block header.

One of those separately is probably fine, but all of them together WILL inevitably centralize mining.
Either way this ALL avoids my original question, which DESTROYS you fucking dumb ass on chain scaling because it will centralize over time, no matter what.

>> No.7682932


>takes huge times

Bruh, the blocks aren't even close to big enough yet to justify "huge times"

>> No.7683018

burh that's is completely irrelevant to my question again.
In the future, I'm assuming you think the blocks will be huge, do you not?

>> No.7683249

US internet speeds average is about mbps 20 and the US is lacking in internet speeds. At any rate that's about 4MB a second for blocks that propagate on a 10 minute average. Cost of HDDs is well nothing compared to a miner's overhead:


Scaling to Visa TODAY wouldn't even be a hurdle. You're expecting massive blocks tomorrow, which even if that were the case, still wouldn't fucking matter.

>> No.7683332


By that time internet speeds will be quick enough to make the large blocks negligible. Though there is a maximum bandwith, so maybe when we hit that wall it will be a problem.

>> No.7683411

>The point is with Huge blocks, comes a huge blockchain, which requires HUGE bandwidth to download and upload, and takes huge time to propagate huge blocks across the network, so the biggest miner WILL mine more blocks because he can start mining before you dumb cucks, because he already has the block header.
You realize that 95% or more of miners mine in pools right? Its only the pool operator that needs to download the blockchain or miners with enough hashpower that they mine individually. To mine individually and get regular earnings you need at least about 1% of the hashrate. At 1% of the hashrate that means you have tens of millions invested. If you have tens of millions invested a couple of thousand dollars for your node is pocket change. Please just do the math before you speak. It's literally 3rd grade math, I swear you can do it.

>> No.7683453

>The point is with Huge blocks, comes a huge blockchain, which requires HUGE bandwidth to download and upload, and takes huge time to propagate huge blocks across the network, so the biggest miner WILL mine more blocks because he can start mining before you dumb cucks, because he already has the block header.
Also did you realize you can run a full node on BCH with a gaming computer that costs $1200 that will process 3,000 tx/s which is 50% more than VISA's average? Is $1200 what you are saying is a massive cost for a node?

>> No.7683455

Look up header first mining you stupid cunt. Fuck me I can't believe the level of propaganda core has welded into the minds of these fucking brainlets. Header first mining means there is no delay from block propagation, and it's par for the course already in production. Which you would know if you'd ever tried to investigate these questions for yourself instead of just believing every piece of shit the core devs threw at you.
Bandwidth costs to a mining operation are not even a fucking rounding error compared with hardware cooling electricity maintenance etc etc. You truly just have no fucking idea at all what you're talking about.

>> No.7683515

Technically speaking as of today they can only get 600-800 with a $1200 computer but after they streamline the Satoshi code they can do 3000 (expect that to be finished in a couple of years)

>> No.7683613

Even if we end up having just 5 000 large scale mining farms doing all the mining (which wont happen) because the blockchain takes 1 petabyte to store, it will be MUCH harder (impossible) to censor tx than when each banker-run LN node can basically decide whos TX to service.

>> No.7683753

>Even if we end up having just 5 000 large scale mining farms doing all the mining (which wont happen) because the blockchain takes 1 petabyte to store, it will be MUCH harder (impossible) to censor tx than when each banker-run LN node can basically decide whos TX to service.
This! Exactly this! You either have a situation in Bitcoin (BCH) where worst case scenario you have a couple thousand miners who will all be capable of including your transaction or you have a situation in Bitcoin Segwit where best case scenario you have a dozen hubs that can route your transaction. Which is harder to control? A couple thousand miners that require millions in start-up capital or a dozen lightning nodes that require a few hundred thousand to fund the channels? Its not hard to understand. Bitcoin Segwit is centralized up the ass and will allow bankers to control you, Bitcoin Cash is not centralized and no one can control you with it.

>> No.7683926
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Can you feel it? The flippening is soon

>> No.7684276


>> No.7684343
File: 67 KB, 1280x1280, 5859b173711f64423aa5e050.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>156 posts
>people actually took the time to reply my shitpost which in turn started a chain reaction of arguing and other bullshit


>> No.7684416

Sad thing is a lot of the Segwit soyboys believed what you said to be true.

>> No.7684453

Here have 158

>> No.7684540
File: 84 KB, 960x540, BCASH_draft_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not gonna lie, former bcash supporter here. Its great watching Ver crash and burn. But in all seriousness we cant let him keep getting away with the the capacitor block exploit-codes.

>> No.7684650
File: 116 KB, 915x582, Rogerverr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Didn't you know? Roger Ver now embraces Bcash.