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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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7673352 No.7673352 [Reply] [Original]

>Time to do taxes
>Start with Binance since I've done about half my trading there
>Export complete trade history
>Open Excel file
>13,596 trades

Uhh, what do I do?

>> No.7673364


Hire an accountant since you are rich af.

>> No.7673372

Stop living in amerimuttia

>> No.7673379

> doing taxes for crypto
just kys now

>> No.7673419

>all in on XMR
>transfer to a different wallet
>transfer back
>"Sorry Mr Shekelberg I don't know where any of this money came from"

>> No.7673430

Don't even bother reporting it. Not like they're gonna have a fucking clue anyway

>> No.7673442

bitcoin.tax or i guess cointracking works

>> No.7673446

>We don't care, we see your money so now you have to prove how you got it or it's ours.

>> No.7673447
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>> No.7673455

Can you imagine thinking the world is as stupid as you are

>> No.7673489

I've found that muttposters are more often thirdies than euros desu

>> No.7673521

>having the same transaction record as a drug dealer
>going out of your way to do that

>> No.7673525

I know it's true. Or shareblue style psyops. The problem is actual euros fall for it and think it's funny so I just can't help myself firing back.

>> No.7673560

Oh it's this fud again.

Taxes need to be paid only when converting to fiat

Crypto to crypto tax is a meme

>> No.7673588

Indeed. Taxing crypto to crypto makes about as much sense as taxing magic the gathering to pokemon card trades. When I cash out, I'll just report the difference. And if they bow up, I'll hire the longest nose lawyer I can find and take it to the mat.

>> No.7673613
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>i dont like the rules so i'll ignore them

>nothing bad will happen. it's not like crypto ledgers are public or they can easily prove (and easily detect with software) that i was laundering funds and committing tax fraud by not reporting income / capital gains

>> No.7673638
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> Be German
> hodl for one year
> no taxes
> leave country before muslim take over
Enjoy getting cucked by the IRS

>> No.7673668
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>be eurocuck
>point finger at Americhads
Yes, they are that dumb.

>> No.7673709

It makes as much sense as exchanging foreign currencies, and if you were doing that for substantial profit you’d certainly have to report it.

>> No.7673716
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find out how to classify yourself as a day trader

>> No.7673841

I spoke with my German friend and he does not believe this is actually the case fyi

>> No.7673854

>foreign currency
Fuck off kike. It makes about as much sense as taxing arcade tokens exchanged for chuck e cheese tickets.

>> No.7674094

They don't recognize it as a foreign currency though, and if they did there would be no tax on it. So your argument is dead.

>> No.7674501

Yes to this soo much

>> No.7674522

>13,596 trades
>27% down in USD

>> No.7674545

>using exchanges that require ID
top cuck

>> No.7674664

Holy shit, is this really what /biz/ became?

>> No.7674754

Their commodities..no foreign currency similarity. Taxing "events" when token exchanging is for complete retardatrons

>> No.7674768

only if you actually never did a single trade

>> No.7674778

reminder that when you trade on an exchange those coins aren't actually in your wallet but are rather in the exchange's wallet, still. i'm not paying taxes on shit that i still don't own. i'll pay if i ever convert back to fiat, not before then

>> No.7674814

Commodities are taxed on their fair market value measured in dollars at time of trade minus cost basis.

>> No.7674825

reminder that that doesn't matter

>> No.7674855

Then why do you have to pay taxes when you buy goods and services with bitcoin?

>> No.7674882

>bought bitcoin locally for cash
>transferred it to unverified exchange accounts through my vpn
>do all trading through my vpn
>store profits in xmr off-exchange
reminder that i will never have to pay taxes on anything unless i convert back to cuckbuxx

>> No.7674891

>45% blacks
>44% mexicans
>1% whites
>somehow depicts America as a non-obese white guy

>> No.7674913


I don't get what you think this would achieve. you have to prove your cost basis or pay taxes on all of that, even the principle. it's easy to hide money in crypto, but not to cash it out to use without paying tax.

>> No.7674965

Oh sure, if they don't know about your coins on the exchange then they can't tax you on them, but you'll have trouble cashing out. That's not what you said, anyway, you said "those coins aren't actually in your wallet but are rather in the exchange's wallet, still. i'm not paying taxes on shit that i still don't own" and that's retarded.

>> No.7674967

Have fun paying rent with XMR

>> No.7674978

You do own it, it's just in the exchange's custody. Just like you supposedly own the money in your bank account even though it's not in your wallet.

>> No.7675003
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>> No.7675023

i can sell xmr locally for cash if i need to. also:
>implying i'll ever have trouble paying rent
i'm not a nigger

>cashing out
i don't plan on converting my crypto back to cuckbuxx

>> No.7675082
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>Just like you supposedly own the money in your bank account even though it's not in your wallet.

>> No.7675194

Do you really have to do taxes on crypto?