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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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7667435 No.7667435 [Reply] [Original]

Can /biz/ solve the riddle?

>> No.7667452


>> No.7667453

I'll take it in link

>> No.7667459

Could I have it diversified in to crypto, gold, commodities, etc?

>> No.7667461

/biz/ will obvs choose LINK
what else is there?

>> No.7667462
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10k shadow forked chainlink.

>> No.7667477

>what shitcoin should i buy for long term

>> No.7667494

10K of testicles

>> No.7667515

Bean cash

>> No.7668145

bitcoin connect

>> No.7668160

just when i thought linkies couldnt get any worse

>> No.7668180

10,000 dollars worth of lego sets

>> No.7668196


Jason Parcer === Satoshi Nakamoto

>> No.7668200

Cash USD

>> No.7668211



>> No.7668218

LINK is the only right answer

>> No.7668219

10 year AAA bonds duh.
>inb4 Im putting a 10 year untouchable investment in a single volatile asset or slabs of metal

>> No.7668221


>> No.7668230

10k 10 year call options on microsoft or apple.

>> No.7668245


>> No.7668255

*gold stock, dumbass

>> No.7668270

Rare pepe memes XD

>> No.7668272

the usa is going to inflate the dollar to oblivion in 10 years.

>> No.7668279

It's an IQ test of sort. If you pick fiat money then in 10 years time your money will have depreciated.

2-3 % annual inflation will drop you to about 7400 - 8200 dollars.

In other words, if you said "hurr durr dorrar!" then you have low IQ.

>> No.7668282

Dragon eggs.

>> No.7668293

Most bonds are paying less than inflation.

>> No.7668295


>> No.7668398

I can live with 1-2%. Besides nominal can go up a bit to compensate.
nominal >0 so its better than cash and 0 risk 10 year bond on maturity should have real interest tho.

>> No.7668416


>> No.7668442
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pink wojaks

>> No.7668461

Index funds.

>> No.7668537
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What riddle? Ron Paul is a gold bug, so obviously gold.

If I wanted to take a boomer risk, I would put the 10k a ten year government bond and just let that sit and take the interest from it. I'm not technically touching it and I get about a 2.5% return or a $250 yearly input into whatever the fuck I want including crypto.

If I was willing to just HODL, I would do so in ETH. BTC is still in growing pains, LTC does little to seperate itself from competition, NEO has to deal with China and whatever the CCP decides. ETH seems the best long term hold due to long term normie adoption.

>> No.7668678

This is the best answer.

>> No.7669147

Limited edition snow-globes.

>> No.7669160

Physical silver

>> No.7669195

Physical silver or xmr or btc

>> No.7669226

unironically a good pick since it will take a decade for LINK to get to 10k

>> No.7669277

land nigga

>> No.7669284 [DELETED] 
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A lawnmower that shreds communist niggers

>> No.7669405

What's sad is this would perform better than gold. Too bad they take up so much room.

>> No.7669554
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The winner.

>> No.7669925


>> No.7669938

in box condition, probably.

>> No.7669973

its an old meme

>> No.7669987

ron paul is a faggot

>> No.7670003

1kusd in OMG
5k usd in SKY
4k in BTC

>> No.7670004


>> No.7670030
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it's Ron Paul, surely the answer would be gold

>> No.7670054

the oldest 10k bottle of wine i can get

>> No.7670055

10 year is like 2.8%, inflation is around 2%

yes, you get a real return on that bond

>> No.7670072

amazon stock would probably be the safest

>> No.7670078


>> No.7670079

Any collectible and Star Wars sets will do extremely well. Just look up how much old sets from the 90s cost.

>> No.7670098

this is dumb
I would just chose the most expensive way to store 10K. Water, air or some other gas probably.

>> No.7670154


>> No.7670180

10,000 in Singapore dollars.

>> No.7670186

Disney stock.
Ave monopoly of entertainment

>> No.7670258

Well, this is comfortably one of the more retarded comments I've seen here.

The absolute state of /biz/.

>> No.7670285

btc obviously. invisible money lol

>> No.7670323


>> No.7670326
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Girls und Panzer merchandise

>> No.7670329

Just ask the wealthy person that you want their gift of $10,000 in ten years time

>> No.7670343

good answer if you have the right cellar to store it in but you do not so your answer is shit


>> No.7670368

Stock 240sx

>> No.7670534

u gon pay those taxes for 10 years before being able to touch it?

>> No.7670553

10k of baked beans

>> No.7670579

Give it to me in OMG and I'll live off the staking rewards in a year

>> No.7670602

Good call, I was going to go with gold but thinking about all the Star Wars and comic based shit they are doing now some of that will moon hard.

>> No.7670622


Doesn't work when every piece of lego can be 3D printed from home from a gigantic torrented database.

>> No.7670639


>> No.7670641

You fail to understand collecting, the physical object means nothing it's all about the "story".

>> No.7670656

Modular sets are a pretty safe bet too, they're guaranteed to multiply in value if you're quick enough to grab one

Everything collectible

Absolutely not, they use superior precision melting techniques

>> No.7670693

>doesn't beat inflation
Typical fucking retard

>> No.7670721
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This will work as long as Lego has goodwill of it's customers. If it get's too expensive people will massively switch to 100% accurate replica's. Look at what happened to Games Workshop when they screwed over their customers. All the biggest pieces are being fake casted somewhere in China.
Don't say you would print your own lego when a kit becomes like 80$.
Let's just hope Lego doesn't abuse it's monopoly (they're already shit expensive though, because 'muh quality')

>> No.7670720

10k for a water tower sounds legit to me

>> No.7670755
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>> No.7670777


Eth is slow as fuck

The battle will be between Stellar POW and Cardano POS

BTC = king
ETH = oldest prince
ADA and XLM = two little brothers with some sharp daggers

>> No.7670819


I would agree with him. my answer would also be gold. no doubt

>> No.7670828

Ada has no working products.
"muh science' will only work so long,.

>> No.7670832


>> No.7670835

You have no idea what precision melting is. Literally all of Lego clones are shit or sub-par at best: poor clutch, bad flexibility, sub-par materials. The Danes at Lego have an industrial-grade 3d printer that they use for prototyping, not the one that NEETs can afford, and it still can't produce bricks of the same quality as their main equipment

>> No.7670863

Chinese recasts are pretty shit, even compared to GW who has actually shit casting tech. Lego has some awesome, healthcare grade casting quality.

t. gf in the healthcare plastic industry

>> No.7670872

I do pewter casting of very fine miniatures, Think i have a pretty good idea about what goes into it my friendo.
I agree right now it's pretty useless to try to replicate lego. However this thread is about '10 year's from now' so applying moore's law leaves us with lego competing with high quality 3D printing that is infinitely better than we can imagine right now.

>> No.7670880

>so applying moore's law
Are you aware not even the microelectronic industry can follow Moore's law anymore ?

>> No.7670891

Pre-teen pussy

>> No.7670908

Don't you think high quality 3D printing won't be massively cheaper and easier in 10 years?

>> No.7670917

Underaged child wifeslaves. I can wait 10 years for my harem to mature.

>> No.7670919

This is almost the worst idea in this thread.

>> No.7670955

High quality probably, the quality and detail of the printed materials are shit right now compared to other manufacturing techniques.
Easier probably.
Cheaper not so much, not enough to compete with the rapidly advancing injection and molding tech.

>> No.7670992

No shit. Still good as a hedge for when stocktards REEE or for rebuilding dynasty wealth post collapse. Just not as an investment.

>> No.7671017

>buy top tier 8 year old Romanian slave girl from the Arab black market for 10k
>10 years later sell the untouched 18 year old virgin for millions on the Arab black market

>> No.7671039
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kek literally V A P O R W A R E

>> No.7671044

>he thinks he can get her to stay virgin for 10 years
top kek

>> No.7671050

Male semen

>> No.7671058


" rapidly advancing injection and molding tech"

truly hope you're not the same guy otherwise i got meme'd .

>> No.7671101

What do you not understand about

>> No.7671112


Dude, kids are way more expensive. You can use them for years as blood transfusion cattle and add months/years to your own life. The die pretty quickly like this though, since your corrupt vein fluid cycling into their young body overwhelms their organs. For a little while its like having your own personal dialysis machine that turns your blood to liquid heroin though. Its how the elites stay on top, and stay in the game. Ones like Soros take it a step further and actually harvest organs from children for personal use. Dude has had 4 different heart replacement surgeries and 3 different kidneys. All from under 16 yo "accident victims".

>> No.7671141

You really believe only 3d printers are allowed to advance their production tech of what ?

>> No.7671142

Anyways my point is that you arent getting an 8yo for 10k monies unless its a subhuman.

>> No.7671156
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>> No.7671164

where the fuck is your info coming from?

>> No.7671181

10k$ worth of roasties.

>> No.7671190

I'll take $10,000 worth of any domestic stock that pays a qualified dividend that I think is a good long.

>> No.7671194

>take $10k in gold
>can't trade it for $10k of food, ammunition, rent, etc because I would be changing its form
The obvious answer is glow-in-the-dark wall decals.

>> No.7671265


easy ...

>> No.7671341

You buy 10.000 worth of drinkeable water ofcourse. Worst case scenario is that you resell it for the same price. Drinkeable water is going to deal with a scarcity problem. Own the water, and you own anyone who is in need of it

>> No.7671372

>buy drinkable water
>never drink it because if you do it will change form into piss

>> No.7671377

10k Solar panels and electric storage space.

>> No.7671399

You don't, you hold it for when it's scarce, then sell what you don't need for a huge profit

>> No.7671406


>> No.7671432

Oldschool runescape bonds

>> No.7671440

Real estate in a 3rd world country.

I rent that shithole out for $20-50/night on Airbnb to white tourists, make around $3-5k/year. After 10 years The 3rd world city has developed into some megatropolis, my shithole is worth $1MM plus I made $40k I can buy hookers with.

What do you guys think?

>> No.7671454
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>seppo education
Youre a fucking moron. Pretty much every bond is trading with a negative real yield. Par 1k 2.5% coupon bond cannot be bought at the par value you absolute melt.

>> No.7671486

>what are 10 year treasury rates

they hit 2.9% you absolute brainlet

>> No.7671508

Tell him to fuck off and shove the 10k up his ass. I'm a fiscally responsible adult who doesn't want some richfuck's handouts.

>> No.7671517
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female child slaves which are in the 6-10 year range

>> No.7671534

Rare silver and gold coins.

>> No.7671540

You realise bonds trade on an open market and the price you pay for it is not equal to the par value on the security?

Rates dropped like a rock after 07 and that has an inverse effect on bond prices. Rates go down, clean price goes up.

>> No.7671559

4 year old sex slaves.

>> No.7671605

2 year old sex slaves

>> No.7671614


>> No.7671620

frog skins

>> No.7671700
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>> No.7671730

that IS the open market rate

>> No.7671763

in TRX of course

>> No.7671801

market rate doesn't matter if you hold it til maturity and get 12500 back

>> No.7671827

All in on DASH, baby.

>> No.7671848

Power 9

>> No.7671968

Decentraland plots

>> No.7671987

Gold or guns

>> No.7672008

anon was hodling to maturity silly.

>> No.7672037

>Ron Paul

The answer is Gold.

>> No.7672078
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The conservative answer is S&P500 mirror index. The other answer is bitcoin or ethereum. 90% of current cryptos will be dead in 10 years.

>> No.7672086


>> No.7672089


>> No.7672105

The Euro is in more danger of collapse compared to other major currencies. You've got Germany propping up states with failed treasuries and shitskins coming in and receiving gimmedats by the millions.

>> No.7672119

Go the prices for old sets go up as drastically as for the figurines in Kinder eggs?

>> No.7672173

>Hi I have no idea about anything but /pol/ told me something

>> No.7672204



>> No.7672368

This is one asset that loses value with age, not gains.

>> No.7673253

They follow their roadmap exactly as it is.


>> No.7673272


>> No.7673292

all in on Link plx

>> No.7673295


>> No.7673303
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>> No.7673332

Making me hold money for 10 years for no reason is violating the NAP, Ron.

>> No.7673692

Yep. I regret buying in. I haven't lost money - but it's worthless. Smug academic cunts are going to take YEARS to get to market - at which point it's too late. There's so many better projects out there. I've already got sell orders set to dump it on the next time some idiot pumps it.

>> No.7673751


Yeah....no working Linux wallet. Buggy website. Silent devs. Meanwhile, every other smart contract platform out there is getting their shot together for 2018.

The whole thing reeks of fail. I bought in hoping there'd be an actual business manager coming on board to get things moving. Nope, just fucking academics playing with toys.

>> No.7674087

Anti Matter

>> No.7674186

A big tiddy goth gf

>> No.7674262

Unironically all in Tesla.

>> No.7674266

Art. Fulfills its purpose without being touched.
No asteroid mining. Deflationary supply.
Crash immune.
A small Hieronymous Bosch or Rousseau will do.

>> No.7674283


>> No.7674286

Cryptocurrency Index Fund

>> No.7674297
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>> No.7674302

You have no idea how incredibly expensive the machinery and tooling to precisely make legos is.

They're actually really, really well engineered for a children's toy.

>> No.7674345

NEO, so I would still get payed in GAS

>> No.7674346

ill be dead in 10 years

>> No.7674372


>> No.7674401

10k in freeze dried cow eyeballs.

>> No.7674534


Split it between NEO, OMG, WTC.

>> No.7675068

Rare earth.

>> No.7675453


>> No.7676032

Probably Monero. It's definitely good long term.