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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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7666186 No.7666186 [Reply] [Original]

>Chainlink Devs pay people to shill their coins.

>> No.7666203

I ain't reading all that fud lol

>> No.7666212

Fuck off, dude. This FUD is retarded.

>> No.7666224

what fucking route do I go to get paid to shill LINK on biz? Who do I contact?

My dumbass is here doing it for free. Fuck this. Life is not fair.

>> No.7666234

I too also believe everything I see on Reddit.


>> No.7666241

reddit always has the biggest tards that upvote anything written by some 30 hour awake methhead

>> No.7666255

>t. Unemployed neets who never had a real job

>> No.7666259

lol, no shit. Lots of devs do this.

>> No.7666263

Aren't you aware of the automated bot posting found in LINK threads? of course there is paid shilling but at this point is automated and the cult doesn't even realize

>> No.7666271

I own a business and employ people you fucking reject.

>> No.7666274

Does it even mention LINK? i only saw XRB mentioned. Skimmed through so may have missed it.

>> No.7666281

I just read the entire thing - he never mentions chainlink. So, even if true, it’s invalid for us. Thanks friend

>> No.7666282
File: 64 KB, 1280x928, 1517245493889.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been shilling them forever, handcrafting & propagating memes like it's my full-time job; I hope they show me some appreciation.
I have literally shilled people in real life into buying thousands of dollars worth of LINK, and personally hold over 20,000 LINK myself.
>mfw showing support and not begging at all seriously just posting balance to indicate my personal level of commitment to the cult of sergey solver of oracular problems.

>> No.7666283

You own a chainlink shilling “businesses” with your other unemployed friends.

>> No.7666286

yes sir I am sorry sir wtf I am loving mobius now and showing bobs vagen

>> No.7666288
File: 370 KB, 4001x2850, 1506311263731.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> I will not provide any proof to the claims made in this post
This is not smart or fun and why people try to avoid you. It was easier finding actual information on /biz/ but you people like to play too much and add only noise. Threads about upcoming ICOs, portfolio management... that are useful get swamped with shit like this, we're supposed to be here to make money, not to be ebin memeposters.

>> No.7666304

Yes, he deleted it though.

>> No.7666307
File: 790 KB, 900x600, judea-declares-war-on-biz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7666310

Ven does this too.
They also pay for “partnerships” with coins from their premined 870mm supply.

>> No.7666311

sir pls delete this pls sir

>> No.7666313

He mentions LINK in the list of coins. It's complete LARPing.

>> No.7666326
File: 129 KB, 810x590, 1518585671979.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its XRB not LINK lol

fucking knew that shit was a scam

>> No.7666332

It was mentioned.

Why the fuck would anyone trust a coin like Ven or Link that is manipulated so outrageously. Once that is gone its just going to shoot straight down.

>> No.7666335

You are a sad, sad dude. Enjoy being poor and trolling people on the internet because you have nothing else in life to look forward to.

>> No.7666350

>t. jobless chainlink slut

>> No.7666370

No it fucking isn't. You have to be braindead not to see how easy it is to manipulate reddit and /pol/

>> No.7666380

They’re paid shills bro.

>> No.7666385


>> No.7666395
File: 152 KB, 720x706, 1517179749007.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only dellusional neets or paid shills will pretend that coins aren't shilled here. It's obvious with the amount of Link posting here that people are getting paid to promote that garbage

>> No.7666410

Once niggers became involved in crypto all rationality went out the window.

>> No.7666438

>I shilled Ripple and it went up at the same time, therefore I was responsible

>> No.7666455

zero point autism

>> No.7666469

yeah, thats what I meant.

I don't think they understand the consequences. They are basically just pumping and dumping it to an extreme that the entire project might not survive. Or only people with massive bags will be able to cashout

>> No.7666475

Chainlink is worth absolutely zero dollars. All these shitcoin need to die.

>> No.7666491

The devs pay them in coins to shill. Thus they have an insentive to keep shilling. They’re just wage cucks.

>> No.7666510

They'd probably make more money working at McDonald's but they're terrified of seeing real people.

>> No.7666530

To be fair they’re probably not from America and are in shitcountries so their minimum wage shilling is actually more than they make doing a real job.