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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 10 KB, 200x200, payfair.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7661708 No.7661708 [Reply] [Original]

Hello /biz/, i'm shilling for payfair. Not in a bad way, but I'm here to tell you why you should buy payfair at the moment and what it can be in the future. So let me explain:
PAYFAIR is a decentralized Escrow platform which ensures the paramount security of all Cryptocurrency transactions made between two parties. It's enabled with PayFair tokens (PFR), which is an ERC-20 token based on the Ethereum blockchain. It provide extremely low fees for all transactions in a safe, private and decentralized environment. PFR tokens are an essential part of the ecosystem. Tokens create Trust nodes to ensure a safe environment for the transaction to take place. With tokens, you can buy and sell other stuff with them, however, they have another use: Trust nodes. Basically, a trust node is very useful to the payfair network because it performs the important job of maintaining, updating, and securing the PayFair ecosystem, and the best part is, YOU GET PAID FOR RUNNING THEM! You currently need 10,000 PFR tokens to secure a trust node, and you can buy more to increase your monthly income from the work. More people using the exchange=higher demand and reward for trust nodes=more valuable PFR tokens become. The exchange is set to be released by the end of Q1, so buy while it's still cheap!

Currently, Payfair is listed on 2 exchanges: IDEX and Etherdelta. I recommend IDEX, as it is much simpler than EtherDelta.

>> No.7661722

Sorry, I'm accumulating, this is like the minereum scam

>> No.7661724

You fucking faggot, you told me to buy at $0.30 and now I've lost over $4k. Fuck off.

>> No.7661747
File: 245 KB, 1063x1063, 1516525972649.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't fucking buy this, look at the order book on IDEX. literally no one wants to buy and everyone is trying to dump their bags because these russians are exit scamming. holding investors hostage and making them give money for an exchange listing. careful.

>> No.7661783

i love the fud for this coin

>> No.7661805
File: 20 KB, 887x150, 12545.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same fag

>> No.7661812

9 eth wipes out the entire order book LOL, you must be new to investing. You'll learn this lesson the hard way.

>> No.7661826

Stop using words you don't understand. You're a dumb weeaboo buying fake internet money, not an investor.

>> No.7661835

Reminder that this is one of the coins the childfucker Alpam's group is shilling after UFR failed miserably

>> No.7661850

>saying low volume doesn't equal uncertainity and doubt about this coin
what do you fags call this, shilling?

>> No.7661970

I'm not shilling this deadcoin, I pointed out a measly 9 ETH WIPES OUT the entire order book, crashing this cunt to 0 where it belongs. I hate these scamming fags and every shill they send to try and pump it.

>> No.7662061

You do realize the exchange is still in beta? Like I said, it release end of Q1. Low exchange fees, escrow, and trust nodes will make this token moon 100x over

>> No.7662127

psst, just let them miss out

>> No.7662136

>3% escrow fee
no one will use it when one of the central pillars of cryptocurrency is minimal fees. 3% is laughable. you even type like a Russian, keep your worthless coins to yourself Ivan.

>> No.7662165
File: 5 KB, 214x236, download (2).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>3% is laughable
>Keeps forgetting about the trust nodes
>still cheaper than most exchanges around

Pic related. It's you

>> No.7662231
File: 85 KB, 892x511, RIP.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember when I said 9 ETH wipes out the order book? it's 8.6 now.. get out quick.

>> No.7662295

Holy heck you are missing the point. IT'S FULL RELEASE IS END OF Q1. ITS STILL IN BETA! Coins right now are just ways of getting ready for the market. Oh btw, thanks for letting me know. Bout to buy 2k more. Price will probably bounce back to 30 cents around next week to end of February and then march it can hit about 75 cents then atleast 1 dollar when full release.

>> No.7662362

he doesn't realize buy volume is so low because people already almost went all in on that

>> No.7662430
File: 149 KB, 1885x490, payfair.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
