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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 1.92 MB, 480x600, johnmcain.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7654445 No.7654445 [Reply] [Original]

>This is your typical /biz/ poster

Btw, I'm talking about the guy in the back.

>> No.7654673

my fucking sides

>> No.7654734

We're a bunch of old guys waiting for some food?

>> No.7654765



>> No.7654776

>Recording OC for creep threads while in waiting for your dish
Truly degenerate

>> No.7654791

why girls have to be this attractive ?
>I can't become rich if I'm obsessed by women
>life is suffering

>> No.7654797

bet that girl is barely 16 or so and she already looks like an absolute piece of pornstar fuckmeat

>> No.7654804
File: 368 KB, 583x584, sadpep.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw too old to get a girl this cute no matter how rich i am

>> No.7654828

I want her bob vagene

>> No.7654829

>thinking this is OC

>> No.7654835


it's actually fucked there are people that good looking
someone post that anime dress up girl who always has her wet tongue out

>> No.7654848


>> No.7654854

You wish, the average /biz/tard is the little dumb cunt

>> No.7654871
File: 4 KB, 225x225, 61168151651.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7654888

south east asia

>> No.7654922

We see in other people only the images we project upon them.

>> No.7654942

16 is legal age of consent in UK

>> No.7654974

>ywn suck her itty bitties


>> No.7654982
File: 39 KB, 500x234, 1517892989980.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



tfw only shot is to have to resort to sketchy af sex tourism
tfw it's not even worth it

>> No.7655044

Just move into off campus apartments near a state university. That's what I'll be doing as soon as bitcoin gets close to $15k again or I get a 2x.

>> No.7655146

Who is this bunny. I wanna smash her ass hatd! How much XLM for that?

>> No.7655194
File: 31 KB, 294x312, Dear-diary-today-op-was-not-a-faggot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I certainly am; OP got me to a tee

>> No.7655337

Looks like Madison Beer

>> No.7655354

Madison Beer.

Reverse image search you fucking useless cunts. And you wonder why you can't get a girl like this.

>> No.7655432
File: 160 KB, 1000x1199, madison-beer-jack-g.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's with a white male

>> No.7655459

she looks ugly in that photo, amazing the deception of make-up

>> No.7655484

Hello /r9k/

>> No.7655500

Weird body too. What's wrong with her legs

>> No.7655506

5/10 at best in that shot, soz man

>> No.7655655

She seems like a ditz. Like some girl I would have loosely known in high school who would play volleyball but I could never be close to because she was largely a moron.

>> No.7655658


wtf her body isn't attractive at all

the dude is more aesthetic than her desu (no homo)

>> No.7655712

Also, this is totally wrong. Older men can totally get younger women if they are built, suave, and/or have money. A lot of girls like the, "confident, sexy, older man," type for a one night stand.

>> No.7655890

I want to fuck the guy more than her to be quite frank. I'm not gay btw.

>> No.7655914

no straight man would ever write that sentence you fag

>> No.7655941
File: 26 KB, 499x354, 1409497137897.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every. Fucking. Time.

>> No.7655983

Is that John McCain?

>> No.7656005
File: 60 KB, 1000x800, 1517816515717.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7656032

I want some wings

>> No.7656878


this is a fucking cringe tier fake news coping

>> No.7656969

Sauce? She’s fucking gorgeous. I want sound.

>> No.7657041


>coping incels detected

I would suck every ounce of pussy juice out of her

>> No.7657074
File: 82 KB, 747x376, photographing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i like this version

>> No.7657098
File: 11 KB, 61x70, dudeinbackground.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>gib me dats

>> No.7657152
File: 35 KB, 403x504, dd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm fucking 18yo's on Tinder with 33.
Not sure how old you are, but just saying that this is completely in the range and most women love older men anyway.

>> No.7657165

Are you virgins actually enamored with her fake charm? This broad is heartless.

>> No.7657179

Happy for you bro!

>tfw might have found my breeding partner who checks every box but my inner degenerate won't rip

>> No.7657239

>stick legs
>sharp knees


>> No.7657285
File: 2.13 MB, 1671x1247, v9r5v3aw222.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are you retarded? Men can get girls 16 and over at any age.
That doesnt work for women because they age terrible

>> No.7657381

If you really want to succeed, I implore you to do this:
>try out a prostitute
>try out a few prostitutes
>work your way through until you find a painfully pretty one you really like
>actually befriend her
>find out who she is as a person
>if she's not trash, let yourself begin to fall in love with her
>take her up to a bed and breakfast for a long weekend getaway
>make love tenderly
>just before you cum
>grab her throat
>and squeeze
>stare into her eyes as you choke her to death
>orgasm to her death spasm
>don't say a word
>be silent
>look at what you have done
>feel the power you now own
>the power you have taken back for yourself
>you are a god now
>now clean up your mess
>nobody will miss her because you hacked her phone weeks ago and already incriminated that idiot who lives with her as a jilted boyfriend whom may optionally also be made to disappear
>bonus points for visiting her former lover in jail and telling him through the glass to his face that you hope he rots in there forever for murdering such a sweet girl
>laugh madly to yourself randomly for no reason anyone around you can discern as you remember the power that is your birthright which you took back from the world
>t. someone who has already made it and now only feels amusement with a tinge of disdain

>> No.7657386

Damn that nigga HANSUM

>> No.7657427


>> No.7657479


>> No.7657561

>front desk at bed n breakfast has a camera

>> No.7657565

nice one lad, keep it up srs

>> No.7657634


>please do not ruin my future evening news by warning latent homicidal maniacs away from my obvious honeypot larp


>hack the camera and sneak the prostitute in with the luggage under the pretense that it is some sort of kinky game you're paying her to take part in

...which response would you prefer?

>> No.7657643


you're probably right considering she's a celebrity

but how do you know?
what'd she do?

>> No.7657685

you seem knowledgeable on prostitute murders, do you have any advice, which country is easiest, or things like that

>> No.7657729


>> No.7657785

99% of women look like shit without makeup. It's actually rare to find one that doesn't look like trash without makeup.

>> No.7657810
File: 63 KB, 640x640, 26868806_183154158955222_5406501512195080192_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mirin jobra?

can anybody on /biz/ compete with these basic chad aesthetics? i certainly cant kek

>> No.7657899

chads are the ubermensch of our generation. no one can compete with them, anon. the only thing we excel at is intellect, and women don't care about that because we are too socially handicapped to have a normal conversation with

>> No.7657938

dude hot af

>> No.7658453
File: 45 KB, 511x711, 1516285382083.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one?

>> No.7659457

My worst fear

>> No.7659862

If you really want to succeed, I implore you to do this:
>try out a prostitute
Your officially on the list. It's common for girls to communicate with others letting them know details about certain johns so congrats.
>try out a few prostitutes
Ya your definitely on their list now
>work your way through until you find a painfully pretty one you really like
>actually befriend her
So you think she's just going to graciously fall into your autistic fucking lap? Vs the Chad who spends 10x the amount on her because he's rich
>find out who she is as a person
>if she's not trash, let yourself begin to fall in love with her
At this point you'd empty out your account for her. Can't even buy rat poison to kill
>take her up to a bed and breakfast for a long weekend getaway

The car drive to the bed and breakfast left tracks unique to your tires. Your gps is stored online connected to all your autistic apps.

Not to mention ppl the girl told who she was going with.

How do you plan to pay anon? Most american hotels require debit/credit card for deposits? Also cameras at the bed and breakfast.

Also did you cum inside her? Where are you gonna put the body? Did you remember to dust yourself off before burial to make sure the pollen/micro debris from the hotel doesn't come up under investigation ?

Retracing her steps from death at the office to the hotel to your car to your ass leads you getting fucked by jamal

>> No.7659938

HOLY fucking shit dude is a literal Chad. No uomo, but he's fucking handsome