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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 38 KB, 300x300, usdt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7653922 No.7653922 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.7653954

No shit its FUD Dumbass but it's all salty no coiners and boomers have left

>> No.7653977

madoff's associates and clients saw the receipts for their trades too

>> No.7654014

If that's a direct quote its a good way of increasing confidence in tether without lying.

>> No.7654105

The fuck do you think he's gonna say you dumb nigger

"Sorry I took a quick look and all this USDT that we use in our exchange for mad profits is monopoly money"

Fucking brainlet

>> No.7654151

bitfinexed cucks btfo

>> No.7654155
File: 87 KB, 1080x1130, DVvGVI8WAAA9xS-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if this money is hidden somewhere in offshore account under a false name and not tied directly to tether or bitfinex it might as well not exist at all
audit or fuck off

>> No.7654164

they have to say its FUD, they are an exchange, if tether implodes sending btc at 500$ and obliterating all altcoins, they lose $$...

>> No.7654170

someone get these autists outta here

>> No.7654205

FFS, in that interview he says he HAS NOT seen the bank accounts, but trust people who did.

>> No.7654224

also pumping btc with tether, and if $$ are missing in tether, it would mean btc was pumped with air...

>> No.7654367

Audit or fuckoff.

>> No.7654479
File: 54 KB, 245x206, 1515748605702.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bitfinexed is currently in the biggest slander case ever and doesn't know it.

Bitfinex and tether will show funds backing tether.

They continue to stay silent and not provoking bitfinexed, who has turned into a rabid slander dog.

Every tweet, article, false claim, email is currently being archived by a lawyer who is about unleash the largest slander suit at bitfinexed, no respectable lawyer will want to defend bitfinexed.

Tether will win the case and shut bitfinexed down and anyone fudding tether will be too afraid and then tether will be able to do whatever it wants. Just because bitfinexed couldn't keep their mouth shut and present evidence to authorities in a respectable way.

Goodjob bitfinexed you played yourself

>> No.7654611

>tether will be able to do whatever it wants

so they will be able to just print as much tether as they want without having it backed by usd? will they use this ''air'' tether to inflate btc again?

>> No.7654630

shut up autist

>> No.7654641

This. OP is either intentionally trying to be deceptive, or is a dumb ass.

>> No.7654661

Lol that's what him and all other retards trading crypto on margin get

>> No.7654694

moron, notice how they printed the most tether during the height of the new years bull run? It's not inconceivable that a few hundred million USD went into tether during all that. Tether's mcap is NOTHING in the big picture here.

>> No.7654752

i dont understand your post

>> No.7654770

Looks as though bitfinxed will be facing harsh critique when proven wrong on the busy streets of the crypto-verse.

xoxo Gossip Bull

>> No.7654823

fuck off shill

>> No.7654840

Isn't that about what you expect here anymore though? Outright Bs, trolling, etc. And to look at the comments no one seems to care. They'd just as soon argue about made up shit as real things.

>> No.7654937

yup this

he even specifically says he has no evidence that tether is legit, simply the word of other people he trusts (one being another major exchange CEO)

>> No.7655067

How would he get sued? It's basically a random Twitter user, no?

>> No.7655178

>your funds are safe t. nano developers on bitgrail

>> No.7655616
File: 114 KB, 277x400, 1518637061566.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Binance insiders have seen the Tether bank accounts and calls Anti-Tether rumors FUD

you have to be fucking retarded not to see why this doesn't matter and why their knee deep in Tether?

>> No.7655801


rofl ... even better - i mean why make yourself complicit to a crime - "we wuz didnknow nuffinz"