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7642436 No.7642436 [Reply] [Original]

Concomitent shilling and fudding for this coin have confused me.
So what the fuck is up with this coin, should I invest in it or not?

>> No.7642450

There is literally only one way to figure out what is true. And that's by figuring it out.
DYOR you dumb fuck.

>> No.7642451


DYOR. No, obviously. No github commits, no updates, 1 developer, held alive by memes. etc.

>> No.7642468

NO...I mean yes (just kidding).

>> No.7642483

I already am DMOR, by asking /biz/

>> No.7642504

buy low, sell lower

>> No.7642542

Definitely not! Stay the fuck away Anon. The lead Dev sleeps in an aquarium now. No lie, only truth.

Or otherwise pick up 100K

>> No.7642575
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email support at smartcontract.com and ask to join slack. Join the gitter. Even look at /r/LINKTrader.

if you like the idea of speculative insider knowledge:


then come back to /biz/ for the memes and keks, and occasional good insights. Pay this forward, and good luck

>> No.7642582

Seriously friend, its over. Buy Mobius. Lambo oracles on the moon.

>> No.7642587


When you lose everything, just remember that you deserve it.

>> No.7642593
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This dear sir, buy strong indian coin sir

>> No.7642620

All you're going to get here is shadowfork, big macs, and some dumbass saying Elon Musk is buying smartcontract.com

>> No.7642621

LINK is /biz/ crack, plain and simple.

>Plausible but overly technical use case that makes people investing in it feel smart
>Plausible relationships between coin creators and an existing industry that make people investing in it feel smart
>Plausible "industry insider" LARPers who come to /biz/ to divulge SECRETZ, which convinces the aforementioned wannabe-smartypantses that they're part of something revolutionary that has flown under the radar so far

Truth is, the decentralized oracle problem doesn't have a market yet, and won't for many years.

We're at a phase where smart contract adoption will happen regardless of centralized/decentralized oracles, because smart contracts solve several existing business problems. No one gives a fuck whether their oracle is centralized or decentralized yet, and when Linkies realize they're investing in the crypto equivalent of the Sega Dreamcast, LINK will dump faster than anything you've ever seen.

The Wojaks will be delicious.

>> No.7642652


>No one gives a fuck whether their oracle is centralized or decentralized yet,

But they will. Especially when P2P smart contracts are the norm. I don't think you have any conception of how fundamentally smart contracts are going to change society.
Nice FUD, though. Most enjoyable I've read in a while.

>> No.7642711
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here's the semi-short version: it might be one of the biggest projects in crypto or it could be an elaborate scam orchestrated by biztards that have been holding bags for 6 months.
Now here's the redpill. Even if you DYOR and you are 100% sure this project will succed, the cost of opportunity is huge. Just look at linkies and how many moon missions have they missed in just the past months. Do you have the strength and will power to buy and hold this shit for years while watching everyone around you get rich left and right?

I'm neutral in regards to link. I was close to buying in at some point but I didn't. Instead I grew went in other projects and now I can buy 3 times as much link as I could in the first place. Now imagine this scenario at a bigger time scale (2-3 years). How many opportunities would you be losing just by holding these link bags? Sure, this shit could pull x100 or x200 in an instant, but as soon as it shows bull signs, everyone can buy in, including the people that weren't holding link before and instead x10ed their money in other projects.

You buying and holding this shit doesn't give you an advantage against those that don't. If you dyor and believe in this project, there's no reason to buy and hold now instead of fucking around with other shitcoins, making gains and then buy link when it first signs of bulling. Just set an alarm or something.

>> No.7642731

wrote this in a hurry; sounds semi-retarded at times but I hope you get my point.

>> No.7642741

it's pasta. The fud is slowly evolving to sound more convincing, which makes me think the accumulators are getting more desperate, or just having more keks
this is actually sound advice, unless you literally cannot afford to look at crypto for the next 6 months, there's no reason to hold heavy bags. Shit, even just DCA at dips is good enough.

>> No.7642833


That's a gamblers mentality, but honestly if you have "enough" LINK (100k+) it's a fucking nice feeling to just hold it and bide your time. Especially if it's not all-in and you still have money to play around with.

>> No.7642902

What was the exchange, was it gbx?

>> No.7642932

>should I invest in it or not?
Definetely not now
Shit gets pumped with crazy volume in minutes then decays for hours to new lows.
If you manage to figure out how bots time the pumps, you can get quite some money, but that would require you to sit 24/7 in front of Bianance.

Just wait until it returns to low 5xxx sats and check regularly for long term entry possibilities

>> No.7643163

If i withdraw i'll have 8 more dollars and that's enough for a few coffees. Should I do it bros?

>> No.7643182

everything is going to go up now so sure

>> No.7643266

I really enjoy fudding link even though my entire folio is link. Not that it's hard - carvertical and sexcoin basically make LINK useless honestly.

>> No.7643284

Just throw 100 bucks at it and never look back, buddy.

>> No.7643374

Sergey has a presentation of 25 minutes on Friday in which he will reveal nothing and the price will bomb. Buy then.

>> No.7643453


Yeah that conference also has John McAfee and Erik Voorhees speaking. Sergey probably won't even mention Link, and the price will drop. Buy some then.

... Then buy a little more when you feel like it. And a little more...

Soon your whole folio will be LINK and you won't know why.

>> No.7643472

invest in mobius sir much better sir

>> No.7643541


>> No.7643755

I think last year's lineup was better.
Just have to wait and see. I'm almost 100% certain this is going to dump.

>> No.7643759

Oh look, a FPBP

>> No.7644095


>> No.7644282
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This is only true if you play with potato famine money. Good luck trying to get your 100k stack when 1000 other new cryptomillionaires want in at the bull signs.

>> No.7644314

Nobody anywhere else has never heard of this token. It's a biz coin

>> No.7644403

You guys fud but you know XLM and Mobius will moon before link so if you were at all smart you would first buy and sell Mobius to buy more link

But link holders are dumb pajeets of course

>> No.7644440

>but as soon as it shows bull signs, everyone can buy in,

What a great strategy! What could possibly go wrong with that?

>> No.7644491

Someone really needs to clear up LINK. Here I go. This one's for the newfags.
1. There is no shadowfork
2. Jason Parser is a meme
3. Sergey is alive and is one of the headline speakers at the upcoming Bitcoin superconference
4. The testnet is scheduled to release this quarter. The lack of the testnet keeps price down for now, not memes or whales
5. Noone knows when mainnet will launch, noone knows how much link will be rewarded for staking in nodes, noone knows how much priority will be given per link in a node
6. Link is used to force fair and automatic execution of agreements. This doesn't happen with current tech because centralization means someone always has control. With link noone can influence these agreements
7. Link currently has one competitor right now. I don't remember their name. They have a larger but less credible team.
8. Link is an erc20 token that is used with smart contracts. Many block chains offer smart contract tech, link will work with most/all of them.
9. The team stated they could move link to its own blockchain independent of ethereum if need be
10. People do unironically go all in and support this coin, most of the fud is to keep newfags out
11. Sergey isn't getting that fat
12. The team does not post on social media but is very active on slack, email, and their websites message box
13. Anyone can join the slack, just ask for an invite on smartcontract.com
14. They have been looking to hire a PR person and more developers for a while. As far as we know they haven't made any hires yet.
15. So far they have met all deadlines, showed up to all scheduled events, and so on.
There you have it, the objective truth about link. Take it as you will.

>> No.7644540

>4. The testnet is scheduled to release this quarter.
The testnet has been up for months.

>> No.7644541
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Here ya go famalam. Use the hi res cube.

>> No.7644575

Hasn’t updated the pasta

>> No.7644621

One does not simply, update the pasta.

>> No.7644682

Pasta evolves man

>> No.7644768
File: 66 KB, 530x530, IMG_0093.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You'll have to burn all your IDs & shave your head after creating your binance account.
Your mind will be raped in the Linkism.
The fortunes of 10000K 2020 aren't worth this 2 years of suffering anon.

>> No.7644787

So evolve it then. I am lazy and eating pizza with jam doughnuts.

>> No.7644829

Idc to evolve it

>> No.7644873


>> No.7644899
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>> No.7644918

I took a shit this morning, a real belly rumbler. I jumped outta bed, ran to the shitter and held on for dear life. As the hot liquid stream of shit spewed from my anus, it let out a unique sound.


And there I sat, sweat on my brow, gasping for air. I flushed the hot steaming stew of shit down the toilet and for the most part forgot about it, until now.

>> No.7644944

Someone really needs to clear up LINK. Here I go. This one's for the newfags.
1. There is no shadowfork
2. Jason Parser is a meme
3. Sergey is alive and is one of the headline speakers at the upcoming Bitcoin superconference
4. The testnet is scheduled to release this quarter. The lack of the testnet keeps price down for now, not memes or whales
5. Noone knows when mainnet will launch, noone knows how much link will be rewarded for staking in nodes, noone knows how much priority will be given per link in a node
6. Link is used to force fair and automatic execution of agreements. This doesn't happen with current tech because centralization means someone always has control. With link noone can influence these agreements
7. Link currently has one competitor right now. I don't remember their name. They have a larger but less credible team.
8. Link is an erc20 token that is used with smart contracts. Many block chains offer smart contract tech, link will work with most/all of them.
9. The team stated they could move link to its own blockchain independent of ethereum if need be
10. People do unironically go all in and support this coin, most of the fud is to keep newfags out
11. Sergey isn't getting that fat
12. The team does not post on social media but is very active on slack, email, and their websites message box
13. Anyone can join the slack, just ask for an invite on smartcontract.com
14. They have been looking to hire a PR person and more developers for a while. As far as we know they haven't made any hires yet.
15. So far they have met all deadlines, showed up to all scheduled events, and so on.
There you have it, the objective truth about link. Take it as you will.

>> No.7645196
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I believe 2 devs have been hired just their identities haven't been announced. Additional part time devs have been hired for specific parts of the project. Additional dev hires are still on the way. No information on if they hired a marketing director yet but they are trying to. That pasta was wrong when it was made. Test net has been out since before the ico. It is being ported over from ruby to go lang for the initial implementation of mainnet coming soon.

>> No.7645211

now i have cancer
fucking terrible

>> No.7645255

There are a bunch of Oracle competitors but there are mostly crap or going after a different industry.

>> No.7645282
File: 114 KB, 900x900, photo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you had no choice but to put 5% into LINK

i had to.

I would have to kill myself if this actually moons after all that shilling on /biz/

it actually could solve the oracle problem which is huge

It could be like buying BTC at 100$ or ETH at 10$

>> No.7645309
File: 111 KB, 640x640, Thinking_Face_Emoji (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not holding both LINK and MOBI

>> No.7646323

noice digits serious anon, heckin' checked

>> No.7646557

The new EU PDS2 regulations make this coin illegal.

>> No.7646787
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>> No.7646963


I hold 65k LINK and it's around 4-5% of my portfolio. That's comfy, I'm not missing shit while still being exposed to the potential LINK moon mission.