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762511 No.762511 [Reply] [Original]

How can we help kids these days transition into adulthood?

Back in the day military was required in America and various other countries, now most countries dropped it.

Boy & girl scouts and equivalent programs exist, but barely any kids sign up for It.

Decades ago the average 14-15 year old would take up a summer job picking berries and shit, now nobody does that either.

I'm thinking of a public service /cunoty service program that teens would engage in - it could even be for just two summers from when you're 16 & 17. Aren't there countries today that actually have that?

Even if it wouldn't be mandatory, we could set it up so kids who join the program would receive money for college or something.

Wouldn't that work? It'd also help bring crime rates down, and reduce the beta narcissistic shit we see in a lot of guys today.

>> No.762524


>> No.762551


>> No.762555


>> No.762697

>Wouldn't that work? It'd also help bring crime rates down, and reduce the beta narcissistic shit we see in a lot of guys today.
I would have wanted a place like this when I was younger ;_;

>> No.762699
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Millennials are a lost generation. It'll take more effort to save them than they're worth. Best to write them off as a trash generation rather than throw good money after bad.

Hopefully their kids won't be such assholes too.

>> No.762716

What causes "this"? That's where the money should go. Is it because their moms worked, or because... actually... that's all I've got.

>> No.762725


Id trust literaly any group over HR "profesionals".
Must be a great generation if these disgusting subhumans dont like millenials.

>> No.762726

>Back in the day military was required in America and various other countrie

This is not a true statement.

>> No.762729

>Id trust literaly any group over HR "profesionals".
Great post. Why would the opinions of professionals who interview, hire, evaluate, review, and compare people matter at all?

>> No.762746


They hire people based on looks and charisma (looks again) anyway., even if the job is something other than dealing with clients directly. Those HR shits don't have any telepathic powers to evaluate peoples capability to actually do the shit they will get paid for, if hired. At the interviews, those faggots ask you some random shit and then hire you, if your face looks "friendly" or "good" enough. "Are you a team player", "Describe yourself".... everyone is going to bullshit in those questions and no matter what the uglier shit says, he looks worse saying that, than the good looking guy.

HR people are faggots and suck cock.

>> No.762778


>> No.762795

HR are usually the dumbest bimbos the world has ever seen. Fat, long painted nails, shit education with a shit GPA, hired literally either because there was nothing else they could do in any company apart from get coffee and attend desks and emails, or because they were hot once and can't be fired now that they've gotten ugly.

In the professional office setting I cannot think of any creature worse than the HR 'professional'.

and OP, i'm P sure summer camps and such still exist like this, but if maybe you could have a yearly summer camp at Dachau or somewhere nice I'd be happy to send underpriveleged children there.

And really it's a problem of our environment. 100 years ago it was very common to marry below 20, have kids, get a job at 14/15 and leave school to start working full time. 50 years ago that age started going up, and it's continued, and now we've reached a point where inflation in prices has outstripped inflation in wages, esp. with regards to housing, so many people have no choice but to stay at home and avoid marriage and kids simply because it's a very difficult thing to reasonably afford, and on top of that more and more people are getting university level educations, meaning people who used to get jobs at 15 couldn't because high school goes til 17, and then people who got jobs at 17 can't because university takes them til 21, and then they enter a shitty grad level job (if that) which doesn't pay enough to move out and live. Scouting, camps, the military etc. aren't going to fix this problem because it's not a problem with the individuals being unable or unwilling to transition to adulthood, it's simply that our society no longer allows for that transition in the middle and lower class until a much later age. If the transition happens to early you end up with bogans, criminals and pregnant teens.

>> No.762796


If we really wanted to address it, a working program through schools would probably help get them early work experience, and then teaching actually useful stuff at high school eg. how to organise a lease, a mortgage, how to pay taxes, how to save money and pay your superannuation, how to budget appropriately, how to write resumes and apply for jobs and interview properly. These are things that are rarely taught in the course of school for whatever reason despite all being far more important than cos/sin graphing and calculating X.

>> No.762800

Times change OP.

We will be the new generation that won't work but live of government funds, with immersive virtual reality to keep us happy and basic income and spend time on our hobbies and lives while robots do all the work.

Labor is 4 plebs

>> No.762812

>Loyal to employers

This is based on the fact that if someone is offered a job that pays more, they're going to take that job. Sorry HR corporate cocksuckers, not everyone wants to be your lifelong wagecuck.

>> No.762864


Why do you feel millennials a lost generation?

>> No.762873
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Fuck ya

>> No.762879

Idk but as an eagle scout I learned how to cook ,clean ,plan projects ,build houses , manage finances, lead, manage people, sell, family sciences, environmentalism, natural sciences and defend my homeland for enemies both foreign and domestic.

>> No.762885

>hurr durr I'm going to disregard one side of an opinion poll but slurp the other side like sacred truth because it supports my narrow ill-informed world view

>> No.762890

>Why do you feel millennials a lost generation?
Lazy, apathetic, self-deluded, entitled, ignorant, fake, narcissistic social-autists with abysmal personal finance skills.

But other than that, they make a nice latte.

>> No.762898

Ov vey! What are you some kind of fascist! Stop trying to change things racist.

>> No.762956

i'm a millenial and i sell shit to millenials and make a great profit from it. there's no "lost generation" so stfu.

>> No.762969

Literally every generation is shit.
Stop acting like it's just "kids these days", because its not. Oldfags have been whining about the youth since the dawn of man.

I'm sure your grandparents would think you're a huge puss if you told them you were spending a Friday afternoon talking to internet strangers on hawaiian knitting community.

>> No.762970

Singapore has the right idea.
>Mandatory 2 year military service for all young men who reach 18yrs.
>Mandatory death sentence for 500g of cannabis or 15g of heroin

>beta narcissistic shit we see in a lot of guys today.
Special Snowflake Syndrome

>> No.762971

There aren't any summer jobs because teenagers are competing with college grads

That public service idea you have would work, but good luck getting it passed considering it'd be seen as a charity

>> No.762976

>Singapore has the right idea.
>Mandatory 2 year military service for all young men who reach 18yrs

Fuck you.

>> No.762977

You dont pay the hard working millenials enough to meet them baby boomer

>> No.762978
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You should try fucking one, over 18 of course

>> No.762982

Part time teenage jobs are all occupied by old people, college graduates, and immigrants

>> No.762985

Mandatory work experience would just raise the hiring standards because now everybody has experience, it does nothing to solve the problem

>> No.762987
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>entry jobs were replaced with Bachelors degree required

>> No.763018


>kids these days
Nothing a little old fashioned values couldn't cure.

1. A push for more male teachers in high school and middle school

2. Dealing with bullies sometimes involves punching them in the mouth. Bystanders should be willing to do the same if the victim won't.

3. There are winners and losers at everything in life. Losing is a learning experience, not an excuse to scream about fairness.

4. Withhold praise unless it is truely earned. Don't lead a kid to believe their the best only to find out when they graduate college with their art history degree that nobody is handing them a six figure job.

... just a few thoughts I have. The problems really come from lack of humility, encouraging victimhood and the belief that competition is evil.

>> No.763020

I hear all this bitching about not being able to get a job, any job, without a degree and years if experience.
I used to think it was true until I tried to hire someone this spring. I offered $14/ hr and no experience required, which is very good for this area. It wasn't even a hard job. But you wouldn't believe the dipshits and utterly useless morons I had apply. Couldn't even write a coherent sentence most of them.
I got about 50 inquiries (only half attached a resume, which I specifically stated was required) but couldn't bear to interview any of them.
I'd mostly get shit like
>u stil hiring
Yeah, just one line without punctuation.
Into the trash it goes.

So I don't know. There are a lot of fucking morons out there, maybe that's the problem and not the lack of jobs.

>> No.763021

Little do you know the baby boomers already spent all generation X's money and they're dipping into yours now. Your labor is what secures all those loans those dipshit baby boomers are taking out to fund their retirements. They fucked us all and in so doing, were the last generation to not be fucked.

So yeah, pick up a shovel and get to work kid. Your grandpa has a social security check to cash funded by your taxes because he already voted for politicians that spent all the money he paid into the system.

HR "professionals" are probably just mad because they are boomers and Xers like me keep pointing out how they fucked us to their face. I hope more will take off their iPhone earbuds and join me on that front.

>> No.763044

>the baby boomers
>were the last generation to not be fucked
Gen Y made millions in their easy careers and their extended bull markets. Gen Y bought cheap houses and paid them off early. Gen Y will retire with stuffed 401ks and IRAs.

Millennials truly are the worst generation.

>> No.763045
File: 101 KB, 539x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This post is gold.
Thank you

>> No.763050

Stop making a buisness in nigger neighborhods.
I'd drop everything I was doing for 14 bucks an hour instead of 8.50

>> No.763051

What exactly was the position and where are you located?

>> No.763054

>when i moved out at 19 I already bought a apartment from babysitting and fast food :^)
>i got paid 2 dollars an hour to babysit and 7 dollars at fast food place :^)

>> No.763075

Hmm, that sounds like the baby boomers when they were young.

>> No.763097 [DELETED] 

Sending a whole generation to die in the war of rich old men is the opposite of a good idea.

Not sure about girls, but the Boy Scouts is an abusive organization these days.

>Muh Summer Job!
Child labor is illegal.

>garble rhbl garble what are words
I can't quite tell what you're asking here, but I think those kinds of things either don't commonly exist or aren't advertised in the slightest.

>> No.763108

People say this about every generation, I'll probably say the same when I'm older.

>> No.763113

Throughout my life I was told that if I did well in school, went to a good college, and got a degree, I would be guaranteed a high paying job. Nobody ever bothered me to tell me otherwise until I got to college, nothing about work experience and internships.

Public education really needs to be reformed in the US because its really failing people. Kids should start applying for internships and jobs as early as legally possible. If there's none available, the government should subsidize them; every kid that wants to have a job should.

>> No.763114

Plenty of betas in Singapore, don't you worry mate

>> No.763115

>People say this about every generation
These are the lies Millennials tell themselves to make themselves feel better.

No one called the baby boomers lazy, apathetic, entitled, fake, narcissistic or social-autists. They were called self-deluded, and ignorant, and they do have bad personal finance skills.

No one call Gen Y lazy, self-deluded, entitled, ignorant, or social-autists or accused them of having bad personal finance skills. They were apathetic, fake, and narcissistic.

All generations have faults. But Millennials are the worst generation in a hundred years.

>> No.763119

Gen Y and Millennials are the exact same thing

>> No.763122

>Gen Y and Millennials are the exact same thing
Meant Gen X. My bad.

>> No.763123

Late to the thread. Reinstitution of the traditional fatherly role. There are still fathers, but few father figures and few performing in a fatherly role. My dad died right as I was about to become a young man. I didn't even realize what that fucking meant until years later when I'm trying to find a father figure to teach me how to be a man. This is how it's always been done but now people want there to be "alternative opinions". These arguments are all nonsense. If I had a father to teach me all the things I had to find out the last 5 years through random occurrence I would have saved a lot of time.

How to do? I doubt the fathers will ever look the same again.

However, there are traditions that did not experience what middle class white America went through that still have their traditions of fatherhood intact, communities that were not so strongly attacked by the feminist movement. For instance old black men and the Amish. The last great resource of the white American male is his grandparent's generation. They are about to die. In the next 20 years we will see the death of the majority of people remaining who lived through and saw WW2 and the majority of last generation to fully carry the old fatherhood tradition will be gone.

The claim to a great ancestor that every western male has been able claim for 2000 thousand years is going to be broken for the first time in history because young men are being taught that it doesn't even exist. Of course they believe it because the father is having his ability to provide for his family attacked. This is his motivation for functioning in society. So the person who is most skilled at functioning in society within the family is not passing down his skills and his knowledge. I don't think it's a question of "at what age should you attempt to be a man". You can not be a man at 20 or at 40. The question is have you been given the skills and there is no longer anyone to teach the skills. Most of this is from Robert Bly.

>> No.763131

Going on that point you make about WW2, do you think that a major war in the next 10 years would help this generation in the long run?

>> No.763147

No. It has nothing to do with war. The fatherhood tradition does not depend on war to exist. It's an tradition of passing down skills and knowledge that are gained from living in the real world. People talk about real world application in math and science, the fatherhood tradition is born entirely out of real world application. There's everything in the tradition exists because the circumstances of life have repeatedly challenged men and men have learned skills and gained knowledge as a direct result of those circumstances. This includes war.

To reinstate the tradition doesn't mean we should fight a war. All a war would do is force young men to learn what we already know.

It's like there's a library for men and we closed the library. Now you could have a war and maybe it would force young men into going "shit, we are not equipped to deal with this. We need the fatherhood tradition back. Maybe they are all dead and we need to start over with what we have left". If we do see the fatherhood tradition come back in the next 50 years I think it's likely that a war will be a part of that but you can do it without one. Maybe you don't need me to simplify the terms or be as specific but my hope is that there is a kid who does that's reading this right now who's been struggling for a long time just to find these things out. I thought that my dad knew these things but he just wouldn't tell me but know my inclination is to believe that he never knew in the first place.

>> No.763149

Do you even remember hippies? Because they were the worst.

>> No.763151

Fucking this. My grandpa never spoke much and my dad got laid off when I was 16, then he got into videogames, never looked for a job, got divorced, and was kicked out of the house. It took me 10 years to realize how much that held me back, and that I had always been seeking a mentor figure but never found one.

>> No.763153


>> No.763169

>Do you even remember hippies?
The hippy movement was a small counter-culture group principally limited to California and NYC. The vast preponderance of boomers were not hippies, didn't participate in the movement, and didn't adopt the principles. While there was a general liberalizing phenomenon amongst the boomer generation, that was just the general ebb and flow in society (pre-war generation was conservative, boomers were liberal, Gen X was conservative, Millennials are liberal). Don't confuse popularized art and music with wide-spread generational attitudes.

Millennials are terrible across the board, in small towns and large, rich and poor, US and Europe. Terrible, terrible generation.

>> No.763186
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>love my mom, she did a great job raising me
>parents divorced when I was 10, dad moved away for business, psycho step-mom kept me from seeing him
>hardly knew anything about him
>on the day that I got my college acceptance letter from my first choice university, I was told that he had cancer
>he dies exactly a week before my 18th birthday
>go through college floundering around, life sucks, drop out
>change major three times, chill in community college forever, move around the country, get married, find work, get back to college
>finally in econ with a focus in stats, fluent in Japanese with solid knowledge of Mandarin
>somehow run in my father's old business partner almost six years later, he's a senior health economist who works high up in government
>"He'd be really fucking proud of you, you know. If he were alive still." he said while staring blankly into his glass at a pub in Boston
>tells me stories of my dad I never knew
>realized my dad was a completely based person who was kept from me
>realized that he wanted an apprentice more than a child, and he died too early for me to grow into that apprentice

>I never received advice from him
>I never will receive advice from him
All I know is that I am a spitting image of a man I never knew

>> No.763252
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>> No.763268

Hello fellow Australian.

>> No.763274

Wait so he was kept from seeing you by his new wife/girlfriend?
That doesn't sound very based to me, he seems like an asshole, who cared more about some whore than his own son.

>> No.763294

Lel, HR generalist detected.

The melinnial generation is shit but he is right. HR fucks generally suffer from some kind of weapons grade retardation. I administer employee retirement plans and I have to deal with HR people from thousands of different companies. I can count on 1 hand the number of them I have encountered that were not fucking idiots.

Best part is lots of companies put thier HR person in charge of the 401k.

Now, really large companies have smart HR people. If your company has the population of a large city, HR policies have strategic value so naturally there have to be some good decesion makers.

Smaller companies have just replaced the office bimbo title with " HR"

>> No.763298
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>Loyal to their employers: 1%
Fucking kek

>> No.763300

Then you shouldn't be upset that they don't want to offer you a job in the first place. It's very reasonable that companies want to hire people who want to be there and will stay, if you act like a mercenary then you don't deserve respect.

>> No.763343

After the interne nothing will ever be the same. Kids see the truth in 1080p: Twitters/Instagrams of rich people as they document their lives and create even more money due all the traffic their parents wealth generate (so it's a never ending cycle of effortless comming-in money).
Hot guys getting all the prime pussy effortlessly in Tinder/etc while the average and below get shit nothing or the scraps at best.
Being aware that you've been thrown into a life of mediocrity while others live like legitimate modern time kings.
Being aware that everything you do is basically serving those kings (all that effort into working/entrepeneuring that will pay shit nothing anyway, so the wealthy can buy all the shit the pleb make).
There's no fucking way back now. The truth has been exposed. Never before you could see how good the rich had it as anyone can see it now. Not at this level of detail.
Never you could see how easy the fortunate have it.
That's why the youth are becoming increasingly braindead. They turn into videogame/drugs/whatever zombies to cope with the fact they'll never be what they really wan to be (a rich kid of a instagram, a chad, a beyonce, whatever).

>> No.763344

millenials, when will they learn?

>> No.763359

Exactly why should anyone be loyal to their employers? Employers have demonstrated no such loyalty over the past 50 years, with offshoring, reduced retirement benefits(which is fine for those of us /biz/ enough to plan it ourselves), reduced regular benefits, increased hours, and oh look, it's time for some corporate "Right sizing!"

>> No.763370

>p-please, accept my job with shitty pay

>> No.763376

>It's very reasonable that companies want to hire people who want to be there and will stay
It isn't when that loyalty only goes in one direction. Most companies make it a goal to pay the lowest wages they think they can get away with in the first place and then drag their feet on promotions (payroll is a huge expense, after all), so it really shouldn't be a surprise that everyone who isn't an idiot is prepared to move on as soon as a better opportunity appears. Employers that won't face that reality will have a hard time finding employees these days. The only workers who are truly "loyal" are either (a) desperate people who aren't good enough at their job to get a better one, or (b) extremely embedded in the organization and hard to fire.

>> No.763384

>Most companies make it a goal to pay the lowest wages
This is only true for unskilled workers. If you're a janitor or an excel jockey then yes, they're going to pay you the least amount possible. Once you find a position with career progression you'll get paid more and are expected to stay with the company.

>> No.763405

what if you are genetically limited to not be able to learn shit thats too complicated?
why do i deserve less money? i didnt choose release fuck tons of cortisol under little mental stress

>> No.763424

What kind of positions do you have in mind? This is absolutely the case in IT, for example. Employment is more of a business transaction than ever; it's completely irrational to stay with a company while there are other companies willing to offer better compensation, growth opportunities, etc. What "loyalty" means is that companies don't want to compete for their talent, which would be understandable if there were any left that made substantial investments in new employees, but now everyone either only hires experienced people or pays garbage at the entry level and is unwilling to match market rates as the employee advances, and then complains when they leave for greener pastures.

>> No.763427

>If you're a janitor or an excel jockey then yes, they're going to pay you the least amount possible.
I'm an Excel jockey that gets paid $190k/yr

>> No.763462

Damn, that picture is pretty much the perfect life.
>Muh truck, muh gun, muh deer, muh boy, and muh curly haired hottie,

>> No.763464
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I am 23-years-old and I moved back in with my parents for university approximately 4 years ago. There is no need to transition to adulthood anymore. It only exists for the brightest, most well prepared people who live in cheap areas.

Nobody under the age of 18 should work in the new economy. In fact, I think they should be banned from working.

War is in decline so military service is a dumb idea, and public service would just take hours away from paid workers.

Read books, jerk off, and play vidya. Adulthood is over rated.

>> No.763539

>psycho step-mom kept me from seeing him
Your dad sounds like a pussy.

>> No.763597

Mexicans literally took berry picking jobs.
Even living as far from the boarder as possible in Michigan, the berry pickers are all Mexican.

>> No.763694

>u stil hiring

kek'd but totally believable

>> No.763724

born in mid-eighties, am I a millennial? not sure. but I sell custom rifles to other millennials and make out pretty good. I do realize that a lot of millennials will be content with minimal pay as long as it pays for internet, television and they don't have to put forth any effort, but the millennials that I comingle with are generally patriotic, hard-working and reluctant to take a hand-out. I hope that this trend of government distrust and fact0checking media continues to grow because it makes people realize the beauty of self-sufficiency.

a young black man told me a few weeks ago that he believe a new ivicl war would start if the government pulled back on food stamps.......maybe he is right, but I think it would make people get out and figure out how to make a living for themselves. I don't think there is anything wrong with our generation, just the hand-outs that keep people from realizing their potentials.

>> No.763726

AND....if you don't have a job, you should be picking berries with those Mexican's no matter if it pays 5$ and hour or 20

>> No.764862

>deer on the roof of a pickup

Crazy idea but how about mentoring them and providing a strong role model through you own actions?

>> No.764876

My dad died when I was 10. I am behind many of my friends in many aspects. Only finished an AA (useless), can't seem to earn much more than about $35k, few friends and am single.

It does make a difference, and I have been floating around since graduating high school. Only recently am I trying to make changes. >Don't waste your time people!

>> No.764887

It's a booming college town.

Landscape labor. Rocky mountains, USA.

My brother and I have a good laugh at all the stupid responses I get.

One guy thought I was a homeowner looking to hire a landscaping company, that was adorable.

>> No.764890

you pay new hires $14/hr? Do your clients pay hourly or do you quote a price on a job?

>> No.764918

Yes, new hires start at $13- $14. COL here is pretty average so it's very competitive. I try to get good people though.

Mostly I quote the whole job, sometimes I just do the work and send a bill and try not to surprise them too much.

>> No.764926


Know the feel bro, lost my dad younger then you.

If you go into a trade you'll probably make as much money you do now STARTING. I am making around $35k starting however every year I work I progress my career more and more and will get paid more and more. After 4 years I'll be a journeyman and journeyman's average salaries are around $100k a year where I live.

In regards to the relationships, you've probably had plenty of women interested but you weren't paying attention or not focused.

You just have to get out there and meet women if you want a girlfriend.

>> No.765102

You could move to Iran where 2 years of military service is mandatory after high school

>> No.765109

Maybe you should realize that not everyone is from the USA. I mean teenagers are lazy, wow big deal, like every generation beofre us was hardworking.Also realize not everyone is tumblr sjw self loathing teen, maybe in your stupid burgerland that is.
Based Europe.

>> No.765368


Jesus, this is the truth. That's why I shut myself off from social media. I personally think women have been brainwashed more than men with this stuff. I grew up middleclassish. Neither one of my parents had an education. Growing up I couldn't understand why women treated me like garbage. I had girlfriends here and there but, generally speaking, women always tried to run me over. I was dating a girl for about 3 months and she said, "You don't buy me enough things". I thought this was isolated but it wasn't. Fast forward, I have an education now, learned how to dress, got into decent shape and I can go out to bars and interact with women fairly easily. Still, once they find a chink in your armor they will take off. That's part of the reason I turned to investing. If you're smart and disciplined, you can have a shot at being moderately wealthy. I want some cash to show off so I can dangle it in front of these idiotic women who have no control over their baser instincts and I'll have no intention of sharing it. I'll string these women along and wear them out until they give and I'll move on to the next one. It's petty and sadistic but it's what keeps me motivated. Getting closer.

>> No.765389

>>Mandatory 2 year military service for all young men who reach 18yrs

what's wrong pussy, can't handle it?

>> No.765401


I don't understand this attitude from older people and believe it takes a certain amount of delusion to maintain it. It is a nostalgic view of older people's upbringing and an undeserved belief they were some how better. Socrates had a quote about the youth of his day and it still applies.

Drafts, mandatory service, it is all stupid. It is parents attempt to shift responsible for there own kids on to some nebulous gov't (That they don't even trust).

If you're unhappy with your children's generation, instill and live the values you want them to have.

>> No.765446


>Is a Millennial
>Owns own business
>Take home is $15k a month
>Work when I want

Am I some sort of failure because I didn't become a millionaire by 25? I think I'm doing better than most.

Oh yeah, I know what is. I don't take it up the ass like the older generations. Enjoy your salary slavery oldfags.

>> No.765450


There is nothing wrong with being a Neet

>> No.765451

You on commission? Can't go back to salary can you? People don't even get it. Once you start making fat commissions you realize how much you were getting losing in salary.

>> No.765456
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Agreed there is nothing wrong with making a profit any means necessary

>> No.765474

Are you honestly so stupid as to suggest that one exception disproved the characterization? Millennials are many things, but I never claimed they were uneducated or stupid. Your post suggest otherwise.

>> No.765484

Wisest post in this thread. This guy is somebody who can see past day to day grind to what's really going on at a generational level.

>> No.765514

This is the gold response to all the "low employer loyalty" complaint posts in this thread.

>> No.765654

1985-2005. That is the Millennial birth gap.