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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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7629381 No.7629381 [Reply] [Original]

Tesla Partnership is off:


Link to previous thread because OP is a faggot and left without revealing shit.

>Guys we've had a ton of fun together and I like you so I will tell you this: SWIFT and Tesla are OUT. Outbid by a player WAY above their league. There was already an agreement with Musk but hes been paid off to keep silent. There is not much more I can tell without exposing myself but you guys are smart and will figure it out.

>Dig deeper. I can only drop so many crumbs. This has been discussed on here before lately, but in a different context. There was a lot of attention. I wonder why.

>Nobody I know has ever seen despair in Musks eyes before this day. It was fucking brutal. There is now literally a single person on this planet which managed to make Elon Musk cry. This is bigger than him and he had to realize. Imagine that.

Who is the MUSK BREAKER!?!

>> No.7629410

I'm not going to believe this without any fucking proof. Tesla is one thing, but how can SWIFT be outbid?

>> No.7629421

probably some sovereign state.

>> No.7629449

What the fuck are you on about op?

>> No.7629450

ASSBLASTER, please chime in if you're around bud.

>> No.7629460

This is a little over the top marines

>> No.7629475

Chainlink was bought by Ripple. Ripple was bought by Facebook, which also bought Tesla. Google said no and bought everything and my dick.

>> No.7629548

TESLA partnership with fucking what? SWIFT with fucking what? This shit is brain level confusing

>> No.7629603
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Wut m8?

>> No.7629638

Sorry it's confusing, I was quoting the insider from previous thread.

Sorry for being a faggot guys

>> No.7629727

but fucking explain, what partnership has failed, and what the fuck was the partnership for ?

fuck you, explain.

>> No.7629752

>This shit is brain level confusing


>> No.7629776

is sminem fucking with us or waht

>> No.7629805
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>> No.7629835

Link was rumored to be partnered with Tesla
Swift was rumored to be partnered with SWIFT

Apparently, he was outbid by a much bigger fish and people saw him crying lol

>> No.7629840

>above tesla and swift
facebook? google?

>> No.7629873

Amazon are going to use LINK you brainless. A LINK cube next to every cc payment.

>> No.7629874

The only search results I get for "tesla chain link" are from reddit or here.

I think Musk is the millennial's version of Warren Buffet in the real stock market. People throw the name out hoping to get a boost before they dump.

>> No.7629880


>> No.7629904


Oh Facebook is on the LINK train for sure. Their Director of Engineering is an advisor and Zuck's year end bullshit was about decentralization and blockchains/cryptocurrencies. Its only a matter of time before nolinkies get completely BTFO.

>> No.7629913


>> No.7629936


>> No.7629937

linktards on suicidewatch ... get out you dumb faggots

>> No.7630032

Come on guys I've held 10k link since ICO but this is completely deluded

>> No.7630038

So Bezo's cucked Musk? That's fucking glorious, and I hate that bastard.

Are you OP from the other thread?

>> No.7630106

Big if true

>> No.7630129

This is fucking perfect haha love LINK treads all this bs, its fucking funny.

>> No.7630140

We never traveled to space. His car never orbited in space. Ponzi schemes are easy to draw up on people.

>> No.7630162

these chainlink threads are so fucking stupid(really funny though) im amazed anyone can take it seriously enough to buy the coin

>> No.7630174


>> No.7630185

Linkers have solidified themselves as the most delusional bagholders I've ever seen. The only coin I can think of that comes close is dgb. That being said if the price ever did pump to $10+ biz would probably crash.

>> No.7630220
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>Swift was partnered with swift

>> No.7630221

zero proof as usual, that includes assblaster claims
>as if the name didnt give the troll away already

show me one scrap of proof and i will go all in with my $5 right now

>> No.7630228

If it hits 10$ this board is rich af, i just want it to happen and see the world burn from that moment... so much idiots with so much money ahahahaha.

>> No.7630264

While i agree and its 85% that this is a larp, i have to say all his predictions came true tho, xrb got single digits, crash happened, and he told us specificly to watch the top wallets, so we can see if he talks shit.

>> No.7630293
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Big Macs bought Tesla and now stinky linkies are holding a shitcoin confirmed.

>> No.7630313

I like to think we aren't as dumb as we serm

>> No.7630336
File: 87 KB, 1180x842, CTKnuOc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who is the MUSK BREAKER?

>> No.7630462

Jeff bezos is a real nigga, if he wanted to go to mars we would be teleporting there already, not launching a rocket that misses its orbit...

>> No.7630475

What are you on about Anon. Dont talk above your head. Just talk.

>> No.7630521

Link and Sony. Sony nigga. Sony is buying Nike. Nike is perfecting solar. Solar nigga. Like the fucking future. But there's more.. Domino's. Domino's nigga. Blockchain pizza and crypto wings. Chickun nigga chicken. Taco bell is buying Uber. Sergey made uber while eating taco bell. DYOR. . .

>> No.7630623
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>> No.7630629

The insider provided no proof. He just made some vague posts. Assblaster and Riddle Anon had shit come true. This was just an obvious bait

>> No.7630788

I almost believed you until I got to Dominos

>> No.7630942

As in brain level confusing is the most retarded statement I've read all day.

>> No.7630955

Who is this person that pretends to be an expert in imaginary technology and imaginary markets?

>> No.7631005

>meanwhile in reality
this project doesn't even have any public source code kek

>> No.7631125

That Tesla partnership is the biggest bullshit rumor I’ve seen. Even if it was true, why would you want Tesla on board? They are losing billions and probably be bankrupt in two years when this whole climate change hysteria is over. Elon Musk is a false idol.

>> No.7631129
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>> No.7631641



>> No.7632101

Ingenious. Love it. Another thing to shove up a boomers nose when they question the utility of cryptocurrencies and blockchain.

>> No.7632208
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>> No.7632728


*throws out window*

>> No.7632937

I laffed

>> No.7633093

this is the shittiest shit fud ever. it is like building a wall of shit out of diarrhea.

>> No.7633122

The FUD today has been fucking ridiculous.

>> No.7633549

Yeah, I'd almost suspect some of them are sophisticated FUD. LINK has real potential even without any partnerships, but when you obfuscate that by focusing on Riddle Anon levels of bullshit you scare away a lot of reasonable investors and keep the price low for accumulation. /biz/ has built a mammoth wall of autism around this coin that will keep reddit/etc from investigating until the main net actually goes live.

>> No.7633559


>built a mammoth wall of autism


>> No.7633560

Going to be funny when the whole fake currency bullshit crumbles and the people at the top pull the rug from under all the small people.

>> No.7633726

>Making Elon Musk cry
That’s it. That’s where I draw the line. Just market sold all my LINK.