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File: 40 KB, 900x900, yameroo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7627553 No.7627553 [Reply] [Original]

Linkies get in here and refute this guys argument, how are you going to let him get off and say this shit about chainlink without debate. COME THE FUCK ON! It's making me doubt Chainlink because we don't have any guys who can prove him wrong.


Why do you guys always disappear when someone smart shows up to criticize our token. I bought this token because you guys made convincing posts, you need to remove this FUD instead of just ignore it.

>> No.7627635
File: 391 KB, 1024x768, muskbreaker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would I argue with a retard. The major forces of this world just went all-in on LINK, this fag is going to get BTFO bigly

>> No.7627649

this shit is getting out of hand

>> No.7627682

Chill the fuck out, anon. We all know the LINK meme is a cue to buy mobius ffs

>> No.7627689

Muskbreaker I gave a guess in your thread but you never responded. Who made Musk cry

>> No.7627747
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No fud will make me sell
Ride or die marines

>> No.7627760

>The major forces of this world just went all-in on LINK, this fag is going to get BTFO bigly

yeah. nah. you're a fag. the link PnD today was bullshit. I've sold and am glad.

>> No.7627768
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we don’t need to, the digits will do it for us.

>> No.7627787
File: 239 KB, 570x428, SS-Rimmer-HODL.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone really needs to clear up LINK. Here I go. This one's for the newfags.
1. There is no shadowfork
2. Jason Parser is a meme
3. Sergey is alive and is one of the headline speakers at the upcoming Bitcoin superconference
4. The testnet is scheduled to release this quarter. The lack of the testnet keeps price down for now, not memes or whales
5. Noone knows when mainnet will launch, noone knows how much link will be rewarded for staking in nodes, noone knows how much priority will be given per link in a node
6. Link is used to force fair and automatic execution of agreements. This doesn't happen with current tech because centralization means someone always has control. With link noone can influence these agreements
7. Link currently has one competitor right now. I don't remember their name. They have a larger but less credible team.
8. Link is an erc20 token that is used with smart contracts. Many block chains offer smart contract tech, link will work with most/all of them.
9. The team stated they could move link to its own blockchain independent of ethereum if need be
10. People do unironically go all in and support this coin, most of the fud is to keep newfags out
11. Sergey isn't getting that fat
12. The team does not post on social media but is very active on slack, email, and their websites message box
13. Anyone can join the slack, just ask for an invite on smartcontract.com
14. They have been looking to hire a PR person and more developers for a while. As far as we know they haven't made any hires yet.
15. So far they have met all deadlines, showed up to all scheduled events, and so on.
There you have it, the objective truth about link. Take it as you will..

>> No.7627833
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>> No.7627936
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Fear not:

>> No.7627958

can we get a new board for link threads

>> No.7628058


Why did you make his LINK into an H?

>> No.7628093

what's there to refute? Link IS a shitcoin.

>> No.7628120
File: 50 KB, 272x305, him.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its him

>> No.7628197

Once we verify that the Tesla guy is for sure a Tesla developer contributing to the ChainLink sourcr code, we will know that this is a legitimate problem that is in need of a solution right now.

>> No.7628216
File: 122 KB, 400x400, 1518509140344.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

upon further inspection i see clear evidence of a pump which will make me more linkes

>> No.7628221

One think I don't get is what's the point of a token at all.
So I have some oracles, great. I pay them in eth for their predictions. I want decentralization so I use 5 oracle services and use majority vote.
There's no reason for any token and network to exist.

>> No.7628242

He does need an L... RIP my MSPaint skills.

>> No.7628265
File: 247 KB, 705x527, 1495115836729.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shit, we are fucked. This guy's argument is too good. I'm so worried right now that I can't sleep. I have no idea what link does but someone has to refute him so that I sleep well and dream about link being worth $100. SOMEONE DO SOMETHING

>> No.7628432
File: 8 KB, 213x237, 658783.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>The decentralized oracle doesn't have a market yet.

You don't even need to be a fucking programmer to realize how just about any useful dapp needs a fucking decentralized oracle.

Off the top of my head:

>crypto backed derivatives/CFDs [trillion dollar industry that could be implement tomorrow to the blockchain if we could solve the Oracle problem].

>escrow and cash to crypto censorles exchnges (you need fucking oracles to pull information and feed it to the right smart contracts). Any sort of centralized oracle can be shutdown or compromised.

> Real world event betting on the blockchain [billions of dollars worth of business]. You need oracles to smart contracts the right data.

And that's just an answer from a pleb. This fud is so stupid.

>> No.7628471
File: 205 KB, 659x525, 848.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


When you live long enough and acquire enough experience in life you begin to notice a trend. The 'smartest' person in a room is rarely the most successful one. In fact while 'smart' people tend to have an advantage when it comes to their minimal range they are at a clear disadvantage when it comes to the higher range. This is due to the fact that modern society deems 'expertise' as the distinguishing aspect of intelligence, but expertise often induces tunnel vision. I have a cousin who works at Google, makes a six figure salary, and only invested in Ethereum in 2017, despite me telling him about it in late 2015. The reason is simple, he developed tunnel vision.

On the contrary the most successful person in a room isn't the one with the most 'expertise' but the one with a broad knowledge base who is good at understanding trends and people. A lot of people don't remember that when Ethereum came out people were legitimately LAUGHING at the idea of a smart-contract, because people believed it was a neat proof of concept with zero real world application. And it still has zero world application, the difference is now the people interested in ethereum aren't the 'experts' (who cynically dismiss everything) but the 'big picture' types who will invest because they see potential. Oracles are the same, anyone who's been in crypto for more than 3 years has seen this all before: experts dismiss, huge drop, lies low, gains investors interest, balloons due to speculation, cools off, real world application.

It's the same fucking pattern over and over. The real question is are you gonna be one of those 'experts' who doesn't buy bitcoin despite knowing about it way before everyone else because you ''''understand'''' that it's limitations are too great and it's use case too narrow, or are you gonna be a big picture guy who realises this could one day have an impact and invest now for when that day comes?

>> No.7628513
File: 113 KB, 602x800, 65840698-C39D-4FC5-80BE-B20875FF743A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ahahahaha that fucking faggot has no idea what he is talking about and any cum slurping redditor that begs us to plainly explain it all to them can go fuck themselves to death with a rusty steel pipe.

>> No.7628517

This. People don't realize how much it can be big.

>> No.7628547

lol go watch more movies

>> No.7628565

People like you are just too dumb for Chainlink. If you don't realize that without decentralized oracle ETH is worth 0$ , you dumb.

>> No.7628596

In crypto since 2011, and can honestly say LINK is the worst coin I have ever seen. I would actually buy Confido and Bitconnect right now vs. buying LINK.

>> No.7628612
File: 171 KB, 511x842, 1516979629106.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This summarizes some of my deepest sentiments that I haven't quite been able to verbalize. It's like you know it and can see the vision from a big-picture perspective, and you can see how people will tear it down, and you'll wonder if you're being too contrarian. But the big picture just makes too much sense to give it up

>> No.7628660

you're basically saying i've been in crypto for 6 years not a multimillionaire cause im still browsing 4chan fudding a coin instead of enjoying the world with the millions you should've made in those 6 years

>> No.7628670
File: 29 KB, 420x420, a7Dqqzw_700b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>You build a decentralized application using a combination of smart contracts and (soon to come) decentralized computing.

>you use a centralized oracle

>The goverment asks the centralized oracle to cut off the feed and thus render your application useless

>No one trusts applications with centralized oracles because they are susceptible to hackers or the government.

>> No.7628790


So you must have millions. Send me a BTC, otherwise you’re larping


>> No.7629142

A decentralized oracle cuts middlemen, therefore saves financial services a lot of money. What do you not understand about it?

>> No.7629916

All individual oracles are inherently centralized because they interact with external data.
Decentralization is achieved by duplicating work by using several different oracles.
Link or similar are only variations of that fact.

>> No.7630049

That's one of my issues with the whole decentralized oracles. Assume you have multiple parties all confirming the same data from the same source. What the fuck is the point?

>> No.7630198

The smartcontract principle an the decentralised oracles etc are fine. Sergey has a goo little business. However chainlink as a token is surplus to requirements as ethereum is a better choice for staking on his node network as it is more liquid. That is why anyone who has tried to setup the latest node knows that you can choose ethereum staking instead of chainlink. link as a token is dead. Smartcontract.com is not and will probably do very well. However that bears no relationship whatsoever to the future of link. Sergey hates (he's got quite an ego) biz and the link holders on here as he has been variously portrayed as a fatty, a gayfish, a conman and has to deal with being asked questions about crap originating from fud on here constantly. Link has been thrown to the sharks an will be PnD down to zero, ending lower on each dump unil it descents to single digits, stagnates and vanishes as an option on nodes. He's talking about the effect of smartcontracts on the legal profession tomorrow and there will be no mention of chainlink or mainnet release. link is dead. rip. screencap this.

>> No.7630222

one example is time. you don't understand the idea, which is fine and very interesting. That however has NOTHING to do with the future of the token

>> No.7630242

The point is lower probability of wrong data.
The problem is with link, there's no point to a network of oracles. A way simpler model is to pay eg. 5 different oracle services to call your contract with data at regular intervals and that's it. An oracle "network" only pointlessly complicates things and makes many things impossible - what if I want something nonstandard that requires custom work? There's no way to request something like that in link.

Link is only useful for 'standard' data meaning it's used by lots of contracts, which means it's likely going to be reported by the source itself eventually. Ie. if lots of sites use a result of some api from one website it's enough for that website to start digitally signing its results to make additional oracles completely superfluous. Possibly at a payment paid to the source.

Middlemen oracles are only needed for custom datafeeds that aren't signed at source/don't even have an api, but that's completely impossible to request in chainlink. By 'don't have an api' imagine scraping something from a site.

Chainlink is a solution to a problem that doesn't exist.

>> No.7630609
File: 132 KB, 949x854, DD6CDC7F-58CF-4A7C-B8E5-5FDFFC602759.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7631193


yes, the smallest unit (a node) can be censored/compromised. But that's the point of consensus/decentralization.

You might be able to censor 1 node, but you won't be able to censor or compromise a whole network with hundreds of thusands of nodes scattered across the world, pulling different data from different websites at different times.

>> No.7631436

Why the network? In addition to less flexibility it only introduces sybil risks because you don't know if nodes are actually separate. With different companies it's almost certain they are different entities.
A network of 'oracle' nodes is pointless.

>> No.7631534
File: 63 KB, 879x659, 7FC00C65-5B7E-4A94-B02B-922ADF426B27.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Smart Contracts are only possible on a decentralized network consisting of nodes
>Critical data feeds that trigger Smart Contracts don’t need a decentralized network, just use oraclize my dudes

Try again faggot

>> No.7631617

Invite to the slack channel plz?

>> No.7631633

You are using 'decentralized' as an empty meme rather than something with an actual meaning.

>just use oraclize my dudes

No, use oraclize and four other providers. Or six, or ten, depending on how decentralized you want to be.
Chainlink adds no value and actually subtracts it.

>> No.7631666

People told me that fucking shit about ripple since 2014. I would have been rich If I didn't listen to them. If chain link is a successful project then the link token will be too. You have to understand the cryptospace better.

>> No.7631794

You're assuming that new money is going to remain hilariously dumb.
I think for the bubble to grow significantly higher it requires smarter money ie. people that invest in overhyped fundamentals rather than outright bullshit. Institutional investors. No institutional investor actually invests in xrp, excepting banks that get this shit nearly or almost free.

Dumb normies are going to run out of money eventually, it may already have happened.
Imagine how many people lost their life savings of $10k in tron, ripple or even btc.

>> No.7631824

Smart contracts NEEDS data from an oracle network to operate and execute.

Smart contracts then specifies node operator verification costs. Incentives.

The more verification or accuracy required would entail greater costs. No node operator would want to report inaccurate data.

Incentives now exists for the verification or audits of any data reported on the node.

>> No.7631839

That FUD is speculation.

>> No.7631865
File: 35 KB, 834x564, B3E6657A-D6E1-4820-AFFF-151FA925382E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this entire post

If you take 25 minutes to research you will never fall for FUD like this

>> No.7631884

I've been too rational like you for a long time and it cost me literally millions of dollars. You're too rational for your own good if you believe this will stop now. It's only the beginning. Pick a successful project and the token will have value. Do you use ETH on a daily basis other than buying other cryptos or Icos? No, but yet it's at 800$ . Even Vitalik said it's not the real value of ethereum but there is no end to the stupidity of people. This will probably stop in ten years, but there is mad money to be made right now and you'll forever remember that moment you thought it was the end when it was the beginning (aka me in 2014 after the first 'bubble'

>> No.7631988

>I've been too rational like you for a long time and it cost me literally millions of dollars

No, it saved you from losing everything.
Remember auroracoin? Or quarkcoin? Or maxcoin? Where are they? Shitcoins from the previous bubble.

There are going to be shitcoins and shittokens mooning, sure, but different ones.

>> No.7632050

is anyone capable of confirming whether you can use ETH instead of link? isn't this the most important question to answer? (I'm not capable of answering it)

>> No.7632069

No, you can't. It's new fud

>> No.7632090
File: 98 KB, 429x329, 1518131431223.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7632141

I'm probably the earliest adopter in this thread, late 2010. I even remember ixcoin (the first altcoin) and solidcoin. Investing in shit was always lottery and most of it died after the initial pump. Fundamentals matter in the end as dumb money self-destructs. Chainlink doesn't have them.

Ixcoin interestingly still exists. Only the original creator runs a node now.

>> No.7632226

The new EU PDS2 regulations are going to make this shit coin illegal. Game over faggots.

>> No.7632312

if you're too stupied to understand what an oracle is, is your too stupid to understand the problem to it.


>> No.7633336

>I'm probably the earliest adopter in this thread, late 2010. I even remember ixcoin (the first altcoin) and solidcoin. Investing in shit was always lottery and most of it died after the initial pump. Fundamentals matter in the end as dumb money self-destructs. Chainlink doesn't have them.

define fundamentals in the context of crypto you utter fucking baboon

>> No.7633387

He’s right though.

>> No.7633484

ask him to name one massively used application of a smart contract run on ethereum right now

if he cant name one then ask him to give reasons why not

1) ethereum not scalable enough to provide sufficient onchain computation
2) people wouldnt wants to rely on a single blockchain necessarily
3) data inputs????? smart contracts live in the blockchain and data is external

literally chainlink either completely solves these issues (blockchain agnostic payments, secure external data) or plays part to solve them (scalable computation, will be solved by things like casper, raiden, etc)

chainlink is a decent BET

key word BET

but its a good one

>> No.7633505


>Sergey isn't getting that fat


>> No.7633606

Step aside bitch I bought bitcoin in late 2009. Let me tell you what I know. What I know is that you're a nigger faggot. Bitch. Go big or go home. Fucking worthless faggot. Bitch.
>Muh fundamentals
>Muh I remember old shit
Bitch step aside I know more than you and fucked more women than you and have more money than you. Bitch nigger faggot.
That being said,
LINK will be $1000 a token by 2020 and you will anhero because you were too concerned about projecting yourself as some know it all to random people online. Dilettante

>> No.7633638

>I've probably sucked more dicks than anyone else in this thread

>> No.7633646





>> No.7633745

>Directly marketing
>On 4chan

Sergey isn't THAT autistic

>> No.7633954

He says that its ahead of his time because they don't need decentralized oracles for things like weather API or google services and I agree but the money was never in oracles for these services (besides maybe specific insurance use-cases)..it's the thousands of other third party API's a bank or insurance company has to deal with...

Event triggering is not the money making one.

>> No.7634178

thats all you could come up with you fat kike?

kill yourself in a very painful way.

>> No.7634249

I got a better idea OP how about you just sell and go back to plebbit right now or better yet fuckin neck yourself. youre a pathetic faggot buying coins you know nothing about and then crying for strangers on the internet to do your research for you. sell. then kill yourself. please.

>> No.7634698

lol @ butthurt
No you didn't buy in 2009, you bought in 2017 and are probably below your initial investment. Your anger is 100% envy.

You should listen to people smarter than you but you won't.

>> No.7634784

>t. average milocoin, bitbean chainlink, digibyte, bancor, etc investor

>> No.7634814

kek are you describing yourself? Stop being so angry, kys and get it over with mr smartypants