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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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7623542 No.7623542 [Reply] [Original]

Could someone enlighten me on How REQ is more than a payment platform?

all I find is it's for payments, yet it seems like a popular investment here

>> No.7623566

I mean with reference to the coinbase payments, people said REQ is far more than that

>> No.7623582

Is it so hard to read the white paper that you feel compelled to start a thread on /biz/ hoping that others will spoonfeed you?

>> No.7623585

>putting your money in a tron tier PnD

don't do it anon. OMG is a much better bet

>> No.7623629
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>> No.7623652
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Have you not heard? The prophecy?

>> No.7623658

I've had a look, but regardless of me wanting to be spoonfed or not the first thing on their site is "a decentralized network for payment requests"

>> No.7623669


>> No.7623687

Anon I saw those three threads, that was incredible

>> No.7623709

>had a look
Read the damned white paper.
>a decentralized network for payment requests
The key word being "decentralized".
Also what this anon says >>7623384

>> No.7623711
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The doubters will bend knee

>> No.7623723

Here come the dubs and screenshots. Have the NWO one?

>> No.7623746
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Yes anon, the new world order moves crypto.

>> No.7623792

I will read it, but since we have the thread here, could you give a single use case outside of payments just so I got something to think about?

>> No.7623875

Besides the prophecy? Sure, Besides the small part of it being like paypal but way lower fees, it converts any fiat to any fiat almost instantly, but it can do any crypto to crypto, or fiat to crypto and crypto to fiat, so if I mow your lawn and you have no idea what crypto really is you send the payment in fiat and i can CHOOSE what i want to recieve it in, i can actually choose to be paid in USD, euro, stellar, BTC..anything.
That alone is a seller, but it will also seamlessly integrate into background payment services.
also the fomo will be ridiculous because the more tokens you have the more passive income youll earn, for every single REQ transaction there is it burns REQ making less and less REQ available increasing its scarcity and price

>> No.7623897

It insures that REQ can be used even if crypto crashes all together

>> No.7623954

Correct, REQ is the ONLY, I repeat the ONLY crypto that can be used if they all went to zero because it will handle mass amounts of fiat to fiat anyway, this platform is bigger than just crypto, people wont understand that till its too late. This is a moon mission you have to wait for. It will convert fiat to fiat cheaper than paypal ever could, even if crypto crashes. I repeat EVEN IF CRYPTO CRASHES. What competition?

>> No.7623966
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>> No.7623968
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20 cents by June 2018.

>> No.7623970

I'm still going to FUD to accumulate

>> No.7624007

Plus invoicing, smart accounting etc. Not to mention, that it is built from the ground up to become a monopoly, due to 0 profit margin. A viable competition literally cannot arise, that's how low the fees are going to be.

>> No.7624016
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Yeah anyone who actually reads this will payoff. That and the prophecy

>> No.7624020

You can have access to the mainnet api to build apps and use it as a payment

>> No.7624048

What do you think mainnet will do to price? Not a moon kitty just asking for opinions getting a consensus

>> No.7624055

DYOR you lazy cunt. On the Request Network official website it says at least 5 use cases on the home page. The other big one other than payment platform is accounting.

>> No.7624063

reddit-tier idiots on new biz latched onto this one because its easy to understand "it's they paypal for crypto" Meanwhile there is zero demand by anyone to pay for anything in crypto and literally hundreds of companies in crypto and otherwise fighting over the same scraps and who will not go down without a fight. Req literally stands no chance even if it is a good idea.

>> No.7624100

Former REQ holder here, so funny watching REQ crash and burn in all seriousness though REQ will never take off now that Coinbase took their main selling point.

>> No.7624111


>> No.7624112
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You stole my fucking get with your scam link.
Don't click this guys all your coins will be stolen. (If you only have REQ then the link is safe because not even thieves would want to waste time on such a useless coin)

>> No.7624124

Mainnet with limited functionality launches next month, but the road map goes all the way til EOY. Hard to say, overall market sentiment will affect the price the most in the short term. $1 next month is more than reasonable.
Imagine being this much of a brainlet.
>hurr durr leddit coin
Request was mentioned on /biz/ before any of the rebbitors even heard about it.

>> No.7624179
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And now you too FUCK I hate you redditor reqfags stealing the holy gets.

>> No.7624205

You sound like a rebbitor yourself. Stop trying so hard to fit in, newfag.

>> No.7624229

Req is a shitcoin

>> No.7624366

It enables payments from one crypto to any other crypto using the Kyber network to dynamically choose the conversion path with the cheapest price.

It removes the requirement for someone to have to setup a separate wallet depending on which crypto they want to accept as payment.

By Q2 they'll act as a decentralized fiat gateway as well. This scratches the surface of what they want to do, and the part most people care about, but they're also creating the first easy invoicing system for businesses if they want to start paying people with crypto. Obviously this is not relevant at all yet, but it's laying the groundwork for the future.

The current competition are not ready with their systems yet either, and with the way things are looking, REQ will have the first, complete, crypto-crypto conversion tool.

>> No.7624421

Wait...anon..you mean it will be the new coinbase that will help all alts explode? A coinbase with every alt coin listed on it?

>> No.7624443

Yes. Anyone who actually FUDs req is hurting their coin. REQ will explode the altcoins market, normies will see tons of $1 coins everywhere. Hang on to your asses

>> No.7624467

So if REQ makes it big, it benefits everyone else? Why do people FUD this then?

>> No.7624488


>> No.7624493

What's the expected EOY price?>>7624443

>> No.7624511

>why FUD
There are several cases:
1) REQ holders accumulating
2) salty ex-REQ holders who bought high and sold low
3) brainlets with nothing better to do

>> No.7624521


Wow, that does sounds solid.

Once LINK moons I'll move profits into REQ.

Theres still zero purpose in holding REQ right now because their system will use LINK'S oracles..

>> No.7624537

refer to >>7623746
And i honestly believe that too. Thats reasonable. So if you get 10k REQ and it hits 100 dollars which is very plausible you just made one million, but no one should even sell REQ once they realize it generates passive income the more REQ that you hoarde

>> No.7624566

Req and link are the shit, they really are, in a good way

>> No.7624568

They will use Stinky oracles only for fiat, which is Q2. REQ has outperformed LINK in the past and I wouldn't be surprised if that were the case in the future as well, especially short-term. It's best to hold both.

>> No.7624593

That's the thing. REQ will be extremely attractive for institutional investors due to clearly defined fundamental valuation in the form of sort-of dividends. The same thing as with LINK.

>> No.7624609

Yes and no anon, im dumping into REQ right now because it will moon, lets be honest here, and REQ is super cheap, although I dont have LINK i think im going to accumulate that too because its stupid not to just keep holding and accumulating both while theyre cheap, feel me? When it comes to REQ be an early bird

>> No.7624624
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Except that REQ allows you to even do Fiat to Fiat payments that will utilize the Ethereum network and various other protocols in the background. And they will do so at a fraction of the cost of PayPal's service or Coinbases' private protocol, which is no different than a Visa card Lite.

You have no idea how big this will be if they actually implement it.

>> No.7624649


OMG ladyboi spotted.

How's that skateboard working out?

>> No.7624676

Even I, with my 50k REQ, can't properly comprehend, much less estimate, the scale of Request's use cases.

>> No.7624683

why is REQ partnered with iExec?
can iExec work as an oracle?

>> No.7624685

Yup, big money will see it work like a regular stock that people are used to, it pays dividends. This is a safe bet. With high reward for PATIENCE>>7624624
Yes anon, and people who FUD req and don't advertise for it don't realize they are hurting every alt coin. Even their own. Imagine a normies friendly coinbase that has every single coin listed. There's a reason 2018 is the year of the alts

>> No.7624704

You are right, there is little demand to pay in crypto, but there is a growing demand to be payed in crypto, and to use blockchain features and services in fiat to fiat payments, and Req is absolutely the only one that cover both those needs and more, due to it's modular nature. There will be a lot of people that will use it without even knowing what crypto is.

>> No.7624751

iExec handles blockchain computing, nothing to do with oracles. My guess is they will use RLC for scalability purposes.

RLC by the way is undervalued as well, keep an eye on it for the future.

>> No.7624752

Read again for you simpletons
>Coinbase like setup easy for normies and has every alt listed
>every alt listed like coinbase does for the big four. You hurt yourself FUDing this
>tfw when REQ single handedly decouples alts from bitcoin because of its portal

Think about the implications of a successful REQ. If it all comes to fruition $100 is conservative.

>> No.7624757

Can FairX defeats REQ purpose?

>> No.7624786

So why do people FUD?

>> No.7624788

Just gonna leave this here:
Ranking on coinmarketcap: #99
Ranking by volume: top-50 (don't know the exact place)
>mfw all of you fudders are just acummulating
mfw if you're not accumulating right now you're gonna FOMO in later

>> No.7624803

see >>7624511

>> No.7624809

Purely either accumulating themselves or they just honestly dont realize they are hurting their own coins doing so, desperately trying to soak up any funds from any other coin.

>> No.7624883

I have 500k so far :^)

>> No.7624900

I have 15k Req How does this give me passive income.

>> No.7624903

FairX is like REQ, but for a traditional exchange.

Think of REQ as a more person-person transfer of money that auto looks up the best price.

FairX is just a decentralized exchange that you'll feel right at home in like with Bittrex or Binance.

Both of them are going to be the future for a crypto world.

>> No.7624914

HODL fellow redditor HODL!!!

>> No.7624926
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>400+ million people, 55,000+ merchants will instantly be using their blockchain after release to process payments
>Vitalik Buterin and Joseph Poon working closely with Omise
>Ethereum relies on Omise to develop Plasma

>Had to outsource to Pajeets because they don't know how to execute their own plan
>No massive partners, merchants ready to use their payment system
>Constantly tanking price

Just trying to look out for you guys.

>> No.7624929

I should just say scroll up but as REQ gets bigger and bigger there will be more and more transactions, For every transaction REQ is burnt, so imagine how much will be burnt with massive business and normie adoption? We can all get rich guys, accumulate and sell the product but HOLD because your value goes up as the more its used. Genius

>> No.7624932

Seriously, do I have to set up something like with XLM joining the inflationpool?

>> No.7624934

everyone in this thread keeps talking about req dividends, what dividends?

>> No.7624997


The way I see it. (Lets assuming mooning happens when a project completely finishes)

LINK has to moon first. It's oracles have to be up and running before REQ will be complete.

Yeah, REQ may release somemcrypto to crypto swaps but who cares about those. Just use an exchange in that case.

So right now I'm 100% in LINK. Once the Oracle network is running and LINK moons, I'll switch to REQ if it hasn't mooned. (It will probably have gone up, but I'm talking about a super moon)

>> No.7625022

Let's say 10% of the total supply is burned each year - this will fundamentally increase value of your stack by 10%. Which you can either sell or compound further.
Sure you do, pajeet. Enjoy your vaporware skateboard.

>> No.7625054

I literally just typed this three times, please scroll not trying to be a dick

>> No.7625076

Thats just Req rising in price not passive income cancer faggot

>> No.7625078

Don't forget that LINK is currently twice as expensive as REQ (assuming total supply).

>> No.7625109

Kill yourself you nigger retard. Please market sell now, I don't want brainlet like yourself to make it. I regret wasting a second of my time on you. Die in fire, you cancer.

>> No.7625125
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I started this thread last night. Not sure why it got purged so quickly. Anyway, the prophecy is real.

REQ will be a top 10 coin in 2018

>> No.7625161

Oh so I should just let you lie to me and others here. Kys 13 yo edgelord

>> No.7625181

there was three of those threads, i started one as well, and someone else did the third, crazy, happened three times

>> No.7625203

Oh look he's gonna get REQt fuck outta here

>> No.7625214

Get REQt

>> No.7625222

Not my fault you're too retarded to comprehend simple investment concept.

>> No.7625244

I got like 2 dubs posts and 1 double dubs post's in a row proclaiming the prophecy is real.

Buy REQ.

>> No.7625263

Mortgages, salary payments, any taxable transaction, vastly simplifying auditing and accounting, savings accounts & trusts, etc

>> No.7625282

You really haven't. I've only seen people vaguely say "you MIGHT be able to stake in the future" and now people are rolling with it like it's planned out.

>> No.7625295


No, although The value of REQ should slowly increase due to token burn, but no passive income like you're imagining.

If you would like passive node income I would switch to LINK. They're running the oracles REQ is using to access fiat. If you believe in REQ mooning, then LINK will also moon.

>> No.7625325

Dubs posting about dubs damn lol

>> No.7625345

Burning fees is literally the same thing as fair fee distribution among REQ holders. If 10% of tokens are burned, you can sell 10% of your REQ, while maintaining the same % share. Not a rocket science.

>> No.7625350

I'm sorry maybe the tech is solid but the name is utter trash and will never take off.

>> No.7625361

Anyone that is reading this thread, and hasnt come to the conclusion to buy REQ and LINK ....you arent making it, probably anywhere. Time for a McJob.

>> No.7625392

REQ is useless until crypto is actually used outside of being traded on exchanges. stop bagholding and come back once crypto is accepted mainstream.

>> No.7625406
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>what is cheap fiat to fiat transactions via blockchain

>> No.7625441

That shit is easy, here watch hold my beer.

REQ is a shitcoin and will never go above $1 again. My dubs confirm, check em.

>> No.7625465

See >>7624751

My guess is that iExec will also use REQ as a midlayer to handle paying for computing so that computation providers can be paid in any fiat/crypto (instead of just RLC) and vise versa for computation buyers.

>> No.7625485
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>4 FUD posts itt
>0 actual contribution
You seem quite emotionally invested. Makes one think.

>> No.7625513

How about this? REQ is a good coin with good energy, many bulls.

>> No.7625534


This anon knows what's up.

>> No.7625584



>> No.7625611

Holy shit out of all the talking points I didnt realize it removes the need for other wallets. HOLY CRAP DUDE. Summer 2018 is going to be great. Were all gonna make it guys comfy af. THIS FRIDAY BTW..this friday the prophecy

>> No.7625622

Prophecy dubs

>> No.7625640
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>> No.7625672
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Major prophecy dubs>>7625244

>> No.7625675
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Also Skateboardfags.

Their vapour token made a lot of promises, took a lot of money, and have actually nothing to show for it.

And who the fuck calls a currency OMG?

>> No.7625715

This guy takes REQ payments I heard.
>The prophecy unfolds, all shall be propelled along the path

>> No.7625799
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Thou in faith, will keep us safe whilst REQ find the path.

>> No.7625831

Are you fucking kidding me? Those numerals and that quote?

We shall light the holy REQ and propel all who are worthy to salvation!

>> No.7625881


>> No.7625905

This is awesome. What are the chances

>> No.7626051

Glad the prophecy has been foreseen again tonight.

Friday will be massive.

>> No.7626090

I may have misspoke on that point. It's more like it removes the need for someone to go out of their way to setup a separate wallet, convert whatever coin they have to the coin that the person they're paying wants to receive, fund their new wallet, then do the transfer to the receiver's wallet.

That's an assload of steps. Instead, it's going to go like:

I want to get paid in XMR, but the person paying me only has BTC and ETH. All they have to do is send me their currency of choice, and it auto converts it to XMR on my end.

It completely removes a lot of manual effort that people will not want to go through if crypto is going to become mainstream. What REQ is proposing HAS to happen.

>> No.7626155

No reason this coin won't be like $100 EoY

>> No.7626182

another $100 EoY post with the prophecy dubs. Guys am i retiring in a few years?

>> No.7626203

I know of an European electronics with ~1€ billion revenue/year that will almost certainly be interested in using REQ, since they already allow for BTC payment via a middleman.

>> No.7626221

electronics e-shop

>> No.7626236

I feel REQ and link are the new eth when it comes to price

>> No.7626294

Why dont you make them aware of req then?

>> No.7626461

I did. They sent it to tech department. But it's not relevant at the moment. They need to receive revenue in €, so implementation of fiat is paramount. I will shill them REQ again once crypto->fiat is ready. I'll also shill the e-shop to REQ team.

>> No.7626632

$100 is a bit much, but I can absolutely see $10 EoY. By then the full working functionality will have already been completed, it'll have been past this year's bullrun as well.

With the market cap set to go up even higher, REQ reaching 3 billion based on its use case is 100% possible when you look at what shit's that high right now.

I feel like I'm going to retire this year with my 90k REQ.

>> No.7627478
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