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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 5 KB, 200x200, block-array.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7622749 No.7622749 [Reply] [Original]

Has anyone attempted doing diligence on them?

I thought it was just coordinated FUD, but holy shit, BlockArray are literally a scam. Look at this:


Their job descriptions are copy+pasted from other sites. It's all bullshit!

I got instantly banned from their Telegram for pointing this out. Fuck BlockArray.

>> No.7622800
File: 18 KB, 211x239, 1504459700111.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek what is this are they Scam?

>> No.7622850

Browse around on their website. It's ALL filler text, even the job listings.

If you google any phrase in their job listings, you'll see they copy+pasted all of it from other sites like Stripe.

Not a drill, guys. ARY is dog shit with heavy censorship on Telegram.

>> No.7622856

Have you ever seen a wireframe website before?
All their job listing pages have lorem ipsum placeholder text. You got banned for being a dick. Weak FUD, deadass.

>> No.7622857

such an idiot. lol.
Just a placeholder fool

>> No.7622881

Jesus, what a retarded post.

>> No.7622883

Enjoy being scammed then I guess

BlockArray is all smoke and mirrors, with 2 mediocre devs.

>> No.7622936

If your messages weren't removed due to your ban, I'd screen cap them. But as it stands, it's your word against mine. You were niggering around in the telegram, and now you're fudding here (poorly). Are all websites supposed to have non-placeholder text? If you answer yes, this is probably your first time around websites.

>> No.7622938

they have 5 devs actually at least
>smoke and mirrors
lel, partnered up with qlink and poa
you think these 2 companies do their dd on a mongolian apewankerboard?

don't buy it if u hate money
u stupid fucks have no idea

>> No.7623008

I have 11k tokens will i make it?

>> No.7623038

Another fucking BlockDecay post on biz jfc. I can smell a Devery post coming soon. And these FUD posts are getting fucking retarded. OP do you actually not know what Lorem Ipsum is?? Are you new to the internet?
>hurrr durrr google this placeholder text and you’ll see they copied it
Jesus fucking Christ just noose up you are a waste of life.

>> No.7623164

Yes, hold tight. I had 40k, sold down to 20k early on for other coins, not shifting from 20k.
I've never seen the level of FUD this project is getting, guaranteed to moon.

>> No.7623173

You're just willfully ignorant if you think I'm FUDding. What project puts up an entire fake website and thinks that's okay? Go ahead and link some, I'll wait. The lame Telegram admin implied this is par for the course.

I wouldn't know, I'm selling my yuge stack because fuck this project and it's bad leadership

Fuck Devery too, I'm not trying to spread fud. Follow the links and make up your own mind, people.

>> No.7623186


Yes. I'd sell at $10 tho

>> No.7623251

Fake website vs placeholders found on most sites

Jesus christ you're an idiot

>> No.7623270

Yesterday they said they're transfering to the new website. That's what's happening right now. You're actually dumb as a plank.

>> No.7623273

And yet you can't show an example

I don't care that the BlockArray Telegram is brigading this

>> No.7623326

>lorem ipsum placeholder text = fake website
Idk, man. Most people are stoked about the new website. If you can't handle a new website being worked on because placeholder text scares you, I don't think crypto is for you. Too technologically advanced. Like it's bewildering that you think they're just going to leave the placeholder text there forever or something. Me thinks you're just salty you got banned because you're too used to shitspewing on biz without any recourse, and now you've been ostracized (probably not the first time) for being a cringey autist (like a dumb autist, not a smart one). Unpleasantly familiar feeling, OP?

>> No.7623344

hundo or blundo
also thanks to fudders please kep doing i still need low price thxk

>> No.7623402
File: 2.26 MB, 1024x1024, poster2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


That makes me laugh the hardest.

>Stolen logo

>> No.7623404

>embarrassed by the internet because OP’s never seen placeholder text on a website
>blockarray Telegram is brigading meeee reeeeeeeee

>> No.7623410

lmao fucking newfag

chainlink, req and especially obsidian has been getting FUD'ed to all hell constantly, yet they have been doing nothing but disappoint, except sometimes being targeted by pump and dump groups

get your head out of your ass, or go back to ribbit where you came

no one fucking comes to fucking 4chan to fud and try to keep the price down

>> No.7623474

>San Fransisco
Holy shit people actually bought this

>> No.7623477

>Most people are stoked about the new website
What an ridiculous claim. Who exactly are stoked about it, the followers on Telegram? Who and where?

>now you've been ostracized (probably not the first time) for being a cringey autist (like a dumb autist, not a smart one). Unpleasantly familiar feeling, OP?
Project much?

>> No.7623493


your angry tears are delicious.

>> No.7623503

>chainlink, req and especially obsidian has been getting FUD'ed to all hell constantly, yet they have been doing nothing but disappoint
the only thing any of those companies have in common with ary is that they all share nothing in common with ary

>no one fucking comes to fucking 4chan to fud and try to keep the price down

>> No.7623514

$10 is too ambitious imo.
I'm holding til $5, won't sell a single ARY even a penny cheaper

>> No.7623524

Why is this shitcoin below ICO price (incl. bonus)?!?!?!
>bags are heavy

>> No.7623551

fuck all news coming for a while, got listed into kucoin competition day before the market collapsed, partnership speculation was waaaay too overhyped and turned out to just be QLC and POA.

>> No.7623553

the short answer is because it opened during the time of the "crash" overall market is shit

>> No.7623555


>> No.7623588

Attending a conference in March with possible demo slot
Expect some news coming from us and a university soon-ish
We will integrate Steemit with our social media platforms, along with using twitter and medium more too
We will be working with BiTA in establishing industry standards for blockchain based technologies (e.g. smart contracts)
We will post more updates on our efforts in working with the Tennessee State Reps. in making a framework (and possible pilot study) for smart contracts (e.g. trade contracts)

>> No.7623595

idiot, I said link me a project page (for BlockChain), not a generic Lorem Ipsum page.

Are all ARY followers this stupid?

>> No.7623620

steadily accumulating. DYOR. Maybe I'm wrong I duno...but if this breaks top 50 ill be a millionaire. I figure the market will consolidate and youll actually have to pick real projects now. Worth the risk imo

>> No.7623636
File: 248 KB, 1208x570, Screen Shot 2018-02-13 at 1.30.39 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what is BiTA?
What is establishing industry standards?
what is money?

>> No.7623650

There's a lot of blockchain projects. Which one do you want to see specifically?

>> No.7623701

lol. he wants you to find a blockchain project that happens to be making a new website and is using the placeholder. He is either a bad troll or seriously retarded

>> No.7623714

One that uses Lorem Ipsum and placeholders for their entire production website

That was the claim made by the Telegram admin, that it's a normal practice. So show me other projects doing it.

>> No.7623763
File: 60 KB, 493x475, 1432788825412.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think you just misunderstood with your poor English skills. The website will be under maintenance for the next few days. And until all the copy is written and the website is complete there will be filler text. It is not long term

>> No.7623798

LOL poor english skills, says the Telegram admin from who knows which third-world country. Projecting again.

>> No.7623839
File: 390 KB, 630x479, Screen Shot 2018-02-13 at 1.39.29 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7623862
File: 19 KB, 365x113, Sam.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sam is from America my friend. I'm sorry you're clinically retarded

>> No.7623956

This was the old logo. I rather have some people working on the tech instead of the marketing in the beginning phase of the project. Enjoy your TRX...

>> No.7623978

Wasn't talking about Sam.
I'm referring to Y**i, the sysadmin soyboy.

>> No.7624038
File: 1.26 MB, 640x480, 1517343273525.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7624068

Is this Sam? Of course you're on here.
Why did you guys take down the old website (which IMO was good) for this new one with filler info? Wouldn't a good idea be to finish the new site before publishing it?

Eh I was trying to be polite

>> No.7624283

it would have been a good idea for your father to pull out before it was too late u stupid fuck

>> No.7624324


>> No.7625319
File: 1.24 MB, 1592x802, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you realize what placeholder text is right?

>> No.7625397
File: 81 KB, 956x420, jesus.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's even better because the current team is 7 members and they are trying to hire 4 for members

this shit will be $10 EOY at the rate they're making progress