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7619019 No.7619019 [Reply] [Original]

Is it OK to list cryptocurrency trader on a job application?

>> No.7619068

Why not

>> No.7619082
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>> No.7619086

ever since ive put "crypto currency investor" on my linkedin ive been getting tons of private messages for job interviews

>> No.7619100

Maybe if you want to get laughed at.
>Aahhahahahahaa... I see. Our little trader here needs a McJob until the "dip" turns around?
>I'm sorry, we don't hire people who'll just quit to buy a lambo in 6 months

>> No.7619126

>they think he's a whale

>> No.7619223

if that was enough to call it a job then you wouldnt be filling out an application. Better put unemployed.

>> No.7619239

If you're applying for a job and trade crypto it shows you're not very good at crypto trading

>> No.7619276


>> No.7619317
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>> No.7619462


im just gonna kms then

i have nothign else to list

>> No.7619477

Fuck no. You're better off lying and saying you went to Harvard

>> No.7619518
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>listing crypto trader in your mcdonalds job application

>> No.7619646

Amusingly, lying about your professional education is illegal in quite a few states. No claiming you have degrees you don't actually hold. (It greatly pisses off the jews that run the colleges to benefit off their name without paying them their shekel.)

However, it's not illegal to lie about your past work history.. If you're that desperate, just make shit up. The worst they can do is fire you if anyone actually follows up, which if you're smart they can't anyway since that last place you worked at closed. :^)

>> No.7619682
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yeah this
unless you're a trader who has been told "you are in charge of crypto now"

>> No.7619685
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"We have checked your social media accounts and it seems you are quite enraged with this person called Pajeet? Funny, that's my uncle's name. Care to explain?"

>> No.7619716

just ham it up and say you worked as a "securities investor", make some shit up ez pz

>> No.7619722

ima girl so stop manplainin

>> No.7619724

ironically you will get hired

>> No.7619803

Which brings us to the next part of our interview.

Show bob and vagene

>> No.7620624

I do the same but I'm an Econ major so it helps. It's labeled as FinTech by most business types so I'd put that down and then clarify in the interview that it's crypto.

>> No.7620727

Do you make money?

>> No.7620768

Tf is that anon

>> No.7620811
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I've to fill somehow the blank on my working experience...

I will tell them that I just want to work "regular jobs" because I'm humble.

>> No.7620928

is there any field where it would be seen as a positive to be in your 20s-early 30s and not have any social media presence or history apart from linkedin? I could imagine a lot of places would think you were weird if you didn't at least have a facebook.

>> No.7620936

Kekd audibly

>> No.7620993

yes. don't forget to add "excel and photoshop expert" too

>> No.7621011

Certified by /biz/

>> No.7621020

crypto community evangelist


>> No.7621026

fucking kek

>> No.7621062

What the fuck?

>> No.7621097


Also, a technique I learned from here is to list places that are no longer in business so they can't check

>> No.7621105
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"Facebook? People still use that?"

>> No.7621133

Do it for the lulz, OP.

>> No.7621169

pls no swears

>> No.7621470

Yes, but call it "Blockchain Asset Management"

>> No.7621527

Yes, if you've made it and are applying for a C suite position

>> No.7621546

Yes, but call it "Cockstain Ass Manager"

>> No.7621560

still people using the phrase "Facebook? People still use that?" urgh

>> No.7622211

Better to run it as a company and list yourself as the owner.

>> No.7622246

I put it on my McDonald's application and I was hired the same day.

>> No.7622274

Why not put "shit cryptocurrency trader" if you still need to wagecuck?

Hory shit brb

>> No.7622308

If it's relevant for the job. Or maybe mention it as a hobby

>> No.7622391
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>> No.7622422

Absolutely. I think it's a good idea to let them know just what kind of person they'd be getting.

>> No.7622510
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"HAHAHAHA One of the skills you listed under crypto trader is that you write *cough* crypto song parodies whenever you are losing money. Can you sing one of those right now for me? HAHAHAHA"