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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 1.74 MB, 3456x4608, IMG_20180213_195644.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7615365 No.7615365 [Reply] [Original]

What do /biz/bros eat ?
Pasta with homemade bolognese sauce and poached egg : $1.13
>not broke just want to minimize spending so i can save money

>> No.7615523
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That looks tasty. Chicken and carrots here. Want to be a good looking rich guy.

>> No.7615561

>not broke
>lives like he's broke

>> No.7615567

Your body is made of what you eat

Never be cheap with what you eat

>> No.7615577

let me guess, you don't even know who Warren Buffet is, do you

>> No.7615597

Italian here. Your pasta is shit.

>> No.7615605

Pasta sauce looks 3/10.
What's your recipe?

>> No.7615614

And you're not gonna make it in finance if you can not even roll some spaghetti. What the fuck is that ugly spoon in your dish you subhuman

>> No.7615620

Gtfo Bomberslut

>> No.7615630
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non-italian here, nobody cares what italians think

>> No.7615632

Kys shit eater

>> No.7615633

how did you cook those? looks nice

>> No.7615657


>> No.7615659

What are you 8? What kinda portion size is that? I have to eat 4x that every meal just to maintain my size.

>> No.7615666
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Filthy amerifat

>> No.7615675
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Just finished it, tasted great.

>> No.7615680

not an amerimutt, I'm from yurop as well

>> No.7615696

Pretty sure he doesn't starve himself to save $5 though

>> No.7615700

Next time put that cucumbers in your ass

>> No.7615712

I want to eat well. This is where I want to actually spend money. Good meals are the reason for our existence.

>> No.7615718

If he lives like a poor fuck too then he's poor, is he saving for his funeral or when is he going to spend the money?. People meme here about monopoly money and the fucker is loaded on real money and doesn't use it, kek

>> No.7615723


>> No.7615727

Italian here. Good work OP.

>> No.7615748

Pajeet immigrated in Milano selling selfie sticks

>> No.7615752

wtf is that sausage looks like branston pickle, your pasta looks decently looked though

>> No.7615806
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>> No.7615838
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Investment Owl says buy $ETC

>> No.7615921

I make around 6k a month, so i wouldn't say im rich. But I'm not poor either lol

>> No.7615964

Nah, born in Italy, but moved to Canada at 5 and never went back. I like how OP's meal cost $1.13.

>> No.7615975

That’s fucking disgusting

>> No.7615988
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>> No.7615992

How does it feel to never be able to cook for a woman

>> No.7615997
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Normal homemade bolognese. But my cat dropped some cornstratch thats why it looked a little dark, but still taste fine. They're having a timeout cuz of that.
Just finished bulking, currently cutting to 13% bf so i cant eat that much

>> No.7616047


>> No.7616060

You need to mix the sauce and sauce you mangia cake. After you boil your noodles you add a bit of the startchy water in the pot, then you mix in the sauce and let it marinate a bit. You should melt the cheese in too if you insist on cheese (are you americans not fat enough)

>> No.7616107

this is why no one likes italians lol

>> No.7616159

are those caged cats? wft

>> No.7616177

Bolognese has a thousand recipes.

>> No.7616200

Why the fuck do you have a cat in a cage? Explain now.

>> No.7616211

For lunch I had Paris mushroom à la grecque, chicken pie, broccolis, celery and an apple, 3€20.

>> No.7616216

Now this is actual cooking, OPs pic made me kek, no one lives like that for long

>> No.7616235

Lmao wtf

>> No.7616257

seriously. what in the actual fuck. Let that poor kitter roam free. It’s not a bird ffs

>> No.7616260

They very rarely got caged, max 30 mins in a month. My sister is afraid of cats so everytime she came we caged the cats can't do anything she's terrified. For now they're in the cage for 10 mins cuz they dropped cornstarch and flour everywhere in the kitchen.

>> No.7616283

I'm Italian and i can't understand why the rest of the world eats Like shit.. you can't call that a pasta man

>> No.7616284

Put your illogical sister clean up the cornstarch and then put her in the fucking cage.

>> No.7616297
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>> No.7616303

*make (blinded by seeing incarcerated kitties)

>> No.7616323

ok, I have never seen a designated cat cage before

>> No.7616324

Vegan chili with white rice
Costs me about $2 for a week's worth of food and is healthy enough to keep my lipid profile very good despite sitting at 220 lbs 10% bf (steroids)

>> No.7616377
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classic nigger ...

>> No.7616392

Brits are the niggers of Europe wtf. Italians are ok.

>> No.7616394

What's that beer all about?

>> No.7616396

Jesus fucking christ that's a small portion, that's like 400kcal, are you dyel?

>> No.7616426

this caught my attention also

dont starve yourself anon

>> No.7616432

Well I've released them out of the cage but now my sister is waiting outside the house. Weird family.
Yeah man usually i just eat turkey or chicken breast with brown rice but i ran out of those.i bulked too hard to 21% bf need to get 13% again. It is -13 celcius outside im just too lazy to go out to buy groceries.

>> No.7616468

Your bolognese has a terrifying slimy look to it.

Best value tasty meal - Tuscan bean soup. Get the biggest pot you have. Fry off some smoky bacon or gammon, then throw in a couple of chopped onions and some crushed garlic. Sweat. Throw in a bit of dried chilli or sweet paprika, depending on preference. Chop celery, carrots and add to pot. Any fresh herbs you have plus salt and pepper. Dried mixed herbs are fine instead. Add tins of beans: haricot, red/kidney beans, chickpeas/garbanzo beans/, cannellini beans, borlotti beans, or butter beans, try for two or three different types at least but the more the better. Cover with stock (chicken, veg or beef are fine, not fish ...). Add the rind of a piece of parmesan (makes a huge difference to the flavour). Simmer for 25-35 minutes. Add some greens of choice: spinach, spring greens, kale, savoy cabbage at a pinch and cook a little more until greens are tender. Devour with grated parmesan and hot sauce to taste. Costs about 50 cents a portion, loads of protein and vitamins, no techniques needed beyond chopping and can opening and is delicious. Also freezes well.

>> No.7616489

it's so cute tho

>> No.7616500

Yes thats a clean corona bottle, cleaned it 4x then put it inside the microwave to kill the bacteria or any residues left behind. White cat chewed the drinking bottle 5 times and also broke the drinking fountain petkit 2 times (50 bucks each). Last resort is a glass bottle. Im going to be a meme aint i.

>> No.7616610

>Just finished bulking, currently cutting to 13% bf so i cant eat that much
with that tiny meal full of carbs you'll lose your muscles. You need to go keto or atleast keto-like to lose fat and keep muscles

>> No.7616667

>sloppy runny eggs
>steak cooked to "rubber boot" temperature

>> No.7616746

I still calculate my macro every day so i guess im still ok. Although im only on -500 calorie a day so prob gonna be a slow cut.

>> No.7616787

instead of abusing the cat how about you cage yourself and get rid of the keys

>> No.7616804
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>> No.7616818

Any tips on getting a poached egg like yours? Mine always fails.

>> No.7616823

There's literally nothing wrong with being frugal

>> No.7616892

I am a non-Italian and i don't understand why Italians think they are so much better than anybody else. You can't yourself a human man

>> No.7616963

Dude they're not abused. I put them in a cage cause im cleaning flour and cornstarch they dropped in the kitchen. Plus my sister is here and she's afraid of cats. They are only in the cage for around 30 minutes every MONTH. Dude i've been in the foster program for 4 years now, saving cats from kill shelter while your ass is complaining day long.
No need that much salt dude is stupid. The swirling is the most important part.

>> No.7617028

Italian here. Agree with you. Sta gente non capisce proprio un cazzo di cibo

>> No.7617051

I liked the Corona bottle; didn't care for the cage. I'm glad it's only used in exceptional situations. My cat gets put on the balcony when I mop, so I understand.

Thanks for being a stand-up dude with the fostering.

>> No.7617070

can confirm

>> No.7617076

Because we are better, all the things you dream of come from there

>> No.7617109

Pasta with baked beans and mycoprotein. I buy and cook in bulk to make things cheaper and less effort. ~£0.68 (~$94) per meal.

>> No.7617130

this are the shit i'm coming to 4chan for

>> No.7617149

4chan is full of catfags so don't worry about it.

>> No.7617191

Nothing I dream of comes from your nigger country full of gypsies you faggot

>> No.7617202
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Basically 3x these. Costs me $20 for all 3.

>> No.7617246
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i know ill die sooner but it was worth it

>> No.7617348

oh boy you have no idea how wrong you are

>> No.7617372

it looks like a giant pigeon shitted on your plate, sir

>> No.7617392
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Literally every time I visit Rome I only eat ribs at hard rock cafe. Sometimes the Texan burger.
Italian food is absolute garbage, even shit-eaters like Mcafee are disgusted by it. Americans make better pizza, the Chinese make better noodles and every other European prepares meat better.

>> No.7617411

Alright thanks

>> No.7617415

I have crohn diseases i rarely try something new. I have a nutrituonist and he said that some protein died with heat (100c above idk about Fahrenheit). Sorry for a being broscienced dude, but am i being bamboozled believing most protein dies with extreme heat ? I'm really in pain to drink 3 servings of whey and chicken breast everyday.

>> No.7617440

>crohn diseases
can you tldr that

>> No.7617462

Protein chains unravel once heated. You see that in action when you cook an egg. Nothing dies there, please tell your nutritionist he's retarded.

>> No.7617528

>not broke, I just want to waste an hour of my time cooking pasta, making custom sauces, and poaching eggs

You know you could have probably made $20 easily with that hour you wasted. And in terms of discounted cash, that's $50 in the future.

So you thought you were being clever by only spending $1.13, when in the real world you actually lost $49.87


>> No.7617530

Like, Tesco's beans or ? And how do you add the protein powder?

>> No.7617532

>eats burger from shitty fast food
>thinks noodles and spaghetti are the same thing
your opinion doesn't count

>> No.7617543

basically chronic inflammation of the gut/intestines. Dietary restrictions can be severe when it flares up.

>> No.7617567

The worst case of ibd/ibs disease. Some did operation to get rid of their big intestine. I can't really absorb food nutrients that well. So i can't eat most food, i have appointment my nutritionist every week. So choosing food is a little bit challenging.

>> No.7617577

how are ribs a burger you spastic? Italian food is just copy-pasta wannabe Greek food just that Greeks do it much better.

Plus, real salami comes from Germany

>> No.7617600

Where are you from? Let It out!

>> No.7617632


>> No.7617646
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Chad meals

>> No.7617697

You want a dietician, not a nutritionist. Anyone can just call themselves a nutritionist, but dieticians have to be educated and certified.
Case in point: proteins are denatured at high temperatures, but that just makes them more digestible. It's why cooking was such a vital innovation in human development.
Sainsburys beans, but it doesn't matter. Just whatever's cheap without being gross.
Not protein powder, mycoprotein. The brand name is Quorn, it's fungal protein with egg white binders etc. It's a pretty good chicken simulant. I just cook it all in the same pot with the rice/pasta, then add beans, cheese, and spices; portion it up and put it in the fridge/freezer. Minimal washing up.

>> No.7617719

people are literally eating shit wrapped in tin foil these days

>> No.7617723
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Bulgaria. Never even stepped foot in the US.
Hard rock cafe > absolutely every place in Rome city centre / around These's some cool neighbourhood places around Circo Massimo, but I usually go to Rome for business (around Barberini) and I don't have time to visit neghbourhoods.

And as for Barberini there isn't a single place around there which doesn't make me puke besides Hard rock cafe. Sorry.

>> No.7617755
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Beef stew. Make it Sunday and eat it all week. Very nutritious.

>> No.7617791

salami comes from every fucking place where there is pork
and greek food is awesome but really different from the italian one

>> No.7617810

eggs, bacon, and sausage you eccentric faggots

>> No.7617853
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Second course is corn chowder. Made it on Sunday as well.

>> No.7617858

Sounds great. Will try it. Cheers

>> No.7617881

We are Pretty close you shouldn't hate us, we have to focus the hate on shitskins.. also rome lately is a bit of a mess, try to take a trip to tuscany and i'm sure you'll eat good there.. also greek food have nothing to do with ours.. i'm from North Italy

>> No.7617911

Do you use real beef or just beef stock cubes ?

>> No.7617940

>literally eating shit-textured food for days on end

why not just kys?

>> No.7617943

whatever my personal chef makes me

>> No.7617945

Thanks anon.
I'll try to lurk some info by not believing everything what my nutritionist said. I live in SEA, had to fly an jour and half every week just to meet my nutritionist in mount elizabeth hospital in Singapore. If this dude scammed me im gonna break his teeth.

>> No.7618031

No hate just bants. (Altho I do think Rome is a shithole nowadays).
I've travelled a lot in North Italy (Florence and to the North, also Liguria), I love how every small village has some heritage and something distinctive about it. Looking forward to taking the wife to a at least week-long trip with the car.

>> No.7618110
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Beef stock, beef cubes from costco, celery, and carrots

Course 3: PBJ

>> No.7618123

This unironically

>> No.7618167
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>Italian here
Nobody cares Mario

>> No.7618388
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Proof not larping .
You can't find this outside south east asia.

>> No.7618591

Oh shit.
Godspeed white op

>> No.7618623

Mix white.
Call me whatever you want

>> No.7618796

Nigga ?

>> No.7618828

Drop that guy. Like the other anon said, anyone can get an online certificate and call themselves a nutritionist. A dietician is a licensed professional (not sure what it is like in SEA). You should look into getting treatment somewhere else because not sure how well they can accommodate you where you are.

>source: I have a degree in Nutrition from a university

>> No.7619264

Fuck you dude. I have tons of african friends here. What is fucked is african-american, not the race. They just wanted something because of the history.
Yes i may not be a pure race. Im a mix of chinese-dutch with indonesian nationality. But am i wrong ? I paid my taxes, i have 3.5 gpa and went to china (One of the best universities in china top 50 out of 10.000 uni in china, top 100 in the world), i foster pets and my family do open kitchen for the homeless even though we're not rich. Really fuck you.

>> No.7619515

Yes i will surely go check new dietitian for my crohn in the states or somewhere in the europe union(and uk) next time, just to be sure. If it's good maybe ill go every month instead of week.

>> No.7620286


If that is the texture of your shit you have some issues going on there guv

>> No.7620321


>> No.7620383

I'm currently making some homemade coleslaw which I'll eat with Greek yoghurt and homemade mayo. Next to that I'll grill a steak. Supplements are 4x cod liver oil tabs a day, Zinc, and a multivitamin just to be sure.

>> No.7620426

time to go back to your turd world shithole chang

>> No.7620757

Idk man i made 72k a year + 30k bar profits a year with only 2% tax. Plus my fiancé making around 80k a year we have combined bank account. I think we're richer than you bud.

>> No.7620820

indonesians are scum tho O_o they all smell like shit

>> No.7620822

who ZC here?????

>> No.7620959

Come back here with better comeback bud.

>> No.7620960
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>> No.7621237

whats that that wouldnt even fill my pee hole. eat more, train more faggot

>> No.7621255
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>putting a cat in a cage

>> No.7621371

>egg on pasta
>sauce not mixed with pasta
>no cheese

shit food wouldn't even feed that to a stray dog

>> No.7621372

your sister is an autist. you don't need a cage to lock your cats up. just put them in a room and close the door idiot. at least give them room to climb on shit and move around

>> No.7621438

ok, let's see:
mac'n'cheese -> starch and fats, lots of fats
beans -> look cooked to death, devoid of nutrients, probably
fries -> lol, starch again, all the good of the potato, right deep-fried out of it
schnitzel -> protein source covered in breadcrumbs (starch again) with overly greasy looking sauce, making the breading ironically soggy in a schnitzel... never got that one, btw... bavarians and their jaegerschnitzel are culinarily sick in the head kek

hangover food/10...
may god have mercy on all the people subsisting on stuff like this on a daily basis...

>> No.7621482

>balance of carbs, fats and proteins
>fresh veg present
>arranged in pleasing composition
>oriental carpet on floor instead of disease-sponge fixed carpeting
You're gonna live for a long time bro. Good work

>> No.7621492

Italian food is only good if you've never been to a non western country

>> No.7621543

They were in the cage for 10 mins. Stop being a sjw cuck. Read the thread.
Yes i would agree with you on this. Idk why she's afraid of cats. 99% percent of cats i fostered are nice af. But i'll always choose my family over my pets. Most of them(cats) sleep with me/my fiance on the bed. My grey and white cat always sleep in my blanket everyday(they dont suffocate dont worry).

>> No.7621565
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This shit for breakfast and dinner. And what ever I have in the fridge for dinner. I think I’m a soyboy

>> No.7621698

Man i wish i can have some soylent right now. Im too lazy too cook everyday. Soylent with whey = preworkout.

>> No.7621716

lmao bulgarian complaining about food, this made my day, thanks dawg. Srsly worst meal I ever had was in Bulgaria. Never happened to me that I would not finish meal I ordered in restaurant whilst traveling (I try to not experiment much, always aim for stuff I like), except this fucking place. Opinion discarded.

>> No.7622093

Go to a hidden but somewhat good restaurant. Don't go to tourist place. I went to Chevermeto last year the staff gave me a complimentary dish and drink. Woukd go again 11/10.

>> No.7622206
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Does anyone else here consume soya milk?

It's the only way I power my 6'6" frame across the trading floor

>> No.7622259
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>he thinks anyone cares

>> No.7622441

I mix soya milk with my whey/granola too
with consideration ( I'm bioscienced with isoflavones). 5'8" manlet. Usually i went to street store or lawson to buy soya milk ( i live in asia so every 100m i can buy homemade one). They do have soya chocolate pudding (15 gram protein 122 calories) below my apartment so i bought them almost every week.

>> No.7622520


>pouring the sauce on top of the pasta

Why do Americans do this?

>> No.7623044

>Not a single keto meal itt

thats why you won't make it

>> No.7623109
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>> No.7623240
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op here. i did keto for 2 weeks. i believed i even reach ketosis. But my gut don't agree with me i got diarrhea for days. Looked like shit but taste 8/10. Pic from 3 weeks ago when i tried keto. Too cold too lazy to go out to buy low carb veggies.

>> No.7623279

keto isn't too bad when your body adjusts but you have to eat lots of fiber

>> No.7623301

*pic 2 days ago last stage of keto. I have pic from first day of keto but it looked..wrong..really wrong. Can post if you guys want it.

>> No.7623389

diarrhea is your bodys way of saying "what the fuck are you eating? please stop"

stay hydrated and eat some crackers

>> No.7623447

If you "starve" yourself each meal every day for just one year, that's saving you $5,475.

>> No.7623460

you're not italian then, you just larp.

>> No.7623494

>every time i visit Rome i only eat at hard rock cafe
burger spotted
your ignorance is so disgusting, i find no words
i hope tyrone and ramirez rape u all to death

>> No.7623520

I personally dont know what ruin my keto. Either it's the keto or the caffeine abuse.I admit my diet is shit since im trying to lose 22lbs/1kg in a month. I just can't stand my co worker calling me fat since my bf grew from 14% to 20%+ in 2 months. I just want my abs to come back

>> No.7623579

>looking for a good restaurant in Rome city centre / around

what a retard lmao

>> No.7623607

>steak, eggs

>> No.7623695

Basically meat and greens. Dont eat carbs or sugar anymore. Honestly I cant really go to restaurants anymore but I feel alot better.

>> No.7624036

t. Ameriblubber

>> No.7624218

Hey i may not be rich but at least im white. You asians can't do shit.

>> No.7624352

Maximum coverage once you put the fork at the bottom of the pasta and slowly lift. The sauce cascades over the unsauced noodles as they're lifted through it.

Keto works but you may need to tailor it to your specific needs. I don't get any gastrointestinal distress but I eat lots of flaxseed, spinach, and brassica veggies like broccoli and cabbage, along with plenty of meat, eggs, and cheese. I'm down about 25 lbs from when I started and should hit my goal weight by the summer.

>> No.7624455


>> No.7624474

spaghettiniggers think theyre hot shit when their country is in the gutters because theyre all lazy scammers

>> No.7624485

Anon.You are white, i respect you for that. I respect every race as long you are not an ass about it. I like having friends with every race, as long they're smart and enjoyable to have conversation with, and you are not. White race invent a lot of stuff. But, a lot of other race also invent a lot of stuff. Your country may have gave us democracy that we severely need. But that is your country, not you as an individual. I will always respect usa, land of opportunities and freedom. But recently usa is infected with stupid people with brain parasites like you who probably have an iq below 90. I will not take any shit from a hillbilly white trash from you kill yourself. Go back to fucking /pol/.
Im on a crash diet probably that's why. I just can't stand people calling me fat cuz of bulking.

>> No.7624541

at least we are not the scammed :^)

>> No.7624576

that actually sounds amazing

>> No.7624897
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We as a white race is the best race. This is 4ch american made. We dont need pajeet to invest in this board. Soon you will know the power of the white race you damn pajeet. Call me what you like but im syill fucking white. Fuckin trump will nuke you.

>> No.7625042

>pb sandwiches
>almond milk

>ground turkey
>diced tomatoes
>kidney beans

>basmati rice
>scrambled eggs
>chicken breast
>string beans

>protein powder
>fish oil pills

feels good mang. giving in to 'corporation food^tm' is fucking weak as shit. if you don't have perfectly formed and colored stool each and every time then there's something seriously wrong with your diet. humans were not meant to have fuck loads of refined sugars consumed day after day after day.

>> No.7625172


>> No.7625417

La criatura horrible más allá de lá frontera norte

>> No.7625664


I'll stop replying you after this post. I will reply you if you have an argument worth to reply. You do your own value. Call me a pajeet, call me everything you want. But from my life experience i know i'm more valuable than you. Either it's in materialistic value or personal value. I do have some drawback, i am a 5'8" manlet with several health issues, I'm not that social and im pretty manipulative business wise. But I'm fixing that a bit by bit, although some people doubt it, even doctors and my parents, i do go to the gym and pretty fit right now for a guy who have to stick a needle of remicade every week. I flunked my high school since i don't feel like it, so i took O level and passed my bba graduated by honors. planning to go to either usa or eu for my master in business analytics while taking a sid job there (sponsored). Now I'm with my fiancé planning the wedding day. Im not rich (300k in the bank) but i believe i will be one day. I'm not wise but i know I'm trying to do so. Yes, i believe my life won't be remembered after i died. But i know my loved ones outside my family will missed me unlike some dude that lived in their mother basement. Goodbye and i hope you will improve your own value in this life.

>> No.7625834
File: 26 KB, 238x231, 1513104644145.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bet those aren't even activated

>> No.7625874
File: 1.90 MB, 3023x3023, E427D4F8-7CA5-4958-9BD1-41CDE664466B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have some braised shortrib

>> No.7626103

Veltins Pilsener

>> No.7626450

As if I give a crap about a retard who goes to dumps. Probably a hippie who got lured in by the $3/meal price in a hole.
I've been in more places than you, I know how to judge my food faggit

>> No.7626595
File: 59 KB, 350x250, trombley1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>perfectly formed and colored stool each and every time
He's right. If you don't have this you should rethink your life.

>> No.7626691

for the record, that's a north african dish. any other claims are wrong kek

>> No.7626747

Huel. Basically powdered food that (almost) doesn't taste like shit. Perfectly balanced with all macro and micronutrients that a person needs and ~$3/serving.

>> No.7626783

one word lads


>> No.7627118
File: 1.29 MB, 3264x2448, BBD84DFC-A45E-4BC9-8DBA-7D58CDA735D4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hearts livers flesh plants green tea vegetables NO RICE OR POTATO ONLY AS A SPECIAL TREAT AND DEFINITELY NO SUGAR

>> No.7627171

frozen vegetables good god you need help

>> No.7627187



>> No.7627210


>> No.7627274

Shut the fuck up Cuckatello
You guys are the niggers of europe

>> No.7627304

>bonus points for crying while you eat all by yourself
too depressing to cook for yourself stopped that shit long time ago

>> No.7627780

5k a year doesn't justify sacrificing yourself and eat shit food. If there's something you should spend money on is food and I don't mean going to restaurants every week but just cook good food yourself.