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File: 121 KB, 480x445, pepe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7614582 No.7614582 [Reply] [Original]

so Anon, would you?
For sure I wouldn't die for any ideals or whatever bullshit but I actually respect my life.

Also, privacy coins will never make it, deal with it.

>> No.7614590

Kek people don't even want to pay taxes here what makes you think these neets would want to fight and possibly die for their shitholes

>> No.7614887

If I was sniper, yes but only if it was being invaded

>> No.7614937

I couldnt care less for switzerland. Id rather help them invade the jews

>> No.7614955


You just gave me an interesting idea for a thought experiment. Imagine you're a Swedish cuck and Russia invades your weak, pussy country for whatever reasons. Do you:

a) fight and die on the frontline while rapefugees are busy plowing your wife.

b) let Putin beat your country into submission like a bitch without a fight but at least he takes care of "them" afterwards.

>> No.7614963

This is biz, everyone here would collaborate.

>> No.7615115

Yeah of course, I shall put my life on the line and do my very best to protect Mohammad and his 8 children!

t. swede

>> No.7615758

Id fight for my people but not the esoteric vague term my country has made itself.

>> No.7615856
File: 185 KB, 736x588, pala.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You either gotta be brainwashed or dumb as a brick if you would want die for your country.

>> No.7615903

>Implying I would give my life for this shit hole

>> No.7615908

no. if there's ever a need for soldiers, immigrants should be forced to, or them and their family deported.

>> No.7615918


wanting to fight for your country is natural instinct
the problem is that our countries have been hijacked by jews so youre fighting their wars and thtats not a good idea

>> No.7616133
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I would fight for my President

>> No.7616198

>fighting for merkel
>fighting for traitors
>fighting for shitskins
>fighting for people that want to abolish my nation and think race is a social construct

>> No.7616321
File: 129 KB, 739x819, IMG_5956.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I already did from 2006-2012. US Army. Best thing I ever did in my life. I felt pride in all I did, brainwash or not. Now I just do boring blue collar factory work but it pays for everything else. Anyone that FUDs military is too pussy to sign that dotted line. Even if US orchestrated wars are just a cashgrab for da jooz you'll make out quite well.

>> No.7616352


Get paid to kill raghead brownskins?

Could there be a better career?

>> No.7616366

I would fight for my country if I supported my country and its initiatives. But I don’t so I wouldn’t.

>> No.7616376

Would literally die fighting for Britons, would never fight for Britain.

>> No.7616566

I joined the army 9 years ago and been on several operational deployments. Don't regret my service (I'm still in) but over the years have become more and more disheartened. I've reached the point where I am no longer prepared to die for my country (British) as I feel like the people worth fighting for are becoming a minority. I'll be signing off in the next couple of years.

>> No.7616597

From invasion, sure.
Going overseas and die for the jews, fuck no.

>> No.7616617
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>> No.7616632

>fighting for the ideals of some wrinkly old jews in an ivory tower

>> No.7616647

you choose c:

repel russian invader, and form military coup and regime change and kick mudslimes out

>> No.7616651

Is Englad that fucked?
that's sad m8.

>> No.7616685

Spent 5 years in, paid for grad school after leaving as an O.

Wouldn’t join now. Too many americans aren’t worth fighting for let alone dying for, especially in some dusty shithole.

>would kill commies in a civil war though

>> No.7616734
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>Would you fight for your country?
My country is being parasited by thieves and criminals, they are our current enemy. And people actually support them!

>> No.7616785

Ex-CMT here, signed off 2014. Was horrified by how cucked the Army was when I joined and it had gotten noticably worse even in my short career.

Got a couple of medals to show for my time but can't say I'm particularly proud of them given they were for pointless deployments to shithole Muslim countries and in no way in service of our people and country.

>> No.7617072

I hear what your saying but you should still be proud of your service, even more so as a CMT. At least you've got some transferrable skills.

It doesn't help either that due to cut backs we're massively undermanned, our pensions are slashed and you are treated like shit at all ranks (JNCO & SNCO).

I'm still proud to be British but it's becoming far too liberal/tolerant. I believe in a fair society but when parents and kids get blown up at a pop concert and the media focusses on the importance of tolerance and respect not hunting the bastards down it makes me mad.

>> No.7617101

On my phone so my ID keeps changing.

>> No.7617134
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not at all, in fact im studying to get out of here

>> No.7617153

no, I know my genes are too valuable to lose them in war
I'll be needed to rebuild the country and future generations

>> No.7617183

I live in france so i don't even need to fight :)

>> No.7617244

USA progressive / democratic socialist here.

Every year for the last 11 years of my life I've donated 1% of my pre-tax salary to charitable military and/or veteran organizations.

At one point in my life (when I was in my late teens/early 20's) I would have said yes to this in a heartbeat.

However, I would NEVER join the military under someone like Trump who I believe to be unstable and who has managed to do a wonderful job of dividing our country and brining out the worst in people. If another country decided to invade I'd go to Mexico and call it a day. Maybe eventually transplant to Europe.

I won't stop donating, if you're wondering. Most people in the military are kids who don't know any better or are just following orders. But the rest of American society can honestly just fucking die at this point. Maybe in a post-Trump world we'll get back to being an awesome & unified country on our way to greatness.

>> No.7617265

British here

My country is dead, there is nothing valuable to fight for

>> No.7617285

Leaf here. Already being taken over by multiple factions, between the Chinks and the Muzzies I'd side with the Chinks.

>> No.7617296
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In the past yes. I loved my country and its people.
But right now, i am willing to risk my life for niggers and congolombians? No thanks.

>> No.7617301

>in a post-Trump world we'll get back to being an awesome & unified country on our way to greatness.

you're acting like the US was unified and on its way to greatness before Trump

>> No.7617369
File: 74 KB, 1162x850, IMG_1172.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying docile nations
>hating capitalism and butthurt about the military industrial complex
>still too much of a pussy to venture outside mom's basement

Here's your (You), commie. Small truth to your meme, but still causes you unending ass-rash to know my service connected disability pays my mortgage.

>> No.7617414

>would kill commies in a civil war though

Honestly, only thing I'm looking forward to anymore

>> No.7617416

It wasn't at all, but it was still way closer. Someone could have come in and patched shit up instead of literally driving a fucking huge sledge hammer through and creating an even greater divide.

People were skeptical of each other before. Now they just plain hate each other. Mass shootings are increasing, hate groups are gaining insane traction. It's disgusting, honestly. This country is sick. We needed someone who could heal it, not someone who wanted to start a civil war.

>> No.7617456

Yes Japan isn't a docile nation we're occupying. Your service didn't help anyone but Jews and yourself. I'm not a commie and I have a job btw. Enjoy my tax dollars you parasite.

>> No.7617460

there is nothing natural about a country.

>> No.7617469 [DELETED] 

What is a country, but a big powerful force that enforces their laws with threat of violence (police and military), and asks for a cut from everything you earn (taxes).

It's basically mafia asking for protection money, but it became a REALLY HUGE operation.

>> No.7617515
File: 150 KB, 1200x800, uscg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't really "fight" for my country, but I am in the US coast guard. I deal with a lot of stupid and shitty situations just so I can save fucking idiots. I'm also going to be joining the army after I finish college.

>> No.7617534
File: 8 KB, 480x360, mafiafrogs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is a country, but a big powerful force that enforces their laws with threat of violence (police and military), and asks for a cut from everything you earn (taxes).
It's basically mafia asking for protection money, but it became a REALLY HUGE operation.

>> No.7617581

>implying I'm not in a higher tax bracket
>implying that my overtime money doesn't go to pajeets like you for WIC debit cards


>> No.7617619

if all it took to go from skepticism to hate was one orange dumbfuck being elected into office, then the hate was always there. Trump is a reflection of the American people, like it or not.
The country isn't sick, the people living in it are. I personally expect nothing to change so long as there are literal cesspools of racism controlling states and their elections. Nothing until the dumbfuck religious majority pull their heads out of Jesus' ass and care more about their neighbor than their god. We have this dumbass two party system that panders to the tribal, uneducated part of American society. Trump is just acting as an enabler for people who have held all these fucked beliefs regardless.

sorry for the wall. I just don't think that any president, even if its the fucking Budda himself, has the power to change the US when the populace has no foresight or desire to improve

>> No.7617641
File: 11 KB, 236x236, DPpclg3W0AEeycg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>m-muh benefits
>muh disability!
>you're just a pussy commie!

Everything you said just then summarized. Thank you for your (((service))).

>> No.7617669

What branch were you in?

>> No.7617675

>fight for all the leftists who hate me
i will fight for my country only if it's civil war

>> No.7617698

you can't fight a war with traitors at home. there will have to be a day of the rope to kick things off

>> No.7617714

I'm not dying for the JewSA

>> No.7617733

gj falling for soviet subversion, brainlet

>> No.7617734

>ppl are still willing to fight and die for ideology propaganda machine

>> No.7617741

I would but my country will never be attacked militarily, but it has been attacked financially and will continue to be. What's a pleb to do?

>> No.7617758

>would you fight for your country?
no fucking way. why would i fight for a country that's le 56%?

>full of niggers and spics that will stay home and continue to leech off the system while i'm off fighting for them
>full of Empowered Wymyn who are Equal to Men but are immune to the draft
>the Wymyn that are also in the military are put in the infantry and places where they don't belong, slowing down the unit, causing problems within the unit, getting men killed, etc
>fighting for the corrupt politicians, fat cat bankers, and other assorted kikes
>die for israel, goy

I was in the army, went to iraq twice and afghanistan once, and i will never ever "fight" for this country ever again. If i ever fight again, it will be AGAINST the niggers, spics, women, kikes, politicians, and bankers.

gas the kikes. race war now

>> No.7617776

>USA progressive / democratic socialist here

>> No.7617778

fags read some books

If in some smothering dreams you too could pace
Behind the wagon that we flung him in,
And watch the white eyes writhing in his face,
His hanging face, like a devil's sick of sin,
If you could hear, at every jolt, the blood
Come gargling from the froth-corrupted lungs,
Obscene as cancer, bitter as the cud
Of vile, incurable sores on innocent tongues,—
My friend, you would not tell with such high zest
To children ardent for some desperate glory,
The old Lie: Dulce et decorum est
Pro patria mori.

>> No.7617796

>there are literal cesspools of racism controlling states and their elections
i hope you're referring to the democratic party

>> No.7617800
File: 133 KB, 900x719, IMG_5198.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was my...privilege.

>> No.7617908


Don't think it's as good as it once was but every command change it gets worse on the unit level. Going from CG USAR? Make yourself a good NCO before you go gold if that's your plan.

>> No.7617918
File: 387 KB, 1080x1074, traitors.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

only if it's civil war

>> No.7618113

fight https://cryptocountries.io/

>> No.7618537

>dying for Israel

lol suuuuuure

>> No.7618668

You would be buttfucked in Mexico friend.
The west is for globalisation the the rest is for the locals. Keep your pendejo gringo ass where it belongs.

The west is our trash can.
We who stay actually like our own countries.
Preferably without immigrant trash in it.

>> No.7618712

>what is a tribe

>> No.7618722


Fuck Trump.

He's a piece of shit that's gonna get us in the war for no damn reason.

>> No.7618760

imagine being this much of a brainlet

>> No.7618892

>Also, privacy coins will never make it, deal with it.
>What is cash?

Kill yourself

>> No.7618899

war with whom?

>> No.7618923

>almost died
>be proud of it
kek, subhuman trash

>> No.7619089

Russia has several decades old military and absolutely no resources to maintain any kind of serious warfare. It's money is almost out after Syria and Ukraine interventions.
trust me, i live here, we are gonna be the worst shithole among post-soviet countries in decade.

>> No.7619272

My wife is Mexican (born and raised) and I have literally hundreds of family members in Mexico, own real estate there, have multiple business opportunities, etc. I'd be just fine, thanks :)

I'm not going to say you're wrong (you're not). But, I do think that the general state of the population was "I have these ideas but won't say them because of how divisive they might be", and a true leader could have come in and made everyone realize all their divisive ideas are fucking retarded and helped people find common ground. Instead we got this fucking nutjob who decided to capitalize on divisiveness and create an "us" and a "them" and basically said "Yes, you're right and they're wrong, and we should get rid of them all". How the fuck is that helpful? I don't care which "side" you're supporting, that's actually the most retarded thing anyone could have done.

Totally agree on the two party system & religion's role btw, US politics are fucking atrocious.

>> No.7619599

The sheer number of troops would suffice.

Eventually Quantity does outdo quality, eventually.

>> No.7619652

If it was actually against a pure evil in the world like nazi Germany then yes. However, if it was over some bullshit like taking control of a countries resources or illegally occupying a country then I’m dodging the draft.

>> No.7619783


>Side A: everyone who is white is evil and we need to get rid of them.

>Side B: everyone who isn't white is evil and we need to get rid of them.

How do you reconcile that?

>> No.7619934

I REALLY don't believe that white vs. non white is the main issue for most of the country. I could be wrong, and that'd be a fucking sad state of existence.

That being said, difference of religious beliefs (i.e. abortion debate) are probably just as divisive and ludicrous, so it might as well be race.

I don't know, man. Fuck it all. Maybe we are unsalvageable. I'm not against splitting into two or more separate countries at this point. If we really can't learn to live with each other then why waste the time and money trying?