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File: 983 KB, 2048x1536, mining rig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7613635 No.7613635 [Reply] [Original]

Soup /biz/

Found the following for an XMR mining pool on supportxmr.com:
>pool address
>wallet address
>pool password

Is there anything I can do with this?

>> No.7613648

Can't you change the wallet address to a wallet you control?

>> No.7613675
File: 66 KB, 1828x940, will this do it senpai.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I can here, but this seems to just be a generator for config files?

In the top banner it says:
>Network: 1021.34 MH/s
>Pool: 42.39 MH/s
>You: 0 H/s

Doesn't this mean the account I've compromised isn't actually mining anything; and therefore I won't get any monero anyway?

>> No.7613826


>> No.7613827

Are you retarded? It means the pool you compromised mines about 4% of all XMR mined. The computer you are using is mining nothing.
If no one notices for a while you are rich. Polite sage to prevent attention. Best of luck.

>> No.7614250

Holy shit are you fucking serious?

Holy fuck

>> No.7614271

Is that plugged into a monitor? Does that work?

>> No.7614299
File: 48 KB, 1541x940, How do I turn this into money.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But how do I channel the pools profits to my own wallet?

>> No.7614312
File: 16 KB, 480x336, eef97e37.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7614427

post logins so I can confirm

>> No.7614430

yea it does, potatos provide power. it does not run as efficiently but still works. the revloution is upon us, Thanks OP for showing of you rig!


>> No.7614620

So anyone know how I would somehow profit from this?

Seems like this is impossible, and is actually just a worker or something.

>> No.7615154

Bump for interest

>> No.7615295

Rebump for minute chance of profits

I wouldn't actually do it, to be honest. If I know that it's actually exploitable, I'll report it to the account owner.

It's not worth ruining my career and future over. But it is worth preventing it in case someone else manages to hijack a pool responsible for the mining of 4% of all XMR, that would be a shitty day on the market.

I'm concerned someone else will find the credentials too.

>> No.7615369

You people are retarded he just found a pool account that has 0hashes and nothing in it's pool wallet. He found a dead and empty mining account's details. He didn't find the site's admin details. He found nothing.

>> No.7615409

It seems like you just found the info for someone’s miner config. That’s useless unless you change the config file on that persons comp to redirect rewards to yr wallet. And that comp isn’t currently mining amyway

>> No.7615594


>> No.7616156

You can allways change the payment wallet and wait for the rig to be pointed there again