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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 43 KB, 580x357, nano.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7613679 No.7613679 [Reply] [Original]

It's over, isn't it? Feels like any moment binance and kucoin will release info about delisting nano and it will go straight to $1.

>> No.7613722

I don't know enough about the tech to evaluate Nano myself, but there does seem to be an awful lot of red flag, from the covered-up hack to the insane growth within a month to all of this now.

>> No.7613732

Binance, KuCoin and Mercatox are taking part in the Bitgrail investigation. Your Nano wallet is disabled ONLY if you're
A) one of the people who abused the duplication bug on Bitgrail
B) one of the people who's holding coins that have been bought off someone who abused the duplication bug on Bitgrail

If you're from group A, you will be prosecuted and have your Nano confiscated
If you're from group B, you will be issued an apology and have your Nano confiscated

>> No.7613785

>B) one of the people who's holding coins that have been bought off someone who abused the duplication bug on Bitgrail

but how can you tell whether it's from bug if it reached another exchange's wallet? for example 1000 nano reaches mercatox wallet from bitgrail bug abuse, then you buy 1000 nano on mercatox and transfer to your wallet, how can you tell whether that 1000 nano is from bug or previous mercatox holdings? and it's a simple example, because normally there are hundreds/thousands of transactions per day with varying amounts

>> No.7613817

It's blockchain, nigga. Everything can be traced back.
It might seem unfair that you'll lose your Nano, but it's more unfair that the original rightful owners at Bitgrail lost their Nano.

>> No.7613842

Nano is gonna be the new bitconnect. I can feel it.

>> No.7613878

Alright that's it, I'm selling half of this shitty-ass coin. Wow, I sure feel dumb for holding it for so long.

>> No.7613882

>It's blockchain
No it isn't brainlet.

>> No.7613889

Fuck you FUDers are dumb

Nano is:
- Fast
- Feeless
- Decentralized
- Secure
- No mining

It's the next Bitcoin and you're dumb if you don't buy in now when it's at an all time low.

>> No.7613920

This is the most unlucky project I've ever seen. Not only in crypto.

>> No.7613925
File: 92 KB, 1280x720, bitconnect_carlos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The problem is, nobody gives a shit. Everyone would literally rather be paid in Nanopets than in this crap, including myself.

>> No.7613947

So glad I dumped this near ATH

>> No.7613967

lol binance isn't going to delist Nano, the community voted for it and binance is actually working with the nano team to blacklist the hacked XRB. they obviously like the coin otherwise they wouldn't be helping Nano you fucking retard

>> No.7613994
File: 98 KB, 554x1200, nano_dumbass.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember, this (pic) is a main idiot behind Nano.

>> No.7614028

Holy shit you FUDers are doctoring twitter chat logs now? You guys are desperate.

Don't come crying to us when nano is $300 by EOY and you missed out.

>> No.7614089
File: 8 KB, 367x401, 1516371800725.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thats not shopped you mong, you can actually look it up yourself

holy shit the stupidity of nano holders these days. glad I rode the train from 50ct to 30 bucks and never looked back

>> No.7614123
File: 77 KB, 940x627, powerledger_bags.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its right here dumbass.
Face it, Nano is run by a bunch of moroncucks.

Enjoy holding my bags. Pic related. That's the nice lady from PowerLedger. She is dumping all of her Nano bags on you too. Please, buy our bags. Thanks.

>> No.7614199
File: 16 KB, 309x309, baae0b50d47512f1094edd9a54c6313242e1e7d7_00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have been watching this NANO FUD over the last days and now I am convinced. It is actually organized FUD.

I wonder who would pay for it? I predicted that there will be FUD from Bitcoin supporters down the road, but definitely not so soon.

>> No.7614227


as if. You bought at all time high didn't you.

>> No.7614234

so the dev thought Francesco the bitgrail guy was a good guy.. obviously this changes when he turns out to be incompetent and can't run an exchange properly. you can't fucking tell who is sociopath until they try to fuck you over. i met many people who turned out to be crazy after a few months of getting to know them

>> No.7614261
File: 110 KB, 657x539, 151738974941.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes it is you dumb nigger.

>> No.7614316
File: 1 KB, 125x33, cunt died.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm honestly just pissed off. I shouldn't even be talking shit in here since I'm dumping my Nano on Kucoin in another tab. I don't care if it goes back up, I just need to get the hell out of this coin. There are so many other great projects out there and this one just keeps fucking up.

>> No.7614899

hey heeey heeey
When Charlie Lee said this is his least favorite litecoin fork i knew something is fishy.
Enjoy your bags redditors

>> No.7615049
File: 16 KB, 286x402, xrb_warning.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This guy tried to warn everyone about XRB and the development team long ago. Few listened. He was right.

Just finished selling all of my XRB. Fuck this scam.

>> No.7615090


This has to be subtle FUD because nobody is that fucking stupid that they think that makes your product any good at all, and no, btw, you do not know that it is nearly as secure as bitcoin

>> No.7615529

oh shit

>> No.7615716

Hahahahaha this is the guy who blackmailed Troy by telling him to open Bitgrail withdrawals or he would accuse the dev team of insider trading. He was told appropriately to go fuck himself. A tin foil hat would fit well on this balding faggot's airhead.

>> No.7616078

>Hahahahaha this is the guy who blackmailed Troy by telling him to open Bitgrail withdrawals or he would accuse the dev team of insider trading. He was told appropriately to go fuck himself. A tin foil hat would fit well on this balding faggot's airhead.

It is just that actually he sensed the fishy smell right.

>> No.7616206

What a genius, whoever could have predicted Bitgrail one of THE shittest exchanges in crypto would go down. Anyway, I'm pretty sure it was because Bomber was trying to arbitrage back his losses and not actually exit scam.

Feel free to post proof of your sale, so I can laugh at how fucking dumb you are for believing this faggot of all people.

>> No.7616403


It's not going anywhere OP. Gox didnt kill bitcoin and grail wont kill nano. Should've held on

>> No.7616599


>tfw actually thought about buying some xrb a month ago because of heavy shilling about 'muh solid team' and 'muh revolutionary tech'

Fucking /biz, you've tried to scam me again

>> No.7616628

BCC has been bouncing ever since they exit scammed, some days pumping by 30%. I guess people just like playing with fire and chasing the pump

>> No.7616770

>he didn't ride it from 20c to 39usd

Well, I went all in on trtl at 25sats, basically I made the pump from 25 to 37...

>> No.7617224

Zach, Nano core developer, is the hacker.
He is also scammer behind Dadi, copypasted whitepaper from another project.

Remember when he shilled his Dadi on RaiBlocks community? I Remember.

Bomber is incompetent, almost dumb.

Nano core team are rollin in your cash.

>> No.7617248


>> No.7617259

dadi guy was someone else, his name is chris mair

>> No.7617291

No, it isn't you idiot.

Exchanges are off chain.

>> No.7617294

You guys better pull out all your coins from Kucoin before they start """"mandatory verification""""