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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 9 KB, 266x266, ChainLink-Logo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7607842 No.7607842 [Reply] [Original]

Will become a barren wasteland or will rich Link Marines come and gloat every once and a while?

>> No.7607874


I mean, where else are we gonna go? reddit?

is there a link marine discord btw?

>> No.7607897

same thing that happened with eth investors from here

>> No.7607938

The ETH Marines left to do bigger and greater things; those who didnt buy in remained behind to wallow in regret & found LINK and shilled it to nu-biz. I suspect the LINK marines will do the same followed by those who regret not buying will go find the next big thing and shill it to the next generation of nu-biz.

>> No.7607954

So basically stop posting link and find another up and coming project that will be shilled so much people wont be able to figure out if it is a truly great project or /biz meme?

>> No.7607967

take me to the promise land LINK

>> No.7607971


>> No.7607998
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>> No.7608010

they wont be around anymore

>> No.7608024

nolinks finally buy in

>> No.7608034

If LINK hits $50 I will have $10 mil. I hope to God I have better things to do than shitpost if that's the case. Or maybe I'll just shitpost from a ski lodge or something.

>> No.7608072

LINK is a scam posted by pajeets u idiot

>> No.7608076

Even if I had $100 million I would still come to 4chan. You are here forever

>> No.7608106

how many links do you have?

i need to increase my stack from 1k

>> No.7608124

Can you not do math

>> No.7608134

I don't think bro, 100 million is a huge impact and you would have MUCH more interesting/important things to do than surfing the internet, maybe i would just visit it once a monch on my cellphone to see whats being shilled but thats it.

>> No.7608158

I would still come to /biz/ just as often. We'll see a lot of /nolink/ regret, though

>> No.7608161

i sure can. I wanna see what anons response is. Does it bother you?

>> No.7608173
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You think you're here forever was a fucking joke?

>> No.7608249

5 million usd shitcoins over here

>> No.7608293

>You think you're here forever was a fucking joke?
unironically this
I've been here for 10 years already... fuck.

>> No.7608296

Nah you would come back eventually and probably appreciate being anon so much more after being surrounded by people who just want something from you because you’re filthy rich

>> No.7608314


kys faggots

>> No.7608350


>what is division

>> No.7608420

>what is having a convo with another anon in a thread about chainlink

>> No.7608423

i've been here for 11 and this really is the end. i've been forced to migrate boards twice now and i hate everyone here. when link takes off i'll diversify a bit and actually research whatever i find on my own. there's nothing of value anymore and i'm not entertained. this board is trash.

>> No.7608442

>when I watch a Youtuber enough I can hear their voice and know how they would phrase something
>when I play a video game enough I get bored and stop playing it
>when trump was elected I mostly stopped browsing pol
>when I got to the top 1-5% of the lifts that I do I stopped browsing fit except ocassionally
>when I make 50 Million I will stop browsing biz except for rare occasions

I can feel it. b stopped being funny. Insights from pol were no longer as interesting. Fit was no longer helpful. You can't take drugs forever and you can't sustain yourself on memes forever. Eventually you have to create something.

>> No.7608471

I feel similarly. Both on a micro and macro scale. See >>7608442

>> No.7608499

ive migrated a couple times.

/fit/,/k/, /pol/ when it was ok. now and now /biz/

if link takes of like we all know it will i will actually go outside and live my life for a bit. Who would have thought moot was right to do what he did. Even though i kinda miss him posting here and there. He made the right choice leaving this place

>> No.7608546

Link EOY?

>> No.7608548

Be real, you can't leave 4chan. I've been here since 2008
No matter how much time is spent here, this is the first website I open when I get on the internet.

>> No.7608551
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I would come back, flash my blickfolio pic, and wait for the beggars to come put of the woodwork. I would reply to each on that posts an address with "sent ;^)", and then they get to check their wallet to find either 1 NGR or 1 KYS coin. I would make these threads constantly, in fact I might just start now with a fake blockfolio.

>> No.7608569

>Eventually you have to create something
i can agree with this. All ive done my whole life is consume. its gotten boring as fuck. I want to produce

>> No.7608576

we've made the journey together. leaving biz is how we reach our final form, brothers.

>> No.7608617

whats funny is the thing that ruined us might actually make us great in the end.

>> No.7608622

i made just under 7 mil after taxes from eth and im here every other day. things dont change that much

>> No.7608649

I've been here since 08 as well. Never thought I'd leave. Never thought that I'd want to. Maybe I'm wrong and something new will come along to recapture me. Maybe it'll be the 2024 election.

I can say with honesty that 4chan has been very good for me as a whole

This tbqh, famlad

>> No.7608674
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Which is why we've been pumping out memes like motherfuckers.

>> No.7608716

2K Linklet here (hoping to get my stack to 4-5K through staking and buying dips). Definitely won't make it to lamboland when Link hits $50, but I am going to use some of my gains to chase ICO moon-missions. Going to HODL most of my link, though; I can see $200/LINK by 2020.

Never leaving 4chan, though.

>> No.7608731

this is your only warning. I'm am going to start meming LINK as a racist nazi coin. And I'm going to meme hard.

>> No.7608771

I bounce around and go through fazes. I'm on /biz/ now. But this place is useful for getting unfiltered streams of info. If you're a critical thinker, this kind of shit is worth its weight in gold.
Most folks here can't into critical thinking though.

>> No.7608772

>TFW Sergey hates /biz/ for buying all the link within ten seconds, ensuring that his project will never be taken seriously.

>> No.7608804

oh wow are you me?

>> No.7608815

200k LINK here, I'll still come around to shitpost and sensibly chuckle at memes as I enjoy a charcuterie platter on my roof deck.

>> No.7608819
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it's not even a coin, dipshit

>> No.7608824

yawn, faggot

>> No.7608833

is this all true? why are all these linkposters expecting gains?

>> No.7608846

>every once and a while?
Haha. The board might as well be called /LINK/. Those of you that think the LINK spam is bad now, wait until we are all filthy fucking rich. Nolinks are going to be swinging from their ceiling fans.

>> No.7609009

Yes, all those things he compiled from mentally retarded LINK fudders are all true. Don't buy it. Get some Mobius instead.

>> No.7609064

I would have millions if it hits $50. I would absolutely still come here with that much money.

>> No.7609138

7k link here brother, will be hodling till link hit $150-$200, $50 just won't do it but fuck it will be good to see my portfolio when link hits $50.

Also are most linkes just hodling link, if I went all in I would easily have over 10k which was my goal, would be there if cunt hacker didn't take my first 4k. Also I hope all you linkie are being fucking safe with your link and have a ledger

>> No.7609230

it's not though. you need to know what btc is doing and should be trading it on bitmex or another platform and you need a portfolio with a handful of projects that you're able to keep up with. that's how you're successful in this space. arguing with pajeets and people who want you to stay poor isn't a good use of your time. this "i'll be here forever" shit is retarded. you're a product of the people you surround yourself with. people who make it lurk or leave.

>> No.7609320

That was when anons were bitching hard because link dumped to 10-15c after the all FOMOed in pre sibos. Fuck I remember faggots talking about they sold their link stack at 17c. Fucking fools. Anon look into link yourself, yes the site is shit, only had 2 devs (now three), but fuck that shit. Look at all the pros anon, he was fucking invited to sibos two years in a row for fuck sakes, name anyone else who is into blockchain technology that has been invited? If you think link is a scam you must be retarded, and to be honest if it was a fucking scam Sergey deserves my money because fuck he can con some of the biggest banks to notice him well then he fucking deserves it I guess

>> No.7609878
File: 168 KB, 677x543, dJeGVl3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will seriously build a shrine to Sergey & Assblaster when Link hits $50 & that will just be the start of my sick fetishes.
I will be here everyday to remind no-linkers, EVERYDAY!
They will need to be reminded.

>> No.7609916

May I visit the shrine anon and touch it please?

>> No.7610028

You may only lay BigMacs & Fries near the Shrine of Sergey.
The Rory figurine however, may be fondled.

>> No.7610040

noooooooooioooiiiioiiiiikioooooooooo! is no true

>> No.7610072

tv was nice for a time

>> No.7610078
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Fair enough anon, if beacon is added to the big Mac do I get a special blessings from it?

>> No.7610091

Literal whale spotted

>> No.7610132

plz suppress the price so I can buy more.

>> No.7610135

Are you in link too?

>> No.7610138
File: 744 KB, 1020x1020, 988.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

one of us

>> No.7610163

I'd have 1.2M in link. Probably yes, I like to shitpost while taking a poo in the loo

>> No.7610170

LINK won't hit 50$. It is just not possible looking at a market cap perspective. More realistic is something like 5 - 10$

>> No.7610189

B-b-brainlet in da house yo! Completely ignorant of future total crypto market cap growth potential which leaves link plenty of room to go $50< even $100

>> No.7610224
File: 50 KB, 430x650, flushitdown.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You may be blessed with warm toilet seats & minimal splashbacks.
Praise Sergey!

>> No.7610292

Yes, ripple can also reach bitcoin's value in the future by that theory. Shut up you ignorant idiot you know NOTHING

>> No.7610453
File: 41 KB, 600x600, 1516746057583.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nigga, Cripples gotta 100,000,000,000 fucking supply.

>> No.7610544

We'll see a lot of pink wojaks, that's for sure

>> No.7611453

If Link hits $50 EOY I will get assblaster tattooed above my dick
Screen cap this

>> No.7611536

market cap is based on the price of bitcoin. if buttcoin gets 100k or higher by the end of the year link's price will be equally absurd. no one every discusses how link's price is based on bitcoin's success. for link to get to $1000 then bitcoin needs to be....?

>> No.7611555


>> No.7611588

lmao retarded

>> No.7611654

what a faggot lol

>> No.7611688

I seriously hope you don't hold any Link.

>> No.7611725


Lmao the absolute state of no linkies.

>> No.7611873
File: 66 KB, 720x960, 1508155486876.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had dream today that LINK was $3.47 and I was deciding if to sell or not.

Literally my first dream about crypto since ever. What is happening with me?

>> No.7611903


Kek'd and check'd. We going to mars

>> No.7611930

I had too had a dream where the price of LINK was the same as a Big Mac. Since the price could never go higher as that would defeat the purpose of the coin, I sent a truck full of Big Macs to Sergey so he could pay Jason Parser a proper salary as the new marketing guy.

>> No.7611969

This, it will be a cycle for the next years

>> No.7611970

>he isnt in the official LINK MARINE discord

>> No.7612099


>> No.7612119


>> No.7612747

I'm in the same situation. I'm worried if I will be able to find another moon missions as promising as Chainlink by the time I have 50k+ to reinvest.

>> No.7612772

>LINK is a scam posted by pajeets u idiot


>> No.7612923

please god let it be true and grant me eternal money

>> No.7612941


99% of “linkies” will sell their bags WAAAAYYYyY before LINk will ever hit $50. Same shit with Antshares, every faggot shilling it sold under $10 after they rebranded to NEO. I guarantee nobody is still holding any NEO from sub $10.

Nobody has hands that strong but a few.

>> No.7612961

literally i am holding ans since $6

>> No.7613277
File: 518 KB, 800x900, galuzzi_link_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Keep the faith.
We do not sell.

>> No.7613334

>99% of “linkies” will sell their bags WAAAAYYYyY before LINk will ever hit $50.

Actually because of POS concepts in nodes this will not happen, rather the LINK will be staked by LINKies while they evolve beyond moral form and become immortal consciousness that goes forth to explore space as up loadable sentience in little satellites and planetary rovers built by spaceX

>> No.7613477


>> No.7613482

I will unironically get Assblaster tattooed on my body. I’ll have a post here to decide where the tattoo goes, and I will deliver.

That will be my last post on this god forsaken site.

>> No.7613708

I just love it that i get 10$ a day from mining, thats 20 linkies a day, thats 600 a month, and i dont pay any electricity costs, livin the dreaaaaam.

>> No.7613738
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>> No.7613784

The eth whales didn't leave. 95% of them sold at $10, $15, $100.

>> No.7613792
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>> No.7613840
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>All of /biz/ is buying Link
>We are coincidentally on the worst period of the year where all the smart money from /biz/ fucked off
>No one seems to notice this as the ultimate red flag
You little shits are literally the new generation of bitbean / DGB

>> No.7613876
File: 53 KB, 1024x576, f34a4da9-14c4-4384-abaa-b0f37db210d2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

outstanding! God bless to the marine (and all his children) that created it

>> No.7613953


Been holding 4k ANS since $3.

>> No.7613969

Newfag here

Is LINK some meme being shilled by Pajeets or ((them))? I don't want to lose all my money. Should I go all in on LINK or what? What is likely to have a run like last year? I don't even care about the 1000% returns that ETH people got. I just want 200-300%. I don't need to win the lottery.

>> No.7613991

Stay away new friend

>> No.7614004


The only way to see the Truth is to read the white paper.

>> No.7614024

Buy now or wait for dip???

>> No.7614036
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Bought 4000 at 6 dollars, sold 1k at 40 dollars and 1k at 100 to support my link stash. I would sell my bag, because it will never overshadow eth, but because of china's protectionism it could become china's etherium unlike icon which will never become Koreas etherium.

>> No.7614050

>I JUST want 300 percent returns

lmao so modest

>> No.7614057

what if the real moon missions were the friends we made along the way

>> No.7614066

Lol you have to go back

>> No.7614097

I'm here to stay friend. /pol/ told me to come here if I wanted to learn how to breakaway from the blue pill life that is modern day wage slavery. I don't want to be owned and rented a life by the likes of ((Goldman Sachs)) and ((J.P. Morgan Chase)). I want freedom. I want to unshackle myself from constraints of modern day corporatocracy.

>> No.7614172


>> No.7614181



>> No.7614200
File: 97 KB, 949x854, 1517482966362.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


here's the starter pack

>> No.7614217

thanks pal.

>> No.7614311
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sure thing

>> No.7614345
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This IS /pol/

>> No.7614359
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His book & his mention of smartcontracts.com

>> No.7614372
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His m8
>you know what to do

>> No.7614380

I'm not being tricked?

>> No.7614420
File: 98 KB, 750x565, 2E543705-4D36-4462-8E80-7D060F97F097.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're like pigs finding truffles.
You want gains, you know who nose where to find them.

>> No.7614432

Market cap is a meme, friendo.

>> No.7614469
File: 1 KB, 125x33, cunt died.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>XRB is trash tier. Sell it for anything.

FUCK i should have listened.

>> No.7614485

sergey and steve are unrepentent sjws. No they don't have blue hair and wear pussy hats screaming about tearing down the patriarchy but make no mistake they all are disgusted by you and will work to destroy /pol/s goals.

>> No.7614502

This is unfortunately true

>> No.7614512

Should i buy now or wait for dip?

>> No.7614527

Vitalik is a disgusting SJW too. Yet he made many NatSocs rich.

>> No.7614572

because they don't actually care about what they say they care about and are largely just edgy faggots. There's no way they'd put there money there otherwise, especially when there are real investments where they could otherwise put their money.

>> No.7614573
File: 107 KB, 847x960, woespepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So how else did you expect them to make it out of University.
>thinking any of us give a fuck what they think about us

>> No.7614611


>> No.7614625

wow the cognitive dissonance must be killing you. Can't wait to see you squirm when serge starts tweeting about refugees again and you'll have to face down the fact that you're complicit in white genocide.

>> No.7614655

It's just going to keep pumping slowly until friday when Sergey speaks at the superconference, and then depending on how it goes it'll pump 100000% or dump back to 40c
I'd say now is an amaizng time to buy still if you haven't bought at any point during the last 5 months like a retard

>> No.7614706


>> No.7614730

considering the partnership with Ari Juels and Ben Technion university it seems pretty obvious (((who))) is shilling this.

>> No.7614731
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The way i see it, it's all going to plan.

>> No.7614819

God damn it I keep swing trading link for big profits in eth but it keeps going up a new level whenever I sleep and thus my stack actually is worth less links. Fucking hell, guess I'll just hodl

>> No.7614824

I'll still come back to gloat and post pics of my yacht with timestamps

>> No.7614844

>the absolute state of this subreddit

>> No.7614932
File: 39 KB, 776x219, muhlinkies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

despite all the shitposting and shilling. only less 18k of you absolute crustacean-brained poorfags bought into it

>> No.7614974

not true over 1/3 of all link is being held on exchanges. despite all the warnings many of nubiz doesn't keep their coins off of an exchange

>> No.7614978

7K here too, linkbro. I was at 12K but messed up a bit, now I diversified a bit. I'm comfy as it is. 58% deep in Link

>> No.7614998

Riddle Anon here. Tesla is the company behind the Mars rovers. Do you want to believe? B

>> No.7615012

the binance wallet is only 5m LINK. with a 350m circulating supply how many more wallets could that make?

>> No.7615036

Using MEW?

>> No.7615037

Dis is brobably true

>> No.7615051

wrong again you're looking only at the hot wallet. The number 2 wallet is a binance wallet.

>> No.7615107

>this is the person that tells you LINK is a shitcoin

>> No.7615111

oh, right. I stand corrected.

>> No.7615186

is binance the place to get link?

>> No.7615228

meet me behind the jack-in-the-box on mcdowell and I will hook you up

>> No.7615466

Yeah....me too. What else would we do though? Watch television?

Fuck that. Shitpost, meme, shill and watch my crypto fortune grow.

>> No.7615585
File: 67 KB, 833x822, Screenshot_20180213-131624.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only place. If you sign up and use my referral I will send you a few Linkies. Just reply back with your Link address and first 2 characters of your email.

www.binance.com slash question mark ref=22066579

Or scan the QR code.

>> No.7615587

why is this token so popular on /biz/

>> No.7615612

It's the next ETH. Dyor and you'll realise what's at stake with link. It will bridge non block chain info to the block chain. The potential is MASSIVE

>> No.7615622

secret ChainLink groups

>> No.7615665

Gloating will bring far more pleasure than the huge bank account

Can't wait to shill suicide to nolinkers

>> No.7615898 [DELETED] 

Signed up

>> No.7615925
File: 399 KB, 842x960, 1517269698111.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good to have you aboard brother. Buy LINK and help save the world from the kikes.

>> No.7616059

Serious answer pls, why was dbg shit and why did biz love it so much?

>> No.7616082

how the fuck do you even mine link?

>> No.7616129

You mine coins and sell them to ETH or BTC and buy link.

>> No.7616181

I think you are stupid as many of those addresses correspond with exchanges and may represent many many thousands more people with LINK at exchanges. so you are not very clever an should let someone who you know is trustworthy look after your money for you and arrange clean underwear and food.

>> No.7616210

>why is this token so popular on /biz/

It makes nice number patterns that are very pleasing.

>> No.7616237
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Ill soon buy link, Cant wait for 1000$ EOY

>> No.7616253
File: 86 KB, 680x748, 1514568635496.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're asking why "bitcoin but faster" was shit?
I think it's pretty obvious why.


>> No.7616256
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My body is ready for the singularity.
Whole market goes down, LINK 16% up.

>> No.7616343

I literally said the same thing about ethereum.

>> No.7616384

dgb was literally just "bitcoin but faster". similar to what XRB is right now.

>> No.7616563

It's not all true most of it is non issues talked up to be issues and some of it is lies. It's all fud. They have 4 main devs now plus additional part time devs. Most icos are registered in the Cayman islands to avoid taxes. Standard practice. There is a lot of evidence that the partnerships will be announced. Not just shilling it.

>> No.7616925

>using sjw coins against them
I've no problem with that, shlomo.

>> No.7616932

what miner do ya use?

>> No.7617329

when is someone going to come in and crash the price, just to scare some folks and keep the price down for a bit longer?
I want to buy back in lower.
I'm expecting to increase my stack 10% off this run.

>> No.7617346


Ethereum is literally like 100 x smaller

>> No.7617558

>doesn't understand staking

>> No.7617560

this is not coming back down.
your days of greedy shorting are over. LINK is going to slowly increase in price until friday, then Sergey will drop a bombshell and it'll instantly moon 10000%. At that point every noLINKer and every greedy weak hander like you will buy a rope.

>> No.7617606


10x but you have a point to some extent

>> No.7617628

>pink ID
yeah, I don't believe you.

Even if it doesn't come down, this tactic has netted me 2x more link in the last month, and I even rode down a long ways during the big sell off.

>> No.7617661


Just like every other conference :^)

>> No.7617683

I created this thread yesterday, why is it still here?

>> No.7617695

That was different. Now we are midway through February and it's been 5 months since the ICO. Friday we'll have the initial simplified GO mainnet date announced, mark my words.

>> No.7617711
File: 466 KB, 766x1024, 1518325398644.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Jews know they have it better with whites. This is how they are aettimg up the next World War. Import invaders, then change the narrative and say the only way for the West is to survive is to deport them all.

This of course sparks conflict. Whites are happy to reclaim the West from putrid invaders, killing millions of them. War proffiteers get their next big payout.

C'mon pussy. Don't you want to kill some non assimilating sub-humans?

>> No.7617802
File: 34 KB, 1008x235, Screenshot from 2018-02-13 15-13-04.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7617815

Someone explain to me why it's mooning.

>> No.7617831


>> No.7617856

that is literal eye cancer

>> No.7617863





>> No.7617896

you are a MANIAC

>> No.7617983

What the fuck I'm brain washed now

>> No.7618056

because it's insanely undervalued

>> No.7618078

threads like this one.

>> No.7618192

I'll be a half-fucking-millionaire if that happens

>> No.7618283

Alright fucktards. I bought some of that good Link. Don't let me down and shill the fuck out of this thing!

>> No.7618410

thats not how it works im afraid /biz/ is like the anti pr of chainlink, topkek memes tho.

>> No.7618532

It always pulls back, don't get pissed when it does

Don't FOMO ever, this little run means fuck all and happens constantly

>> No.7618547

Never hear from them again because they're too rich to bother posting here?
I don't know, I feel like if I make it with LINK I'll still come here.

>> No.7618641

It always pulls back until it doesn't

>> No.7618694

just accumulate and hold

>> No.7618717

>tfw dont know if i should buy link now or wait for dip
Am i fucked if i wait or should i just FOMO

>> No.7618765
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probably wont be a real "dip" until sunday/monday lol

>> No.7618826

I hate that word, Think im going to fomo and then cry on monday

>> No.7619091

Dump at conference mark my words
Holding 20k

>> No.7619111

Bitcoin superconference soon

>> No.7619114

Nobody knows the time of the price singularity.
But when it happens, everyone will know.
All across the world, voices will echo "..what's wrong? Is everything ok?"
A few vehicular accidents will occur seemingly for no reason.
Several pilots, delivery drivers, and one pajeet who forgot to close a submarine hatch will all last be seen yelling at their phones.
Binance will crash. Everyone scrambling to buy LINKs will see 404.
Etherdelta will become so overwhelmed with traffic it will slow to a halt. It will become unusable.
The only orders that will happen will be buy orders that have already been placed.
LINK will reach unimaginably high prices within minutes.
Every noLINKer's eyes will watch. The tiny LINK cube on coinmarketcap will be reflected in their eyes.
However, the ones who knew..the ones who had heard, but didn't listen...
their cubes will be distorted by tears.
As these tears fall onto rapidly moving fingers that are refreshing binance or etherdelta multiple times,
Haunting music rings in their ears infinitely.
The harrowing noise of the bells causes the noLINKer's soul to shiver..and scream.
Biz will be filled with LINK memes. All threads will be titled "You had your chance."
Monitors will be smashed. Laptops broken in half. Weddings, family reunions, graduation ceremonies, and other social events across the world will be plagued by the audible cries of noLINKers who knew the path but didn't take it.
Their hopelessness crushes them inside, but they keep having to wageslave, and forcing a smile on their face every day to avoid ever being asked "what's wrong?" again will eat away at their sanity.
This soon becomes a worldwide phenomenon, and noLINKer syndrome will be added to DSM-V and heavily studied.
Most normies will continue enjoying their playpens.
But the ones who knew..
they will become uncomfortably intimate with despair...
For they know they missed the opportunity of a lifetime, and another precious path to freedom has disappeared forever.

>> No.7619119
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it's going back down... r-r-right

>> No.7619176


>> No.7619179


>> No.7619211

My sources say no

>> No.7619214

>If Link Hits $50
I would have 500k$

>> No.7619248

pumping to 7400

>> No.7619278
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They ll wait for Link to hit 1000$ each

>> No.7619352


>> No.7619419
File: 425 KB, 2560x1440, image (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I already pre ordered a wife. That's how confident I am that link hits $100 eoy.

>> No.7619429
File: 111 KB, 640x640, Thinking_Face_Emoji.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm about to put in a market buy for 25k$

this is a bad idea isn't it

but it can solve the oracle problem..

>> No.7619481

pumt and dump, remember

>> No.7619520
File: 1.23 MB, 912x905, 1433477724321.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw i have no choice to buy
i would have to kill myself if link actually does go up after all the posts by stinky linkies here

fuck it, i'll throw 5% of my portfolio in it.

>> No.7619564

If you didn't buy already nigger you're being left behind within this revolution around the sun

>> No.7619589

so many shill here, but 99% here not understand how link works

>> No.7619613

that's a fucking guy and it's fucking YOU in the picture you fag. don't lie to me.

>> No.7619626

it's a distributed oracle which is a decentralized solution to an important problem most people don't realize yet

>> No.7619667

Please buy some Link. Long time hold for gains.

>> No.7619681
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come on... where is the red candlllee...

>> No.7619817
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>pumping to 7400
w-what happens then?

>> No.7619844

>leaving 4chan

Nigga we just elected Donald trump and all of us made thousands last year on crypto. We also are civilizations best defense against the hordes and the leftists you are on crack if you think we are leaving this place.

>> No.7619874
File: 612 KB, 808x805, 1514588750972.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>where is the red candlllee
They're gone. They don't exist. It's only moon rides for now on

>> No.7619887

Market bought 25k.
Limits for another 30k in.

>> No.7619914

This is why /biz is poor
3rd grade math is hard

>> No.7619937

>can't divide 10mil by 50
the absolute state of /biz/

>> No.7619941


>> No.7619982

I make juicy gains happens

>> No.7620130

im staying in link just for these god damn memes. If /pol/ can elect the president of the free world then link will be 1k

>> No.7620131

40 million dollars.

>> No.7620170

fucking kek

>> No.7620196
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>> No.7620222

Anon, don't break. Don't FOMO back in. Remember what happened the last time you FOMOd?

>> No.7620227
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>> No.7620270

This is pure awesomeness.

>> No.7620282

Is the VEN moon closer than Link moon? I want to flip the VEN moon to accumulate more linky.

>> No.7620291

you should ask yourself what happens if it breaks 7500

>> No.7620333

who knows. probably not. VEN is suppressed by whales and your at t he mercy of them. I think the only time VEN will moon properly is when thor starts generating

>> No.7620382

can we get a windfish with sergey's face?

>> No.7620415


>> No.7620521


>> No.7620571

Is this it?
Are we going to see the red candle?
Jump out now, buy back at .48USD.

>> No.7620596
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>> No.7620599 [DELETED] 

it's gonna dump right down to $0.30 after this pump.
this is totally artificial. No news, no mainnet. just pure fomo from biz. I'm willing to be 80% of the buys today have been from biz nolinkers who are fomoing in and will start panic selling when it dumps.

but that's alright, because true stinkies DO NOT FUCKING SELL, we will just buy your cheap bags and accumulate, more and more and more until we're fucking shitting money.

>> No.7620629

yeah, it mooned to $1.40

>> No.7620632
File: 381 KB, 170x170, 1518381922914.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have been warned

>> No.7620678

lol i want that pajeet far away from this

>> No.7620899

homeboy Fib saying we are going to the moon

>> No.7620981


I think both VEN and LINK are gonna moon at the same time.

I would go all in LINK because it's cheaper

>> No.7621028

Are you implying a stack of 500 will be worth 40 million?

>> No.7621081

plox tank it to 7000

>> No.7621206

a stack of 500k maybe

>> No.7621254

Tekka sends his regards

>> No.7621269

Yall ready for the next big bump?

>> No.7621370


Some anons were speculating about Teeka including it in his next PBC

bulltshit... r-r-right guys?

>> No.7621419

My trezor came today going to put it all on there in a minute

>> No.7621449

Ven doesn't even have a whitepaper ffs

>> No.7621483


>> No.7621554
File: 84 KB, 573x430, 1516402046136.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw went 90% on link before the moon

>> No.7621829

Thanks for FOMOing faggots, about to increase my stack by 20%

>> No.7621850

Still up 30% today...you're welcome

>> No.7622025


>> No.7622053

>100$ for 144 link coins
Should I dare to do more, /biz/? This is my first time in crypto.

>> No.7622084

you need at least 10k link to make it

>> No.7622395

tfw when half way to making it.

>> No.7622498

is it safe to sell now? will it pump more :x
wanna rebuy low

>> No.7622879

Learn how the meme lines work and trust them. I always go with momentum indicator.