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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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7606673 No.7606673 [Reply] [Original]

Get the fuck in here

>"What we are seeing is typical late-cycle behavior, though more exaggerated because the durations of investment assets (i.e., their sensitivities to interest rate changes) are greater," Bridgewater Associates co-chief investment officer Ray Dalio said in a LinkedIn blog post.

>Bet against oil company Total is largest shown by hedge fund

>Bridgewater Associates LP now has wagers valued at more than $14 billion that stocks will decline in the region after it disclosed a $1 billion short bet against Munich-based engineering firm Siemens AG.

>In just one week Bridgewater, the world’s biggest hedge fund firm, more than quadrupled how much it’s betting against European Union companies.

This is it, brothers. I hope you've stocked up on food and ammo. Read up on survival stories in Bolivia.

This shit is going to make the 1920's look like a holiday fucking weekend in the Hamptons.


>> No.7606708
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>> No.7606737


random; where to start, 1920s? EU companies?

go read max weber essay on the stock market instead of preparing for apocalypse;

>> No.7606762



>> No.7606789

>max weber essay

I've never heard of it before. i'll check it out.

>> No.7606847



you might be right, so ill be a few extra canned tomatoes just in case; as somone once said, we're all just 4 square meals away from mayhem and apocalypse.

>> No.7606889


what survival stores in bolivia? just bolvians doing their thing? bolvia economy has been growing almost 10% past decade, almost as good as bitcoin, so their fine; still rom for much more growth with plenty of gas and lithium (basically all lithium for batteries comes from bolivia)

>> No.7606963

>Dani burger

>> No.7607018

Nothing is going to happen outside of the financial bubble, people companies producing real value are doing great. The everyday economy is all green.

>> No.7607064

Business was booming in 2007 too, then there was a very fast massive meltdown.

>> No.7607083

no it wasn't

>> No.7607094

cool. thanks man.

this one looks good, too.

and Dalio seems to know his shit. if he's skeptical, so am i.

maybe i'm thinking of some place else, but i remember reading some dudes account of like a year long stay in a civil war type environment. like no toilets, trash bags were gold, roaming gangs and shit. help me out. somebody remembers this right?

>> No.7607103

>financial institutions run America
>nothing is going to happen


>> No.7607150
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>> No.7607168

Unsurprising. I do wonder if it will take 12-24 months or if we'll see it happen within the year.


>> No.7607196

if you guys believe the non sense from the us financial media your a complete retard. This is all set up and fake direction from real money, you think they'd EVER give you any sort of insight into their real investment thesis you are a moron. Probably just an inside joke between the big boys

>> No.7607260


always do the opposite of what the media says

>> No.7607262

Nope. They always warn the goys just so they can clean their conscience and say “well I tried to warn you”

>> No.7607298

Yep. Always in the 11th hour.

>> No.7607311

So what, ignore the few random warning signs that 'maybe something bad is coming'? Meaning invest long term right now?

>> No.7607352

Kek euroopoors on suicide watch

>> No.7607461

I love how these dinosaurs think that debt is going to crash the economy. Debt doesn't exist. It is literally a mental construct. All the worlds global debt are just numbers in a database. Same with most of the worlds currencies. Cryptocurrencies will obsolete all fiat debt, not through debt forgiveness but through the devaluation of fiat.

>> No.7607494


That was the most retarded post I've read on /biz/ in awhile.

God damn.

>> No.7607536

-t boomer

I bet you also love rising house prices as a result of mass 3rd world immigration

>> No.7607574

dude, if we just like gave everyone a million dollars everyone would be rich and we could just smoke blunts all day amirite

>> No.7607602

How does it feel like being a boomer in current America?


>> No.7607644

"There is a whole lot of hitting the gas into capacity constraints that will lead to nominal rate rises driven by the markets,” Dalio wrote. “We are in the part of the cycle in which the central banks’ getting monetary policy right is difficult and that this time around the balancing act will be especially difficult.”

While many investors are focusing on the U.S.’s potential economic strength in 2018, “we are focusing more on 2019 and 2020 (which is the next presidential election year),” he said in today’s post. “Frankly, it seems to be inappropriate oversight to not be talking about the chances of a recession and what that recession might look like prior to the next election.”

>> No.7607664

>debt doesn't exist
Are you insane?

>> No.7607670

You're on the right track, but you're still retarded.
The REAL reason crypto will replace banks is that you cannot have a negative crypto balance.

>> No.7607717

Unlike armstrong which may just be random witch doctor ship, Dalio is in charge of the largest hedge fund in the world.

>> No.7607734

He took out a 13billion dollar short recently. And made it publicly known.

>> No.7607786
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the only anon with the right idea

>> No.7607801

I've had a -1 btc balance on localbitcoin once. So it is possible.

>> No.7607817

Watch, nothing's going to happen.

>> No.7607826

Doesn’t even make sense, someone will make a platform to borrow crypto

>> No.7607848

That's good insight. Right now everyone is praising that the stock market went up by a lot but with the bond rate being near 3% and the interloan bank being at an insane low, everything points to a near recession.

That's high confidence.

>> No.7607908
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>Cryptocurrencies will obsolete all fiat debt, not through debt forgiveness but through the devaluation of fiat.
This is the most worrying aspect to me. I'm not gonna become a millionaire because Bitcoin suddenly grows to 500k apiece. I'm gonna become a millionaire because the dollar has entered hyperinflation as the USD dies.

>> No.7607974
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Know what the best part is?

When shit caves in Donald Asshole and the Retard Party take 100% of the blame.

One hundred percent.

The resulting Blue Wave will be so fucking huge we'll literally have North Korean level socialism here.

Except instead of a fat Korean guy, we'll have Bernie, Pelosi, and Katy Perry at the head.

It will be unbearably left, ball crushingly feminist, and black lives WILL finally fucking matter.

It will bring hate speech laws and free healthcare and a lethal ego death for hypermasculine white fuckboys.

It will be the end of laissez-fairy Wolf of Wall Street style capitalism forever.

And it will be beautiful.

Literally the Second Coming without all that moralizing invisible sky cunt hocus pocus.

Look, babydicks, I know you wanted to bet big on your mememoney lottos and get stinking rich. The ugly truth is, next to none of you would ever make it.

Just man the fuck up and smile when we're living in a fairer world.

It'll be easy to stay out of the gulags if you're not a Nazi twit.

I know it will suck to give up problematic memes and hating women for a while, but fuck.

After you live under "from each according to their ability, to each according to their memes" for a few holy years, shit you always thought you hated will FINALLY make sense.

Trust me.

>> No.7608040

I'd rather race war

>> No.7608115

>To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Rick and Morty. The humour is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewers head. There's also Rick's nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realise that they're not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Rick & Morty truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the humour in Rick's existential catchphrase "Wubba Lubba Dub Dub," which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenevs Russian epic Fathers and Sons. I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Dan Harmon's genius wit unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools.. how I pity them.

>And yes, by the way, i DO have a Rick & Morty tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the ladies' eyes only- and even then they have to demonstrate that they're within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand. Nothin personnel kid

>> No.7608145

>Debt doesn't exist

>> No.7608184

Use a fucking wallet sometime you jew

>> No.7608191

its funny seeing how many retards got triggered by this
the "debt" is foreign countries investing in the United States. the US has never failed to pay on a bond and if anyone tried to crash the economy, it would take them with it. countries like china need the US.

before you stupid fucks claim china is better than the US, no.
their reinvestment in our economy drastically outweighs any trade deficit. see: Japan 1980s

>> No.7608204
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Yes, but you still can't have a negative wallet balance

>> No.7608265

Calm down. >>7607974 just doled out some mighty fine pasta.

>> No.7608294


you are so wrong it's not even funny

and I trust nobody faggot

>> No.7608343

does this mean bitcoin will prosper?

>> No.7608656

But you'll be ahead of a bunch of niggas. So you gotta do it anyway. Thats how I thought of it.

>> No.7608682
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black lives will NEVER matter

>> No.7608695


I want to visit this place so bad er

>> No.7608861
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>Know what the best part is?

>shit you always thought you hated will FINALLY make sense.


>> No.7608891

Get the fuck out soyboy

>> No.7608953

>Shariablue fails yet again at memes

>> No.7609077

HAHAHA holy shit this one.

Thanks for this anon, really

>> No.7609242
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dubs checked...now, for the brainlets, explain what to do with our stocks, bonds, cash, assorted assets and crytpo for the short medium and long term.

>> No.7609325

Nice pasta commie faggot

>> No.7609344

Sell it all for cash, even the cash, and go long seed potatoes and bic lighters. You've been warned.

>> No.7609443

Bonds are past their equilibrium value at the moment, so absolutely don’t buy.. but if you’re holding, maybe try to wait a lil and milk a pop if you trust you can get out on time.

Crypto is just as speculative as ever, if big financial institutions start failing, it *will* be in bitcoins favor.. but only in the long run. Hold your coins, sell what you need to get by, and dollar cost average down if you want to buy in anytime soon.. however that is not advisable just with current levels of uncertainty. Crash incoming means keep some liquidity to jump into stocks if they become devalued to an attractive level. Keep liquidity, but Cash is your worst bet rn

Certainly reason for alarm rn, but as long as you are aware and ahead of the information, you’ll be fine anon. Keep your head up and swiveled, perhaps there is even some money to be made when these bigwigs fall from grace..

>> No.7609481

>That's high confidence.
Or high arrogance.

Depends on if he's right and how sure of yourself you are doesn't make you more correct.

>> No.7609503

So how do I profit from this?

>> No.7609520 [DELETED] 
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Insider here. Something huge will happen around April 2.

>> No.7609526

Short Deutsche Bank

>> No.7609527
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>The house is burning
>We're all on fire
>But I'm happy because I get to blame my enemies for it
>Which I would have done anyway
>Whether it was their fault or not.

>> No.7609549

Should have said April 1st, weak b8

>> No.7609699

31 pages? Just tell me the summary

>> No.7609719
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>> No.7609731
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In all seriousness mate;
Donald Trump is a salesman.
If shit comes crashing down on his watch he'll hop on the TV, and announce to the American People who is really to blame. The bankers the senate, the corrupt isreali lobby...

and he'll have them executed
and he'll crown himself emperor
and there'll be cheering of his name in the streets.

>> No.7609738

i don't know anything about bonds, but the US bonds, but the dow has been relatively stable the last 3 trading sessions - wouldn't impending doom be reflected by the movement in those trading sessions?

>> No.7609779

People are trying to tiptoe. Someone had to have sold big time Monday, Wednesday.. it’s far from over

>> No.7609837

Is this satire? I honestly can't tell

>> No.7609905

Well fuuggg.

>> No.7609950

Why is this guy betting against Europe?
In all other media/big guy reports I have read recently, the consensus seemed to be that Europe finally is getting their shit together whereas the us is fucking up, so folks are moving money from us to eu.
Why's he different?

>> No.7609965
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The thing is that will never happen, things will continue to slump along. Part of me wishes that things would happen, because then we could have a civil war and finally kill all of you damn communists and actually have a respectable society again.

I'm sorry, but leftists are too busy being gay and sucking their own dicks and taking poz loads in order for them to be effective. The best your movement can hope for is to be lead by hood niggas instead of white faggots, but the sad part is the hood niggas won't have the technical know how to win, and the only ones with a modicum of intelligence will be too busy getting high on drugs and engaging in sodomy to be effective

>> No.7610073

Who is this, she's cute but she has the face of Joji

>> No.7610099

Abigail Shapiro. But fuck you, now I can't see anything but Filthy Frank with tits goddamn you

>> No.7610112

> Shorted
> Tries to convince everybody else to sell

Even worse than the fucking pajeets on biz

>> No.7610622

Cash worst? What else is there when everything else is in a bubble?

I'm thinking of staying mostly cash because a crash will likely start with devaluation of stocks and houses, both of which I wanna buy. But I'm also gonna put some money into crypto and safe stocks in case it's fiat that starts devaluing suddenly aggressively. Either way cash seems like the most flexible bet for now.

>> No.7610766

13 billion is damn high confidence. It's the equivalent of going all in on the world ending tomorrow.

>> No.7611390

man if it got this bad in the states the world is already over

we'd have fucking cannibals running the show like "the road"

would anyone even want to survive in a world like this?

>> No.7611681


>> No.7611690

you mean a million sats?

>> No.7611710

Yes. Fuck everything.

>> No.7611780

I'd rather not have to eat my neighbor Frank.

>> No.7611819

I appreciate this

>> No.7611841


This. You have to let people use their free will.

Balance the karmic books so to speak.

>> No.7611854

known to be fake

>> No.7611860

Nope. I reckon he’s on to something. A new financial instrument to balance the books. Crypto inflation rises and standard currency drops.

>> No.7611864

You're a fucking retard

>> No.7611880

There're such talks on biz every time the stock market drops for more than 5% for the last several years and I suppose people like you were saying "muuuh recession , murrrr durrrr apocalypse , buy canned food" every time your burger GDP dropped. Jews aren't interested in any kind of huge recession/instability/unrests. They just need to scare off normies with some "unprecedented financial crysis" just to show them afterwards that everything is under control. The antiutopian world of the future won't be the one that you're imagining - with shortage of resources, cannibals and slave trading. It will be just full of brainwashed SJW and some masterrace above them

>> No.7611916


He’ll feel hot lead in the back of his head long before (((they))) let that happen my child. Lurk Moar

>> No.7611967

i remember fondly when i was this naive.

the weak shall perrish. you are weak.
better be prepared, subhuman.

>> No.7611988

at the current rate, no.
and niggers don't even realize:
it's their own behaviour that makes them completely useless in terms of a civilized human being
>white man takes measures to protect himself

>> No.7612086

I've thought about the last part before. If you have a standing debt right now of 10000 dollars and dollars become worthless, it should be pretty easy to pay that off.

>> No.7612091

The day when anon spoke truth.