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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 53 KB, 504x378, sluts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7606772 No.7606772 [Reply] [Original]


2.3 milly LA here. What do I do with my gains?

If you say "invest in real estate" or some other gay shit just do everyone a favor and kill yourself before you post. Literally everyone who isn't completely retarded understands transferring highly volatile assets into real estate and other tangible investments is probably a good idea. You aren't fucking smart or special for posting that bullshit.


Fortune favors the bold, niggers. If I pulled out when I hit 300k I wouldn't have and extra 2 mill right now. This is high stress high reward, this thread is about the rewards.

>> No.7606801


damn op i wish i was as cool as you. it's not about smart investments with real estate you knob. you don't have any shit you can pretend with the house dumbass.

>> No.7606823

flush yourself down the toilet.

>> No.7606834

You should buy a seat on the SpaceX trip to the moon this year:


You can be the crypto geek whose coins literally mooned

>> No.7606840

2.3 mil? And you can afford to live there?

>> No.7606868
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>> No.7606904

So I take it you're renting?

>> No.7606924

50% in chain LINK
2 million isn't enough to do anything with other than draw 7% safely and retire early. If you feel like risking it all you could leverage it for a small business, but that's not even worth it until you have more money.

I know that I would build a rock climbing gym as a small step just because I know that there is room for it in the local market

>> No.7606942







>> No.7606948


>he thinks that's comfy in LA
>post pic of greasy faced 4/10 sluts
>lecturing people about rewards
>not getting into real estate in coastal California

One of the worst /biz/ posts ever

>> No.7607028
File: 115 KB, 1280x1707, BA4863D7-32B9-4D1A-A465-B8EBF3D2E1BB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


How you got 2.3 mil and these are the bitches you choose, I can tell your money is imaginary.

With 2.3 mill I buy a 2 WTC masternodes and 2 Vechain Thunder Nodes.

Buy 2 insurance companies for 1-150k each.

Buy 4 condos at 250k each in which ever city amazon opens their new headquarters in.

Buy 100k worth of some biotech stocks.


>> No.7607062


lmao the butthurt is so delicious. I'm really, really not larping. You better believe that some people are more talented, much more intelligent, more prone to risk taking, and had a much higher starting position in life (financially, socially, genetically, etc) than you.

I don't know why it's so inconcievable that someone is rich and on posting on biz, is it really that hard for you to believe someone made over 2MM dollars in under 11 months? People made half a billion dollars with bitcoin, yet 2MM is "must be larp!!!!" status?

Niggers, please. If you have nothing to contribute to this thread then get the fuck out and post some pink wojacks. I'm not doing this to piss you off, I actually want to know what to do with my money.

No I own multiple properties.

>> No.7607090

Hahah this fucking guy right?
Not comfy at all
5-10 mill is when I start screaming comfy and reap the rewards after transferring it all to real estate

>> No.7607101

>250k condo

I haven't checked recently, but I'm pretty sure there is literally nothing available in west LA, weho/hollywood, or los feliz for under 600k. Even shit in compton is like 350k.

You speak like someone who doesn't have money.

>> No.7607131

5 million here, started in November with $1k
step the fuck up op lmfao
was at 10 million before the crash but oh well :(

>> No.7607136

>own multiple properties.
Are you counting that is your 2.3MM net worth? Also would you want to rent to me? I have 130k from crypto and I'm trying to move to socal.

>> No.7607148

Who said I was comfy because of crypto? Like I said, I already own multiple properties and I have no interest in accumulating more at the moment. I want to ball out of control. Stop making this shit about your own insecurities, you're not going to make it with your shit stupid attitudes and condescending nature. Learn to learn instead of being butthurt all the time, fucking faggots.

>> No.7607158

Can you read?

I said in which ever city amazon opens up their head quarters in. The fuck would I ever buy property in LA for shits on fire and traffic is 24/7 365.

>> No.7607180

No, 2.3MM is what I have in crypto.

My cheapest LA condo is worth 1.8MM. Hence why I'm not asking for investment advice, I fucking know how to invest better than 99% of people here, I'm asking for what to do with my free internet money.

>> No.7607205

Degrade women

>> No.7607211


Not doubting, just genuinely curious

>> No.7607240

nice Live action role play

>> No.7607244

If you aren't larping and you actually want to have a good time let me come live with you in LA. Ill buy you drugs off the darknet and set up parties and shit. Ill be your fall guy if shit goes south and Ill pay rent. Post your email if you aren't larping and especially if you're not an old nigga going through a middle age crisis thing.

>> No.7607279

this guy is gonna drug the fuck out of you then steal your coins. dont do it op, even though you dont have any coins and this is a larp

>> No.7607292

How about a trip up near space in a MIG 29 to get started OP?

>> No.7607294

>has a lot of money
>no clue what to actually do with it for fun
thank fucking god i will never have that problem i bet it's unironically torture

>> No.7607306

You are poor liar.

>> No.7607335

That's actually a pretty good idea, but there are some pretty huge risks/problems with it as well. I'm going to open up a heloc against all my properties already, can probably get almost 2MM right there. Thanks for the tip I think you're slightly less of a faggot now.

>> No.7607363
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Nice LARP thread

>> No.7607409

Unlike you my dad didn't molest me, so no.

lol. I definitely do not need some homeless neet to help me find drugs or party. I work in advertising bro.

I'm looking for NEW ways to have fun. Can anyone here fucking read or process non-obvious information? Holy fucking shit.

I'm really, really not. lmao.

>> No.7607416

You need to have something that you enjoy doing. I'd be snow skiing pretty regular. I'd also buy one of those water jetpacks.

>> No.7607423

flush yourself down the toilet.

>> No.7607450
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>> No.7607514

I have 200k cash ready to buy 2 condos wherever they open up. They make the announcement in less than 3 weeks. Wake up fool

>> No.7607518

Can you even afford a toilet or do you just use a bucket?

>> No.7607521

>buy a Water jetpack
>recreational flying/pilots license
>fund a human powered quadcopter

I don't know what you truly enjoy. When you say "ball" it makes me think that you are mostly able to do what you want. If money is your chose craft (which you have done well enough in to not be interested in further perfecting) then I would say get a custom watch made for starters. After that you could go with a custom car. That's a bit overdone but is still fun.

If you haven't done psychedelics yet, then I would suggest a weekend mushroom binge. That's not baller, but it is novel.

>> No.7607571

200k cash? nigger YEAH RIGHT.

You can expect a price hike of at least 30% when the announcement hits. You think you're the only asshole with this idea? I mean yeah I didn't think of it because I don't follow tech news and kind of don't give a shit, but I guarantee you there are plenty of people who are waiting on the sidelines with millions.

What I'd be worried about is if they someone how cancel the plans. I know that's unlikely, but if you are to score a condo in the city where they announce it, you will be paying a lot more for it because sellers aren't fucking stupid. So if you successfully managed to buy properties and the plan somehow got cancelled, you'd be holding some heavy ass real estate bags.

>> No.7607580

Sex Island in Colombia should be a good start.

Grats on Gainz.

>> No.7607596

Do people here have any non retarded ideas?

No, I'm not fucking buying a water jet pack. Even if I had 10MM to burn I wouldn't buy one because they are fucking stupid.


>> No.7607618

I live in LA. We have the best hookers in the US. I also don't do drugs and wouldn't want to risk getting caught by the cartels for ransom or some shit.

>> No.7607651

we're all basement dwelling subhumans, sorry

>> No.7607676

Fair enough.

Take a trip to space.

>> No.7607688

travel through southeast asia for a few months and fuck tons of whores. did it a few years ago. so awesome.

>> No.7607709

No... they're expensive as shit and have a shitty attitude. Go to a foreign country, hell even go to Tijuana. More bang for your buck.

>> No.7607711

don't do this OP, buy an island.

>> No.7607713

why do you guys keep bumping this fuckwits thread? he makes the same one everyday. ive never seen someone so dedicated to the larp

>> No.7607718 [DELETED] 

you really are dumber than a box of niggers coming here to ask people how to have fun.

>> No.7607719

I've been all over the world since I was a kid. No travel or "muh buy real estate" advice please.

>> No.7607721

Come to Brazil
we know how to party, don't need to contact me or any of that gay stuff, if you' stick to tourist zones you'll be fine

>> No.7607742

go to brazil if you want to die in a jungle OP, export the women, that's really all they have.

>> No.7607750

reporting for duty. 1.5mil Orange County here.

>> No.7607769

You've never traveled to Space.

>> No.7607788

Do you know how fucking gay I would look if I "went to space"? You know I would post that shit on my IG, then people would just be like "Anon has gone insane, also how the fuck does he have so much money"

>> No.7607798

Damn you're such a tryhard. You're like every other fag in marina del rey they all have porsches ohh maybe if i buy these jeans girls will like me.

>> No.7607819


yeah either do this or virgin galactic OP

going into space is something only few in our lifttimes will ever experience.

or buy yourself into Formula 1 and make everyone at /o/ jelly

>> No.7607822

>2 mil
>that can't even get you a 400 sq ft closet in uptown NYC
>posts unpleasant banged up roasties
>post is low IQ and nigger tier
>is cocky af for some reason even tho he's a low IQ nigger making low IQ nigger tier posts
Jamal, give me your 2 million and off yourself

>> No.7607830

You want fun? Here's what you do:

>Leave your house tomorrow with nothing but your card, a small amount of cash, and your phone/extra charger
>Try to go as far as you can around the world, with no plans, no months in advance itinerary, just gut feeling and curiosity
Congrats, you've just done this for a year without realising you made memories you'll remember for life

>> No.7607840

"I want to ball out of control" --- wow, what a vapid moron you are.

>> No.7607851

Ok, check this out.


If you think it's gay to blow shit up with a tank you are a hopeless faggot.

>> No.7607861

OC reporting in. Not a millionaire yet though =[ Hopefully there is still some gas left on this crypto ponzi thing.

>> No.7607876

I like that idea.

>> No.7607896

I have 2.5Mil in Crypto (Down from 6Mil at peak). I've cashed out maybe three bitcoin total - bought a few guns, water purifier, xbox, mining equipment, and a few trips. Going to Anarchapulco this week too. Besides that, really haven't spent much. And I'm really not looking forward to taxes. I have lots of Masternodes so I finally decided to keep those and just cash out the regular rewards I get

>> No.7607907

>marina del rey

lmao. I would never live in poorina del poor. Why not just live in culver city then?

>b-but muh culver city has an awesome downtown

no they don't stfu.

>> No.7607933

I live in LA, meet up with me and I'll beat you up for free

>> No.7607942

Actually you can get a pretty nice two bedroom in manhattan for 1.7-2.2MM

please don't talk about real estate in big cities when you clearly know nothing about anything finer in life.

>> No.7607953
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>> No.7607957

I did this over the summer. Went to 7 countries. Was best time of my life. I set out to learn about the world but really ended up learning about myself.

>> No.7607964

this is a really cool idea
>high risk
>high reward
fits the bill

>> No.7607969

Even cheerleader effect can’t help these 4/10’s

>> No.7607975

When I make it, it's what my plan is
Still a long way to go

>> No.7607976

That's fucking retarded. It sounds like what some faggy SWJ blogger would do. I'm rich if I'm going anywhere it's at least business class niggers.

>> No.7607979

But then that'd mean you virtually spent almost all of your money, does it not Jamal? You're the one who doesn't know shit about finer things in life you worthless piece of shit.

>> No.7607981

how about a business you can enjoy with your friends, like a go kart track or mini golf

>> No.7607985

When did you hit $300K?

>> No.7607989

And yet you spend your time trying to impress strangers on an anonymous image board. I hope youre larping, because if youre not you are by far one of the most pathetic people i have encountered in this place

>> No.7607995

that is a fucking 400 million+ dollar ticket

>> No.7608011

Yeah you learned that you’re still alone

>> No.7608041


>> No.7608071

>We have the best hookers in the US
kek you don't know shit.

>> No.7608078

I run at least 5 miles a day, squat 365, have a personal trainer, and have amassed 10 years of collective training in boxing, thai kickboxing, karate, jiu jitsu, and 4 months of krav maga.

Kid, I would actually kill you. But I would never fight you because you're too far beneath my social status.

>> No.7608102

flush yourself down the toilet.

>> No.7608107

wanna spend money? get married to a gold digger, get her pregnant with your kid, then get divorced. your money will be gone in 3 years tops.

>> No.7608118

At that time I had maybe 40k cash and 100k crypto.
Said fuck it and left. Was gone 3 months. Time. Of. My. Life.

>> No.7608130

After taxes and considering you're in LA that's like a year of wages desu.

Move to Montana.

>> No.7608153

I didn't say I would buy one, I was just pointing out how pathetic it is for some uneducated faggot who works at taco bell to attempt to lecture me on real estate. Dream on faggot.

>> No.7608159

The best hookers? Dude. All American hookers are TRASH. Honolulu is a LITTLE better than mainland but you’re a fucking idiot. Go. To. Bangkok.

>> No.7608163

Well if this guy is such a fucking big shot then it ain't no thang right?

>> No.7608206
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lmfao you sound like a fag dude, whatever you do with your money, I doubt it'll change that

>> No.7608213

kys with a nasa ray gun

>> No.7608217
File: 359 KB, 1100x825, Fenghuang-Hunan-China.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not at that yet
Hopefully still time...

>> No.7608220

Sure you have. I mean since you're going full insecure LARP might as well pretend you're a martial arts expert as well.

>> No.7608247

>t. uneducated faggot that works at taco bell
That was really specific. And enough with the self-projection already nigger, you're the one who's pathetic for trying to show off to people on fucking 4chan. You're a fucking 30 year old piece of shit trying to larp on 4chan about being a millionaire to feel better, even if it is short-lived, on being a millionaire. God damn that's sad.

>> No.7608252

Yeah I sound like a real fag for thinking that leaving my house with 50 bucks and a phone charger and trying to hitch hike across the planet when I own millions in real estate is a stupid fucking idea.

You know I have responsibilities, albeit not many, right? Also, I wouldn't want to do that ever BECAUASE I'm not a fag, so fuck you nigger.

>> No.7608275

Where do you live? I will literally take an uber to you right now.

>> No.7608312

>muh projection

Not everything anyone says negatively about you is projection you stupid faggot. Based upon my calculations, there is a 99% chance you work at a fast food company, I just used the name taco bell because it's extra degrading.

>> No.7608360

why are you getting so mad at these ideas OP.. the best you have ever come up with is literally muh real estate, maybe just try being a little more open minded

>> No.7608368

>based upon my calculations

>> No.7608382


>made 2 million in a year
>claims to have 2.3 million in crypto
>thinks he's the only one rich here

lol pay your taxes nigga

Net worth of 3 mil here with my wife.

We're not even close to comfy. We consider ourselves middle class.

You just sound like a fucking retard. Don't brag about making money in crypto when you don't talk about positions and entry points.

I've made 250k in crypto. Started in Sep. That's all. Not really rocket science.

Also how did you get money. If you're a trust fund baby no one cares.

>> No.7608388

what car do you drive op?

>> No.7608392

Back to my suggestion. Blow shit up with a tank.

>> No.7608416

nice bait faggot go back to pol

>> No.7608421

Technically, you're the retard. Mortgages are one of the greatest financial options available. Where else can someone take out a 90% margin against something that's guaranteed to grow with inflation?

The answer is nowhere. It's boring and not flashy, but it is the greatest investment option available to everyone on the planet.

>> No.7608456

not millionaire nut I found chasing my fetishes as the best way to guarantee happiness
I'm into some weird shit though so maybe you don't need money to fully satisfy your sexuality

>> No.7608457

Holy shit thanks for adding that to my travel list. looks sick

>> No.7608468

Have you hired a pest control service? There is one in LA that accepts crypto
Good way to really party w/o insects or rodents getting in the way

>> No.7608470

Lol dudes rich and can’t fiigure out how to have fun? No friends? LA is a shit city and it sounds like it’s molded you into a shit person

GL balling out LOL

>> No.7608480

>2.3 million non-liquid
>lives in LA
>thinks he rich
>says real estate is high volatility
>trades in crypto
Jesus christ you are next level retarded

>> No.7608495

Hire an army of pajeets to shit up any place that displeases you at a moments notice

>> No.7608507

Dude how many times are you gonna make this thread?

Anyways, I was in Hollywood for like 3 years then moved back up to the bay for the time being but I miss LA :(

Sick weather, always shit to do, hot chicks everywhere. REEEE. Not a million but 6 fig portfolio. Life was pretty fucking chill

>> No.7608511

LMAO. you sound like such a fucking faggot mate, honestly just stop trying to hard. Christ

>> No.7608514

>My cheapest LA condo is worth 1.8MM. Hence why I'm not asking for investment advice, I fucking know how to invest better than 99% of people here, I'm asking for what to do with my free internet money.
Then you would be smart enough to know that real estate is unrionically in its own bubble for the exact same reasons that casued the financial crisis last decade. Hope you are clever enough to liquidate all of your severly over valued property and at the very least buy cheaper property and put the remaining money from the sales into metals.

Also, depending on where you live (didnt bother to read because you are acting like a larping faggot and no I'm not impressed or mad) look into buying a stake in a night club for maximum fun.

>> No.7608529


lmao shut up faggot. You literally work at Wendys and are probably there right now on your phone manning the drive through speaker box.

Mortgages are not one of the greatest financial options you stupid fucking nigger.

I'm not going to take the time to explain why, because there are complicated reasons, but simply put banks use mortgages to fuck people over hard core all the time. Also if there is a real estate crash, which is very likely to happen soon, you're FUCKED if you're trying to buy multiple properties at once with mortgages.

>> No.7608581

Of course he is.

There are only 2 options:

A) OP is larping

B) OP is an autistic lonely faggot that cant have normal interactions with people and was born in a somewhat wealthy family, kinda like elliot rodgers.

If B) is correct, then i feel sorry for this guy. Wasting your time to agressively show off your financial status to strangers on an anonymous board instead of actually enjoying life must be up there among the most pathetic things ive seen in a while.

>> No.7608606

can you not read? kys you turbo faggot nigger

I own property in the most desirable areas in the US, arguably the world. Even if we have a crash 4x the size of 2008 my real estate portfolio would crash maybe around 30%. If you noticed, highly desirable areas weren't affected very much by 2008 or other real estate bubble pops.

My family has been doing real estate for 3 generations now. I am one of 3 children and we all have massive real estate portfolios and we all know what we're doing since we grew up learning about it.

nice fud though, fucking faggot.

>> No.7608645

You're literally larping anyway, how is your $500 RH portfolio doing anon?

>> No.7608658

No problem

>> No.7608661

Where the fuck can a poor anon in SOCAL meet rich CHADs to help get to the moon? Can't wage slave in this shit hole anymmore.

>> No.7608686

>Gains 2.3 mil in a risky, speculative market and lives in one of the most expensive areas in the United States
>rejects the idea of investing in real estate or taking a common sense approach and reinvesting some of his winnings into high grade bonds and a stable common stock portfolio (to build and maintain his wealth while also protecting against inflation)
>instead goes on an anonymous image board bragging about wanting to blow his money away like a degenerate, low IQ nigger pajeet gambler

Do the world a favor and kys OP

>> No.7608699

Most of my friends are rich. When you hit a certain financial status you literally cannot hang out with poor people anymore.

They will expect you to pay for everything, and all these weird problems start to occur within your social dynamics.

It's hard to be friends with someone who can't pay the rent when you regularly order $100+ worth of take out sashimi for yourself. It becomes unbearable for both people to know what they know about one another.

>> No.7608705

Literally every generation has worked hard to get where they are. There are no free rides in this world, quit being a lazy faggot and work hard to earn your money to invest. The investments are supposed to reduce the amount of time you have to do hard work, while building fucking humility.

>> No.7608709
File: 3 KB, 124x125, 1518433439678s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>1.8 million CONDO
>spending nearly two million on a single CONDO
>not multifamily or office
>skewered by HOA fees
>crap ROI and cap rates
>picking the most defensive investment in real estate
>still has huge risk due to restrictions and dependence on MGMT
>calculating his mortgaged amounts into his net worth
>not mentioning the huge debt payments
>lectures everyone how he's a pro in real estate

You couldn't have picked a worse property to make money on

If you bought a 2m condo with cash you're a fucking full blown retard

If you financed it you're even stupider

Lol LA people are so good damned dumb it's painful

>tfw the liberala and mexis in smell-Ang to pass rent control next year and fuck you in the ass

>> No.7608718

what a fucking fag


>> No.7608719

I inherited a metric fuck ton of real estate you illiterate dumbass. I never said real estate was a bad investment, I simply said this thread is NOT ABOUT THAT.


>> No.7608751

People here can read, nobody believes you because you're a bad liar.

>> No.7608753

Confront your inner emptiness, start a gym or food truck with creative menu

>> No.7608754



Back to plebbit fag

>> No.7608779

flush yourself down the toilet.

>> No.7608789


I'm a brainlet thats worked hard, 80k in savings. Just learning how to invest anon and need a mentor

>> No.7608826

uhhhhhh what? I bought my 1.8MM condo 3 years ago for 1.2MM you fucking faggot. That's a 50% increase in THREE YEARS.

Please shut the fuck up, you literally know nothing about real estate investing. You read some dumb shit pamphlet that some real estate investment ponzi scheme company handed out to you at an event and now you think you know real estate investing.

Apartment complexes are HUGE liabilities. Yes you make more money, but they are infinitely more difficult to run effectively, and no, you can't always rely on a management company. My cap rate for my condos is usually 4-6% (usually under 5% though) which is considered pretty good. Also, they are all paid off in full, which means I will probably get close to 2-3MM for a heloc loan which means I can low ball the shit out of sellers until I find a steal.

Don't you idiots know anything? Jesus christ.

Instead of me learning about awesome new shit to buy, I'm just teaching you ignorant stupid ungrateful faggots key facts of business.

Guess it's your lucky day, niggers.

>> No.7608837
File: 31 KB, 265x396, Dh4kcc2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>inherited RE
>not selling it when you have huge cost basis and no tax burden

You dumbass

>> No.7608841

I'm taking the LARP bait on this one. OP, no one in this thread can conceive something worthwhile for YOU to do/accomplish. The entire point of amassing wealth is that you are free to waste your life doing whatever you feel is worthwhile. No one can direct you in this regard. How about you create something with that wealth? If you have no inclination for creating, or focusing on something that YOU are interested in, then you are truly lost.

>> No.7608878

Become a medical doctor easily pay tuition, help ppl out of scary situations

>> No.7608880


fake news

>> No.7608887

I would never sell my family's real estate you fucking dumbass. Like I said, it is all located in the most desirable parts of the US. These aren't shit hole homes in the suburbs of Kentucky.

>> No.7608889

I respect that, but if you have 80k to fuck with, you don't need to hang out with richfags to make big money. Spend a couple of weeks learning about stock market trading, and if you want to gamble, I won't recommend crypto because it is flat out gambling. Anyone other than the old fags in crypto are just guessing and hoping they get rich. Be smart invest in wall street.

>> No.7608901


Yup OP is a piece of shit that went to USC on grampys lap.

>> No.7608923

You are fucking unstable. Use that money for therapy

>> No.7608973


>cant run apartments because he's a useless inheritance fag
>says he's charging $7500 a month for a condo in LA
>calculating your net worth pre tax

Nigga you gonna get rekt if you liquidate

>> No.7608986

>27 posts from id

>> No.7608989

Eat expensive delicious food all the time get swoll as fuck b.c you have the time

>> No.7608990


>Downey, CA

>> No.7609040

OP is some form of middle eastern I’m
thinking, maybe Iranian or Arabic. Usually middle eastern are this arrogant and deluded.

There are rich kids like this in LA near Beverly Hills. He didn’t work for it, daddy gave it to him.

Look man we talk shit on biz but clearly you’re actually a fucking faggot.

There’s a certain level where you actually become humble when you have money. Clearly you’re not there yet. Maybe you’ll get there one day. We’ll see. You clearly haven’t been around rich people who have earned their money. Just the spoiled spawn of them.

It’ll take something traumatic to affect you. Maybe you’ll change. Maybe not. But since you keep making this thread, clearly you are a loner kid who realizes despite having money that you’re a piece of shit. No woman wants you. You have rich friends that are also deep down feeling worthless.

Want to know a way to blow your money? Go to the body shop on Sunset and pay one of these strippers to fuck you. Maybe it’ll ground you a little.

>> No.7609062

Wow this is actually a picture you think has hot women in it OP?

Jesus fucking christ LARP more you're a virgin neet

Ugliest fucking stank ass hoes I've ever seen in this picture.

>> No.7609099

Or maybe I don't want to spend my life managing apartment complexes.

Perhaps the most important advantage of being born into wealth is that it frees up your time to do other things. So PERHAPS the idea of filling up all my time managing properties would be unappealing to me.

>muh hurrr I want to do it so everyone else must want to do it too durrr

>> No.7609129

Tell us about your actual life anon, not your larp fantasy, and a weak one at that.

>> No.7609197

nice LARP

>> No.7609209

I've always wondered let's say you go up there with a crew of people or whatever and you killed the whole crew minus any girls you want to fuck. There isn't anything they could do untill you got back to earth but untill then you'd be the most wanted person in the universe.

>> No.7609213


lol @ all the billionaires in this thread mocking 2.3 mil like it's nothing

>> No.7609227

Actually, do you want to know the real reason I make these threads? It's not to larp, because I'm really, really not larping...

It's to hype up the crypto craze and built momentum towards a new buying wave. This 2.3MM I have? It's peanuts. I want to turn this into 10-15MM within a year.

Like I said, I do come from a pretty wealthy family, but I haven't been able to ball hard because it's hard earned money, and it's a safety net for me in the future when I have a family.

I want to make a shit load of money that I can just burn guilt free. I would never buy a super car with inherited money, that's fucking gross... but crypto money? Come on now.

You people really are hideously stupid and blind to higher level thoughts. Probably why you buy so many bags in crypto. Learn to see someone's motivation for doing something, read what I've written, do I really sound like a fucking larp faggot to you idiots? WHY in the world would I spend an hour+ trying to make you guys feel poor and stupid?

I was trying to get some cool advice on the side as of what to buy, but you fucking retards can't even do me the favor of recommending something that isn't completely retarded like trying to travel the planet with nothing but a phone charger. Fucking idiots.

>> No.7609256

Then post some sort of proof about your net worth.

>> No.7609257

flush yourself down the toilet.

>> No.7609310

that's obvious larp. you can make very well in crypto, but NEVER go bitmex. (that's the site where this shit would actually be possible with around 1/4096 chance, pure gambling, if you must gamble you're better off @ a casino)

>> No.7609323

make sure you buy a 911 gt3 with your gains , happiness on wheels

>> No.7609341


Invest in commercial real estate. There, that’s something new. Get with a developer. 2.3 mil is not as much as you think it is now

>> No.7609346

I will never post anything personal on here because I'm not a fucking idiot. For all I know there's some kind of program that can remove redaction off images. If you're smart enough you can do a lot with a photo, I've even seen people make out images from reflections in glass.

Am I overly paranoid? Maybe. But I also don't give a shit if you believe me or not. I'm not posting any personal information on here, so stop asking.

>> No.7609350

Condos for 250k? kek Where Slovakia? Romania? kek Leave your basement and talk to a realtor child.

>> No.7609366

No I already know what car I'd get. Porsches are gay.

>> No.7609377

post pic of yourself so we can all laugh.

>> No.7609386


Oh, wait

You’re that lame Californian from that other thread a few days ago

People from California are ridiculous

>> No.7609400

Obviously you do care what I think or else you wouldn't make a thread like this. Just post a picture of a balance, doesn't have to have any sort of traceable information at all.

>> No.7609424


im in somewhat similar shoes in certain aspects, tho we do have differences
maybe we could make better ideas about how to use the money for novel life experiences together?

i think it's a worth a shot for a chat, if you think so too hit me up on the email address.


>> No.7609426

Pay for a sex change operation out of pocket, plane tickets to ny, find me and brace yourself for an all night poundathon

>> No.7609453

Btw my name is carlos matos, from the bronx new york

>> No.7609455
File: 154 KB, 557x595, 1517714857064.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're a fucking brainlet nig. you literally can't think of novel ways to spend the money you've been handed.

1. tour with phish for a month and do a shitload of drugs on the lots and ball out in every city in the nicest hotels doing a lot of blow and lsd and listening to heady jam music with a bunch of friendly wooks
2. live in another country for a month just fucking go by yourself and explore the city and meet people in some historic ass town and read about all the culture and shit and sit in some important ass abbey and think about all the people who have sat there over hundreds of years (too bad you're a cocksmoking normie who doesn't connect with epic shit like this)
3. go sit front row at the nba all star game and go to the playoffs and shit
4. learn a fucking musical instrument or some sort of artistic hobby that you can pursue for life, buy a wacom tablet and learn to draw and make digital art
5. do some cool outdoorsy shit like buy a loaded jeep wrangler and camp out in the fucking wilderness with some bros.
6. take one of your best poorfag friends and buy him a car or some cool shit
7. start a dev company and design a video game
8. design a sick house
9. buy a bunch of cool ww2 artifacts or other historically significant collectibles
10. fly around the country going to the best breweries and learn how to brew your own beer or grow weed or some shit

thank god i'm not a massive fucking failure with no talent or imagination whatsoever who bought the money = happiness meme without actually developing your creative side and is now fucking hopelessly bored 24/7 with no friends and no drive. you're one of those fags who will neck himself from sheer lack of shit to do in a decade so enjoy this while it lasts anon

>> No.7609523

OP is not larping, gentlemen.

You want to do some crazy shit? Get an exotic animal for a pet. Hire a gang of circus clowns to rape your mortal enemy

Build a giant treehouse with a gun range in it and bar. Purchase a biplane.

Hire midgets like Wolf of Wallstreet. Buy a full suit of armor from middle ages then fight a bear.

Buy a homeless dude a rolls Royce for no reason. Have a custom star wars themed limo crafted

>> No.7609530
File: 475 KB, 1221x689, 1518312926902.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

11. will spend all his money trying to find happiness and will be broke inside 5 years

You forgot a point on your post anon. This cunt is a future elliot rodger if he cant figure this one out..

>> No.7609546
File: 183 KB, 399x600, d5d42bc743afae9829cf5a364c9d9637.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

24 Billy gains in LA here
I made so much money; I bought Arnold Schwarzenegger: he says what I want.

>> No.7609557

gg faggot

you will literally never get these gains again, take the millions while you can and set up to reitre early

dont get cocky and want to kill yourself later on

>> No.7609581


It's just basic math fag. You're barely making money on a condo after taxes. They're terrible investment vehicles. Costs are far too high and revenue too low.

You're bragging about cap rates of 5%. Is that at current valuations or bought valuations.

I seriously doubt you're renting a $7500 condo and making anything close to 5%. Are you incorporated? Because you're gonna get assraped in taxes.

Apartments are not hard to run. I have apartments in a major metro city and they're easy as shit to run. I probably spend 10 hours a month on them. That's generous because I'm a good landlord.

You're bragging about being born into wealth. Yet you clearly have no idea what you're doing. You don't even understand taxes. You don't understand real estate at all.

>> No.7609633

started with 20 dollers in 2015 now im worth 67 trillion dollers lmao faggots

>> No.7609667

thx just bought 100k

>> No.7609796

ur ideas are unappealing. just letting you know.

1. self destructing/dangerous

5. only appealing if you're into drivi ng

6. yeah giving gifts is nice for all parties involved, but isn't exactly something that will give you satisfaction/long lasting stimuluous. it rather just improves relationships if done well

7. designing video games? if you don't put hard work + have serious talent + have serious expeience in that it's gonna be shit. or you really have to luck out with the devs. luck out because the proven coder gods are already multimillionaires, your best bet is finding a latent genius that still wagecucks, they are rare.

8. now that's something not entirely retarde but actually something 2.3m is probably not that much for, but yeh that's the only idea worth something tho p straightforward that if you have enough money you should customzie your house.

9. seriously you think that'll give you life experience lol you must be one of those faggots who jacks off to their silver/Magic the gathering cards collection

10. like what the fuck lol keep working my ass off sounds more appealing than that shit

>you're one of those fags who will neck himself from sheer lack of shit to do in a decade so enjoy this while it lasts anon

cope harder

>> No.7609851

Buy a sailboat, get lessons. Sail down to cabo (bring a sexy roastie)
Get EDM production lessons and make music. (Gain status as a DJ)

>> No.7609858
File: 172 KB, 1920x1080, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol? I know nothing?

Only one of my condos has a cap rate below 4%, and it's like 3.7 or something. The rates are at current estimated valuation, when I bought them they were all over 6, and obviously prices have gone up each year.

Apartments aren't hard to run if nothing goes wrong, dumbass. I'd love to see how much a pipe bursting costs you when it effects 40% of your units. You do not have apartment complex in a major metro city otherwise you'd be worth more than me (assuming you're american). My turn to call you larper, except you actually are one.

One of my NYC places generated 72k after taxes, maintenance, HOA. Do you know how much rent is in good parts of major US cities?

>> No.7610294

my list is not for faggots anon. i'm not sure why you're wasting your time

>> No.7610325


There really isnt much to do with a lot of money. I'm 21 and my net worth is close to 1 mill.
I usually spend my money on high end liquor and nice food.

Are you looking for an experience or looking to buy some cool shit?

>> No.7610328

id blow you for some of those gainz

>> No.7610467

OP here. Your list isn't for faggots but it is for idiots. I need more complex stimulation.

>> No.7610674

buy a helicopter

>> No.7610798


lol. if you want alpha stimulation get good at martial arts or join the military. both of those things require physical fitness, focus, and skill, which you cannot buy. The only thing you can do with your money is be comfortable, which is nice don't get me wrong. enjoy your whores and drugs and big house, but "complex stimulation" isn't acquired by money.

>> No.7610879

$2.6 bn here. Started on Christmas eve with $3.50. If you didn't make it by now, you're a beta cuck.

Posting this from my private suite on the International Space Station.

>> No.7611119

give me $10k to start up a porn studio and ill deliver bitches to you

>> No.7611121

Smart money (((big money))) has already been building the "luxury" condos and apartments here for 3 years.
Fast money (((new money))) has already bought desirable property in any city with a farts chance in the wind.

If you are waiting for the announcement, you are already too late.

Here's a hint: Read Amazon's requirements, and correlate with property value and price.

>> No.7611431

OP tell me why you are still in LA.

From there I will suggest some things to do.

I am drunk and I am morally sound. I want to help you.