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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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7595973 No.7595973 [Reply] [Original]

How fucking dumb would you have to be to buy a bitcoin for 9 thousand fucking dollars right now? What kind of shit are these dopes on? Everyone knows the price is going to be down again tomorrow LNAO.

>> No.7596017

A single Bitcoin in 2025 could be worth as much as a billion dollars so maybe that is why?


>> No.7596037


t. sold at losses at 6k the absolute bottom

>> No.7596093


>> No.7596132


>bottom seller low quality fud

>> No.7596135

not as retarded as the mongoloids who sold at the bottom and now wish it's going to go back down to 6k.
it's not going to happen faggots, deal with it.

>> No.7596138
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I truly dont think that biz has any financial knowledge at all and think its veddit overrunning this board
Anyone who gambles on currency is pants on head retarded
There is a reason why companies headge foreign currency risk with futures

That said, if you put in $200 worth in bitcoin just to see what happens and expect a loss on the gamble i couldnt blame you for trying

>> No.7596198

Is this coordinated or is this board just filled with fucking retards now? Everyone that says the price of Bitcoin is going to go down is a bottom seller? Wtf?

>> No.7596252

>limited supply
>more people getting into crypto every day

where do you think the price will go long term retard

>> No.7596258
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>> No.7596284

It is because if they lose hype for their coin it loses value
Everyone here is claiming to hold their coin for the long run encouraging people to buy in, in hopes that they can sell it high in a little while when everyone is buying.
They dont realize that everyone else has the exact same plan to sell early

>> No.7596301

>altcoin exchanges start switching from BTC and decoupling major pairs
>BTC is not needed anymore
Down, I guess?

>> No.7596337
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>> No.7596371

Well you're asking literal idiots so they think making something harder to get decreases the price.

>> No.7596394

It's kind of funny. It's funny because I remember seeing these same kinds of posts and reactions on biz when BTC rose from 5k 6k 7k to 8k in 2017. People were shocked and amazed and in dumbfounded wondering who is buying 8k and that it COULDN'T POSSIBLY GO HIGHER. We then rallied to $20,000 shortly after. I think you need to get used to the idea that BTC is going to be worth a fortune and wherever your expectations are now, you should adjust them and prepare yourself for extraordinarily new ATH's this year because we are going there, very soon.

>> No.7596453

this board was on suicide watch as bitcoin scratched $6k

this board is filled, full, like dick balls deep in pussy, full of nocoiners who sold at the bottom.

>> No.7596513

When the board is pink, buy
When the board is green, sell
When the board is neither, wait

>> No.7596615

Fomo was buying at those prices. There aint no normies in anymore, look at trading volume in $ not BTCs. Everyone knows BTC sucks major ass, I dont think people will be falling for this one anytime.soon.

>> No.7596679

Yes, it was different in 2017. No one actually had bold expectations. Even the rise to 4k was seen as something extraordinary. Each subsequent rise was like a wonder.

Today, everything's different. Everyone's hoping for 100k EOY. This means, things have changed. Expectations have changed.

>> No.7596692

buy the wojak sell the pepe

>> No.7596911

So omegamale did lose the trip. good.

>> No.7596947

Suckers have to exist for there to be a market in the first place.

>> No.7596960

hahaha he sold at the bottom
youre not gonna make it

>> No.7596977

So it has been spoken, so it shall be

>> No.7596996


we waiting boys

>> No.7597001
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he is not buying for 9k something that will be 50k by the years end

>> No.7597020

This. "Institutional" buyers aren't showing up, Wall street bonus money isn't showing up, people seeking safe harbor from Wall Street aren't showing up. And the new meme, "All that tax refunds are coming!" won't show up either.

Wall Street corrected - and is going back to normal. Money that left went to bonds, or cash, and is now returning to stocks. Crypto is neither a safe harbor or hedge, it's a craps table, just like the stock market, and right now, nobody's stepping up to roll, it's the same dudes trading chips back and forth.

>> No.7597050
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>He sold the bottom


>> No.7597079


This is Kurt's wife. You'll be hearing from our lawyers.

>> No.7597111
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> no normies left
You have been misled, brothers.

>> No.7597115

This place has always been stuffed to the gills with shills and armchair investors with no skin in the game.

If you're making real money investments based on what's posted here, you're literally and efficiently throwing your money away. I come here for shits and giggles and to laugh at the
desperation and tears, and the pompous neckbeards who have a whole 100 dollars in Ether who are running around smugly today mooing "I told you so!'

>> No.7597160
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I like how people assume that we have reached capacity with participation levels. There is quite a large gap between awareness and participation. This year that gap will start to come to a close and crypto fever will break out and there will be real FOMO. You ain't seen nothing yet space cowboy.
See my comment above

>> No.7597188

hahah doing that would mean you wouldnt have any more crypto-to-crypto exchanges which means you will need kyc/aml procedures mandatory for your exchange....its just much easier having btc/eth pairs - also makes dexes possible which are the future because people will prefer not heving their crypto-to-crypto trades taxed in jew money.

another thing is if you decouple alts from btc most of them would just disappear - 90% of alts are here so that you can speculate on them and make more btc. think about it anon, lets say the market buys 20bil$ of btc in one day - total marketcap of crypto goes up 20bil%, now all those people sell that btc for alts - mcap still goes up a whole lot in $ without actual $ entering the market.......if you want the bubble to keep going decoupling alts from btc/eth is the last thing you want!

>> No.7597194

>he sold at 5950
I really don’t care about short term gains or losses, so I don’t care if it goes up or down. However, bears have been on a big losing streak the last few days.

>> No.7597301

Well, that's your bet. You may be right, or you're wrong. That's what gambling is - picking a side.

I fully expect another rise, but my feeling is it's too early. The crash recently drove away any casual investors. It's gonna take a couple cycles to lure them back in. Smart money isn't touching crypto, if they were, you'd see the signs. What I see right now is a consolidation, and a intraday profit taking by whales and short scalpers. There's a steady climb up, but how long it will last? That's the gamble, and I still haven't gotten a credible answer to who's buying the next moonshot, other than deluded daydreams, hopes, and wishes.

Show me the buyers, and I'll side with your proposed moon shot.

>> No.7597343

I look forward to the thread tearing these bulls a new asshole when it inevitably dips again

>> No.7597399

Now 10,000 dollar bitcoin is nothing, it's normal and just something that is. When Bitcoin hit 3, 4, 5 k for the first time it was out of the blue and absurd at the time. That's why it started hitting the news, that's why it continued going up as more and more people poured in looking to get in on it.

To create the same effect you'd have to have 20k Bitcoin and then start your run again now that Bitcoin has had it's little run. Back in 2013 when it hit 1k it was absurd and it was the same sort of thing that happened in 2017, people started pouring in out of nowhere and then the bubble burst. It sat around 500 dollars to a grand for a long time before this year, that became the normal price and you didn't see massive numbers of people pouring in like you did on the way up to that price. It's going to take a fucking miracle to get Bitcoin back up to 20k and then to start another bullrun you'll need even more normans than last time. It's gonna be a while, is all I'm saying.

>> No.7597404
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boomers OUT

>> No.7597433

I bought at $14k in January.

>> No.7597473

nocoiner detected

>> No.7597484

I don't know where you obtain your information or your research but I pay for mine and I decided to stay invested this year based on the information I receive and read. None of my business decisions with investing are done without putting research behind it. The market cap this year in crypto currencies will exceed 1 Trillion USD. Expect 3 Trillion the following year. With those climbs in mc will also come significant improvements in blockchain technology and some of these crypto assets will actually hit their roadmap goals outlined in their white papers. That is a reality that some seem to forget. The key to this is investing in the ones that will succeed and accomplish their objectives.

>> No.7597498

4500-5500 Feb 25th. Cap it

>> No.7597521

>hahah doing that would mean you wouldnt have any more crypto-to-crypto exchanges which means you will need kyc/aml procedures mandatory for your exchange....
Do you even use altcoin exchanges often? It seems not. You don't need BTC to transfer from one to another. And why the fuck would BTC be the only choice for crypto-to-crypto pairs? It's purely a matter of legacy. As you get new decentralized exchanges, you get new pairings.

>another thing is if you decouple alts from btc most of them would just disappear - 90% of alts are here so that you can speculate on them and make more btc
LMAO, I remember a Chinese exchange BTC38, it had all altcoins paired to yuan, and many obscure altcoins from like 2014 only stayed alive and had a solid volume because of it. It doesn't fucking matter.

And no, I never said I want to "decouple from ETH". I only mentioned BTC.

>> No.7597526

swell. discriminating nimrods.

>> No.7597554

thank you for cheering up my day a little, hope you make your money back though.

>> No.7597665
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t. sold at 6k because 4chan told me it's going to 4k

>> No.7597794
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>6K cuck sighting

>> No.7597836

Bitcoin for $9k is a scam. Bitcoin Cash for sub $1500 is a steal

>> No.7597840

>he doesn’t know about the low volume washtrading strategy.
Keep waiting for the “crash”, nocoiner.

>> No.7597943
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we'll see

>> No.7597989

You do know that most of that research is bullshit, right?

Tell me where a tripling of the market cap is coming from. Just tell me who's out there, waiting to buy that much market cap. I'll wait, but until now, nobody can give a straight answer to it, including your "experts".

Just show me the buyers. I don't see them. I also don't see Bitcoin going away, and I can foresee a slow, orderly march back up to 12k - a lot of money jumped out in the crash, and have been waiting to get back in.

But I don't see a market of new buyers or institutional money ready and waiting to triple the market cap. To do that in a year, you have to consider how many new investors that requires, and I think you're in denial about it, because your paid experts are waving their hands and telling you to look at the little birdy when that comes up. (They do the same thing in the stock market circles)

It's your money. Do with it what you want. That's what I'm doing, and I don't agree with your bet. Get over it.

>> No.7598029

I know exactly what that is, and I'm not predicting a crash, you smug little shitpile. You're exactly what I'm talking about:

>Market up: smug green texting
>Market down: nowhere to be found

Get back to your armchair, neckbeard.

>> No.7598291

kek faggot

>> No.7598322

Well, the neckbeards and autists here who just want to jerk off to a bitcoin "happening" don't understand what a drop to 4k would, and how those conditions/events don't exist right now. To me, a drop that low, especially over a day/week, would require a disaster, like Tether imploding, or a massive hack, or a true Bitcoin replacement arising. There's too many people invested who aren't going anywhere, and the true value based on them is being tested right now, with a slow, orderly repopulation of those who bailed in the crash. They're not going anywhere, and they kind of guarantee that it won't drop that low.

You autists need to drop the disaster scenario mode, Bitcoin is in recovery, like the stock market is, and the gamble is how high it will recover to. I'm betting 11-12k, and then it will go bear, until something big drives it up or down, for a couple months, or a couple of business quarters. That's what it needs to see, a couple quarters of stability. All you autists see is "Moonshot or bust!", and it doesn't work that way.
I don't see 4k, and I don't see 50k. I see stability, and at around 11,12k. After that, we'll see. The days of putting in $100 and making a million are over, kiddies. That kind of event won't happen again for a while. It's long and slow right now. You want fast cash, go trade futures, that's where the excitement is, but you better have nerves of steel and a fat stash.

>> No.7598346

Coordinated, just know people come here just to see the contrarian market indicators since /biz/ has legit shills.

>> No.7598412

basically this. stop hoping for the coin to crash and for it to skyrocket. Its had its boom and crash, now it will stabilize. Id say a bit higher around 15k.. no more overnight millionaires

>> No.7598542
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I see what this guy means, but it's scary on the dimensions of perception people have compared to what's really going to happen.

But then again in the natural order of things there have to be losers.

>> No.7598761

I bet lower, but that's that nature of gambling, and I tend towards conservative bets. There's money to be made off Bitcoin, for sure, but it's a different game than the last two quarters of 2017.
You can see the try hards from here on other sites. I lurk a lot in the Bitmex chatroom, and you can tell when the 4chantards show up, they just post nonsense, like "Are we mooning yet?" or idiotic cheerleading/shill nonsense, and most of them don't understand what that site is for, or what shorting/longing is, just that if you put the ticker on 1 minute intervals, it looks exciting. But they don't know why. And it's the same on any other forum or chat, you can tell when the 4chan autists come into the room, with their bullshit daydreams and fantasies and utterly ludicrous "market analysis".

>> No.7598821

I was watching crypto since december, thought it's way too high to buy in and never touched it
I'm strongly considering putting 100k in Ethereum right now with 200% goal by EOTY
how deluded am I?

>> No.7598853

Bottomseller or the ones Who want to Short It, bitcoin Will go up, deal with it

>> No.7598966

A pretty acceptable level IMO. Certainly, less deluded than 80% of the board. But if you want no LINK at all I hope it all crashes to 0.

>> No.7598991

Pretty risky bet. What's going to drive that 200$? Hopes and dreams? What's your exit strategy? Holding crypto, especially an alt, for a year...well, it's your money.

You said you've watched crypto for what, 2.5 months? What makes you think Eth will have 200% growth? Just curious.

>> No.7599023
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My attorneys are coming after you for your offending image, my wife’s son had a seizure and you will pay

>> No.7599076
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>he sold at 6k

>> No.7599077
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Spread to 3-4 coins anon.
Btc, Omg, Neo and Eth

>> No.7599095


Because there's a lot of butthurt bottom sellers right now. They don't want their trash TA to be bullshit, or admit they held too long after ATH or too short. Was straight up noobs panicking - if you bought before October and somehow missed cashing it you're still fine. So process of elimination - its noobs who panic sold the bottom who were fudding.

>> No.7599195

Okay it was too much, but 2-5 mil will be Bitcoins top value where it stops its rapid growth.

>> No.7599330

I would sad there are alot of high buyers that are looking to unload their bags as soon as it hits 12-13k

>> No.7599701

>WHo would buy bitcoin at $50 dollars omg what idiots!
>Who would buy bitcoin at $500 we all it's a bubble.

>Who would buy bitcoin at $1000 now this is insane.

>who would buy bitcoin a $3000, guys this bubble will burst anytime now.

>> No.7599883


same but i also bought in at $200

>> No.7600217

>Buy bitcoin?
No no no, thats a scam!

>> No.7600363

Damn it /biz/ you told me it was gonna go to 5k, should have bought at 8k now im FOMO AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

>> No.7601055

Bingo! Winner winner chicken dinner

>> No.7601086

Lol. Your retarded. This ponzi crypto scheme is shit. The coins are worth what the next tard would pay

>> No.7601121

>They dont realize that everyone else has the exact same plan to sell early
but in the end greed takes over, they wait too long, miss the top and panic sell when it falls

>> No.7601212
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Please be ironic.

>> No.7601289

>It is because if they lose hype for their coin it loses value
>Everyone here is claiming to hold their coin for the long run encouraging people to buy in, in hopes that they can sell it high in a little while when everyone is buying.

Since no one here knows who I am, I can admit, I told some co workers and friends to buy in while I sold my position.

>> No.7601483

Yeah, because millenials have so much money to invest....

>> No.7602050


>if you’re making money. . . you're throwing money away
